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Help Debunk My Wife's Concerns About Diapers

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Adults wearing diapers for fun is

1) hypocritical to our kids. We train them to "grow" out of diapers. Why would it be ok for daddy to wear them?

2) not what their intended purpose is for. ( I kinda already explained this away as many things are used not for their intended purposes. )

3) BONUS - Hygene. Using diapers is bad hygenically. Is there any science study done in comparing hygene of diapers to anything else we encounter in normal life that is more hygenically unclean?

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Adults wearing diapers for fun is

1) hypocritical to our kids. We train them to "grow" out of diapers. Why would it be ok for daddy to wear them?

2) not what their intended purpose is for. ( I kinda already explained this away as many things are used not for their intended purposes. )

3) BONUS - Hygene. Using diapers is bad hygenically. Is there any science study done in comparing hygene of diapers to anything else we encounter in normal life that is more hygenically unclean?

While your wife is technically correct on her points, at face value, if we look deeper you may find something.

1. While we usually advise kids to grow up, we advise them to be themselves above all. Obviously you know the whole tabboo thought process your diaper wearing faces, but you made a mature decision. It is something which like most of us you may have tried to repress, but it is deep in your subconcious. Your 'need' is great. Why is it so bad? What is the real harm if it only does good.

Hell it's for your sanity and stress dealing. Could always hide from kids, or just be honest. Your kids know and trust you, you should trust them. Kids can handle more than we often give them credit for.

2. I think you are wearing them for the intended purpose. Unless you put them on your head, then that is just forgetting to read the package.

3. They can be just as sanitary if you clean up well, and I'm sure baby wipes do a better job than toilet paper. Better than most public toilets they are too.

Not the most solid argument I know, but an introspective point of view. I hope this helps some.

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Adults wearing diapers for fun is

1) hypocritical to our kids. We train them to "grow" out of diapers. Why would it be ok for daddy to wear them?

2) not what their intended purpose is for. ( I kinda already explained this away as many things are used not for their intended purposes. )

3) BONUS - Hygene. Using diapers is bad hygenically. Is there any science study done in comparing hygene of diapers to anything else we encounter in normal life that is more hygenically unclean?

The answer to all 3 of these is: "Because it makes me happy.. if you're in GREAT, if not.. I'll never bother you about it again, but it's something I want, so you'll have to give me some private time to do things that satisfy my desires/needs"

If she still has a problem with it, then you married the wrong woman.

I took a shower with my wife the other morning, and when we got in I handed her a big dong and asked her "honey will you fuck me with this"? She said, "sure" and proceeded to make me her bitch. :) LOL, she knows these little things make me happy, so she happily obliges.. She also sleeps next to me in a diaper 5 nights a week, even though it doesn't do anything for her, she knows it makes me happy. In return, I don't bother her about BJ's, and if she ever wants anything out of the ordinary, I'm happy to accommodate.

She's got her limits though.. Like I've asked her if we can get another guy involved (I'm bi) to violate me while she watches, she drew the line. :P

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1) The "diapers are just for babies" line has always been a lie we tell them to teach potty training. Diapers are for whoever needs them. Additionally, it's none of their business.

2) The intended use of a diaper is to be an absorbent garment. If that's not how you are using them, you're doing something wrong! They make diapers in adult sizes; and they even make diapers just for diaper lovers now. Bambinos, CC's and ABU's are most definitely 'intended' for you :)

3) It has always been my contention that diaper wearers are MORE hygenic in general. We take careful care of our skin and clean thoroughly after every change.

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1) The "diapers are just for babies" line has always been a lie we tell them to teach potty training. Diapers are for whoever needs them. Additionally, it's none of their business.

2) The intended use of a diaper is to be an absorbent garment. If that's not how you are using them, you're doing something wrong! They make diapers in adult sizes; and they even make diapers just for diaper lovers now. Bambinos, CC's and ABU's are most definitely 'intended' for you :)

3) It has always been my contention that diaper wearers are MORE hygenic in general. We take careful care of our skin and clean thoroughly after every change.

Go DD!!! Good arguments!! I agree 100%

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As for #1: We tell children they must learn to use the potty and outgrow their diapers. You too have been potty trained and outgrew them for their original purpose but you choose to use them now for an alternative purpose. This takes care of #1 since you're not talking about becoming unpotty trained you're not being a hypocrite. This then puts you at #2.

#2: This is an easy one. Drug companies routinely sell prescription medications and Doctors prescribe them for uses for which they weren't designed. Some examples are: Rogain for both men and women is actually a blood pressure medication which had the side effect during trials of making hair grow on people that had lost their hair. Spironolactone is also a blood pressure medication that was found to have the unfortunate side effect of lowering testosterone in men. Unfortunate except for men who want to be women in which case it is widely prescribed and like gold :) . Klonipin is an anti seizure medication designed for epileptics which was found to have the side effect of significantly lowering anxiety in people, now it is widely prescribed by Psychiatrists for people who don't suffer from seizures. These are just three common ones off the top of my head, there are many many more examples. Just like Klonipin, if the diapers are elevating your mood and making an improvement in the quality of your life it would be stupid not to make use of this ability. Your wife might want to consider the fact that something that improves the quality of YOUR life will improve the quality of HER life also.

#3: As for hygiene this isn't really an issue. You somehow survived full time diapers as a baby and so did your wife for that matter without developing some disease from wearing and using them for #! and #2 so what is so different now? Doesn't she trust you as an adult to scrupulously clean yourself because any risk would only apply if you weren't taking care of yourself.



