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Super Powers

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Guest Mummys Cute Little Lucy

I'm not gonna be greedy and just pick my top of my list:

Shape Shifting.. Mainly into Animals and stuff that would be fun!

... hang on was that a furry answer? hmmm I've always wanted a tail!!! hehe

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Time is a most interesting train of thought. If I had a super power, I would want to be able to make time like a DVR, pause, go back and fast forward. The real trouble would be not getting into mischief. It would be hard to not short stocks in early Sept 2001 and cover at the end of Sept 2001. But then again, I'd probably try to stop the suicide pilots in the first place.

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i would want intelligence. i'm in college and not sure if i can make it. got a problem retaining info i care nothing about and will never see again outside the class.

would also like to have the ability to make it so no one would care if i wore diapers around them and to turn continence on/off.

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My head hurts just thinking bout it :o

Fly, invisibility, and mind reading are my tops

if it were possible on would be fluent in every language, know where all the hidden treasures of the world is, the truth of all religions, what happened to everyone who went missing, or was murdered and who killed them, everyones fetish, banking information, secretes, lusts and desires. one would also be able to connect the dots between diffrent scientists observations to show how similar one thing is to another. needless to say one would also know who to use every tool and perform every type of craft and job.

the list is endless

wrap your head around it. ;)

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Hm...Flight is the most important but with the ability to grow and retract wings from a rune tattooed on my back. Control over wind would also be nice as well as pyrokinesis (Wind + Fire = Inferno!), and transmutation of metals into other objects so that I can make swords and knives and bladed weapons like that but no guns since that would be to complicated. Yeah, those would be my powers. And my biggest fault would be that I have narcolepsy...that would be fun. Eating a bowl of soup then BAM! Heads on the table and everyone thinks I'm dead but I'm just asleep.

The Angel of Hope,


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i would like to be linguistically gifted, to be able to 'pick up' languages quickly and easily.

i would also like to have the ability to become invisible.

i would like to have the ability to 'breath' underwater.

i would like to have the ability to travel within the space time continum to any time or planet, and survive if i got there and the atmosphere was different than earth's.

i would like to have the midas touch, but only when i wanted it.

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Strangely... I'd *love* the power to be able to make somebody lose permanent control of their bladder and tushy ~ and make it so that they are intensely pleased with this change; even proud. I'd have my own little army of babygirls <3

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