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That One Thing That You Love

Guest zorro daddy

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Guest zorro daddy

If I were to say everybody was either an AB, DL, ABDL, Sissy, Mommy, Daddy, Nanny, Sister, or a Brother, I would be incorrect. There are so many distinct little things about Infantilism that we cling to that define who we are, way beyond the titles.

When I chat or speak with someone, a question I always like to ask is how they got started, how they discovered their passion for ABDL, etc. Rarely do I ever hear the same story. And everybody is able to detail what it is about ABDL that they love, that they crave in their hearts.

So, this topic (which I'm guessing has been asked before) is about the one thing that you first think of when you think of ABDL, that one thing that will give you butterflies in the tummy when you think it, that one thing that will make you feel "little", or will make you want to be held.

What is that one thing for you? And keep in mind that there is no wrong answer since your answer will be individual and personal to you.

If I can make a request, when you post a reply to this topic, please use that post to talk about what that one special thing abut ABDL is for you. Don't devote your post to insult someone else's dreams and thoughts and answers. You may not agree with what they have to say, but their dreams are none of your business.

(Many times, I've taken a look at topics where someone had a question or were asking for adivce, and the only replies they got were from people who told them off or told them how much they didn't like the other posts. I even read a list of replies to one topic where two people had a 10 reply argument with each other about something that had nothing to do with the damn topic! Send those types of message to each other if you absolutely have to, but don't put thoses message where they don't belong........Please?)

My answer: The first thing that I think of when I think of infantilism is a girl who is so totally in love with being a baby and so totally in love with me for not only sharing that passion with her, but for taking care of her. The sparkle in her eyes, and her smiling face (complete behind a pacifier) is an image burned into my memory and my heart.

Take Care,

Zorro Daddy

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(totally follows the rules in this thread ;) )

my reply has really little to do with diapers ....... it's more about the Daddy/baby relationship and how it makes me feel safe and secure and cherished....it's all i've wanted my whole life.......to be cherished and to know that someone has control of the situation allowing me to let down my gaurd and feel secure....

cuddling with my Daddy on the couch, laying my head against his shoulder at the store, standing next to him at a party or function with strangers and feeling Him take hold of my hand, looking up as W/we are going about doing daily chores and catching that wink that's meant for me....

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(totally follows the rules in this thread ;) )

my reply has really little to do with diapers ....... it's more about the Daddy/baby relationship and how it makes me feel safe and secure and cherished....it's all i've wanted my whole life.......to be cherished and to know that someone has control of the situation allowing me to let down my gaurd and feel secure....

cuddling with my Daddy on the couch, laying my head against his shoulder at the store, standing next to him at a party or function with strangers and feeling Him take hold of my hand, looking up as W/we are going about doing daily chores and catching that wink that's meant for me....

Well thats not what you told me!!!! It was all about absailing out of towers and running around the garden naked.

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For me it is with the diapers. They are what make me feel little and give me the butterflies. Coupled with my footed pajamas and my blankie my wife made me its a package deal. So I guess for me it isn't any one thing, although the relationship between my wife and me plays a big role in how I feel too. Cuddling, being caressed ect. But definitely the diapers.


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I'm sure that many many posts but will be directed right back towards diapers. I think that is the key ingredient to "most" of us. I say most because some of community has the privilege of having a Mommy or Daddy. And that in itself must be great but the core of it all started with diapers. For me personally this is one of those innocent thoughts years and years ago. I remember the whole diaper desires starting at the age of four or so. Maybe younger. We've all tried for years to hit that key moment that started it all but there were probably many factors that tied into it. Anyway....yes, diapers. The soft cloth inner lining going up against your skin when you pull it between your legs and wrapping yourself in utter safety. The comfort of knowing you can let loose and something will do its job. Indeed the butterflies.

Ooohh a side note...new idea for new thread. *runs out to start new thread*

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I'm sure that many many posts but will be directed right back towards diapers. I think that is the key ingredient to "most" of us. I say most because some of community has the privilege of having a Mommy or Daddy. And that in itself must be great but the core of it all started with diapers.

