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First Offence

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Went to see Dear John tonight with my GF. I wasnt a fan, so after the movie i felt like i needed to build up my testoisterone or somthing and decided to do doughnuts in the parking lot. Of Course i didnt notice the 2 police cars RIGHT BEHIND ME!!! long story short my court date is in march and i hace no idea what to expect or to do since i havent even got a speeding ticket, im totally freaking out here. HOw much will the fine be i dont think ill go to jail, but what if i cant pay? PLZ send your advice!!! Also if you feal like it write about your first encounter with the police -Hoopz

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PLZ is spelled "please." Spell check is your friend.

Speeding ticket fines vary, but it's a good idea to pay it; in some states, you can wipe the ticket off your record by attending driving school (PSST! They have online driving schools so you don't have to physically attend one!).

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I guess laws vary state to state. But in my area, the police couldn't ticket you in a parking lot as it is private property. That does change for say a DUI though. I'm wondering what they got you with..Failure to control? Reckless Operation? The later is a pretty stiff penalty carrying 4 or more points on your license. Probably a pretty hefty fine as well. I would imagine around $300 plus by the time you get out of court.

A few things are in your favor, your driving record thus far is a plus. What you were doing and where you did it at might be another. What was the weather conditions? Was it a empty section of a parking lot or congested? The prosecutor will come out to talk to you prior to your hearing with the judge. He might reduce the charges or perhaps even drop them and you just end up paying court cost.

Finally whatever the outcome they will usually give you a grace period of around 60 days sometimes more to pay any fine. Sometimes they make you pay at least the court costs on that day. Sometimes not, depends on your Judge. Best of luck to you though. Let's not forget that your insurance may go up as well, so let's leave the stunt driving to the pro's there huh? :thumbsup:

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If you're not smart enough to look around for cops before trying something like this there may not be any helping you :o The first "rule of life" is situational awareness: knowing who and what is around you at all times B) The difference between "cool" and "fool" is very slight and mainly relates to who gets away with what they're doing ;) Until you know what the charges are you can't plan your next move, but if it's anything criminal get a lawyer because that kind of conviction will stick with you and can impair the rest of your life :(


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Look first!!! Have fun Second!!

Just go to court, sometimes if you just show up they reduce the points. ALL they want is your money, so pay up sucker. That's all they want. Oh and don't forget court fee's, they are going to make you pay those too. It all comes down to money, nobody really cares what you do, it's what they can charge you with, and yes that's a pun on $$$.

Don't kill anyone or rape and mostly the courts just want money. They will even lower the points so your insurance doesn't go up just to get more money out of you.

"The difference between "cool" and "fool" is very slight and mainly relates to who gets away with what"

Totally great quote!!!!!!

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It was a Movie theatre parking lot that was iced over, so ill probly get a reckless. im over in VA so conditions are not that great since all the snow. My court date is march 3rd i might update not sure yet.

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It was a Movie theatre parking lot that was iced over, so ill probly get a reckless. im over in VA so conditions are not that great since all the snow. My court date is march 3rd i might update not sure yet.

The cop had no jurisdiction in that parking lot, unless he can prove that the owner complained prior to you doing it. The parking lot was private property. The ticket will say on it why you are getting a summons. Go talk to the prosecutor for the county it happened in and contest it prior to the court date. With no prior convictions and the cop being out of jurisdiction, they will either toss it or cut you a deal.

FYI reckless driving is misdemeanor and will carry a suspension and probably some jail time. Ask me how I know.

[rant] Don't just roll over and take a BS ticket. I don't know of a single male who hasn't done donuts in a parking lot. Hell I'm gonna go do some tonight. So that cop was all jacked up on power, and took it out on you. So don't hesitate to push back and use the system to protect you like it should. [/rant]

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Doing donuts isn't really speeding, it's wreckless driving. Depending on your surroundings, you might also get fined for disturbing the peace.

Doing stunts in cars is fun, but be careful when and where you do them. I'm loving the snow because I can slide around turns, but if there's a cop around, I drive like a normal, upright citizen. The fun stuff is for when "they" are not watching. Remember, it's only illegal if you're caught :ninja:

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Guest MunchKitten

doughnuts in IL is considered squeeling tires and reckless driving.

Here's a breakdown of court costs for traffic tickets here:

Clerk Processing fee (Credit card) - 5.00

Circuit Clerk Fee - 10.00

Court Automation Fee - 15.00

Court Document Fee - 15.00

Mental Health Court Fee (WTF #1) 10.00

Court Fee - 5.00

Court Security Fee - 25.00

Police Vehicle Fee - Crystal Lake (for a cop that wasn't even there) 25.00

Child Advocacy Center (WTF #2) 13.00

PTF10 TR/CR surcharge - 20.00

Fine 50

traffic school- 60

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ill probly get a reckless

There should be no `probably` about it. Have you actually read the ticket or the court summons? That will tell you exactly what you have been cited for or charged with.

Think carefully and realistically about your ability to outwit a cop in court before you decide to contest it. If you do contest it and lose, expect a bigger fine.

Whatever the outcome, I guess you`ll have learned "Driving in the USA 101" the hard way: Watch for cops, they hide! And when there`s one behind you, drive like you did during your road test!

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doughnuts in IL is considered squeeling tires and reckless driving.

Here's a breakdown of court costs for traffic tickets here:

Clerk Processing fee (Credit card) - 5.00

Circuit Clerk Fee - 10.00

Court Automation Fee - 15.00

Court Document Fee - 15.00

Mental Health Court Fee (WTF #1) 10.00

Court Fee - 5.00

Court Security Fee - 25.00

Police Vehicle Fee - Crystal Lake (for a cop that wasn't even there) 25.00

Child Advocacy Center (WTF #2) 13.00

PTF10 TR/CR surcharge - 20.00

Fine 50

traffic school- 60

$253 total. :P:):drive1:

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Guest Katharsys

Okay, my two cents worth:

If this is your first ticket, and you don't want to fight it (though, in some cases that may be the better idea - but not maybe this one) you can request what is known here in the state of IL as supervision (don't know that you call it in your state).

This will require that you attend a defensive driving course, but the end result is that at the end of the supervision, the ticket will not count against your record.

The case will still be there, and visible to anyone who is looking for it, but people like your insurance company, are banned from holding it against you since it is no longer a guilty verdict.

Side note: IANAL, so you may wish to consult with an attorney for further information, or seek out a local law library for self-help materials. However, since they caught you red-handed doing donuts in the parking lot, most likely it was caught on the dash cam - trying to fight it is pointless, and your best bet is damage control and mitigation.

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in California that is an exhibition of speed ticket, my first offense cost me 150 bucks. I was 16. Take the fine, take the slap on the wrist, then go to driving class to keep the points off your record. Finally, don't do it again in front of some cops!

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