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This Is Me Hating Strangers

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I saw this, and was heart-broken when I read the details of it. Tho we're becoming a far more progressive people in terms of acceptance as a whole, we're still not quite there yet and seeing things like this happen is just proof of that. And you know, it's funny; I bet his parents are like "We wish he'd told us, we'd have loved him anyway!" but I have to wonder if he HAD told them, whether that would have been the case?

A sad day, for certain... ~ but the silver lining is perhaps making people [and families, especially] aware of the social pressures that sit on the shoulders of gay youth and to help make schools and homes the sort of environment where it's okay to talk about these feelings without the associated shame that seems to come as a 'package deal'.

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But really though. What puzzles me is that The guy would've only gotten 5 years of jail time max? Thats seems like really short for something like this. And where the hell did he come up with $25k to post bail? Sounds a little fishy to me.

The Angel of Hope,


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I saw this, and was heart-broken when I read the details of it. Tho we're becoming a far more progressive people in terms of acceptance as a whole, we're still not quite there yet and seeing things like this happen is just proof of that. And you know, it's funny; I bet his parents are like "We wish he'd told us, we'd have loved him anyway!" but I have to wonder if he HAD told them, whether that would have been the case?

A sad day, for certain... ~ but the silver lining is perhaps making people [and families, especially] aware of the social pressures that sit on the shoulders of gay youth and to help make schools and homes the sort of environment where it's okay to talk about these feelings without the associated shame that seems to come as a 'package deal'.

Sad- yes, very much sad to lose a young life of any kind :( Was this the person who was going to find the cure for cancer? Was he going to be the diplomat who brought us peace in places where there is none? Was he just going to be another faceless, nameless clerk at a grocery store who we didn't know but liked anyway? We will never know that now- his life and all of it's potential for good is gone :crybaby:

Angry- yes I'm angry at the hatefulness that this society tolerates. The person who made the video should have their genitals destroyed with a dull chainsaw :angry: That might be enough punishment-maybe. I'm angry that society has essentially done nothing to them and even of they do it's not going to be enough to make the next person thinking of doing something like this not do it :bash:

Sympathetic- there are parents, family, and friends who are grieving over someone they loved who didn't have to die :huh: They are hurting even though they did nothing wrong. There can be no justifying causing innocent people any pain for something they had nothing to do with :ninja:

Wondering- wondering when we, as a society, are going to reach the breaking point when we say "Enough! No more Hate!" :rant: then cause all who hate to be either educated or eradicated quickly. There must be an end to this- and an end to forgiving hate in any and all forms :mellow:

Wishing- selfishly hoping I never have hear of anything like this ever again because it doesn't happen anymore. Yes it's selfish- but I want this for everyone, so maybe it's not that selfish after all, and maybe that's why I feel the way I do about it.

I don't know all the answers- nobody does- but I do know that this was totally unnecessary and that it must end.


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Well, the US likes to adopt policies of the likes of Turkey, North Korea, Iran (even if they really want to go to war, you're closer to Iranians than say, Britons) and other retarded conservative countries. In a way, the entire nation has been heading toward this since the 70's. Stop voting republican and stop encouraging churches. Those are 2 institution that encourage hatred to the highest levels. Saint Thomas Aquinas said it clearly: "Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do." This is the mission the church gave itself, to stop you from deciding for yourself what you ought to believe in, desire and do.

Those 2 institutions have decided that men has to believe homosexuality is a sin, and to desire it's end and act toward it's destruction.

Vote intelligently in november.

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ummmmm :huh: Churches and Republicans Check! So our Democratic President and Congress saved this poor kid. And with The scandal of Catholic priests and young boys I can see as to why you lean towards these two culprits as the cause... Seriously... some people. :whistling:

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repaid, you may have missed the memo that went out, but i'm pretty sure republicans and catholics are to blame for pretty much everything.. god help you if you happen to be both republican AND catholic!! :P:P:P

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Actually man, i'm canadian. It's a lot easier to see what's going on from a 3rd party. But you probably never left your country, and you probably count on TV to tell you what is happening elsewhere in the world. You're not cool, Mr. American. Perhaps your mom shouldn't have told you that people that hate on you are just jealous so much. Nobody is jealous of you, the state you're in, it's pitiful, not enviable. I'd tell you to get a clue, but you'd probably just go buy the game at the store.

