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What Is The Difference............?


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personally I don't like baby things. the little in me feels older than that. I wear still just cause well.....thats how I roll.

but my type of toys are my 360, my laptop, Itouch....I still like to build forts and climb trees. I'm a child at heart

not so much a baby.

I don't necessarily need the diaps though. Sometimes I just have my binki or my stuffy. im cool with that.

I consider myself a little. Im sure those who know me personally would agree.

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Guest NaughtyAshes

I really think a lot of it has to do with self-definition. I consider myself an adult toddler, but I'm sure objectively i have some infant behaviors as well as some more proper 5-6 or even teenage girl behaviors. I believe most people are a mix.

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I consider myself an 'adult kid' (child) and, though I wear ( I am a D/L) I like toys and playing and just being a 'big kid' but have no attraction for 'baby stuff" like bottles and pacifiers, but I would like to have a stuffed bear at sometime. I have a few other animals that I like, but I need a bear to complete things I guess *shrug*

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I consider myself an 'adult kid' (child) and, though I wear ( I am a D/L) I like toys and playing and just being a 'big kid' but have no attraction for 'baby stuff" like bottles and pacifiers, but I would like to have a stuffed bear at sometime. I have a few other animals that I like, but I need a bear to complete things I guess *shrug*

I'm the same way. I wouldn't mind a stuffed animal or two.

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Well my age-play age is three and a half, but i still consider myself an AB, I do like drinking out of bottles and a few other things that a three year old should be outgrowing.

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i guess each to his own

but adult kids are just that, as a rule they feel over the age of about 5 or so will be starting in school, not in diapers all the time more often to find them in wet pants or dirty pants. and maybe diapers at nap time or on long trips.

they get busy playing and forget to run home and use the potty till to late. so pants have to do

many kids still have stuffed toys or animals that has nothing to do with just babies many younger kids still use a bottle or suck there thumb in bed or for a nap or use sippy cups

i like riding my bike or playing in forts or hunting dragon in the back yard

i have never felt like a baby

i have always felt like i was 8 to 10 years old just my toys are whay faster then a reg 8 years are

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AB are very small and are looking for others to tke care of thgem and treat them like a baby they want to be fed changed put n play pens sleep in cribs and very thing that goes along with being a baby

AK adult kids or adult children are looking for something else at least I always have,

we like the freedom to go away from home for a longer distance we can play with others and even have sleep overs [but not when i was a child would have never happened in my home]

yes we may have to be in diapers for shopping or trips and yes we may give them a bad time over being diapered but that is sort of the fun of it too

we may be sent to the corner for break some kid of silly rule and get mad at them and tell them we need to go potty knowing full well what they are going to say as we start to force our self as stand there and use your pants. just to get even think of there face as they come to take you to the potty and find out it is already to late youhave a full load in your training pants and a small wet spot n the front as the take you by the ear and head to the shower yes you know it was wrong but even is even.

yes you know that it will mean a diaper for the rest of the day

or you may be playing outisde with a friend and you can tell there is something wrong with them but how the are wiggleing as you watch you get really brave and take a guess and tell them just to go potty or even worst you double dog dare them to wet them self

maybe they say they will if you do it too so you both head off to the tress house

my be you are playng house with the girl next dog and you are in the fort and you stopped at safe way and bought a buck of the .09 sodas for the fort

as you play and drink the pops and eat the junk food you know you need to go home but do not want to leave then after luch you put the kids [dolls] down for a nap


then you both decide to take a nap too but mommy and daddy do not sleep with clothes on so you both take off you outside pants then you see you both have training type pants on as you lay down on the floor for a nap soon you are both asleep then one of you jumps up and starts to cry as you see them wet them them self juat as you can not take it any longer and stand there in front of them flooding your pants too as you both lay back down and talk

or haveto spend the weekend at a friends house as it was arranged buy your mothers and ryou really do not want to do it you even play sick that day but get sent to school any way with a note to take the bus to there house and walk from there.

granted you were diapers to school but you do not want oyour friend to know you still are a baby in sone ways and you do not want them to know you pee the bed at night always

as you both seem unhappy the day drags on till you have to go to there house as you get off the bus your friend stops and just stands there for a few like he is looking for something on the street then you start walking to his house and he runns in and tells his mother something then she tell you to go watch tv as she help him clean his room really fast and a few mins later he is back then she tell you to bring your stuff to the other room so she can check it as you walk to the room very afraid she will find you you are wet.

she tell you your mother told her she had to check you and make sure you did not pee your self like a baby as you strat to cry an little she say it is ok as she help you off with your pants and in to a dry diapers then send you out to play for awhile. as she is getting dinner ready

soon you get called in for dinner and have hot dogs and chili then she send you both to wash up then she send yopu both into his bed room to get ready for the movies saying she will be in right away

soon she walks into the room with diapers in her hand as her son starts to cry very loud she looks at him and tell him to stop it of he will go to the corner, then she say ok time to get this BS over with as she looks at both of us and flat tells us that is is ok we both need diapers as we oth turn red in the face

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  • 3 months later...

That was a cool story rickibrat2! To me the difference has to do with the age when children are expected to be toilet-trained, or at least are expected to be trying to use the bathroom, "like a big kid". As someone who grew up in diapers in RL, for medical/disability-related reasons.

I'm much more into playing a kid that needs diapers, but who would be toilet-trained were it not for the disability.

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  • 1 year later...