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One thought I always had with hygen was that 1:they are new everytime you put one on - not like old sweaty stained underware. and 2: they act as furniture protection (if you don't leak) - they keep your favorite chair (and I know thats your computer chair for a lot of you :P) from getting full of butt sweat on hot muggy days. You might laugh, but think of your nice couch that now smellls like butt because of drifters.

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Adults wearing diapers for fun is

1) hypocritical to our kids. We train them to "grow" out of diapers. Why would it be ok for daddy to wear them?

2) not what their intended purpose is for. ( I kinda already explained this away as many things are used not for their intended purposes. )

3) BONUS - Hygene. Using diapers is bad hygenically. Is there any science study done in comparing hygene of diapers to anything else we encounter in normal life that is more hygenically unclean?

1. yes you teach your children not to use diapers... but why would they ever need to know their daddy likes wearing diapers in the first place? is she planning on telling them or are you planning on letting your children see you in diapers? i think this need to be addressed... we teach kids not to swear, yet many of us will still swear. We teach children not to lie, yet many parents lie to their children every day about little things i.e. santa clause, the easter bunny etc... We teach children lots of things that we as adults still do.

2. the purpose of a diaper is to be worn, and used. You are wearing them, thus you are using them for their intended purpose.

3. in some instances diapers are safer than the alternative i.e. catheters... also, wearing underwear is unhygenic if you dont change it. Not buying a new toothbrush every few months is unhygenic. Sharing hair brushes, towels, silverwear, glass, is all unhygenic.

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I'm going just for the bonus. I had a person confront me from the past. Who knew I wore diapers. She said (Drunk) "it's sick that you wear diapers" I just replied "Yeah pretty sick that I change my underwear three times a day and you don't even have the decency to wear any"...that shut her up.

So anyway Pee is sterile, so what's so unhygienic??? Other than that, Ditto above(s)

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You got married without telling your partner about your fetish. She's not going to be won over by coming up with some clever argument. Whether or not you accept an unusual fetish is a gut reaction. Good luck. For everyone else you're better off telling your partner before things get to serious.

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Hypocritical? The kids should not be part of your fantasies. Keep it in the bedroom (or under your clothes).

One of my favorite lines is Stewie from the family guy when he finds out that adult diapers exist:

AH HA! So they do make bigger diapers? That deceitful woman told me id have to learn to use the toilet. Well fie on the toilet! its made slaves of you all. ive seen it sitting there, lazy, slothful porcelain layabout feeding on other peoples Doo-Doos while contribution nothing to society! you get a job!!!!!

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My response to #3 has always been "If they're hygienic enough for babies, they're hygienic enough for me." Seriously, nobody considers diapers as an unhygienic solution for babies (if they did, someone would have come up with a better solution). How is it suddenly unhygienic if the body in the diaper is older?

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Adults wearing diapers for fun is

1) hypocritical to our kids. We train them to "grow" out of diapers. Why would it be ok for daddy to wear them?

2) not what their intended purpose is for. ( I kinda already explained this away as many things are used not for their intended purposes. )

3) BONUS - Hygene. Using diapers is bad hygenically. Is there any science study done in comparing hygene of diapers to anything else we encounter in normal life that is more hygenically unclean?

I agree with the first part. It is unfair. Parents should follow their own rules they give to their kids. Like if they tell their kids they need to ask first before they use someone's item, they must follow that rule too. If they want their kids to be honest, they must follow that rule too. If they want their kids to use table manners, they must use good table manners too. That's why I don't like the idea of diaper lovers and adult babies potty training their own kids and taking their diapers away. If the kid decides to give them up and learn to use the toilet, that's different because they made that decision. I heard lot of babies don't like wearing diapers so I might be lucky that my own child would want to quit wearing. I heard that infants don't like sitting in their own mess and urine. I don't see anything wrong with infant potty training because they are still wearing diapers but they are for in case of accidents. It be up to them if they want to keep wearing or not or just use the toilet when they are old enough to go on their own. If my own child wanted to wear to school, I would inform him or her about the possability of kids finding out and they could tease him or her about it so it be best if they don't wear to school and only wear at home.

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Adults wearing diapers for fun is

1) hypocritical to our kids. We train them to "grow" out of diapers. Why would it be ok for daddy to wear them?

2) not what their intended purpose is for. ( I kinda already explained this away as many things are used not for their intended purposes. )

3) BONUS - Hygene. Using diapers is bad hygenically. Is there any science study done in comparing hygene of diapers to anything else we encounter in normal life that is more hygenically unclean?

1. Adults are hypocritical in a way. And I don't mean just diaper wearing. We drive, we tell our kids not to drive. We can drink and smoke we tell our kids not to drink and smoke. We can vote, our kids are not allowed. We can do alot of things our kids can't do and all of it could be said to be hypocritical. I don't see why adults who wear diapers by choice can't limit their kids use of diapers. It is a right of every adult to do stuff our kids are not allowed to do.

2. Bambinos specific intended purpose is for adults who enjoy wearing diapers. Case closed.

3. Hygene? I guess babies are unhygenic. The only thing we have to worry about is diaper rash and if you take care of it you are hygenic. Pee is not unhygenic and in certain situations is an antiseptic. Now poo is unhygenic and care must be taken in disposing of it as bacteria can spread.

You need to explain to your wife that sometimes things don't make sense to people yet they are still done because it makes sense to the person doing it. No AB ever says "I need to stop cause its unhygenic." All of the arguments presented are what they call "straw men" arguments.



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