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Guest Katharsys

^ plays Adventure Quest from time to time online, but is a big fan of Sid Meier's games (Civilization, Pirates!)

< Has now been up for almost 48 hours on only 4 hours of sleep....needs more coffee :D

v If you could only have one movie or book to keep you occupied for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

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^ Wow, thats a tough question. I'll answer it gladly, but I'd like to mention that sometimes even bad things bring about good things. But storm clouds bring the rain for the pretty flowers to grow :P. Two people have changed my life dramatically...the first person i was in a relationship with taught me to be strong and sincere. The second person I was ever in a relationship with taught me to broaden my horizons and not be afraid to speak my mind, oh and to keep on even when things are tough. Both mark pretty significant events in my life I think :)

< Feeling introspective as I rest my feet and read the boards.

v What annoys you the most?

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^ At work, I'm on the computer at least 5 hours a day. That means at home I'm not usually on it.

> Listening to Pandora radio on one computer while catching up on DD reading on another one.

V Will you be having a big Christmas dinner, going out for a meal, or just eating all day?

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Guest Katharsys

^ Is just having a quiet dinner of baked pork-chops for xmas

< Thinks I may just end up going to the office on Tuesday

v Have you ever decided it is just easier to go out for dinner on a holiday instead of cooking one?

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^ Being the quiet, reserved, and to myself type of person that I am, I never have large groups of people over during any holiday, so I guess I'm exempt from having to cook meals of any sort. But I suppose that if I ever did have guests over (such as a large group of Daily Diapers members!) whom I'd like to wine and dine, I most likely would take them to a restaurant, as I simply don't have the equipment, utensils, space, and above all, the cooking skills requisite for preparing a meal worthy of eating.

< Waiting for the morning rain to clear off before I go out and run some miles.

V Watermelon is a fruit many people enjoy. I, on the other hand, cannot stand it...it's texture makes me gag if I try consuming it. Name a common food, generally enjoyed by most, that for whatever reason, you do not like/will not eat.

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^ my new year's resolution is not not have a new years resolution, since I'm not good at working under the pressure of "I resolve to do/not do ___"

< Sweating my butt off cause the heat was on too long and thinking about getting a bottle of milk, while waiting for Dady to come online.

V What is the strangest dream you've ever had, and do you think it meant anything?

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^most my dreams are about being in school and i think i mite be trying to work out the pain from when i was a kid but i'm not sure there realy wird ones.

<geting ready for work and reading the boards

vDo you talk to any other DL or AB in the real world not on the computer?

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^ No. I don't know anybody (nor have I ever met anyone) outside of the realm of the Internet who is into the AB/DL scene.

< Feeling the effects, in my body, of the caffeine from the Coca-Cola I'm drinking. Kinda lame this AM...might have take a No-Doz tablet to wake up today.

V Johnson's Baby Lotion is on sale at CVS this week. Even though I certainly don't need another bottle of it for my vastly large inventory of various brands of baby lotions, powders, and oils, I'm going to buy a bottle of Johnson's anyway. I just love a good sale on Johnson's. Of all the diaper/baby related items you might possess, like me, what is one item that you really don't need to add to your personal inventory of baby/diaper paraphanalia...but you probably will anyway at some point in the future?

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^ watch a movie or go back to whatever i was doing

< killing time before i have to go to work

v whats ur favorite thing to do when killing time?

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^ If I have to kill time, like when I'm killing it waiting for a plane, or while on a 16 hour NYC-Hong Kong flight, I'll usually do crossword puzzles (New York Times and Boston Globe crosswords) or sudoku puzzles. If I'm in an airport terminal and WiFi is available, I'll surf the Web.

< Just back from a nice and easy 8 mile run. Got to run in shorts today...it was unseasonably mild here today. Will be even warmer tomorrow.

V After a long week of work or school, many like to sleep-in late on the weekends. That is, of course, if they have no other obligations to tend to on the weekend. If you are among those who do sleep in when the opportunity avails itself to you, how long do you typically sleep-in, relative to your normal sleeping cycle?

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^ I'm notorious for having a wacked out sleeping cycle during the week...it only gets all that much worse on the weekends lol. I'm a self proclaimed nightowl so if I do sleep i tend to do it at weird hours. I like staying up late going to sleep at 4/5am or so.

< losing herself in the music and dreading going to work

v Have you ever checked out a member of the same sex? (yeah i'm running outta questions if you can't tell...lol)

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^ The 4th of July. I love all the parades, parties, fireworks, and the fact that the 4th is in mid-summer. It seems like all of the USA is in a party mode during the 4th.

< Feeling loopy. I had to take some Fioricet this morning to wipe-out the lingering migraine headache which hit me like a bolt of lightening last night about 6:30. So far, the Fioricet is working and I'm feeling really REALLY fine! ;)

V Speaking of highness, what's the highest elevated observation point (on earth) you have ever visited, be it a naturally high vista, such as Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, or say, the observation deck atop Chicago's Sears Tower?

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^ Probably camping in the mountains in Pennsylvania

> Trying to catch up on D.D. reading because it has been a busy week.

V If you had the opportunity to travel to outer space, would you go?

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^Yes it been my dream all my life. my mom and dad got me waching star trek at a young age and i was draming about going to space and being the first one to go to mars.

<Reading the boards

vIf you could get a pic of anyone you wanted wearing a diaper who would you pick and what would you do with it?

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