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ALL THE NEEDS TO BE SAID<----- clicky linky thingy! Seriously watch this movie. All of it. Then we'll talk. And I'm not starting an arguement or adding to another. I'm just throwing information to the wolves. I will have my popcorn ready though when you all take this as a threat and in return try to attack me and my "sources". Enjoy.


Um...no one is going to take you posting the link to the movie as a "threat." Sorry to burst your bubble but prolly no one who reads this board is even gonna take the time to bother with it. Point and Case, I would say no one here cares about the movie at all. Of course someone is going to post "zomg i r teh m0st caring prsn in dis website bout dis movie evr."

In my opinion, if you wanna watch it then watch it, I'll be doing something else with my hour. I do however have to call attention to you posting this video and saying:

I'm just throwing information to the wolves. I will have my popcorn ready though when you all take this as a threat and in return try to attack me and my "sources".

You posting this was to intentionally create a situation where people argue over something meaningless. So for sake of everybody here, lets move onto something else. I'm sure pete will have something to post to me about this post later tonight. ;)

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88 you should be 86! You make about as much sense as Max Smart of Control. I really love the way you simply dismiss anything you don't agree with as wrong. The truth be told, yelling louder doesn't make you right.

When you start plugging your ears and saying "lah, lah, lah, lah" at the top of your voice you are NOT listening to what is being said. But you're a kid, so it's kind of to be expected. Here's what it makes others think about though :screwy: .

I voted for Reagan, he was good for our military, and since I was in the military it made sense, but his economic "trickle down" plan of giving the rich all those tax breaks wasn't all that good for the economy. We ran into the "deficit" word again, and it put a big strain on our middle class. So don't tell me about the "poor, poor" rich people, :crybaby: it just don't fly.

Now we've had an amazingly disastrious 8 years of dubya, who has done more to gut the constitution that our country is founded on, than ANYONE else in history, and has literally wrecked our economy, and you stand there and cheer him on!

You are either very, very, niave, or amazingly obtuse. So many of his administration have been under indictment, or facing probes into criminal activities that they have had to resign, or "step down", and still you cheer "good job!", are you mental?

Bush's tax breaks for the rich have done so much good now, haven't they? Now after this calamity of an administration you want to vote in four more years of the same! You are either an absolute moron, or clinically insane, seek help now! McCain is trying to say he's different because everybody is tired of dubya's policies, but he's promoting four more years of the same old crap! And he wants to make these tax cuts permanent!

If you think our country is on the right track then you've had to have been asleep for the past eight years. Your conviction that you are so right only leads me to believe that you are a religious right wing fundamentalist, and I won't have YOUR religion crammed down MY throat. You keep your religion, I know it's impossible to get a blind man to see, (especially when he clings so tightly to his blindness) but leave me out of it.

In short, you are a fanatic, and I have better things to do than listen to your ranting, go foam at the mouth somewhere else, and leave us in peace. This thread was doing well enough before you jumped in and started spewing your poison around. He who howls the loudest is right, right? There's no point in argueing with you, is there?


Vic B)

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ALL THE NEEDS TO BE SAID<----- clicky linky thingy! Seriously watch this movie. All of it. Then we'll talk. And I'm not starting an arguement or adding to another. I'm just throwing information to the wolves. I will have my popcorn ready though when you all take this as a threat and in return try to attack me and my "sources". Enjoy.


This movie really opened my eyes a bit wider to"The Big Picture". I used to believe a God and Jesus. After watching this movie and doing a bit of snooping on the net,I no longer believe there was a"Jesus". This movie should be required watching in high school.

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I'm sure pete will have something to post to me about this post later tonight. ;)

In reality,DL88,I work nights. Mostly from midnight-6am. I wasn't waiting around last night to see if you'd post again. I was killing time. I live a minute's walk from where I work. And it just so happened that you were on the same time this morning when I got home from work. Don't flatter yourself. Stalking you is at the bottom of my To-Do list........

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88 you should be 86! You make about as much sense as Max Smart of Control. I really love the way you simply dismiss anything you don't agree with as wrong. The truth be told, yelling louder doesn't make you right.