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This isn't political... so can we get off politics?

It's just about how people can do stupid stuff without thinking about the consequences, and how our society doesn't punish those people adequately. It's about bullying, and how we let it happen every day instead or acting. And those are going to be issues under the rule of any political party.

And in memory of this boy... I don't think we should be arguing semantics.


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Of course this is political. Opinions of nations are created through education and tradition, which are both powers we bestow on governments. If the idea spreading around was homosexual freedom and love this guy wouldn't have reacted like his life was over, he could have just shrugged it off and figure a way to get even when them (by law, hopefully). But he was raised to believe he was wrong and disgusting, and so were his roommates, and they filmed it because they thought it was wrong and disgusting and he reacted on that.

Before Luther King, people were raised to believe blacks were inferior and to segregate them. When he changed the government's view, the government itself took charge in reducing racism through various campains, and i hopefully can say the country is less racist now because of it, because the government changed its stance on the issue and educated its people to be less racist.

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Actually man, i'm canadian. It's a lot easier to see what's going on from a 3rd party. But you probably never left your country, and you probably count on TV to tell you what is happening elsewhere in the world. You're not cool, Mr. American. Perhaps your mom shouldn't have told you that people that hate on you are just jealous so much. Nobody is jealous of you, the state you're in, it's pitiful, not enviable. I'd tell you to get a clue, but you'd probably just go buy the game at the store.

sophie i read hyour last post and agree completely, but i have to ask lokken, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING TO HERE? theres no point of reference for your post....

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Lokken, I'm ignoring your posts on this topic. I'm sorry, but this isn't a place to debate. This boy is dead, and I don't care what political babble you spill out at me: he'll still be dead.

I don't want people to read this thread thinking that it's okay to use the government as a scapegoat for our mistakes. This travesty was the fault of two idiotic students, and what I want people to realize is that their actions make a difference.

This sort of thing shouldn't happen. It just shouldn't. And blaming "the way things are" isn't how we stop it from happening again.

We're responsible for our own actions, whether it be treating blacks as slaves or bullying kids on the street. What our government considers "proper" doesn't relieve us of our faults... and thinking otherwise is ignorant.


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Actually man, i'm canadian. It's a lot easier to see what's going on from a 3rd party. But you probably never left your country, and you probably count on TV to tell you what is happening elsewhere in the world. You're not cool, Mr. American. Perhaps your mom shouldn't have told you that people that hate on you are just jealous so much. Nobody is jealous of you, the state you're in, it's pitiful, not enviable. I'd tell you to get a clue, but you'd probably just go buy the game at the store.

Actually you have it wrong on so many levels. If you had managed to remotely learn about life or even me in general you would know alot more and not be slewed. The fact is most people know on here that I served honorably in the Marines. And in the 10 years before being discharged for a disability I had the great luxury of being in no less than about 20 different Countries. I have also visited or served in every State of these United ones. In my travels I can tell you that all things vary.

While it may seem to a outsider (your not a third party) how terrible it is here, you have to take your own advice. At what level do you ascertain your info? It certainly can't be first hand.

To think that a Republican or Democrat has any more caring for this young boys life is absurd. Just as thinking any religion could care more. Granted you would think that Christians would be more understanding than some religions, but that in itself is up to the separate sects.

The ideas of people while granted might be influenced by their surroundings such as parents and peers still lies within their own moral integrity. I have told in the past I was raised by a non christian family and while I'm not sure of their political affiliation (if any) I do know they voted for President Carter. In my childhood I was raised by indirect contact (over hearing ) that Blacks were useless, and being gay was wrong.

