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Honesty Poll



134 members have voted

  1. 1. How honest are you on this site?

    • Completely honest, I have nothing to lose.
    • Mostly honest, I changed a couple details for my privacy.
    • Somewhat honest, but somewhat not.
    • A little honest, but mostly made up.
    • I post mostly fictional information.
    • The only truth I've told is that I'm an AB/DL.

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As an aside from another discussion, I decided to ask everyone about their level of honesty in their posts and private details. Personally, I just don't post a whole lot of private details, but what I do post is 100% true. I am a 27 year old male from New England. I'm a DL, not an AB, this is a sexual fetish for me, not a lifestyle. Any more in depth than that, you'd have to become my friend first to learn. Sorry, but there are too many weirdos (present company excluded, of course ;) ) out there for me to disclose too much.

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i am honest when i post, i don't feel right hieing....and i don't like being lied to!

i treat others how i like to be treated....

lucy and i have a open relationship so anything i post she will read and that's fine with me....neither of us have anything to hide from each other.....i hope...

i do like to keep some things privet but im sure a lot of us do!



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While I may choose not to reveal certain information, I've not lied about anything on this site.

On the other hand, for those who do lie, do you expect them to be honest in this poll?

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Guest Mummys Cute Baby Lucy

I don't lie about anything, on here.. that said I don't always tell you lot everything... but then i'm a very private person, with everyone.. I see no reason to be any different here.

But I couldn't really careless if others lie on here... I don't loose anything if someone wants to tell a little story.. in fact if anything It kills a little spare time.. and clocks up my post count too hehehe. The only person who looses anything is the person who lies in the first place... well they don't gain anything do they..

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I tend to post truth on here anyone who see's my sign in on here knows it's me when they see it elsewhere.

I stop short of my real name and exact location because you never know who is taking notes.

I can see no real advantage and quite a few disavantages to revealing youre identity on the web.

As we well all know not everyone in the world sees our interest as a good thing!

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Guest Baby-Toa

I tend to post truth on here anyone who see's my sign in on here knows it's me when they see it elsewhere.

I stop short of my real name and exact location because you never know who is taking notes.

I can see no real advantage and quite a few disavantages to revealing youre identity on the web.

As we well all know not everyone in the world sees our interest as a good thing!

i agree but not much anyone can do about my id they aren't likely to get anything out of it.

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Honest 'cept for personal info that could identify me cool.gif Some details I omit or leave vague for the same reason- otherwise why lie? wink.gif I don't need anyone's affirmation of me for self-esteem- I'm OK with myself and I choose not to share this offline(unless I 100% knew that person would be OK with it). I don't like having my emotions toyed with so I don't do that to others- online or offline. Besides with my rotten memory I'd get caught in a lie in minutes laugh.gif Bettypooh

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Only thing I dont give out is my name and pic. Even then there are sometimes when I have given out my name. Occasionally I talk about the fact I'm a burn survivor, disabled amputee in a wheelchair, cant diaper myself, etc. If people dont believe me that's their problem. But I do have a webcam and non ab/dl myspace and facebook.

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ummmm so you are asking us if we are honest... but how do you know if we are answering honestly?

i mean sure its a way to get people talking, but not many people are going to ADMIT they are liars....

i for one am completely honest about everything, except when i'm lying.

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The only lies I've told, as far as I can remember, are my name and birthday (I'm really 22, though). I try to be somewhat vague about certain incriminating details, but I'm pretty sure someone who knew me very well in person could identify me based on the content and style of my posts.

I've left a huge, embarrassing Internet trail for stalkers.

Edit: I just now realized my gender has been shown as "male." I am, in fact, female.

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While I may choose not to reveal certain information, I've not lied about anything on this site.

On the other hand, for those who do lie, do you expect them to be honest in this poll?

ummmm so you are asking us if we are honest... but how do you know if we are answering honestly?

i mean sure its a way to get people talking, but not many people are going to ADMIT they are liars....

i for one am completely honest about everything, except when i'm lying.

It's like Dr. House says, "Everybody Lies."

This is more of a practice to let anybody know who isn't telling the truth that the rest of us are willing to put ourselves out there on display, to the level of our choosing. The reason people got so upset at a recent post and I called out another poster who's story seemed made up is because I don't like being deceived, even by the anonymous posters on this site. I saw some people get upset, and I think they felt used. There is a forum for stories, and another for role-playing, I just wish people would keep their discussions relevant to the forum they're in.

Maybe my deception filter is set too tightly, but I blame my job for that. People lie to paramedics all the time.

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Ponder this: Everything I say is a lie, including this statement.

Aside from fooling around with the above statement, I obfuscate anything about me. Being a middle aged guy, I've learned that too much information will bite you where the padding meets the seat. I would not say I'm lying but that I'm disguising for personal protection. Do you really care if I ate at McDonalds when I said it was Burger King? Does it really matter if I went to a movie yesterday when I might have went two days ago?

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Dr House is correct everyone lies at sometime and as Steve Austin says (DTA) Don't Trust Anyone, perhaps a little cynical. I tend to read the posts and take everything with a pinch of salt, forums, whether AB / DL, BDSM or what ever have a great mix of individuals all with their own agenda, some may tell the truth or their version of the truth and others just like to fabricate, I don't think it is that important unless frienships become forged on a lie. Well just my thoughts - I'm twenty five, a very attractive female and always wear diapers and if anyone believes that then fine LOL

Have a good weekend

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Sorry DL_DB, but this type of poll is funny to me. I will explain why -

There is an old puzzle, there are two people, one person will always tell the truth, and the other person will always lie. The catch is that you don't know who is telling the truth or who is lying. The rules are that once you ask a question of person A, you have to ask the same question of person B. Secondly, you can only ask them by text, and not see them. Thirdly, you can not ask a question if you already know the answer - ie one relating to gender.

Evaluating this problem, there really is no one question that you can ask them both that will allow you to work out who is telling the truth and whom is lying.

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Sorry DL_DB, but this type of poll is funny to me. I will explain why -

There is an old puzzle, there are two people, one person will always tell the truth, and the other person will always lie. The catch is that you don't know who is telling the truth or who is lying. The rules are that once you ask a question of person A, you have to ask the same question of person B. Secondly, you can only ask them by text, and not see them. Thirdly, you can not ask a question if you already know the answer - ie one relating to gender.

Evaluating this problem, there really is no one question that you can ask them both that will allow you to work out who is telling the truth and whom is lying.

I heard a similar dilemma about being at a fork in the road. You need to know which way is to the city. You ask either one but not both only one question. What is it? The answer is, "Which way would the other person tell me to go?" You go the opposite because the liar will tell you the wrong way and the other person will tell you the wrong way because that's what the liar would say.

In reality, there is the truth and a thousand different lies. The truth can be mangled in so many different ways that there is not an opposite of truth. Most lies are so subtle as to pass for truth or else we'd all know that up isn't down. It is a sliding scale of non-truth.

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