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Weight Lose Up Date

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I really can't say its a update since i dont think i posted about it here yet.

Back in april when i started set up crew at work (cedar point) i was determined to lose weight this summer. i already planed on giving up pop and watched what i ate at the cafe. I haven't got the greasy pizza there or the ever so good basco sticks or any pop. I haven't had any pop in over three months now which i'm surprised, i have packed my lunch half the time and just watched what i ate. i do tons of walking there at work. i'm in charge of all the changers through out the park and i say i walk about 3-5 miles a day. i have notice the difference in my activity and how i have a bit more of energy. here is my starting weight and to today

5/16/11 starting weight- 190 pounds

8/5/11 weight as of today 173 pounds

17 pounds lost and i want to try and lose even more weight. I am gonna have to buy different size of pants and shorts cause my size 36's are really baggy and i can pretty much jump right out of them. will try to post more soon

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Congratulations on you weight loss, You can have diet soda, and don't tell me it has an aftertaste because all soda has it.

I have been drinking diet cola for the past 50 years, and I'm a big drinker when it comes to drinking diet cola, all that garbage about cyclomates and every other argument is pure bunk.

When I was loosing my weight I had to buy cloths every few months, a good thing to buy is one pair of pants that is in the size you want to wear eventually keep trying them on to see how you are doing, but try not to stretch them, if you are way too big now, the pants will give you a little incentive to keep loosing.

Try to loose a little more than your goal, in winter you are not as active it will give you a little room on the scale, when you see your weight going up a few pounds then you know it's time to cut back.

I started loosing weight in 1968 at 260 a year later I was 130, I have struggled my whole life to keep my weight where I want it, I find when I'm very thin I more active and feel much better about myself.

Not many know just how hard it is to loose and keep off the weight, it is a life long job if you have that fat gene like I do.

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Well there's an easy fix for the really baggy pants just wear thicker diapers! :thumbsup:

I am gonna have to buy different size of pants and shorts cause my size 36's are really baggy and i can pretty much jump right out of them.

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That is so great! You are doing things right as you have the weight lost you wanted as well as some extra energy. My two cents unsolicited advice is to just keep doing what you're doing.

I'm very proud of you. :)

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Congratulations on you weight loss, You can have diet soda, and don't tell me it has an aftertaste because all soda has it.

No, regular soda does not have that bitter nasty awful aftertaste. I don't care about the other problems with it but I just can't get past the taste of diet soda. Someone gave me a glass of diet coke once and told me it was regular coke. I spit it out so it is not just a psychological thing it honestly tastes awful to me.

You can drink it all you want. Just don't say it doesn't have an after taste like those who say it does are lying or something :P

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heheh and see for me i think regular soda has a nasty after taste... well ok, regulare coke/pepsi... its super sugary and makes my teeth feel fuzzy...

i will say once i accidentally got a diet mountain dew out of a vending machine and not paying attention opened it and took a huge gulp and dude that shit tasted so nasty i literally spit it all out in shock!

I find dark sodas, like pepsi/coke or dr peppper have better tasting diet soda's, where as the lighter sodas like sprite/mountain dew have gross tasting diets

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As far as diet soda, I think the jury is still out on how it affects someone's weight. I recently saw on the news how diet soda may actually make someone gain weight! Butthen, can we really believe all the things we see on the news?

I do want to tell everyone that most diet soda includes an ingrediant called Aspertame. This is the "sweetner" and it's actually a poison to many people with a lot of bad side effects. It was illeagle to use in products until President Reagen approved it. Google it sometime and read up on it. In the mean time, if you are going to dring diet soda, it's better to find some that are sweetend with Splenda, which is an artificial sweetner made from actual sugar and is approved for diabetics. Pepsi One and Diet Rite Cola are two that are made with Splenda. Just read the labe on the bottles as most with Splenda will have the Splenda trademark somewhere on the bottle. It tastes pretty good, too!