True Backindiapers diapers were definitely a key element before i had a Daddy......... though all my life i've also desired to be with someone who valued me/and who wanted on some level to take care of me........but i think the whole reason i wanted to wear diapers was to feel "cherished" again as i had as an infant..... :) course when puberty hit they took on a whole new meaning ;)

but i guess it's just a big circle....

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Its funny, until i had my daddy, all the ab paraphenilia (i butchered the spelling there i know) in the world couldn't make me truely feel little. It was having someone else put the diaper on me, having someone else fill my bottle, and put my paci in my mouth. And more than that, because we can be driving in the car, talking about nothing in particular, and i'll take a drink and spill some soda when we go over a bump and he'll say "see thats why you're just a little girl" and BAM i am a little girl.

So for me i guess it has to behaving my boyfriend say or do something that refers to me as a lil baby that gets me there. When we are out with friends, if i do something he'll hold up his hand with his thumb and forefinger close together like he were measuring half an inch, which means "little baby" and thats all he has to do to make me feel little, just a suble reminder no one else even sees.

So its not any object, and its not even just one thing, its just having the bestest boyfriend in the world (to me, and i'll fight anyone who says different! hehehe) who can just say one word, or do one little action and make me feel that tingly feeling inside.

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I don't think I have just one thing. I get butterflies when my Mommy diapers me, dresses me in my "lil" clothes and then tickles me and snuggles me. Also when she puts me to bed at night and reads me my bedtime story while feeding me my baba.....Hrmmm... With that being said... I guess the one thing that gives me butterflies is my Mommy! :)
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I think if I break it all down into pieces and go to the root of all those wonderful feelings, it is the diaper that is the one thing. Everything else is an accessory in a way. The diaper is the one thing that puts me in that special place. Looking at it, hearing it crinkle, even the word itself makes me swoon. Even in the arms of someone taking care of me, if there was no diaper, the experience wouldn't be complete. So the diaper is my one thing.

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For me it's about feeling like I am cute and loveable. I was a cutter and my entire body bears the marks of it. I feel that I'm ugly and undeserving of the love of anyone else. My daddy however, doesn't think like that. When I look in the mirror I see a frankensteinian monstrosity, an abomination, he sees a sweet loving little cub. So I guess for me it's about feeling loved, and more importantly like I'm deserving of the love.

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I was sitting here skimming most of the replies and it occured to me.....Does anyone else feel a bit "smug"when they think of us in our diapers and acting like two year olds again. Think about it. What kind of human are you if just once in your hectic life you thought to yourself,"God I wish I had no responsibilities for a day or two...."? We're superior to all of the assholes out there scared to answer that thought. Does this makes sense? We've chosen to say"Fuck it! I want that diaper on me because the mortage is due in two days and I'm living paycheck to paycheck and the car note is due and the dog is sick and my fucking mother-in-law who I can't fucking stand is coming over and-". And then you look down at your two year old son. Sitting there. In his diaper. With his shortalls on. Drooling on the carpet you practically sold his soul for just to buy. And he looks at you with those inquisitive eyes and grins that goofy grin. And suddenly....the world makes sense again. I find myself becoming more and more AB as I completely fuck my life up making the wrong decisions. I'd love to prance around in public with just a huge diaper on and a bottle and shout to the world"I AM NOT A FREAK! I AM DOING WHAT MOST OF YOU WORTHLESS,SNIVELING,LYING SHEEP WOULD LOVE TO DO JUST ONCE IN YOUR MISERABLE LITTLE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sorry. I got off work three hours ago. I worked my ass off Friday from 12 midnight -6am. Then I worked just as hard from 10pm-6am last night. Then I had to go home try to get 8 hours of sleep(Yeah right. 8 hours of sleep in a garage with noisy neighbors,screaming toddlers,traffic noise,the people I live coming into the garage for pots and pans and water and sodas from the mini-fridge only to get no sleep and work today) From 2pm -12 midnight. For those of you not paying attention during our little math lesson,thats 24 hours of work in a 48 hour period. I WANT MY MOMMY AND WANT THE BITCH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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I'm sorry. I think zorro was talking about me. I was a naughty, immature baby and I'll try not to do it again.

