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Momma Rosie

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^ I hope this doesn't make me sound like an unemotional guy, but I've never cried over a movie. I'd have to say the closest I would ever come to crying over a movie, on a continual basis, would be over the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". I don't cry when I see it, which I do every year at Christmas, but I do feel some deep emotions, that, if I were the crying type, this movie would bring tears to my eyes.

< Going to see if I can run today. Two things against me at the moment: Thunderstorms in the area and the cold I've been fighting.

V Where do you like to sit in a theatre while watching a movie? Very back rows? Middle center? Up front? Side rows?

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^ No blankey or toy. But my cat does join me frequently, especially during cooler evenings.

< Going to go out and run, cold or no cold. I really, REALLY need to get my endorphine fix in short time here.

V Name an item you were lucky enough (if ever) to have purchased at a reasonable, fair-market price, (Example, among many: Tickets to a concert or sporting event) that for reasons unseen to anybody, resulted in its value appreciating to a level you or anyone else could not have possibly predicted.

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^ Can think off only time thats happened, normally on the other end wanting something thats sold out :( I ordered 3 Xbox 360 when they first came out, come christmas they sold out everywhere. I told someone at work I would sell one for 4 times what I paid, the next day I had the cash :)

> Been playing outside on a farm today, got to feed all the animals and go in all the tractors :)

V What was the last gift you recieved ??

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^ Checkers and Pogo. That is, when I could watch it. I grew up in an area that had no television reception during my early childhood years.

< Getting ready to take out the trash and recyclables.

V Name a movie or TV series you've seen that everybody seems to love and adore, yet for whatever reason(s), you are not so enthalled with.

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^ That would have to be any reality TV Shows, I cant stand watching them but they seem very popular.

> Been stressed and amazingly happy today :) 2 hours with accountant and 40 mins prancing about in a tutu. Now Im chilling out throwing away cds.

V How many times have you moved house so far ??

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^ I have some very powerful "mommy" instincts when it comes to taking car of children, although part of me needs to be a "baby" sometimes. (Can I choose those two?)

> Getting ready to take advantage of a beautiful day and wash and wax the car.

V At what age do you plan to retire from your job?

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^ I've retired from one job already - taught school for 33 years. I'll probably stay in this job at least til I'm 65 - maybe longer if I still enjoy it.

> Waiting for people to show up for an appointment with me - otherwise I'd be almost home and not online!

V What was the biggest and best surprise in all your life?

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^ The biggest would have to be finding out my dad had a brain tumor on christmas eve. I`m not one for surprises really ( control freak ) but have had a few nice surprises over the years. The best would have to be the same as the biggest I hated him more than words can say.

> Spent most of today blowing people up and going on killing spree`s, finally got Halo 3 after years of waiting. One game thats lived upto the hype :)

V Where was the last place that you got really frightened & why ??

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^ I'm at an age now where I feel I have pretty much solidified my personal ways, quirks, philosophies, and personality. In other words, I'm not going to change my ways at this stage of my life based on the actions, be they good or bad, of others. I did have various role models during the most impressionable times of my life, during my "small kid" time, my teen years, and early adulthood. Role models, in my life, at various times, have included such greats as: Joan of Arc, George Washington Carver, Winston Churchill, Roberto Clemente, and Nelson Mandela.

< Feeling really good about my last run, which I finished about 2 hours ago. I finally was able to put the "d" on distance running today, by running in its entirety, a half-marathon. Due to the viral infection that had been tormenting me, along with a painful ACL, I hadn't been able to run much beyond 6.2 miles (10km) with much consistancy of late. Today, I knew when I started the run today, I was going to be able to run some serious distance, from the first step.

V Can you identify any of celestial constellations seen in the night (or pre-dawn) skies? If so, what would be your favorite one, assuming you have one?

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^ I live in the city, seeing stars isn't an easy feat and I don't really have the patience. Though the planeterium is kinda cool (unfortunately I fell asleep)

< bored out of my mind and wishing I could be on an airplane right now

V Hi there! So, whats the cheesiest lovey dovey pet name anyone has ever called you? ^_^

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^ I would prolly have listened to my parents more knowing what I know now. ;)

< Relaxing after coming home from the zoo. :D

v What's your theme song? (aka the song that you would play as the theme for you life)

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