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For Those Of You Who Are 24/7

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I am curious, for those of you who wear full time not because of need, how to you explain it to others if they find out. Do you state it as a medical issue, or are you vague and say you do it because you have to?

If you get intimate with a new person do you tell them before things get all touchy?

Thank You in advance for your opinions or experiences.


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I started out wearing diapers because I wanted to but ended up eventualy needing to wear them. Now I have regained enough control I no longer need to wear 24/7.

However back when I wore diapers 24/7 and someone found out I was wearing a diaper (seldom happened) I would just tell them I needed to wear a diaper because I could not control my bladder and a diaper was a better choice than a piss bag straped to my leg.

Back when I was dateing (thats a long time ago) I would always wear a diaper on my dates, thats how I found a woman who was not turned off by a man wearing a diaper.

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I am curious, for those of you who wear full time not because of need, how to you explain it to others if they find out. Do you state it as a medical issue, or are you vague and say you do it because you have to?

If you get intimate with a new person do you tell them before things get all touchy?

Thank You in advance for your opinions or experiences.


Brian that is a great ?.As for me if someone finds out i wear i tell them its medical.And i make sure i tell long befor it gets touchy.Thats to make sure thay still want to have anything to do with me.And i aint met one that walks away.

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I am curious, for those of you who wear full time not because of need, how to you explain it to others if they find out. Do you state it as a medical issue, or are you vague and say you do it because you have to?

At work, I don't say anything. I let people assume what they want. Everyone at work knows and just assumes it is medical. From my apearance and personality, I doubt anyone would think I was anything except straight laced. I doub't they could believe I just liked to wet myself.

But lately with friends and neighbors, it is now (and after last weekend) very well known that I'm wearing diapers becasue I want to and that I've worn enough to become "un-potty" trained.

So, except for work, I am don't hide from the fact that I really wearing by choice.

Since I'm married, I don't have to worry about dating.

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I started out wearing diapers because I wanted to but ended up eventualy needing to wear them. Now I have regained enough control I no longer need to wear 24/7.

However back when I wore diapers 24/7 and someone found out I was wearing a diaper (seldom happened) I would just tell them I needed to wear a diaper because I could not control my bladder and a diaper was a better choice than a piss bag straped to my leg.

Back when I was dateing (thats a long time ago) I would always wear a diaper on my dates, thats how I found a woman who was not turned off by a man wearing a diaper.

I'm curious, how many women did you meet that were open minded and understanding or even turned on between those that weren't? I'm just wondering since I'm worried about finding an open minded wife and potential playmate and I was wondering how common it is to find one.

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The statistics of finding 'one' are just the same as finding a chick who will like you for you. You're gonna get alot of No before you get a Yes, plain and simple. Seriously, people are more open-minded than we think they are. Once someone gets to know you, their opinion could change. A girl who wouldn't necessarily be OK with a diapered guy might actually be OK with just one diapered guy because she knows and likes him for other things. . .

I don't tell people, necessarily. I'm sure some of you real incon folks will hate me for this, but I usually make up a story about an injury of some kind, or something that ends with, "So yeah, I hafta wear these. . " A blatant lie? Yes. Better than the truth? Absolutely. :) Once I talk about it, it never comes up again. But if it does, and the AB part gets discovered, I can always cop a coping mechanism story, which people expect from a guy like me. .

People will never fault you for things that happen to you, beyond your control, but they can and will hold against you the choices you make that they don't agree with or understand. In many situations in life, it's just better to tell a lie.

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I'm curious, how many women did you meet that were open minded and understanding or even turned on between those that weren't? I'm just wondering since I'm worried about finding an open minded wife and potential playmate and I was wondering how common it is to find one.

I realy dont recall how many failed relatoinships I had due to my diapers, but I did not want to give up my diapers just to have a steady girlfriend.

It took a few years to find the right one.

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Well my hunches seem to be correct. Since I have dedicated myself to 24/7 wearing if any asks me I will say because it is something that I need, which isn't a lie. With dating I am not certain to get it out of the way first date, or let it run out a bit then bring it up.

