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So Long Tony D

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About 20 years ago I discovered that there were others just like me who wore diapers. I stumbled on a group of people in the Compuserve Adult Sexuality Forum and a club that published a news letter and connected diaper wearers with others locally called Diaper Pail Friends.

I was approached by a couple of members, Don and Angela, to organize some monthly meets at a Sizzler in Norwalk which geographically was the center for SoCal ADBL's. We met there once a month and called the events Sizzles. People from as far South as San Diego would come for the day just to connect with other and this was the beginning of many long friendships.

One member, Tony D., actually lived around the corner from the Sizzler and invited that first day to his house were we could all take off our street clothes and wear our diapers freely with others. I remember he opened his long closet in his bed room where he had hanging on every hanger an adult baby top and matching plastic pants. Tony had his adult baby life very coordinated. I still have two snap crotch onsies that he gave me that Saturday afternoon almost 2 decades ago. Tony just loved to show everybody what a big baby he was. When it was time to go home that day he walked me out to my car wearing nothing but a thick diaper, plastic pants and a Gerbers Tee Shirt. “Never mind the neighbors, Mike, they all know I am a big baby,” he reassured me.

Tony wasn't in the best of heath, smoked like Humphrey Bogart and enjoyed his beer and wine. He eventually stopped drinking but by then the signs of his deteriorating health were obvious. Tony's health was already shaky and we have heard of his numerous visits to hospitals. The last time we saw him we was recovering from had heart surgery. He married a lovely lady, Mary, who became his mommy and wife and moved to Michigan. We didn't see much of Tony and Mary after that and about 5 years later he called me and told me he had diabetes. I forget whether it was before that call or after that he told us he had been diagnosed with MS.

All the time that I knew Tony he was fun loving, caring and worked hard to make life a little more fun and adventurous for those around him. I remember one day at a restaurant he told me quite loudly that for wetting my pants he was going take me home and put me in thick cloth diapers and pink plastic pants. “Pink plastic pants!”, became his mantra around me whenever we were together. I am 5 foot 6 and I towered over Tiny Tony and this was quite a scene. This little guy telling me what a pee pee pants I was in public. I remember a camping trip we took with a bunch of other ABDL's and all the way to the campsite Tony chanted “Pink plastic pants” to me telling me that I wearing them at our camp out.

The world seemed brighter with Tony D around and last Tuesday, two days after Easter, he passed away in the hospital and went home to be with the LORD.

Tony D will be missed by his friends, family and those in the world he touched.

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Tony D sounded like a great guy, and although I did not know him, good for him to be so supportive of the ABDL community. I am sorry to hear about his passing. I would love to meet ABDLs in the LA and San Diego area, maybe we can revive the sizzles in memory of Tony. Just a thought, but seriously, it is sad to see one of our community members pass on.

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It would be nice to have a gathering of people for Southern Calif again, and Norwalk is more of less in the middle, which makes it easier for anyone to access....any chance of that happening?

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Although I never met Tony D, I have talked to him on Compuserve. He was a gentleman, and will be sorely missed. May his energy live on, and I offer my sympathy and sincere condolences. May he rest in peace.

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So sorry to hear.

I briefly chatted with him and Mary on a diaper website chatroom that was moderated by a guy (can't remember his name, think it was Sam??) from California. The site was set up by a plastic pant manufacturer, myprotex I believe and he had taken all the photos posted on the site.

The site shutdown a few years ago, there is where I met quite a few real nice people within the AB/DL community.

It is always sad to hear of such people passing that you meet (online) along the way but never have the oppurtunity to meet in real life.

Hope life is better for him on the other side.

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I too new of Tony from the Compuserve site. As well as the DPF years. So sad to hear of his passing. If you get the chance please extend my and the others condolences from this site. My deepest sympathy to you and to his wife, Mary. I'm sorry we never got the chance to meet. Hang in there "Pink Plastic Pants" You are in our thoughts! :angel_not:

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SoCalAB wrote such a moving tribute to Tony D. Way back in early 1991, a few days after my first post appeared in the DPF newsletter, I received a very nice snail letter from Tony forwarded by DPF. When I replied to Tony I provided him with my PO box, to save him the forwarding expense. From then on I really enjoyed communication with Tony. He shared that because of his health problems he was on disability, yet he always was so positive.

Shortly after I met Don Davis I wrote to tell Tony all about that. Of course Tony already knew Don and made it clear he felt sure Don was an exceptional fellow. Even before Don and I were engaged one Saturday we had lunch with Tony at the Norwalk Sizzler, which 4 years later became the site for those SoCal DPF events we all called "Sizzles" until somebody in another region coined the term "Munchies"

By the time Tony moved south from Norwalk to Buena Park, the Sizzles had run out of energy. Tony had done a lot of the work organizing those events, but there were times his health was just not up to the task.

One day Don and I visited Tony while he was in a hospital. For many years before Tony got sick he had been a well-respected inhalation therapist. Clearly not only did he still know how hospital should be run, he was surrounded by a hospital staff that adored him. I mean, if you must be in a hospital, you might as well have some fun. In that hospital Tony did not try to hide his bright pink plastic panties.

Right now I am feeling very old. Probably when I met Tony he was about the same age I am currently, 45. Over the last several years the ABDL Community has lost far too many of the dynamic folks who generated energy. Kent Perry and Chris Taylor. Now Tony. Fortunately SoCalAB is healthy and strong, as are DailyDi and Repaid1.

Aloha, Tiny Tony. May the Good Lord hold you in the palm of his hand and the Devil lose your address.

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My deepest condolences to you and his wife... -_-

Sounds like there are more than enough great memories to remember Tony from. His described self esteem and strength inspire me and should inspire us all to be more accepting and understanding. Long live the memories of Pink Platic Pants!


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