If I were a baby--

I would not be aware of myself as a girl

There would be no difference to me between plushies and dollies

I would not mind being put in rubber panties or sleeping on a rubber sheet

Fairies and all the pretty images like scallop shells would not mean anything to me

Tiaras would mean nothning to me

As a little girl, I find short dresses and babydolls unpleasant because they are easily lifted and my rubber panties can be felt by others. A baby would not mind this

To be a baby, I would be under 4 years old, by 4-1/2 you are pretty well formed

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In the heyday of DPF AB subsumed several categories

Infant, toddler, pre-schooler, grade-schooler, little boy, little girl, and sometimes they tried to include junior high and high school

The key uniting element that brought it under the purview of DPF was the use of diapers.. It was understookd for the Pre-Schooler and up, that this was out of place as it mirrored the real world and if a 4 o4 5 year old and older was in diapers, something was out of place. It must also be understood that to the 5 year old bedwetter, this was not a lifestyle choice so it was not a "guilty pleasure" and it was totally un-boyish, either girlish or sissyish and any normal boy over 4 who exhibited girlish characteristics or who did not exhibit a fairly full set of boyish traits, and usually the latter more than the former was in danger of being perceived as sissy or sissified. Sissy was defined more by the lack of something rather than the presence of something. Whereas a 7 year old boy without a nearly full complement of traits was called a "sissy", that same boy, at 10-14 would be called a "fairyhopper" by his mates; a term derived from "fairy" and "grasshopper" and implying little-ness. Even an ordinary boy who was just being a bit timid over something would be told "Aw. c'mon; don't be a fairyhopper" or "What a little fairyhopper" or "what a big fairyhopper"

Anyway, in the DPF classification AB subsumed Adult Kid

During the 1980's there had been extensive study of infantilism in history, whereas Diaper Lover was very new and since there seemed to be no "back story", or, the taste was usually acquired in single-digit age, not well understood apart from early childhood, diapers and rubber panties were just about one-for-one identified as infantile. Even at DD the progress is from a nursery, to infant, toddler, bedwetter, etc

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My little kid side is about 4. Just old enough to figure out things for myself, but doesn't want to stop wearing diapers. This is the age when I wanted diapers back in real life. I like sippie cups, but not bottles. I have my binki and stuffed bear. Like doing little kid things like coloring and watchin cartoons.

AB's I think enjoy the more simple toys. Things that make noise and are colorful. They need more help with things such as feeding.

Everyone has there ways that's for sure :)

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  • 1 month later...

adult kids tend to play at age 4 or 5 or older and their age play dosen't involve diapers usually, but their can be acceptions.

some ak's may wear pull ups or some other trainer or bedwetter pants or just childish undies.

they may just enjoy playing like kids or coloring pictures etc.

ab's or adult toddlers are usually age play from new born to age 3 or 4 and usually wear diapers or training pants

and usually act more like babies or toddlers.

playing with baby or toddler toys, sucking on a pacifier or their thumb, drinking out of baby bottles or toddler cups and other babyish or toddlerish behavior.

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In the DPF model Adult kid was subsumed under "AB". It could be generallly considered as

Baby birth to 2

Toddler 2 to 4

Pre-schooler 4 to 6

Grade Schooler 6 to 14 althought sometimes at 11 it would swich to Middle Schooler or at 12-15 Jonior High

When I was little 5 years old could still be considered diaper age in the case of bedwetting and for little girls under certain circumstances like long trips or for long periods (2 hrs or more) if they were going to be part of a group at someone's house to avoid constant use of the bathroom and flushing, this being shortly after the Depression). I knew a few girls at age 5 who were diapered as a matter of course and in my nursery school when I was about 4-1/2, several of my calssmates wore rubber panties as a matter of precaution over, under or instead of regular underwear (I did not see this but I heard about it) and a couple were still in diapers. and sometime back, Sesame street, aimed at pre- and early grade schoolers did a thing about diapers. So diapers were at least a minor part of a pre-schoolers world and it is estimated that 20% of children up to age 7 wet the bed according to a report read by Dr. Dean Edell

Aside frome the DPF model. there are points at which differences in personality occur. speaking for myslef, I can remember having a more functional sense of myself starting sometime after I turned four and becoming much stronger at 5. Observationally, 5 year olds are "together" in a way that just does not occur before about 4-1/2 and it was at about 5 that I identified certain attractions and feelings as "for girls" and that I must be some part girl (which did not offend me as I liked girls and for the most part, they liked me) This matches with developmental psychology as I understand it so I would say that the DPF model is at least in the ballpark and pretty much on target, but then Tommy and Co. did quite a bit of psychological reading.

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For me I'm an AK but play AB mostly. At around age 10 punished; for accidents in pants; by being treated as a baby. Potty off-limits; diapers & plastic pants 24/7; I can walk & talk & play but I'm feed & changed; maybe a bottle for naps. Around home & sometimes in the car "no pants" over my diapers they must be seen by others. :blush:

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My turn! My age play age varies a bit depending on my mood. It is more of a range than a precise value, but in general I am usually between 8-12 years old. I'm still in diapers at night and sometimes in the day too (Or diaper analogs like trainers, pull ups, or big boy underwear that inevitably gets wet). Otherwise I am a normal kid who does the same kinds of things a kid his age would do. Now my little self kind of likes to be treated like he's younger than he is, like maybe getting a sippy cup, or knowing his diaper isn't really hidden under his pajamas, or even something like wearing a pocket bib at dinner, but that's his secret he doesn't want any of his friends to know and he tries to keep the fact that he likes that from Mom and Dad. I also like being diapered around other 'kids' who who might tease me a bit, but only a little. But like Rickibrat2 said I am also into independence and being a big kid too - the inner conflict of feeling like a baby beucase of pants wetting vs feeling like you are growing up is cool - I think these desires for me are all attributable to erotic humiliation in various scenarios.

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My age too is really a range from 4-3/4 to about 5-1/2 so most play ages are, the number given is sort of a center point otherwise you get into separating the flyspecks from the pepper syndrome and it just gets worse and worse as you try to catalog interests wih age fragments

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