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Stupid Baby!

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I spent almost $500 on a new Quad-core chip for my Alien. Been using it for a few weeks now and have been very disappointed in the performance... didn't seem any faster than the dual core it had before.

Today it finally hit me: "Did you enable the new cores in the MB Bios? No you didn't, stupid baby!"

Just jumped from a 5.5 performance score, to 6.9 lol.

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I got this computer in february. It has quad core 2.3 gig processors. And 4 gigs RAM. On my old computer i lagged quite a bit on my game. And when loading from one area-planet of game to another it would take 2-5 mins, now it takes less than 15 seconds. I LOVE IT, no lag either.

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I spent almost $500 on a new Quad-core chip for my Alien.

Usually it's cheaper to just buy the hardware and put it together. Not that I have much experience in that, seeing as I'm only just saving up for a computer I bought. (The others were hand-me-downs)

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I spent almost $500 on a new Quad-core chip for my Alien. Been using it for a few weeks now and have been very disappointed in the performance... didn't seem any faster than the dual core it had before.

Today it finally hit me: "Did you enable the new cores in the MB Bios? No you didn't, stupid baby!"

Just jumped from a 5.5 performance score, to 6.9 lol.

Lol, awesome. :roflmao:

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I spent almost $500 on a new Quad-core chip for my Alien. Been using it for a few weeks now and have been very disappointed in the performance... didn't seem any faster than the dual core it had before.

Today it finally hit me: "Did you enable the new cores in the MB Bios? No you didn't, stupid baby!"

Just jumped from a 5.5 performance score, to 6.9 lol.

Are you one of the people that phone up Customer Support complaining that your computer doesn't work, nothing on the screen, and when asked to check to see if the computer is plugged in, you answer that you can't see cause the electric is off due to a local power cut? :P

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I spent almost $500 on a new Quad-core chip for my Alien. Been using it for a few weeks now and have been very disappointed in the performance... didn't seem any faster than the dual core it had before.

Today it finally hit me: "Did you enable the new cores in the MB Bios? No you didn't, stupid baby!"

Just jumped from a 5.5 performance score, to 6.9 lol.

Nice I have the phenom II black edition in my desktop. All I need to get it up and running is the 28" Hanns G monitor from newegg, 4-8 gigs of corsair RAM, and Windows 7 Ultimate, which I will be purchasing tomorrow, or tonight at midnight if walmart has it.

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Nice I have the phenom II black edition in my desktop. All I need to get it up and running is the 28" Hanns G monitor from newegg, 4-8 gigs of corsair RAM, and Windows 7 Ultimate, which I will be purchasing tomorrow, or tonight at midnight if walmart has it.

I can't believe there is a person on this earth who's chomping at the bit to buy a MS product (at midnight at a WALMART store let alone)

Every MS product I've owned thus far has been like wearing UNDERWEAR. I don't see windows 7 being that much better. Besides, most of the eye candy features are things I've had since Jaguar.

I have Windows 7 public beta in Parallels and I wasn't too impressed.

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I'm with diaperboyMKE. I have an iMac and a Macbook Air, and they serve me just fine.

Many Mac people would dislike me though, because I have an XBox 360 for gaming, so I'm a bit of a silicon traitor.

babykieff - Funny story, the tech support guy had to come to the Emergency Department today for a printer not working. A room full of paramedics couldn't figure out that the printer was unplugged. I got there after the fact, and had a good laugh with the support guy, having worked in tech support in the past. :)

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I can't believe there is a person on this earth who's chomping at the bit to buy a MS product (at midnight at a WALMART store let alone)

Every MS product I've owned thus far has been like wearing UNDERWEAR. I don't see windows 7 being that much better. Besides, most of the eye candy features are things I've had since Jaguar.

I have Windows 7 public beta in Parallels and I wasn't too impressed.

I can't believe it when people in turtle neck sweaters lining up to buy the latest fad from apple :/. (In-fact I can't believe it when anyone lines up at midnight for anything)

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I can't believe it when people in turtle neck sweaters lining up to buy the latest fad from apple :/. (In-fact I can't believe it when anyone lines up at midnight for anything)

I tend to agree. I can wait until the next day, or even the next weekend usually for any product launch, no matter that it's going to make my life simpler, more organized, balance my checkbook, walk my dog, etc.

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*giggle* at DD. :) Stupid mistakes happen. :D Like in the old days of having to put in command lines in the autoexec.bat and config.sys. I spent all day trying to figure out why this network card worked in one computer, but not another. I found out later I had mistaken an O "Ohh" & 0 (zero).

And I'm not lining up at midnight for anything. Don't care how much I want it. :)

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