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Uh Wtf...

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So... any mods wanna enlighten me as to what happened to my thread about the new social networking site I've been working on?

I put a lot of time into listing all the features and talking about the progress and I can't say I appreciate the thread being deleted...

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Maybe your promotion was starting to look like an infomercial. Did you offfer DD a free banner ad on your new site? Maybe that will help soothe things.

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There wasn't anything promotional about it at all lol it was just a discussion of the features people would like to see and what I plan to offer that other sites like DS and DLtown didn't have etc etc

And I know Di didn't have a problem with it... he was actually very supportive of the idea. Anyway hopefully we can find out who did it... I mean obviously if you're posting in support of the idea on the thread itself, I can't imagine any Mod you have thinking it would be "ok" to delete that thread even though the site owner supported it...

Anyway I'm still working on the site lol with any luck it should be ready to go in a few weeks, though we may not have audio/video chat right away as those systems will take a little more time to get up and running.

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Guest YkDave

It was the Gov't, they are after us!!!!

AHHHHHHH EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! (dont forget to grab a few extra diapers :P)

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Wasn't me either, so that narrows down the list. The only thing I deleted lately was a double post and not your thread..Hope it gets straightened out for you soon. As a side comment I understand your upset but as a Upcoming website host, you might want not want to be so quick to jump to conclusions. I think you'll find that errors occur whether human related or not, it's part of the system of problems you'll come to know ...Ohh so soon ;)

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In case anyone needs it, the link for the missing thread is http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?showtopic=16026.

that link is dead for whatever reason..I'm sure DD will figure it out..those little things that go bump (or delete) in the nite.. :huh:

Now I'm just stabbing in the dark but it doesn't have anything to do with the Underage guy from yesterday does it?? Wondering if perhaps some wires or addresses got crossed somewhere?? yeah...didn't think so B)

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that link is dead for whatever reason..I'm sure DD will figure it out..those little things that go bump (or delete) in the nite.. :huh:

Now I'm just stabbing in the dark but it doesn't have anything to do with the Underage guy from yesterday does it?? Wondering if perhaps some wires or addresses got crossed somewhere?? yeah...didn't think so B)

I knew it was dead.

I posted it so you mods had something more concrete to look for than "my thread is gone". :P

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We're not paraniod, we just see the signs that are there. Read between the lines as it were. Everytime I find myself in a big medical complex or shopping mall, they always have these big maps on a sign, with a BIG RED DOT saying "you are here". That's sooo spooky, I mean how do they know? the've been following us around for years!!


Rock on,

Vic B)

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If they come and take you away. Does that still make you paranoid? Opps so scared I think I need a change.

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aluminum foil hats.. i wear one all the time... when i'm in high frequency areas, such as shopping malls, classrooms, and at work, i wear a full aluminum foil suit under my clothes.. can be a little uncomfortable, but it prevents them from penetrating into my inner most thoughts....

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Wasn't me either, so that narrows down the list. The only thing I deleted lately was a double post and not your thread..Hope it gets straightened out for you soon. As a side comment I understand your upset but as a Upcoming website host, you might want not want to be so quick to jump to conclusions. I think you'll find that errors occur whether human related or not, it's part of the system of problems you'll come to know ...Ohh so soon ;)

Yeah I know it's possible for errors to occur, but I've also been doing this long enough to know that one thread doesn't just *poof* out of a database on it's own lol Which means that one of the mods (who are the only ones with permission to delete an entire thread like that) must have deleted the thread. As for the forum software being used, deleting a post means clicking a little "Delete" icon/button looking thing on the actual post. Deleting a thread on the other hand, means going to the forum view, checking a box on the thread, and scrolling to the bottom to click the delete option. Very very different processes :P So I find it very hard to believe someone "accidentally" deleted the entire thread as you'd have to either be 1 drink shy of a death from alcohol poisoning... or have the IQ of a jar of mayonnaise that sat on a counter for a week... and in the event of the latter... you wouldn't even be a mod here... and in the event of the former... you probably would have done this before and lost your mod capabilities... so... that leaves us with the situation that for some reason, someone wanted to keep that post off the forums... so either one of the mods is working on their own site and wanted to snuff out the competition... or one of the mods already has their own site... and is secretly trying to keep us from stealing people from it... *coughdiaperspacenaziscough*

Aaaanyway lol I'm gonna keep working on the site in my spare time, and hopefully we can find out who did this and why...

