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Messing In Them?


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I find the easiest way is like what duck said, apples, salads, natural laxative type stuff. Most laxatives sold in stores don't necessarily make you go right away, they are more like stool softeners that make it easier to go. After you start to get the feeling I would suggest going into the bathroom because at least you will be in there and you will be more prone to being able to go.

Lastly, I would get in a squat like position, I personally find it is easier to do it in that position and really that is the way people are supposed to have a BM based on the human anatomy. It is just easier.

You'll get it soon enough, best of luck to you.

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I have always wanted to mess in my diapers but I can't seem to relax enough? Its easy for me to wet but not mess. Any advice?

Well IU still haven't quite got comfortable enough to release a full load, I just held it in until it hurt to do so, then it was rather easy to give a little push. Take things slowly and if you like that sort of thing then it will be easier to do each time.

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I have always wanted to mess in my diapers but I can't seem to relax enough? Its easy for me to wet but not mess. Any advice?

here is my advise. i am a new cummer so i don`t have a lot of experience but that is my way to do it. sounds radical but it work.buy some suppository and get 2 or 3 of them where you know. within 5 or 10 minutes your body will ask for it. the longer you wait, the harder it will get to hold it so the easier it will also getfor you to mess in your diaper. don`t feel guilty to try it.i am doing it for years so...

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Duck couldn't be more right. It took me a while to just simply get used to messing in diapers. I'm a very healthy eater due to the bodybuilder lifestyle that I live. Foods like oats, whole wheat bread, berries (including strawberries and blueberries), almonds, beans, spinach and other leafy starchy greens do it for me every time. Although its a quick way to do it enemas and suppositories should really only be used once in a while because you can actually damage your sphincter muscles and then you'll really need to wear diapers. Stick to the healthier way of doing it. Yes you'll be dropping big messes in no time but, long-term its not a bad idea either health-wise.

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Hope you enjoyed it diapergirl77. It took me some time also to want to do that also - now, i can't wait for the next one to fill me up. giggles - even feel like one now soon. I have a couple days off work this week and next, so really enjoying wearing my diapers. Take care and enjoy! biggrin.gif

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Hope you enjoyed it diapergirl77. It took me some time also to want to do that also - now, i can't wait for the next one to fill me up. giggles - even feel like one now soon. I have a couple days off work this week and next, so really enjoying wearing my diapers. Take care and enjoy! biggrin.gif

i finally bought wipes so i may have at it tomorrow morning when the house is to myself and before i shower.

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How good did it feel? I like to mess in my diapers too and then play in them giggle I hope you had a good time and remember it all washes off too!

I did it! I waited all day to do it. I sat up on my knees and let it out!

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I have always wanted to mess in my diapers but I can't seem to relax enough? Its easy for me to wet but not mess. Any advice?

the first few times for me i had to wait until i couldn't hold it.it comes out eventually on its own.i'm guessing i had to get by that your not suposed to poo your pants thing.but it will get easy after awhile

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