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ohhh i know all about aspertame... if i have 16 servings a day, for 5 years, then i may get cancer fi i'm a white lab rat...

but no its true.. it is not a natural product....but then again, i'm pretty sure just living can cause you harm. lol

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Personally I have given up all sodas and cut carbs. And sugar to almost nothing. Pretty much all I drink is water, have a 5 gallon water cooler within reach of my desk chair at home, with the occasional tea thrown in. Of course I am also bicycle commuting to work, 23 miles a day, and do longish rides on the weekend. As I type this I am at a water refuel pitstop and will be finishing up a 62 mile run soon. Averaging a weight loss of half an inch a week. Lost 7 inches so far, only 10 more to go, sigh. I've bee fighting the weight loss beast foryearsas well. Started for me after coming back from Iraq. After eating an average of 12,000 calories a day out there for a year and a half, when I got back to the rear and started eating "normally", I had to try everything I could just to keep the weight off. This past winter I made it up to almost 50 inches and enough was enough. Especially when you are 5'4 I only had one set of clothes that would even fit me anymore.

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aspertame - the single largest number of complaints received by the FDA yet they haven't found a single study that proves/links aspertame to cancer or anyother disease.

Personally I've undertaken a biking and weight loss challenge. I ride 11 kms, approximately 4 miles with a 80 metre (approx 400 foot) hill on the way to work. Takes about 40 mins to complete (30 mins on the way home). After 3 months I've lost 9 pounds. Everyone has been saying I'm gaining muscle and clothes are fitting better but I really hoped for most wieght loss.

Oh well. I'll keep at it into the fall, although my ride has gotten shorter (just moved). Hopefully the weight will come off soon.

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Aspartame is a proven neurotoxin. There is a plethora of research on it, it's just not the research the FDA touts. The FDA also thinks that genetically engineered food is good and that perfectly good food should be irradiated which destroys nutrients, so take that how you will. Epileptics are advised not to consume aspartame because it can worsen and trigger seizures. It is also a migraine trigger for people who have migraines. It's not the remote cancer possibility I worry about, it's the direct effects on the central nervous system. I used to consume it in soda, 2 or 3 cans a day, and after a short time I developed debilitating pain and muscle spasms like a twitch, which can only be described as sharp, shooting, burning pain like someone stabbing me repeatedly with a red hot ice pick, in random places of my body but especially arms, legs, and temples. Painkillers wouldn't touch it. I went to the doctor over it after I ruled out everything I could think of like prescriptions and pesticides, I endured it for months before I finally went, and she could not figure out the problem either until she asked about drinking diet soda. I told her I drank non caffeinated ones, and she told me to stop drinking them immediately. I followed her advice and within two weeks the sharp nerve pain and the twitching was gone. I didn't touch the stuff for a long time, then I had one and nothing happened so I started drinking them again and within a week my symptoms were back. I quit and they vanished. If that isn't aspartame toxicity I don't know what is. It is not "no big deal", and can have disastrous consequences for health from many angles. I suppose some people can consume it for a long time with no effect, but then again some people can eat a pound of bacon for breakfast and smoke like a chimneystack and live to 100. You could be that lucky sliver of a percentage, or it could kill you. Me, I'm staying far away from it... I don't fancy being in unnecessary severe pain and dropping things or falling over at random.

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I thought I would have never drank diet soda as it just tasted nasty to me. Though when I realized I was 80 pounds overweight I decided I had to do something, therefore my 4-6 cans of regular soda a day had to go. So I stuck with diet soda and after I think a month it started to taste normal. After drinking diet for awhile I tried regular at one point again and now regular tasted bad, lol. Probably drank an average of 4-5 diet sodas a day for the last 5 years.

Recently though I found a product at costco called ICE Sparkling water(zero calories). It is made with "sucralose" aka generic Splenda. Besides not having Aspartame it doesn't have caffeine which is also not good for you. So except if I go out to a restaurant all I drink is the ICE now. It is nice to not go through caffeine withdrawals when I had not drank a diet coke after like 8 hours. I think it took me a week after not drinking diet coke to not have headaches anymore, if I just drink some when I go out to eat it doesn't seem to affect me that way, even though I won't be drinking any once I get home.

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