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Do We Like Diapers Because They're Socially Forbidding?

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I'm sure this has come up before.

I always wondered if diapers weren't such a social taboo would I still have this fetish?

My fetish is now a lifestyle for me, I diaper trained myself for night time and I wear them as much as I can during the day and have at least a pull up or pad 24/7. Hard to believe that in my late 40's the desire is at it's strongest!

I first had a kink for diapers at 4 then again in my teens, where would I be today if back then I was allowed to wear them and no one cared?

If I were allowed to stay in diapers at 4 or even in my teens would the fetish just had worn out?

Do I still have the diaper desire because it was and still is a hidden dirty secret?

Does anyone have the experience where their parents let them continue to be diapered and didn't judge? It just seems to be it's typical for parents to get their kids out of diapers right away because of $$ and they hate the task of diapering!

My mother used kind humiliation with me and my siblings including her grandchildren to get us out of diapers!


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I've long suspected that a large part of the reason why I like diapers is the taboo aspect. But it's hard to say whether or not I would still wear diapers if they were socially acceptable. I tend to think that I wouldn't, but who knows...

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I think slowly more people are becoming aware of it. I don't care either way. I'll wear as much as the situation permits and with time will, most assuredly and inevitably, go 24/7.

As a baby I remember (indeed my only memories) being changed once or twice and also I would slide down the stairs in my diaper - obviously must have felt good. As a child, it is interesting because when I was 10-11 I had some (inactive) interest in them and sporadically thought about them in obviously non-sexual terms (only 2-3 times that I can remember but I probably felt good about them, minus the knee-jerk reaction). The whole thing was blown wide open when I was 12, bored and horny. Within 6 months I had accepted the fetish, but not completely. I tried a Stalinesque ban-policy when I was 15; didn't work and in fact made my desires stronger. 16-17 it was relatively latent; kept in check by ordinary masturbation. 18-19 I have been able to get them and wear frequently and really can't wait for a few years down the track where I will be able to wear 24/7.

I wish it wasn't taboo, but I honestly do not care at all any more. It's not as though anyone can stop me. Most people are so cowardly and weak that it's just pathetic to watch.

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Actually, I think I'd be wearing diapers more if it were socially acceptable... I wear them because it's comfortable and it's a turn-on. Society has made plenty of other fetishes acceptable and there are still people who practice them... So I think that only those who're doing it for the taboo factor would wear diapers less or get out of it altogether if it became a publicly acceptable thing.

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like mentioned above, i think the taboo part only adds to this. it would exist without the taboo as well, not that i am in favor of it remaining a taboo. i would wear 24/7 if it wasn't a taboo.

when i was younger, i had thoughts about if i became president, i would find a way to make diapers mandatory attire.

im tired of it being a taboo as well. im getting lazier in precautions in hiding them, but i still hide them. however, i am justt becomming lazy at everything. im always tired for some reason and don't want to do anything. may be related to poor sleeping habits (its about 1am local and i need to be at school at 9:30 local).

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The "Taboo" part makes them more appealing to me, but what would you expect from and old anarchist punk rocker? :roflmao: It doesn't really matter- at this point I'm not going to stop doing something I love. If it were more socially accepted I'd wear more often but not all the time(unless I became incontinent). In that situation the biggest change I'd make is hanging my diapers on the clothesline to dry instead of using the dryer :P If there were widespread acceptance I'd be a lot more open about it :)

I used to go my own way 100% and not care what anyone else thought, but as time passed I came to see that it was closing a lot of doors to me- doors that I really wanted to go through :( It was either break those dooors down and make even more enemies than I had or chill out so those doors weren't slammed in my face anymore :huh: I was getting older- I didn't have the energy I once did and that was only going to get worse :angry: I could still be rebellious but I had to accept some of the terms society wanted of me to get what I wanted- so I did and do only what I have to in order to get to where I want to go. I didn't 'cave in'- I don't play all their 'games' but I play the 'games' I need to to get what I want and I do that with my own style- and I still almost always win! :rolleyes:

The 20 or so years I spent rebelling against this world was some of the best years- and best times- of my life :wub: They were a waste of time but not a waste in any other way, and my only regret is that my youth didn't last long enough to be who I was and who I am with any youth remaining- but I will always be young in my heart :D and unless Alzheimer's comes to get me I'll always have fun looking back and having a really good laugh at it all :lol:


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Do Scottish men get aroused by wearing or thinking about wearing a skirt?

Is the taboo necessary to the fetish? I don't know for others. For me, as a submissive, the taboo is integral.

