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Baby Blankie!

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So I've been looking for an open-weave hand-knitted afghan for a while. This last week I have been kind of out of it: I had a tooth ache I had to suffer through for 5 days before I could afford to see a dentist, and since then have been drugged out.

Yesterday my Mom and step-dad come back from the Flea Mall with a brand new, full-size yellow-pink-and-blue afghan blankie for me! It's so comfy!

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oooowwwwweeeeee's I just totally...hard corps Marine and all can handle just about anything except a toothache. I hope that's all straightened out. For the life of me I can't figure out why (Insert supreme being here) would put a nerve into teeth. If I didn't know better I would think that was a cruel joke. I'm sure the Dental industry has this covered. But I for one wouldn't mind them injecting me with some DNA from a shark so that my teeth constantly recycled. That way I would never have to go through the pain again. I'm so sick of getting Root Canals, which I also find a unnecessary procedure and a sure profit for the dental crowd. How the hell do they figure they can charge $2000 for a tooth when a whole mouthfull of them cost $500.

Anyway the Blankie sounds nice....I love mine, cept the mommies keeps stealing it in the middle of the night. :rolleyes:

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oooowwwwweeeeee's I just totally...hard corps Marine and all can handle just about anything except a toothache. I hope that's all straightened out. For the life of me I can't figure out why (Insert supreme being here) would put a nerve into teeth. If I didn't know better I would think that was a cruel joke. I'm sure the Dental industry has this covered. But I for one wouldn't mind them injecting me with some DNA from a shark so that my teeth constantly recycled. That way I would never have to go through the pain again. I'm so sick of getting Root Canals, which I also find a unnecessary procedure and a sure profit for the dental crowd. How the hell do they figure they can charge $2000 for a tooth when a whole mouthfull of them cost $500.

Anyway the Blankie sounds nice....I love mine, cept the mommies keeps stealing it in the middle of the night. :rolleyes:

It was a bad one too! The infection in the tooth was so bad it apparently "absorbed" the first two rounds of Novocaine, so we had two incredibly painful "attempts" at pulling it out before he broke out "The good sttuff" and made it properly numb... why can't we start with the good stuff? lol

As for your shark theory - I once knew a guy who was quite literally a second generation imbreading baby and had 3 rows of teeth!

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Oooohh, I really like your blankie! Awesome color scheme! I had one with the same colors growing up and it had just about fallen apart, so I put it away due to sentimentle value... Now I have a microplush blanket deemed as my "blankie".

And I'm sorry to hear about your toothache. I've been dealing with one the last couple of weeks because I don't have dental coverage through my work yet. But I hope that it won't be causing you anymore trouble. And I agree with Repaid1, I think it was a cruel joke to put nerves in teeth, lol.

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I love your blankie, and I hope it gives you hours of pleasure and warmth.

I am sorry about your tooth. If you ever get pain like that again, rinse your mouth out with natural sea-salt and warm water. The salt (sodium chloride) kills the bacteria that is causeing the infection / pain. The reason for the warm water is that your mouth is hypersensitive to temperature change, and the warm water - ideally between 36.1 and 37.5 °C (96.9 and 99.5 °F) - which is normal oral temperature. Due to the infection, you may actually find that water at 37.5°C / 99.5°F to be a little cool.

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Guest Mummys Cute Little Lucy

(hope the tooth is feeling better)

2) What time was this photo taken?

Love the Blankie, And it's nap time!!!!!

I has a care bears blankie

awww I want a care bears blankie!!!!

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I have lots of blankies but my tow most favorite ones are the two that husband/daddy bought for me at Disney World. The first one is a red plush blankie that has a little Tinker Bell on it that daddy bought me when he flew me out to Florida to meet him for the first time that was December of 2007. The second blankie is a plush blue balnkie that has Cinderella's castle on it. I got that one for my birthday this year.

I am only allowed to sleep with one blankie cause daddy says with more than one there is not room in the bed for us to sleep.

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Three of the pillows are there for me (two standard so there's always a cool one, one King for side-sleeping cuddling.) The rest are done by the person who makes the bed (mom) because HGTV said they should be there lol.

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