Necros Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 Anyone ever smoke weed while diapered? I'm honestly such a pussy about weed, I'm sort of scared of doing it too often out of fear of getting addicted or something .. Lets make this a weed appreciation thread and speak of our experiences (No haters please)
~Skitty~ Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 smoke weed everyday :3 <3 honestly, its nice to be diapered when high, but it really doesnt do anything for me. i just sorta forget im diapered until i have to pee. also, weed is habitual, not addicting :] toke away, when you stop you wont crave it, you'll just be really bored. 1
puffybedwetter Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 not addicting, I smoke every once in a while, although not diapered. Try taking a shower when you're high now thats an adventure
~Skitty~ Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 ^ with the lights off. :3 also swimming is super duper fun. i look like a drowning toddler though xD
ItchyTasty Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 I did weed rarelly, but never tried it when wearing diapers yet though.... Wasn't my drug of choice back in the day though. But I haven't tried any drugs anymore since I got epilepsy in 2008. Pretty much scared to, as even a small amount of booze made me puke, go extremelly dizzy and sweating on the anti-epiletic meds.
beallucanb Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 I smoked quite a bit a while back but I never smoked after I got into diapers, I wouldn't worry about getting addicted unless you are one that does get addicted to things easily. All the BS about smoke being a gateway drug is dumb, you don't go into any other drugs unless you want to, just stay away from meth and H and you will be fine The key to using it is moderation, don't try to live on smoke and you will be fine.
sarah_ab Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 i have never been diapered while high on marijuana. I have been diapered after drunk/high on prescription pills.
Necros Posted August 6, 2011 Author Posted August 6, 2011 I agree with all the posts here, weed can become a habit but isn't physiologically addictive, I guess its just my early drug education making me feel bad about something as harmless as weed hehe. Anybody ever get a bad high where you freak out and just want it to stop ? I got that recently and man .. it wasn't fun D: (any tips on how to avoid that feeling?)
babymikeblue Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 i have not been diapered when high but pot is not a addicting "herb". if god didn't want us to have it. it wouldn't be here.
the_one_and_only_bobby Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 I smoke more or less everyday, and I wear diapers 24/7, so yep...lotsa padded toking going on here lol. I actually find it sometimes makes me feel more babyish and little when I'm stoned and wearing diapers...only when I'm alone though. -1 n only
redneck diaper boy Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 I would smoke it if it was legal. I believe it should be legal. As for now, it is not worth the trip to jail if you are caught with it.
BBoy Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 No weed is not addictive HOWEVER it can be habit forming and unless you have good self-discipline it can become a problem. I consider myself a life long weed smoker, I love the taste and the buzz I get. I do take periods off from weed, presently I haven't smoked in 6 weeks but I will begin again soon. My problem is that it's all-or-nothing. When I do smoke, I smoke a lot. So I tend to take a lot of breaks from regular smoking. Make sure you control the habit and not the other way around.
sarah_ab Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 only 'bad' high and it wasn't bad.. was that i hadn't smoked in like 3 years and we were at a friends and they had a volcano ... a vaporizer.. so i tried it and as i hadn't smoked it so long it hit me hard, and i was so stoned, i kept freaking out thinking "i'm so stoned i can't feel my bladder, what if i wet my pants" so i kept running to the bathroom like every 10 min!!!! and then when i was in there i zone out for like 15 minutes i guess!!!!
