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Our Lifestyle As A Religion

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Instead of posting a wall of text, describing how I'd actually pull this off, I'd like to open the floor to people to contribute to this idea.

What if the AB/DL lifestyle became an organized religion? The basic premise would be this: the path to peace and enlightenment is to reconnect with the purity and simplicity from your past. The most purest state in our lives is our childhood and infanthood.

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If you wanted official religion status, your group could join an Amish church then form your own splinter group.

(The menonites, hutterites and other Amish protestant groups have many variations of thier religion depending on the preferences of the group - how they want to live. When someone wants to do something different, or if the community becomes too large, they break off and form a seperate sect/colony/church).

Then you could have a whole colony of diapered folks.

In New DiaperHolm wearing diapers could be considered part of modest dress and required at all times! - The thicker your diaper, the better!

The Holdeman Menonites are very into modest dress as a demonstartion of thier faith, Hutterites practice this as well. This shouldn't be too big a break from tradition since bonnettes are already part of the religious uniform for many Amish religions. - And the wide waistless suspendered amish pants, and wide full skirts, would have no problem accomodating big practical diapers.

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Guest Wetnmessy247

ABDL would be awesome as a religion.

Singing songs about diapers.

Putting money in a plate to expand the diaper church.

Getting to be in a large room with a bunch of other wet/messy people.

Drinking grape juice (or apple juice)

Hearing a Preacher baby talk about the lifestlye of an ABDL.

Damn, I would go everyday!

"God created the earth, and everything in it, and all the diapers." Gen 1-1

"Do unto others as you would do unto them; diaper them if they diaper you."

"Jesus wept; for he was wet." :crybaby:

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I don't like DirtyRocker.

I've stated more than a few times that the fetish is both sexual and meditative. Many people claim it isn't even sexual at all, while others say its only sexual. To each their own. I've always been interested in heightening the experience like a self-induced high, which can be very similar to transcendental meditation, its just that the objects, like a diaper being sexual, can bring the mind back to a regressed state.

Holy stating the obvious Batman. But I'm getting at that feelings of transcendence are felt through meditation, and the visions that people sometimes feel combined with the incredible feelings is the basis of many a religious enlightening experience. Kinda like Monks who meditate and focus on being closer to God, and thus they believe they are. A religion is nothing factual but rather metaphorical, and belief in it is due to 'facts' being delivered in a persuasive propagandized nature. You can create a religion out of anything, see the case involving the "Church of the Universe" here in Ontario which treats marijuana as being a sacrament that brings them closer to god. They say some things in the bible translate to being cannabis.

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidarity to pure wind." -George Orwell.

Very simply you can substitute "Political" with "Religious".

Its a shame that the majority of wars are based on religious differences of opinion. All religions state that we are all to be 'one' with the world and the universe, and "God" is just a metaphor for all of that. To each their own for religion, provided that they use their beliefs to feel universal love, understanding and tolerance. To people who use religion to incite hate and reinforce their own beliefs, well I hope there actually is a hell for you.

Screw ABDL being a religion, there should be a website that helps ABs truly escape into sexual transcendence.


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if you go to universal life church website you can sign up and become an ordained minister in their church in three days, the church is an actual federally recognized religion. once you have this status as ordained you can start your own church, among other things you only need ten members, meet once a month minimum and have a 'charter' to get tax exempt status....

since religion itself is a creation of mankind i say go for it and create one... nothing stopping you except if you listen to people who say dont.

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Well for starters, enjoying wearing diapers is quite silly and religion is all about believing in silly things with absolutely no proof whatsoever!

How would we take communion? A marshmallow in the bum?

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I don't like DirtyRocker.

And I don't like people who paste pubic hair on their chin. Where's my "Troll B Gone"? Oh, right. Ignored.

In any event, this is more an abstract hypothetical than something you'd actually see. I've seen a few threads talk about religion, so hey, why not partake in the theater of the absurd?

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It's fascinating in that a lot of people here are fully committed to embedding the AB/DL lifestyle as a part of their daily life? For me, it's more or less a side hobby. For others, it's almost like a religious experience.

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Would that mean we would have Panty-Costals? :roflmao:

Instead of posting a wall of text, describing how I'd actually pull this off, I'd like to open the floor to people to contribute to this idea.

What if the AB/DL lifestyle became an organized religion? The basic premise would be this: the path to peace and enlightenment is to reconnect with the purity and simplicity from your past. The most purest state in our lives is our childhood and infanthood.

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I can finally use my minister's license to perform "adoptions" (weddings)

im an ordained minister too so either we can have some healthy competition or go into business with each other! lol one can do 'adoptions (weddings)' the other can do "baptismals" into the religion... we can charge a package price if they want!!!

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Personally, I think it'd be a disaster waiting to happen... I seriously doubt it'd get beyond the whole "cult" thing before people got tired of being harassed and gave up on it... Plus, it would really throw a negative light on the community and would be the subject of many a Daily Show reference for decades to come... Religion is serious stuff, impacting what happens to one's soul after death... A cult started around diapers would most likely result in the damnation of everyone involved, like any other cult... I'd rather take the proverbial chainsaw to what links I do have to this community than have anything to do with such a cult...

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I could totally see Dr. Phil doing a special about that. I would die laughing.

"Some people, out there, truly believe that salvation comes from soiling themselves." Try saying that in a Southern accident. I did.

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I could totally see Dr. Phil doing a special about that. I would die laughing.

"Some people, out there, truly believe that salvation comes from soiling themselves." Try saying that in a Southern accident. I did.

LMAO! I did too...Well, Colonel Sanders DOES have a white suit...Think he wears a white diaper under it? :o

~ moogle

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Can we name the church, the "First church of the soggy diaper"?

Also can the "non-religion" religious people either contribute something constructive to the conversation or shut up? I'm tired of people preaching their stupid intolerance and psuedo-knowledge at everyone. They act more religious than the supposed religious people.

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To people who use religion to incite hate and reinforce their own beliefs, well I hope there actually is a hell for you.

Screw ABDL being a religion, there should be a website that helps ABs truly escape into sexual transcendence.


BOO YAH! well put.

As if this is getting negative responses. Once again- the post ratings and reputation ratings have gotta go!

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