Do our AB members need the taboo? What about our DL members? Would we be so closeted if it was a glove fetish? I've exausted myself about these questions. Now I just accept It.


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I think the taboo of it definitely is part of it. Not specifically in that you are doing something taboo though. For me, this fetish started during puberty. I was a middle child that was well behaved and did great in school. Because I was well behaved, my parents tended to ignore me and I desperately sought attention. We had a neighbor with a bedwetting problem and his mother tried to break him of it through the use of humiliation. Everyone in the neighborhood knew he wore diapers. Being young, I associated negative attention as better than no attention. Puberty linked that attention to my emerging sexuality. Voila! Diaper fetish!

That being said... the taboo aspect of being diapered beyond toddlerhood created the attention I craved.

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when i was younger, i had thoughts about if i became president, i would find a way to make diapers mandatory attire.

I never wanted to be president. I pity him. Really.

Now, having a media empire would be a different story. Airing some show to start a dialogue on things like this would be much better. Probably good ratings too :D

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Do I like diapers because they spell out taboo? Well, yes at the tender age of 15 I woke up, browsed through the list of fetishes, really wanting to be turned on by at least one of the fetishes that most offended society, and then voila, a dream come true, there was the word infantilism right in front of my very eyes. What a happy day!!! I had found my sexual niche. And in a few months I`ll switch over to necrophilia, because, frankly, this fetish has become too mainstream now, and the boot in societys face that ABDL used to be is nothing but a light slap now. Sad. But f**king a few corpses should do the trick I think. Yes, as we all do, I like diapers because they are taboo, not because I am sexually hardwired to like them. Now, that is truly insane!! Cheers to the world of topsy-turvyness and the power of delusion!! :beer:

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Actually, I tried it because of curiosity, not because of the taboo factor.

that's part of the reason i got back into diapers see before diapers i had this HUGE panty fetish but once i got the internet and found out about this i decided to order some samples and one thing lead to another

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I like that it's abnormal, but that's not why I like it. I mean, I wouldn't stop liking it just because it's mainstream. That's like deciding you wont like to play Halo just because it's popular. You want to play it anyway.

However, Halo is now to the point where when people start talking about it, it gets annoying really fast. I think if this ABDL thing became mainstream, when people talked too much about it everyone would get annoyed with said person.

I like our network more. I wish all this was more vastly known, because I believe our society now is very accepting. If people knew, it would save the hastle of explaining.


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Good question.

My first answer was a simply "No." but then i had to stop and think, because i've always had an interest in paraphilic disorders, along with those fetish's that have not progressed into disordered behavior. Where the interest comes from, when does it develop, when does it go from just a fascination into full blown fetish? you know all those interesting questions.

Also as someone who has a neurological condition which lives on making my body and my mouth do and say things that are considered socially taboo, it gave me pause to wonder, is my like in this fetish related to that malfunctioning part of my brain.

I've come to the conclusion that for me personally, this fetish has nothing to do with it being socially taboo. Because i dont get off on going into public, or telling others about my desire, its a very private sexual activity for me, to share with my boyfriend.

However, i do believe that for some people the thrill of engaging in a 'taboo' behavior is what drives them to this, and many other fetish's. The ability to do something considered 'outside the norm' and to get away with it, on many many occasions is part of what drives them to continue in the behavior.

Again i think the answer to this just depends on the person, and how willing they are to admit that part of the reason they enjoy diapers, sexually or otherwise, is because of the thrill they get from doing something socially taboo.

Like the saying goes "sure you're different, just like everyone else" people often very much want to be different, to the point where we cannot admit that perhaps we really are very similar. I know i fall prey to this at times, and have to remind myself.

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For me, it's about going back to a time when everything was taken care of for me. I associate diapers with not having any responsibility or having to worry about anything. Of course that isn't the reality of life, but it's what appeals to me about diapers. The urge to have a carefree life of a toddler is so strong that it just seems to explode and come out as a desire to wear diapers and baby clothes--a temporary escape from reality, I suppose.

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Diapers "taboo factor" never entered my mind when I, at the age of 17, turned fantasy into reality. Now there was the wierdness of it all, that I clearly remember. No, what got me was diapers were and are a HUGE turn-on. Sex, especially as a teenager when it is all about sex. It was all about the erotic sensations, I still get that a funny feeling writing it down, damn diapers are hot. And, that feeling has never gone away, not even after wearing full time for over a decade. Diapers are still very very very erotic, good sex is when I am diapered, the best is when we both are diapered. Furthermore, I see no point in masterbating unless I am in a very thick, very wet diaper. So, as I tell my long suffering b/f; It's all about the diaper.

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