~Skitty~ Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 The best way to avoid a "Bad high" is to have a positive attitude before you smoke, have people you feel comfortable with around you and that they understand what screws a high up for you, and people that have a positive energy/are high aswell. :] good vibes man. *for example, one time me and my friend were blazed and we were chilling with some other people. unfortunately a guy comes over and just starts talking and talking and talking about stuff that's just plain stupid. it was about total aggro stuff too like how he beat up some guy the other day or how some guys tried to fight him that night. it was totally killing my friend and i's high so we dipped out, got in his car and just listened to music. problem solved :3 the cool thing about weed is that its situational. your high all depends on who and what is going on around you and what you're doing at the time. When i first started smoking, i always had this feeling like we would be watching a movie and i would just internalize myself and be like "ugh i dont want to watch this, but im high so ill deal." eventually i told my friend and he was like "dude you're high, its like a playground for your mind. do whatever you want." and after that i never really had a bad high unless some aggro shit is going on at the same time. :3
Rihanna Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 When much, much younger, I occasionally partook. I will still take a toke or two once every couple months when out with friends. Really not my thing. I'm still mixed on legalization, although I did vote for it a couple years ago. I have a friend that has a MI medical grower/distributor card, but the legalities are still in court, so she hasn't started anything. Funny side story. I built a "strobe light" for dances I hosted. It was basically a two foot cube with a spinning metal disk w/one hole the size of a floodlight cut in it. One speed/flash cycle, but it served its purpose. Later I obtained an electronic variable flash unit. Really lived up the dances with both going. Anyway, the point is I had two stoner friends. I set the strobes in opposite corners of my living room. I synced the electronic one to the same speed as the mechanical one, only 180 degrees apart. When they were high & over, they were pretty much normal. Once I killed the house lights, (except for a "night light,") and turned on the strobes, things got funny. One went dead silent and just sat there staring into space while the other one, as noted by someone's experience above, started rambling endlessly. When I turned off the strobes, it was even funnier. The silent one became the rambling one while the other then went silent. Edit; Oh yea, if I wasn't clear, I did this to them several times over a year or two. In retrospect, I wish I thought to have a "video" camera back then.
JakeKiTt Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 I have been high while wearing a diaper and using it after an enema, it was pretty cool. but i do not smoke weed anymore. i hung that hat up about a year ago. Do i miss it? yeah. but i figured that its not worth the risk of getting thrown into jail, just because i want to have a good time.
Necros Posted August 8, 2011 Author Posted August 8, 2011 I can't speak for all of Canada but it seems weed is less accepted by the law in the US than in Canada. I hear and respect the people saying that its not worth a trip in jail, but down here weed is as common as house parties. I've seen on many occasions cop friends toking it up in the living room. It might just be the town i live in but you can smoke weed while walking on the side of the road and cops won't even stop you for it. Interesting to see the level of acceptance of the same drug is so different o:
dlover49 Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 A friend of mine who is an RN worked in an emergemcy room at a hospital where the worst local cases are taken. He told me that in the three years he worked there, he never saw one case in the ER caused by marijuana. Many from alcohol and other drugs.
ItchyTasty Posted August 14, 2011 Posted August 14, 2011 I would smoke it if it was legal. I believe it should be legal. As for now, it is not worth the trip to jail if you are caught with it. You don't go to prison if caught with a small amount of weed over here. I never been in trouble with the police myself except for a few random stop and searches. Because they suspected I could have drugs on me,etc, just because I had my hood up lol, but they didn't find anything. Here(UK) despite weed class B from class C (class C was lower penality). Normally with no other convictions, including cautions you'd either get a slap on the wrist and get it convisgated if it's a small personal amount. Or a caution, depending on the police officers mood that day. If you had say more than a caution for something, you'd very likely get charged with a fine and/or community service. Short prison for repeated possesion to be honest. At the mimimum: a hefty fine and community service for dealing first time if it's say class C. Class A or B always gets prison for dealing. And it's not just coming from that website, it's based on the UK Home Office 1998. However it could be a bit out-of date now,judging by that date. That ONLY says the MAX drug penalties in the UK, after you have previous convictions no doubt... Not what happens in reality.
Guest gnappies Posted August 14, 2011 Posted August 14, 2011 You don't go to prison if caught with a small amount of weed over here. I never been in trouble with the police myself except for a few random stop and searches. Because they suspected I could have drugs on me,etc, just because I had my hood up lol, but they didn't find anything. Here(UK) despite weed class B from class C (class C was lower penality). Normally with no other convictions, including cautions you'd either get a slap on the wrist and get it convisgated if it's a small personal amount. Or a caution, depending on the police officers mood that day. If you had say more than a caution for something, you'd very likely get charged with a fine and/or community service. Short prison for repeated possesion to be honest. At the mimimum: a hefty fine and community service for dealing first time if it's say class C. Class A or B always gets prison for dealing. http://www.thegooddr...o/penalties.htm And it's not just coming from that website, it's based on the UK Home Office 1998. However it could be a bit out-of date now,judging by that date. http://www.homeoffic...drugs/drug-law/ That ONLY says the MAX drug penalties in the UK, after you have previous convictions no doubt... Not what happens in reality. Lets face it, you can get away with possesion (small amont, prob up to a 1/4), and do it multipul times, plod or the courts are not going to pass custodial. Get caught with a load of it, and you may as well robbed a bank.
