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Is Diaperspace Down?

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I chatted this morning with some of the staff at Call Mommy, Diaperspace's advertiser and they said that Calli is aware of the problem and has been working on resolving it. Last time this happened DiaperSpace was down for about 2 weeks.

Hang in there and stay Pampered


Actually the site/server is working fine. It is a DNS problem. If you put the ip address in your local host file the site is working fine. If have send Cali a message but no reply. Also the email address daiperspace@yahoo.com is not accepting emails anymore?

Strange because all that has to be done is change back DNS info/record to the correct one or put on a maintenance page so everybody is informed when the site is reorganized or so.

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I've heard it's down for about 2 weeks, though my source might be wrong. It could be down for good, but that'd be a bit sudden for a site like d-space.

I was last able to get in there late Friday night/early Sat. morning on 7/16 or 7/17 and when I tried again later on 7/17 it was gone. It's been like this ever since sadly as I found another real female AB in there and was about to find out her history. It's so hard to find other real female ABs. :crybaby:

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That would be your opinion.

Try being a girl on there. You have no idea how many retarded, typed-with-one-hand messages and unsolicited friend requests I received. I finally just deleted my profile.

I'm a real female AB and I love diaperspace. I haven't had too many weirdos in there in regards to the guys. I've only had to block one person from contacting me again as he wasn't getting the hint to back off and leave me alone.

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I wonder if DS is going to be known as [the other site]. :giggle:

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There already is a [That Other Site] in the filters, and it's not DS. I don't have a problem with them, they run a little more "extreme" than I'm comfortable with, but if they are fine with the risks more power to them. Clearly there is a market for them. And they do have a good overall package.

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i hate to have to explain a joke :) "[the other site]" was meant as a parody of "[That Site]" and I got the idea from the way somep persons were trashing DS.

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Update 07/29/10 diaperspace.com is a new web hosting account at Interworx.

Looks like they have moved servers.

Using both IE and Firefox the error message I still get is that this server cannot be found.

That is the same basic message I have been getting for a couple of years when I click to reply to the many e-mail I receive from Diaper Space, but not lately.

Over this same period Cali has never replied to my many e-mails to her, yet none have ever bounced or been termed undelivered.

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To be honest I don't know that too many of us will be sad if DS doesn't come back.

Last time they went offline for weeks (about a year ago) I started making a brand new, from the ground up, site to replace it for the community. Then of course it came back up and everyone just went right back to it.

Well this time I can't say I picked up where I left off, but I have started a whole new base for the site.

As of right now there's not much to see, but I do have a progress update page/blog set up where you can all follow the progress as I work on the site and even participate in beta testing it when the time comes if you're interested.

I have my contact info on there for any who want to make comments/suggestions on what they read.

And of course backlinks to DD for ya Di :P


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Just got this e-mail message tonight (7/3/10):

Hey everyone Diaper Space is back up and ready play. With a brand new server and even faster speeds you will be zooming along in no time!!! Hope to see you soon!

Just to let u all know!!!!

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Not that it matters, but I'm still getting 'server cannot be found" for that site *shrug* oh well.....I'm happy with what I have now :)

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Yeah, I got the same email posted below....

Diaperspace.com ©2007-2010 All Rights Reserved

Diaper Space is back up and ready to play! We had some downtime as some of you might know, but we worked our hardest day and night to get DS back up and were so happy to see all of our family & friends again! We had to get a new Hard-drive out of the blue, so this downtime wasn’t really expected, which means we had no time warn anyone (totally bummer)! Even though 2 weeks felt like 2 years we knew our loyal Diaper Spacers wouldn’t give up hope! So, as usual feel free to have fun, play, socialize and oh did I forget something........ hmmmmmm.......... Oh yeah, WEAR THOSE DIAPERS!!!! :o)

Cali & Diaper Space Staff

Diaperspace.com ©2007-2010 All Rights Reserved

and all I can say is "NO YOU'RE NOT!" or at least I still get the same "server not found' message as before...so BFD



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