When you start plugging your ears and saying "lah, lah, lah, lah" at the top of your voice you are NOT listening to what is being said. But you're a kid, so it's kind of to be expected. Here's what it makes others think about though

Since when was responding to you so crazy? Is it just the fact that you are insecure that you and many others that strongly agree with you simply try the old scapegoat of "zomg u r kid wut joo kno." It is funny how people do that everytime I take what they say and shove it back in their face and they can't seem to do anything about it. Also, when at any time did I "close my mind" which was the point you were trying to get across in elementary expression? Oh well I guess coming from people like you, it can't be helped.

I voted for Reagan, he was good for our military, and since I was in the military it made sense,

Want a cookie? Will that make you feel better?

but his economic "trickle down" plan of giving the rich all those tax breaks wasn't all that good for the economy. We ran into the "deficit" word again, and it put a big strain on our middle class. So don't tell me about the "poor, poor" rich people, :crybaby: it just don't fly.

At NO point have I EVER said I supported ANY taxbreaks for the rich, but you don't seem to care making your statements as if I did. If you knew ANYTHING about economics which you claim you do you would realize this. People who are rich earned their money at some point and they pay more taxes than you do. The rich people live a very comfortable lifestyle that will not change no matter WHAT they have to do. So if you raise taxes on them, say for example, AN OIL COMPANY they will make damn sure they still make money off of it. You get it yet? If they are gonna make their money still but you just forced them to pay the Gov't MORE who do you think will end up having to pay for it? Will it be the poor that can't support themselves and require assistance?NO The people that will have to pay the extra amount of money will be the MIDDLE CLASS. That IS a trickle down effect and it makes perfect sense, learn to fucking think. So now that I have proven you don't know shit about economics 101, nor have you stopped to think about it rationally don't even mention this or I WILL go into greater detail and smash you even more. Maybe a SMALL taxbreak for the wealthy to help stop inflation but that is it.

Now we've had an amazingly disastrious 8 years of dubya, who has done more to gut the constitution that our country is founded on, than ANYONE else in history, and has literally wrecked our economy, and you stand there and cheer him on!

First off, I DARE you to find a post of mine that I have cheer'd on Pres. Bush. PLEASE FIND ONE WHERE I HAVE! You won't be able to because not only have you NEVER read any of my other posts except the one you are responding to, but you are also generalizing me like a fucking moron instead of doing your research. The outright hatred for the U.S. Pres has been misdirected by the liberal media since they didn't get their way and ANY little thing he has done wrong is blown WAY out of proportion. YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM SAYING ANYTHING POSITIVE ABOUT HIM. Not only that but in the last 2-3 years he hasn't been able to do much because of the DEMOCRAT DOMINATED CONGRESS. The "new congress" (designated that name by Speaker Pelosi) Has done LESS than the new Iraqi Gov't; They have been sitting on their asses doing nothing but bad mouthing the Pres. because they can't get over themselves. They recently went on a vacation instead of passing a bill on drilling because they decided it was more important for Pelosi to promote her failure of a book than get an energy bill done before going on vacation.

I already know you don't pay attention much because if you did you would realize our economy is better this quarter than last quarter and that gas prices have been in an 8 week decline no thanks to you Democratically dominated congress (then I wonder who did it). Also, what constitutional rights has the Pres stepped on of yours? PLEASE tell me. He HAS NOT taken away your freedom of speech, Democrats have trying to promote Barack OJesus and trying to keep opposition quiet. President Bush has not taken away your right to free trade, the Democrats have trying to keep people from drilling our oil resources. The pres has not even taken away your right to own a gun, whereas the liberals in congress and the democrat judges on the supreme court tried to ban your ability to own a gun (bet you didn't hear about that much did ya). http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,372283,00.html There is my proof, where is yours Vic??

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You are either very, very, niave, or amazingly obtuse. So many of his administration have been under indictment, or facing probes into criminal activities that they have had to resign, or "step down", and still you cheer "good job!", are you mental?

No you are, and you have proven yourself to be by your lack of research.