pigpen Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 I live in CA, and pot might as well be legal here. I am also a medical marijuana patient because of chronic pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stomach problems, and I don't tolerate a lot of prescription and OTC medications. I've also been smoking for close to 15 years, off and on. Never had any problems. Never had any legal trouble or medical issues. You just have to be in control, I think. I've tried other drugs but never got caught up in any of it. I liked coke WAAAAAAAY too much and haven't touched in since. Nothing else really ever did anything for me. As for high and diapered, I'll let you know tomorrow. Just got my first pack of Molicares
Andy Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 I did smoke weed in my youth a couple times. It always went the same way though. I smoked it and became hot hungry, so I went on to plunder the freezer. A little time later I'd throw it all up again. Happened to me not just with weed, but with black afghan cookies and black afghan milk too. I guess I am just not made for it
zippym8 Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 DEATH TO WEED AND POTHEADS!!!! That is all... LOLWUT?
Kapitan Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 Compared to alchohol and it's affects on lives and bodies, weed is a walk in the park. I smoke regularly, though haven't smoked in the past week (I replaced it with diapers as my vice for the week though I feel nigh on a rash here so back I go when I have some cash again. Money got messed up yesterday so I'm skint until the bank sorts stuff out..) My first few nights of my own diapers in my own place = Beer, weed & diapers. Was pretty damn nice, though I ended up leaking all over my favourite combats because I was so relaxed and set in place not wanting to use effort to move/change xD And yes, a beer or two is fine. Just not 48583758973578 of them and a bunch of Jägerbombs. Story. Cops come over due to alcohol related dumbassery involving the parents maybe half a year ago before I moved out. Cops precede to search house as dumb drunk people say there's no one else there. Officer #1 (Male, chill.) opens the door without knocking and I just sort of look up, and stare at him. I've obviously been smoking, due to the stress of said drunken dumbassery outside my room. "How're you doin- Ah, stoned I see.". "Yup. Need to be with those two morons." He wanders in, seeming to not be very bothered by the weed smell etc, looking around briefly. Cop #2 (Female, "female dog".) walks in and immediately begins ranting and raving about 'cannabis cigarettes'. Male officer ignores female cop and walks to the opposite side of the room to inspect my airgun. I explain it is, infact, an airgun. He picks it up, blinks at the weight (It's a replica, realweight.). "You sure? Jeez. This is what our firearms unit use!". (It's a P226. I did explain that their version is the standard one and mine was a replica of a target/sports varient. Difference being the external safety, longer barrel/slide, bevelled mag well.) Well, Female cop continues ranting, points at the roach in my ashtray, literally just a piece of cardboard left as I made sure to smoke my last when I heard them get called/arrive in the first place. "IS THAT A CANNABIS CIGARETTE!?" - "It *was*." I reply. She turns to the male officer and begins raving about cannabis warnings, wanting to call my name in to see if I'd been warned before, etc. etc. Throughout the entire time of this, my drunk mother is in the doorway slurring and yelling at her and swaying all over the place while managing to keep an argument going with her husband. Male cop simply ejects the magazine on the airgun, looks at at the female cop with a huge grin on his face, obviously loving messing with the gun. "Heh, betcha didn't think I knew how to do that huh!" he said directly to his partner, who rolls her eyes at him and tries to continue pushing a Cannabis warning. He slams the magazine back in, takes one last look over it and places it back where he found it. "No. let's go." He herds the female cop, and my mother, out of the room, waves, says goodbye and wishes me a good night, and closes the door. They then both moved onto more pressing issues though unfortunately didn't pepperspray the other two. Weed never hurt anyone! Well, as far as I know. Except maybe a little memory loss. Which I prefer to the drunken version of repeating oneself every five seconds and waking up not even knowing that they started a fight with someone last night (IE. Usually with me.). "Are you going to sleep?" - "Yes." - "Are you doing to sleep?" - "YES." - Are you going to sleep?" - "YES!" - "Alright, don't get pissy at me!.... Are you going to sleep?" - "FORK. OFF. I'M TRYING RIGHT NOW.".
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