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Where To Find Incontinent Woman?

Guest diaperguy68

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Guest diaperguy68

I tried looking for an incontinent dating web site but couldn't find any....

I know that the many of them look down on us AB/DLers, but if I was an incontinent, I would want somebody who actually has an attraction for diapers and that lifestyle.

how can we advertise ourselves? do you think the newspaper would accept a full page ad that says "looking for incontinent females" or "man with diaper fetish seeks partner" ?

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not to crap on your idea, but i think your on the wrong track...

Searching for an incontinent mate does not mean that your going to find someone with a diaper fetish, heck im sure 99% of the incontinent people that wear diapers do it because they have no other choice.

Lots of fetish dating sites out there. Sure the selection is small, but thats life!

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not to crap on your idea, but i think your on the wrong track...

Searching for an incontinent mate does not mean that your going to find someone with a diaper fetish, heck im sure 99% of the incontinent people that wear diapers do it because they have no other choice.

Lots of fetish dating sites out there. Sure the selection is small, but thats life!

YKDave is right :thumbsup: We really have only two main choices in finding a mate :huh: We either seek someone who is otherwise "the right one" and hope they'll accept us when we know that it's time to tell them and give them the choice of leaving or going on separately- or we can seek someone who accepts this part of us and hope that the rest will eventually work out B)

Neither way is guaranteed to work or even leave our own life in good condition should the effort fail but what else can you do? Take it from someone who is still without a mate and probably will be for the rest of my life- if you can't stand to live alone then you have to take the risk of a loss to make the gain you need, and if you persist long enough you're bound to succeed sooner or later :D If you're lucky you'll not have any really negative experiences on the way to success. If you're not that lucky you just deal with it as best you can and go on ahead anyway- persistence succeeds!


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I think it be pretty insulting to the woman that you're only with her because she has to wear diapers and you are turned on by them and the fact you have a diaper fetish.

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I think it be pretty insulting to the woman that you're only with her because she has to wear diapers and you are turned on by them and the fact you have a diaper fetish.

There are quite a few incontinent people who are dl's as well. How would this be any different from searching out a potential mate who likes to go hiking, or motorcycle riding, or any other shared interest?

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There are quite a few incontinent people who are dl's as well. How would this be any different from searching out a potential mate who likes to go hiking, or motorcycle riding, or any other shared interest?

Because if that was the OP's intent, they'd be posting a profile on Diaperspace or something, not looking for specifically incontinent people to date. It strikes me as creepy.

And because if you meet someone who shares your interest in hiking, bike riding, etc, the normal response would be 'Cool, me too!' Something tells me that wouldn't be the response the vast majority of incontinent women when told by their new date that they wear diapers for pleasure and fun and that they sought her out because they 'have something in common'.

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There are quite a few incontinent people who are dl's as well. How would this be any different from searching out a potential mate who likes to go hiking, or motorcycle riding, or any other shared interest?

I was talking about the women who are not into this stuff. Lot of them aren't actually. It just seems creepy going after a woman all because she wears diapers than just going out with her to get to know her more and see if she is right and if you two have anything in common.

Diapers are sexual, motorcycles are not nor other non sexual interests.

I'm not sure how I would feel tbh if some man was dating me and then I found out it was due to my incontinence. I'm not incontinent of course but I knew one other man I blocked online in my area because he was too icky. He wouldn't stop the sexual talk and talking about having me change him and stuff and he knew I was already taken. I think diapers was all he was after and that was all he could ever think of about me. He also wanted sex.

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Oh motorcycles can be sexual!!!! LOL i was only playing the devils advocate, i agree with your stance but thought it may be good to reinforce the reason for the creepy aura to this topic.

I think its best to feed a mutual kink through the appropriate kink channels.

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how can we advertise ourselves? do you think the newspaper would accept a full page ad that says "looking for incontinent females" or "man with diaper fetish seeks partner" ?

dude you should totally submit it and see what they say!



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dude you should totally submit it and see what they say!



I actually agree. If a woman wants to meet a guy who will accept her medical condition and then she sees an ad by a man who is looking for a incontinent woman. She could always respond to the add and see where things go. She be choosing to come to to guy.

But sadly lot of them are so negative I hear and think people with a diaper fetish are perverts. They even think other incontinent people are perverts when they meet someone who accepts their condition or when they learned to deal with it and it doesn't bother them anymore or they deal with it by being a AB, especially if they learn to like their diapers and become a DL. They even think the incontinent person is a pervert when they allow someone to change their diapers. It's as if in the community you have to be miserable about your problem and don't ever cope with it and be alone for the rest of your life.

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I see this as trying to put a positive spin on all the rejection we get for choosing to wear diapers and for the reasons we make that choice. There is a lot of loneliness in this community and it's human nature to want to find a significant other that fully accepts you. Been there, done that.

My experience was that unless your partner also enjoys wearing diapers, they will never really understand why you do. Sure, you can find someone who loves you for who you are and is willing to accept or even play with you and your diapers, but they won't get it. They won't know what to do when or what you are feeling.

Not a lot of us and there are undesirable types on both sides of the aisle. Worse yet, the demographics are totally unbalanced. The basics are the same for us as any other group. You have to have a relationship that is nurturing and supportive as well as satisfying. Your relationship can't be just about diapers because your life isn't just about diapers.

Good luck my freind and please let everyone know what you discover.


Honu and BabyMaggie

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The OPs concept is sound, but his thinking is a bit over the top. Yes, looking for a incontinent person as a life mate may be a little crude, but - I pre apologize if this offends, but it is not my intention to offend - a hard of hearing person relates better to another hard of hearing person, a blind person relates better to another blind person etc. This is not by choice, but by life experience. A certain abled person is usually in social situations with others of similar ability, (education etc) and it is by familiarity that social attraction is created. However, since incontinence and diaper wearing / usage is such a private thing, and not usually openly discussed in a common social setting, searching for a person with that ability in a nursing home or hospital may seem a little crude, but with that and the internet being the only source for people with that ability, the coarseness seems a matter of social necessity.

Again, I sincerely apologize to all who may feel offended by some or all of the terminology I used within this reply. In is not my intention to disrespect or insult anyone.

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why can't they be both sexual and a lifestyle? Why is there always an either or mentality?

This :X

Sexual side, well theres the power play, being naughty, humiliation

non sexual side, teddies, snuggles and cuddles and playing.

For me its both, and I like both.

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  • 4 weeks later...

IMO seeking out a woman based solely on some dimension of sexual attraction that she may or may not appreciate is a recipe for failure.

You would be more successful being happy if you either looked for other fetishists on diaperspace or actually tried to find a compatible woman who you think has the same appetite for sexual hijinx you also have.

If I was incontinent and the only reason someone was interested in me was because of that, I would not respond well AT ALL. It would be insulting and hurtful.

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This :X

Sexual side, well theres the power play, being naughty, humiliation

non sexual side, teddies, snuggles and cuddles and playing.

For me its both, and I like both.

Thank you, I always get annoyed that there seems to be this forced distinction between the two. I like both.

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