As I grew up and went out on my own in the world these thoughts were changed. In the Marines I trained and fought right next to those I was ingrained to hate. My views became less and less of the conceived and turned to fact. I can say I have and had many black friends and would like to think the same of my Gay ( I use this for both genders) friends.

I do not judge them of what they are but how they portray themselves in this a modern society. The problem here isn't a group but of a person and how they choose to mature as a adult. The problem there into lies. Sorry but the majority of today's youth just isn't getting it. They don't understand the ramifications of their actions. Death is Death, and you can't just push the replay button. They don't understand that, and it seems the learning curve is upwards over 10 years in maturity once going out and becoming a adult..

To think a religion is to blame for this travesty is just to akin to blame a political party. Every religion is corrupt at some level, and both the main parties here in the states are overly so. To blame one is in actuality to blame the other, then to blame yourself for not knowing this.

The problem here with this young man, was that the others involved didn't have the moral fiber and take into consideration the ramification of their actions. What they saw as a prank or slam was what caused this young man to end his life. While I will not go into it, there should have been others involved to handle the situation, as it spiraled out of this young mans control.

The fact is 5 young folks over the last month have succumbed to this type of behavior. It seems such a shame that these incidents have to just now be brought to light to get people to think. Perhaps in this tragedy, someone might think for a second before acting so foolishly. In the splinter of a minds eye they may grow up and learn, just as I hope someday you do the same. I do not hate those that do this, if there is only one true judge, just chill and let him (or her) do their job. :thumbsup:

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Not gonna reply to the whole thread of craziness when it got political and stuff BUT the fact that those two people can only get five years is insulting. I have a different approach than filling up our jails with losers who can still work. Why not make them do LIFETIME community service in some horrible horrible horrible area of life. Like make then tend to the criminally insane folks at a psychiatric facility. Ok not sure if that is bad enough. I'm sure there are better ideas. But the point is I don't want people to rot in jail on my tax money. I want them suffering mentally somewhere horrible in the world and I want them to have to work still and pay for food, shelter and gas money to get to the community service. I think there could possibly be worse things than jail if we set our minds to it.

On a side not I love Canada and gay folks. And we should let gays serve in the damn military openly. Just my 2 pesos. B)

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Wow.. that got weirdly political and shouty.

Anyway, in regards to these horrible fucking people who can only get five years for what is essentially murdering this boy, I'm all for giving them a slow death in return.


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I will first say I'm all too political in my thinking, but THIS is NOT about politics.

Second, Please don't connect this with ALL churches! Yes, there are many denominations which believe homosexuality is a SIN. AND, my initial reason for posting was to point out that I just yesterday saw a short video of a leader of the Mormon church again speaking out against homosexuality. This is very, very sad to me.

PLEASE KNOW that there ARE many denominations of the Christian church that DO bellieve that there should NOT be any discriimination based on sexual orientation; that we are all on a spectrum of sexuality and that we are all 'children of God.' You are free to believe in God or not. You are free to dislike any, many or all churches. But just as gays want to be accepted for their truth and don't want falsehoods spread against them, please accept and understand that SOME denominations DO accept that gays are people equal in value to every other person on the planet and ought to be judged by who they are.

I'm NOT trying to 'convert' anyone, but rather just set the record straight. We ALL ought to be horrified by the invasion of privacy, by the attitude against gays by the jerk who did the taping in the first place and by the part of society in general that not only doesn't like gays, but hates them, and even more those who actively do harm to gays. This is a true outrage.

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The fact is most people know on here that I served honorably in the Marines.

Semper Fi Repaid1! I only did 6, 81-87, but also have not only seen the world, I've lived in it. Three years in Bangkok, Thailand. Three years in Seoul, South Korea and one and three quarters years in Baghdad, Iraq. I'm making plans locally to spend the Birthday next month with some Marines that even older than me (imagine that!) at lunch celebration. I hope you are still enjoying the 10th as you deserve it Marine.

Gee, I hope that aren't any pinheads that want to try to embarass us for being proud about being Marines...

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