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aren't there only like three 'mods'? dailydi who owns the place, repaid and langtab who only does the chat room?

so that sorta limits the pool of who you are 'accusing' there....

or are there more mods?

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Three mods? That's it? OMG!!! there are like 20,000of us......man they must feel outnumbered. Dang, think of it, there are almost NO MODS.

I lived with some nomods before, they moved around a lot....but I was able to find them every time. Looking back I never was too sure why they chose the life of a nomod, maybe it's just me ( and the smell of my diapers ). Who knows these days one persons "OMG WHAT"S THAT SMELL?", is another mans "oops".

Not passin judgement, or pointing fingers, jus figurin that we're not sure what really happened, but are movin on from there, sorta, maybe. Hopefully.

Rock on,

Vic B)

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With Star Trek being released this weekend for saying this, "IT'S DEAD JIM!"

that link is dead for whatever reason..I'm sure DD will figure it out..those little things that go bump (or delete) in the nite.. :huh:

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Here is the list of moderators:

Baby Rosie





I found this list under the 'The moderating team' link at the bottom of the front page of the forums.

Ehhh ... I was going to do that, but I thought it was a common knowledge thing, perhaps not....And I can't say without a shadow of a doubt that I didn't push a wrong key somewhere.. though knowing me better than most..I would seriously doubt that. I have followed the thread, just for the fact that I monitor the site for bad posts..this one for me, I could careless, as it doesn't really pertain to me.

So I check all new posts to make sure people aren't getting rude/nasty..then I may delete a post. For the most part that doesn't usually happen on my end. On occasion I have, but don't recall anything on this thread that was out of the norm. Other than Techie guys stating this or that is stupid...but anyway as I don't understand things on my level pertaining to this as long as it stayed civil, I stay out of it. This is DD's site.

I'm not admitting to doing anything, as I don't recall anything wrong with this thread. As a crypto tech, I can simply say..if one "0" or "1" is out of place then the thread can be lost. Without any intervention on a Mod doing a Thread delete. Yeah granted I can do that, But I recall no such activity..usually I would contact DD himself, unless I found it totally uncalled for on this site in many levels and would take that on myself for the power he entrusted to me. I don't need this to get any weirder than it was/Is but I kinda got a bad vibe on the implication of accountability. I think it could have been worded a bit softer..but that just may be me, I'm sure DD can figure it out, if it can be..but pointing fingers at a Mod, for purposefully deleting a posts to me seems a bit absurd.

" I put gas in my car at your station yesterday, and now my engine blew up" "You owe me a new car" or simply stated...Shit happens!!! and not always on purpose!!! :huh:

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Well actually from what I know about this BB system that's being used, when a thread/post is deleted on here it is actually wiped from the database completely. Locking/unlocking etc uses a simple boolean value entry on the database.

So that being said, I've never in my years of working with databases seen corruption where an entire row of the database was the only thing lost lol

Sadly from what I know about this system, I also don't think it keeps a log of mod/admin activity. So the only real way to find out would be to check the server logs, find the IP who logged in and accessed the page to delete the thread, then compare that to a list of the mods IP addresses maintained either in the sortware (if it keeps them) or in the server logs themselves. Which makes hunting the person down a real hassle lol

I honestly don't care about it enough to have Di rummaging through server logfiles to find the culprit at this point. Once the site is up and running I'll just start up a new thread here. I wrote down most of the details that were discussed in the thread. The only reason to really continue the search is if you want to find out who did it and why so you can take appropriate action, but I've got too much work to do on the site to really care about someone yanking a thread off the forums here anymore :P

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