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Adult Baby Cribs

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I recently saw an advert on the web for Adult sized baby furniture, i looked around the small site and nothing really interested me, until i saw the cribs, just wondering a few things,

Does anyone here have one, if so is it a shop bought or home made?

Does anyone here sleep in one, if so do you sleep in it all the time or just as part of age play?

I am primaraly a DL but am deffinately trying a more AB lifestyle.

Would be really interested if anyone has any comments. I am good with my hands and am thinking of building one.

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I think having a crib is pretty high up on the scale of AB things that take a lot of commitment to. It's big, really expensive, and if you're trying to keep this part of your life on the DL (that's down-low for the geriatrics) then I can't see how getting a crib is a good idea. I've seen some company that makes AB cribs that fold down into regular looking beds so you don't have to be completely open about it.

Honestly though, I have diapers, onesies, bottles, pacis and a blankie and all that is easily concealed when I'm not playing baby. A crib is not easily concealed, and I'm sure even if you had the fancy fold away crib someone nosy enough would be able to suss out what it actually is. I personally enjoy the AB lifestyle SOMETIMES. That is, sometimes I feel like wearing a diaper and acting like a baby, and other times I want to be a normal adult. Getting a crib in my opinion would push the lifestyle way too far into the "all the time" category, which I believe is sort of unhealthy mentally to do. It's more fun when it's once in a while; something you do to unwind and forget about your adult world troubles. Being a baby all the time would quickly reduce the novelty of the whole shebang and thus also reduce the fun had while doing so.

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Pudding and I have the notion of creating a nursery in our house when we buy one. And it's not like we'd play baby all the time... but it'd be a wonderful little piece of equipment. Necessary, no... but most fun things aren't.

Really, if you have the space for it and you have the money... I don't see the problem. Hiding it should be an issue. Just put a lock on the door. >.<


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I figure it's not too difficult for a pair of consenting adults to have an AB Nursery Room. Hiding things? Like Soapy said ~ put a lock on the door and the problem is solved ♥

We're so gonna have a crib~

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It seems that many people are interested in having a crib, but very few actually have one :huh: In a free market more demand would equal more product availability and lower cost, but we'll never generate that much demand :whistling: If I win the lottery I plan to do some custom crib making at as low a price as I can sustain :thumbsup: Short of that win it ain't gonna happen here :crybaby: There really isn't much to a simple crib-style enclosure woodworking- wise ;) and not a lot whole more to make a real one ^_^ so making your own seems to be the best solution B)

Of course if that doesn't appeal to you, just buy me a bunch of lottery tickets- I'll say "Thanks" even if I don't win :lol:


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Pudding and I have the notion of creating a nursery in our house when we buy one. And it's not like we'd play baby all the time... but it'd be a wonderful little piece of equipment. Necessary, no... but most fun things aren't.

Really, if you have the space for it and you have the money... I don't see the problem. Hiding it should be an issue. Just put a lock on the door. >.<


ahem and once said house and nursery are aquired i will be getrting an invite?

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ahem and once said house and nursery are aquired i will be getrting an invite?

We assumed that was implied, Sarah. ^_^ Although right now, there's a 50/50 chance our nursery will be in Australia... so I hope you have money for a plane ticket!!


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A lock on a door only makes people more curious as to what you're hiding. People are like cats in some ways. My cat won't bother going into a room unless I put some obstacle in the way of the door, like if I'm working on something I don't want him to get in to. Then he sees the obstacle, gets curious as to why it's there and tries to get to the other side. :rolleyes: If the obsactle weren't there, he wouldn't bother, I swear!!! Funny little kitty!!!

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Bookcase that swings open into the room.:thumbsup: But locks in place to keep others out.=Hidden room!!!

No joke - this was my first request when Puddin' said we might build our own house. :mellow: Seriously, this has been like my dream since I first saw Scooby-Doo.


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My nursery furniture.

It's true! We'll probably have it lead it something totally innocent tho, like the laundry XD

First I have to say I like the pictures of what you did there...

Then I also have to say that would be awesome with the whole hidden door...

The crib thing really wouldn't be for me, but I can see how it would be exciting

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I tried out a friend's crib once just hanging out in for a little while. I didn't go to sleep in it. There was no way I could get off of it when the railing was up and would have to be thickly diapered if I took a nap or spent the night in it. I had to get out by stepping on a step stool when the railing was down. It was fun and I've fantastized about a crib for years. Sadly our place is way too small for one and we have no place to hide one either. I think my friend got rid of his crib sadly.

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Maybe we can take Sarah with us?

She'll be contractually obligated never to grow up, but it WOULD save on adoption expenses ♥

ohhhh all this talk about me going to australia to be ur lil gir.... i'm as moist as a snack cake down there!!!!

where do i sign up???

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