Bush's tax breaks for the rich have done so much good now, haven't they? Now after this calamity of an administration you want to vote in four more years of the same! You are either an absolute moron, or clinically insane, seek help now! McCain is trying to say he's different because everybody is tired of dubya's policies, but he's promoting four more years of the same old crap! And he wants to make these tax cuts permanent!

Where's your proof of all of that? Oh wait right, you have none, because your are truely ignorant and are trying to pass opinions off as fact.

If you think our country is on the right track then you've had to have been asleep for the past eight years. Your conviction that you are so right only leads me to believe that you are a religious right wing fundamentalist, and I won't have YOUR religion crammed down MY throat. You keep your religion, I know it's impossible to get a blind man to see, (especially when he clings so tightly to his blindness) but leave me out of it.

In short, you are a fanatic, and I have better things to do than listen to your ranting, go foam at the mouth somewhere else, and leave us in peace. This thread was doing well enough before you jumped in and started spewing your poison around. He who howls the loudest is right, right? There's no point in argueing with you, is there?

Again you did no research on my posts did you lol. You have absolutely NO idea where my political base stems from at all fucktard. I HAVE SAID BEFORE THAT I AM CENTER-RIGHT BUT YOU WOULD KNOW THIS IF YOU DID YOUR RESEARCH ON ME BECAUSE I HAVE SAID IT ON THESE FORUMS BEFORE! Now we are making this an issue of religion? What religion am I Vic? You have no idea do you because not only have you NEVER looked at ANY of my other posts but I HAVE NEVER POSTED ANYTHING ABOUT MY RELIGION OR REGARDING RELIGION AT ALL! This just goes to prove my point that you have no idea at all what you are talking about. Vic.....did you read my post at you at all? Can you read Vic?? Our country isn't doin to bad right now despite what you anti-american liberals want people to think. But people are thinking more like me Vic, my proof? http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/ if you scroll down just a tad Vic it shows Obama : 44% McCain 46%

Vic did you see what I did there? I cited CNN, a news site that has a democratic bias, yes smaller than NBC and ABC but the bias is still there.

Vic neighter of us were asleep, you have just had a good set of blinders on. You are right Vic, there is no use to continue this with me, because I just won, no go back to your corner.


Vic B)

No Vic, In the TRUEST meaning,



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In reality,DL88,I work nights. Mostly from midnight-6am. I wasn't waiting around last night to see if you'd post again. I was killing time. I live a minute's walk from where I work. And it just so happened that you were on the same time this morning when I got home from work. Don't flatter yourself. Stalking you is at the bottom of my To-Do list........

No I know Pete, I just had to throw that in there to poke at ya ;)

Well I'm goin to bed guys, have fun tonight, and I'll be back tommorrow mornin. Take it easy Pete

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babyvr6, I watched it right away from start to finish. I have no desire to attack you and at this point I can't even argue that it's inaccurate because I couldn't do that without verifying the facts myself. This movie has completely overwhelmed me emotionally and right now I'm not even sure I'll be able to sleep tonight. I was raised with religion and though I'm not very good at practicing it I do rely on it as a guide in my life and in tough times it does offer me strength. I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me and I have no support anymore. This movie also fills me with fear because I can recognize the truth of some of it without even having to research it. We're way worse off than I had thought and I was pretty pessimistic about the future of this country based on the way we were headed. I'm sure some people will attack you because it will be their reaction to the fear. Thanks for the link.



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Since when was responding to you so crazy? Is it just the fact that you are insecure that you and many others that strongly agree with you simply try the old scapegoat of "zomg u r kid wut joo kno." It is funny how people do that everytime I take what they say and shove it back in their face and they can't seem to do anything about it. Also, when at any time did I "close my mind" which was the point you were trying to get across in elementary expression? Oh well I guess coming from people like you, it can't be helped.

Want a cookie? Will that make you feel better?

