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Baby For Baby!

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Guest Baby Tiana

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That will be so much fun. Babies can be fun. So congrats on your bundle of vomiting and screaming baby. You should have a great time raising the baby. You will be a good mother. You'll know everything she needs from experience. Once again Congrats!! Hope you to see you soon. When the baby is born you so have to post pics. Well you don't but it would be nice to see your child. Have a good one.


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Hi guys, I know this probably isn't the proper place to post this but I wanted to make sure people see it....

I'm pregnant! And therefore might not be around as much for quite a while!! Gonna miss everyone! :wub:

Being pregnant is a good thing and wearing a diaper is even better so you won't need to worry where the bathroom is. What diaper do you use? I think that would be so much easier to be pregnant and wearing a diaper than wondering where the next bathroom is at.

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Guest dragonmaster4066

congrats star, children are wonderful. i have two of my own and several have adopted me as a father figure. i love each and every one of them. they are all so different in their own way. but all are a joy to watch grow. :D again congrats!!

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20 and having your first child. . . Congrats on joining the ranks of young mothers. Wishing you godspeed on life's most challenging journey.

Thanks, but that it actually pretty insulting just dumping me into the same category as most of the stupid young girls that get themselves up the duff accidently. I am in a happy and secure relationship, it is a planned baby, and I have a lot of experience with children due to my job. I'm not expecting it to be easy, but I'm ready. Thanks

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Congrats Star. It's wonderful news. speaking as a father of 2 and the Grandfather of 1 nothing will cause you more agravation or more joy, and both are very worth it. God bless to you both.

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