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My Trip To The Therapist

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Well a few months ago I went to the therapist and for the first time told someone that I like to wear diapers. After a couple of sessions and questions from the therapist I was very surprised by his answer. "No. There is nothing wrong with you." That in its self was not completely surprising but his suggestion that my diaper fascination was fine, did make me scratch my head.

The therapist said that the diapers are fine. It doesn't affect my life and how I go around in public. Yes I have worn diapers under my regular clothes in public however since I don't go playing baby in public nor do I force my lifestyle on others he suggested that my diaper fetish was completely normal and healthy.

A little background. I am a DL, who rarely has worn in public. I love to write Age Regression Stories and surf the net for pics of women in diapers.

I went back for multiple sessions (it was free as part of the counselling services provided at the university). We talked about my sports and various interests. He suggested my fascination with diapers arises from a desire to be out-of-control. Much like the way I like to ski (snow skiing) where I'm constantly pushing myself to the verge of loosing control. This desire to be out-of-control lends itself very well to diaper wearing. I like to let me bladder go and I like to pretend through stories that I am loosing self-control (age regression, diaper changes by others, etc) which I write in my stories.

In real life I exude a fair amount of control and am probably an A type personality. As an example he mentioned that many business leaders have the opposite personality when at home in private needing an escape. As such they enjoy being submissive with their partners.

So the therapist suggested I keep going the way I am and not beat myself up over the fetish. The worst thing I can do is tell myself I'm disgusting or strange. In doing so I erode my self-confidence and my ability to enjoy life.

I know these sessions with the therapist did wonders for my self-confidence. Hopefully some of my experience will rub off on others in this community. I know most of us beat ourselves up over our love of diapers.

Enjoy. Steve

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It is refreshing to hear of a therapist that doesn't think wearing and using diapers to be somesort of deviant behavior. As with any sort of (fetish) or desire, to not push that desire on others shouldn't be considered as harmful. Our society is under so much stress that any outlet for relief should be search for, there again is it doesn't harm others.

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My therapist, years ago, told me it was okay. It took a while to get it through my head. :bash:

What she did tell me was she didn't understand my need for them, but since I too am a control freak (so she says) it may be an escape. She said that since I didn't have any issues about being 'deviant', that I shouldn't worry about it.

Since then, as I'm an AB, not a DL, I've found more and more things that indicate that I may not have any choice in this matter anyway, that it's hardwired into my brain. I think there are therapists who are starting to get the message on that, too.

Now, if I could just work out the gender issue, and have public acceptance for both my AB side, and my wanting to be a woman, I guess my life would be easy! LOL


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Hi, Steve. I too have gone to see a therapist, and it was a very different result. From the beginning he called it deviant sexual behavior which, while technically correct has powerful connotations that seemed designed to be hurtful. I quit him fast.

On the other hand, although your therapist is right that you're not hurting anyone else, are you hurting you? Do you have the kind of life and relationships you want? Are you able to accept yourself unconditionally? I'm not saying you should beat yourself up over your desires, but the implication (others more than yours) that therapists who say there's nothing wrong with you are good and ones that see the potential harm are bad is worse than simplistic, it's threatening to your quality of life.

I have always said that diapers are a hardwired part of who I am, but I wouldn't trust a therapist who told me that they were no problem any more than I would trust one who said they were bad and I had to stop immediately.

People who tell you what you want to hear rarely do you any favors.


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I'm not sure if your charge of being "worse than simplistic" is directed at anyone in particular, or was just a general statement RMS, but as Steve said, he attended multiple sessions. I think it's fair to assume that they covered a broad area of his life. He mentions work, leisure, sport etc. and although he didn't mention relationship issues, I would assume that these formed part of the consultations.

For the therapist to come to the conclusions he did, I would also assume that there are no major or insurmountable problems in his personal relationships.

Or do I assume too much?


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Its all a state of mind anyway. If you have a problem with diaper wearing or anything else related to the AB/DL lifestyle then it is YOU that need to come to terms with it. Can you accept it as part of who you are or do you need to remove this aspect of yourself in order to lead a happy, productive life?

Long ago I gave up the guilt and shame that is associated with wearing diapers. I enjoy it and it is harmless to my body and my psyche. If anything, it adds to my personality rather than detracts from it. I have a great and loving relationship with my wife. I have no problem aquiring and keeping friendships. The only problems I really have stem from the fact that I don't have a job that provides any long term satisfaction. It pays well enough and is quite secure, but it is boring, mindnumbing work that adds nothing to the fabric of society. But that is an internal matter. I am convinced that I can change my views and opinions about that situation.