At NO point have I EVER said I supported ANY taxbreaks for the rich, but you don't seem to care making your statements as if I did. If you knew ANYTHING about economics which you claim you do you would realize this. People who are rich earned their money at some point and they pay more taxes than you do. The rich people live a very comfortable lifestyle that will not change no matter WHAT they have to do. So if you raise taxes on them, say for example, AN OIL COMPANY they will make damn sure they still make money off of it. You get it yet? If they are gonna make their money still but you just forced them to pay the Gov't MORE who do you think will end up having to pay for it? Will it be the poor that can't support themselves and require assistance?NO The people that will have to pay the extra amount of money will be the MIDDLE CLASS. That IS a trickle down effect and it makes perfect sense, learn to fucking think. So now that I have proven you don't know shit about economics 101, nor have you stopped to think about it rationally don't even mention this or I WILL go into greater detail and smash you even more. Maybe a SMALL taxbreak for the wealthy to help stop inflation but that is it.

First off, I DARE you to find a post of mine that I have cheer'd on Pres. Bush. PLEASE FIND ONE WHERE I HAVE! You won't be able to because not only have you NEVER read any of my other posts except the one you are responding to, but you are also generalizing me like a fucking moron instead of doing your research. The outright hatred for the U.S. Pres has been misdirected by the liberal media since they didn't get their way and ANY little thing he has done wrong is blown WAY out of proportion. YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM SAYING ANYTHING POSITIVE ABOUT HIM. Not only that but in the last 2-3 years he hasn't been able to do much because of the DEMOCRAT DOMINATED CONGRESS. The "new congress" (designated that name by Speaker Pelosi) Has done LESS than the new Iraqi Gov't; They have been sitting on their asses doing nothing but bad mouthing the Pres. because they can't get over themselves. They recently went on a vacation instead of passing a bill on drilling because they decided it was more important for Pelosi to promote her failure of a book than get an energy bill done before going on vacation.

I already know you don't pay attention much because if you did you would realize our economy is better this quarter than last quarter and that gas prices have been in an 8 week decline no thanks to you Democratically dominated congress (then I wonder who did it). Also, what constitutional rights has the Pres stepped on of yours? PLEASE tell me. He HAS NOT taken away your freedom of speech, Democrats have trying to promote Barack OJesus and trying to keep opposition quiet. President Bush has not taken away your right to free trade, the Democrats have trying to keep people from drilling our oil resources. The pres has not even taken away your right to own a gun, whereas the liberals in congress and the democrat judges on the supreme court tried to ban your ability to own a gun (bet you didn't hear about that much did ya). http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,372283,00.html There is my proof, where is yours Vic??

"I already know you don't pay attention much because if you did you would realize our economy is better this quarter than last quarter and that gas prices have been in an 8 week decline no thanks to you Democratically dominated congress (then I wonder who did it)."

Better? 1 or 2% is NOT better! Gas prices have been in an 8-week decline because Congress threatened to have the oilmen investigated. If your job is in oil futures,you'd better not get greedy. I voted in the primaries back in February. The day I voted,the gas station I work at dropped the price of their gas 20cents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a typical election year ploy. You wouldn't know that though because this is your first major election!

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The threat of domestic oil production is what brought the price down.

The supply increase because the consumption went down.

The free market was not going to sustain 4 dollar per gallon gas.

The oil companies have the responsibility of charging the highest price for gas that the market will sustain. The oil companies responsibility is the make as much profit for their investors as posible.

Look I survived the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s. Both the Republicans and Democrats failed to act then. There should have been a program for domestic oil production in 1976. Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush failed to do what needed to be done.

Now we have Republicans who have seen the light and want to obtain American oil.

We have the idiot Democrats (Nazi Pelosi and company) who think tire inflation is going to solve our energy problem. Sorry to tell you but wind and solar aren't goint to get you to work in the morning! Nancy Pelosi is so ignorant that she did not know that natural gas is fossil fuel!

Bitch Pelosi is the Speaker of the House and once McCain is elected, he will have to turn the heat on Congress. McCain will not be able to force domestic oil production on his own. These idiot Democrats will only cave in when their constituents tell them to drill or leave office.

"I already know you don't pay attention much because if you did you would realize our economy is better this quarter than last quarter and that gas prices have been in an 8 week decline no thanks to you Democratically dominated congress (then I wonder who did it)."