My fear is things on a date go off with a bang and start heading to the bedroom and I gotta slam on the brakes and divulge the diaper information.

Talking about a turn off... Its all, "Your hot, and things are going great but I gotta hop in the shower and get this wet diaper off!" LoL I could see their face now! "get this wet what off?!?!?!"


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Perhaps if things go well on the first date you could bring it up in a very casual way on the second date. Maybe if you have a small tote bag or something that you have with you she might ask whats in it. Then you could say, "I haven't mentioned it to you yet but I have a situation where I need to wear protection because of my bladder" This is not a lie either. Your situation is that you enjoy diapers so much that you need to wear them for the secure and great feelings that you get. Aldo, because of your bladder you need the protection because if you just let go and wet without a diaper it would be an embaressment. As long as you call it "protection" at first, you can gage her reaction. A girl will most likely ask you questions about it which is a good thing. If she is repulesd by the situation, well, better you find out by the second or third date before getting too involved. Maybe if you carry a few spare diapers in a small satchel or briefcase she might ask about it. If you go to a restaraunt and carry the case in with you, she might ask about it. Otherwise if you excuse yourself to go to the men's room and carry the case with you, she most likely will wonder and maybe even have an idea about what's in the case before asking you about it. Those are just a few ideas I had, not sure if they are good ones or not.

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Well my hunches seem to be correct. Since I have dedicated myself to 24/7 wearing if any asks me I will say because it is something that I need, which isn't a lie. With dating I am not certain to get it out of the way first date, or let it run out a bit then bring it up.

My fear is things on a date go off with a bang and start heading to the bedroom and I gotta slam on the brakes and divulge the diaper information.

Talking about a turn off... Its all, "Your hot, and things are going great but I gotta hop in the shower and get this wet diaper off!" LoL I could see their face now! "get this wet what off?!?!?!"


Brian,Well as for me i love to see the look on there faces when you tell them you wear diapers

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Brian,Well as for me i love to see the look on there faces when you tell them you wear diapers

Yeah me too, but i have come to the conclusion that this is part of who I am, and anyone who wants to be with me will either have to except that or move on. I thank Heidilynn for helping me come to this realization. There's no point to hiding behind this and keeping it int he closet for the fear of rejection. If said person rejects me then they are not the type of person I want to surround myself with.


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In my experience, the women I've been with have been surprisingly open minded. I haven't been with a woman that was openly disgusted when I told them about my fetish, but most have had issues with some aspects of the fetish. Not enough to call me names and walk away though. The one aspect they had issues with was the adult baby portion. They had no problems with diapers and submissiveness, but had no interest in treating a grown man like an infant.

For me, it hasn't been an issue because I'm really not into the adult baby scene. I prefer the diapered and dominated aspects and I've found half a dozen women in my adult life to share my fantasies with. When we did split up, it had nothing to do with my fetish.

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Guest Pizaz

Every woman I've told about my love o' diapers has been accepting for the most part. They're open-minded and accepting, but when it comes down to the brass tacks, not one has had any interest in changing me out of a wet diaper. So if that's what you're expecting/seeking, good luck.

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Paranoia is dreadful. Every few months since I've been 12 (in finding out) my sanity has slipped perpetually closer to the abyss. I partly have to wear now because if I don't I (ironically) begin to suffer social anxiety.

My attitude if someone finds out will simply be that they don't really need to know - it's none of their business, with due respect - and it would be more than a little mean for them to go telling people or even react that much (they would expect you to take it as an affront - kind of like if you did the same with any other physical disability - eg wheelchaired people - the reaction tends to be sympathy, not disdain). They'll most probably assume I'm incontinent and either way the sheer guilt in doing so would rip them apart. So it is a risk worth taking generally, and one which substantially improves my attitude and approach in things too. Nobody can really find out that easily and there are fairly few people even in my life at all socially, so

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