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It is good to hear about enlightened therapists who say that as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, why not do it. Wearing diapers for incontinence, and under regular clothes at that, doesn't hurt anyone either, and if it did it's their problem, not yours. But as it stands, I like wearing diapers or protective undergarments and I feel much more comfortable wearing them not only if I know I won't be near a toilet, but at home as well.

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Another bit of psychology: things told to you by an authority mean more to you, and the more present that authority is to you, the more they mean to you again. If it works, keep doing it. Hearing it from a shrink who you view as an authority figure will mean more to you than from any of us, and hearing it from someone you see face to face, on a regular basis, will mean more than hearing it from a group of people you never met.

And, hey, it's free!

Take the money and run.

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After a couple of sessions and questions from the therapist I was very surprised by his answer. "No. There is nothing wrong with you." That in its self was not completely surprising but his suggestion that my diaper fascination was fine, did make me scratch my head.
I'm not entirely surprised. Whenever I try and step back from my own little world and give my surroundings an 'objective' look, I'm often surprised by what is considered part of normal behaviour: Smoking, drinking, being gay, naturists, spanking 'till the blod flows, enemas & watersports, extreme bondage, BDSM, etc. You name it.

Compared to this being AB/DL does seem quite harmless as seen from where I am sitting. It objectively ought to be treated just like if you had told him you were into, say, wearing latex suits invisibly below your street clothes. Physically harmless to you and everybody else, legal and it only concerns you as long as you keep it to yourself.


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:( I started to go to a theropist 4 weeks ago. I thought it would help with coping with things that are wrong in my life. Depression, bad maragie, bad health, money (I've been on Compensation for 10 month. Got hurt bad at work) & 911. :crybaby: I started talking about myself and she listened. I told her about liking to wear diapers and using them. Now I go out with them under my adult cloths. I don't really know why I told her? I really don't. :blush: She is the only one who knows. I just started to talk about it and couldn't stop. She was very under standing and advised me that it too was OK. :thumbsup: She told me I was missing love in my life and I was looking for it threw the diapers. She told me that once I find a lady that will care for me, desire me and love me this would go away. I was really shocked to hear that to be honest. :mellow: But I will go back on Tuesday and we will continue. The truth be told. I like talking to her. B)

Baby Jay NY

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Went to a shrink a couple years ago. Didn't trust him enough to say anything. After a couple sessions I decided that I couldn't bring myself to open up to someone like that and called it quits. MMMmmm Paranoia.

I talk about myself more on this board than I did to the shrink, maybe it's because you guys are sympathetic or because I don't really interact with any of you outside the digital domain. Hmm Ya never know.

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I went to a shrink back in May. I didn't realize it until later but she was a famous one who sometimes appeared on a Dallas radio talk show. She was soo HOT. I think I was just paying to look at her. Anyway, I was dealing with the whole "I'm depressed because I can't tell the world" issue and thought myself a hypocrite because no one knew the complete me. So I go there distraught and tell her about how much I love to wear diapers, and she doesn't bat an eye. She told me to keep it hidden and said it was obvious to her that I would never want to quit so I was to learn to keep it in check. She said I should tell a girlfriend AFTER we have sex so that the girl wouldn't associate diapers with sex. I only went to her for 3 times though. I also had a religious issue back then with wearing diapers and she was not a Christian shrink so she had no idea what I was going through. I got a "it's ok to lie" vibe from her. That was when I realized that I should've been going to someone who had the same religious ideals. It was an interesting experience. I recommend seeking counseling for anyone who has issues that are unresolved and have been around a long time. Boy, was she HOT. I wondered if I could get her to put a diaper on ;-) For that kinda money she should've.


Baby Bri

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I went to a shrink back in May. I didn't realize it until later but she was a famous one who sometimes appeared on a Dallas radio talk show. She was soo HOT. I think I was just paying to look at her. Anyway, I was dealing with the whole "I'm depressed because I can't tell the world" issue and thought myself a hypocrite because no one knew the complete me. So I go there distraught and tell her about how much I love to wear diapers, and she doesn't bat an eye. She told me to keep it hidden and said it was obvious to her that I would never want to quit so I was to learn to keep it in check. She said I should tell a girlfriend AFTER we have sex so that the girl wouldn't associate diapers with sex. I only went to her for 3 times though. I also had a religious issue back then with wearing diapers and she was not a Christian shrink so she had no idea what I was going through. I got a "it's ok to lie" vibe from her. That was when I realized that I should've been going to someone who had the same religious ideals. It was an interesting experience. I recommend seeking counseling for anyone who has issues that are unresolved and have been around a long time.
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Ah, yes... Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker... much like Jesus/Christ or perfect/imperfect, as witnessed by gospels left out of the Bible as determined by the council of Nicea. Thank God for divine error in this human world.

Like Bob Dylan said, "We always did feel the same/we just saw it from a different point of view."

*feather ruffle*

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