I love waking up in my crib, seeing the bumpers in front of my face and realizing my diapers are wet. I love the cloth diapers and pins with plastic pants because that was my childhood. I love laying there being a baby for an hour or two waiting for mommy to come lower the side and get me up, knowing that I'll get my bottom spanked if I climb out. Knowing that I have a mommy who loves me so much.


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I think I agree with Jennie and Sarah on this one... its the person (whether a mommy or a daddy) that makes you feel "little," its the words, the actions, the secrets you share that only you and your daddy (or mommy) knows and understands.... It's that reminder every once in a while tbat you are "little," its how you are treated when out in public, because only you and your daddy knows the secret of being diapered and being his baby girl. It's being told what to do and how he calls you "baby," It's about giving up your independence, your responsibilities, your stresses, your control, your decision making to someone else that you trust, care and love so much that you are able to do that with without thinking twice. It's about being able to still have that kind of daddy/baby relationship even in adult mode and not being diapered.

I agree that the diaper is the beginning of such things, but when you find that special somoene to share this with, that someone who, even when you are not wearing and you are out with friends for an "adult" day, can still make you, who can still remind you that you are "little," and you are the "baby, and he is the "daddy."

To me the diaper is just a prop, it goes so much deeper than the diaper, and maybe that's what seperates us ABs and DLs.... I know there is so much more than that.... but to me its really not about the diaper

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I agree with the above, to me it's being looked after by my mommy and hugged, dressed etc. It really allows us both to switch off and relax. Yeah I used to do it on my own, but it wasn't half as enjoyable. I think acting like a girl enforces the detachment from reality part too, i.e. none of us are actually babies, but I'm not a girl either, so portraying a baby girl is kind of the exact opposite of my real self...........hope that makes sense! :unsure:

The diaper is important to me, but only as another piece of clothing.


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We're talking about when we first got interested in all this... right?

Since Mommy and I didn't meet until... 2 years ago-ish and I begun all this stuff at a much younger age, she wasn't what really made this baby stuff click into my personality. However... it wasn't the adult diapers i'd travel to the store at two in the morning to get just so no one saw me. It wasn't the pullups I wore to bed after conditioning myself to wet it, that way if i started feeling guilty again i had a plausable excuse. It wasn't the pacifier my girlfriend at the time got me to help my sleeping habits, as they were extremely poor and the idea of something in my mouth really did help.

It was my best friends... One of my friends who I kept in tight contact with after she moved, and she's also the one that brought up the idea of wearing pullups with me at age nine, became more inclined to the AB world. The thought of having one of my closest friends acting the same as I had helped me ease the guilt tremendously.

But what really put it over the top was when my friend introduced me to a boy she met online. At that time I hadn't told anyone i was also into the girly stuff as well as the baby stuff, so he started calling me his little brother and treating me accordingly. Eventually I told him... how i liked the dresses... the pigtails... the idea of being his little sister so much more. He didn't make fun of me though. He laughed and said I should have told him sooner... and from then i was his little sister. Our relationship developed... we met a few times (after I met Mommy... she arranged the first meeting between us)... and i'd have to say the butterflies really started coming when he was there to care for me, the way Mommy does now.

Diapers and pacifiers and bottles... are all items i dont think could have really enjoyed to the fullest extent without a parental figure.


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What get's my heart racing is knowing that my little one loves being a baby. She knows that I love being a Daddy.

We love each other and having that deep connection is what it's all about for me. Diapering her, feeding her, holding her and never letting go :D

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For me it's the diaper. It brings many emotions with it, the feeling to be safe and secure, to the sexual aspect, and the ability to letting go of my bodily functions whenever and wherever. That's why I'm a diaper lover plain and simple. ;)

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For me too, it was and is the plastic panties. I love the look, sound and smell of them. I only like to wear them though when I have something on underneath, preferably a diaper...

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I've always been fascinated by nappies, but the one thing that really got me into into was being able to wet myself in public with no-one knowing :D

So nappiers under normal clothes I suppose.

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