Better? 1 or 2% is NOT better! Gas prices have been in an 8-week decline because Congress threatened to have the oilmen investigated. If your job is in oil futures,you'd better not get greedy. I voted in the primaries back in February. The day I voted,the gas station I work at dropped the price of their gas 20cents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a typical election year ploy. You wouldn't know that though because this is your first major election!

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babyvr6, I watched it right away from start to finish. I have no desire to attack you and at this point I can't even argue that it's inaccurate because I couldn't do that without verifying the facts myself. This movie has completely overwhelmed me emotionally and right now I'm not even sure I'll be able to sleep tonight. I was raised with religion and though I'm not very good at practicing it I do rely on it as a guide in my life and in tough times it does offer me strength. I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me and I have no support anymore. This movie also fills me with fear because I can recognize the truth of some of it without even having to research it. We're way worse off than I had thought and I was pretty pessimistic about the future of this country based on the way we were headed. I'm sure some people will attack you because it will be their reaction to the fear. Thanks for the link.



I'm sorry but reading this post makes me think it is completely bs. If by watching a simple movie you all of the sudden are "afraid" for your future and you feel like your entire support system has been "ripped out from under you" then your "faith" was never that strong anyways. All your post said to me was "please make any religious person look like a nutjob." Faith shouldn't control your life, It can be a guiding factor but it should NEVER control the way you think. This post screams of falsified statements; Sorry, but a single movie shouldn't psychologically have this dramatic of an effect on the human mind.

P.S. If you are really having trouble sleeping shouldn't being able to pray help you sleep or did you forget that too when you watched some movie?

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DL88, At least I have the guts and honesty to admit how I feel. Obviously you are full of fear also otherwise why would you attack me personally when I didn't address my post to you and I didn't say I completely believed or verified it. I also said in my post that I wasn't good at practicing my religion which would indicate some lack of faith and please cut and paste the line out of my post where I say I let my religion control my life. I'm not mad at you because I know you can't help attacking things which scare you, It's so much easier than facing your fears. Maybe it's something you'll grow out of who knows.



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The threat of domestic oil production is what brought the price down.

The supply increase because the consumption went down.

The free market was not going to sustain 4 dollar per gallon gas.

The oil companies have the responsibility of charging the highest price for gas that the market will sustain. The oil companies responsibility is the make as much profit for their investors as posible.

Look I survived the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s. Both the Republicans and Democrats failed to act then. There should have been a program for domestic oil production in 1976. Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush failed to do what needed to be done.

Now we have Republicans who have seen the light and want to obtain American oil.

We have the idiot Democrats (Nazi Pelosi and company) who think tire inflation is going to solve our energy problem. Sorry to tell you but wind and solar aren't goint to get you to work in the morning! Nancy Pelosi is so ignorant that she did not know that natural gas is fossil fuel!

Bitch Pelosi is the Speaker of the House and once McCain is elected, he will have to turn the heat on Congress. McCain will not be able to force domestic oil production on his own. These idiot Democrats will only cave in when their constituents tell them to drill or leave office.

First,I don't drive. My"privilege"to drive was taken away 4 years ago. Whatever. I'm over it. Second,I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've typed. I'm a liberal leaning Independent voter. As much as I LOVE to bash the GOP,I'll gladly bash the donkeys as well when needed. I love my country that much :D

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DL88, At least I have the guts and honesty to admit how I feel. Obviously you are full of fear also otherwise why would you attack me personally when I didn't address my post to you and I didn't say I completely believed or verified it. I also said in my post that I wasn't good at practicing my religion which would indicate some lack of faith and please cut and paste the line out of my post where I say I let my religion control my life. I'm not mad at you because I know you can't help attacking things which scare you, It's so much easier than facing your fears. Maybe it's something you'll grow out of who knows.



I'm scared of something? lolol news to me. Just what do I have to be scared of? What am I "not faceing" rofl! PLEASE LET ME KNOW hahaha. I thought I was the one pointing out how bs your post was on how a documentary movie appearently "took your support system out from under your feet" and that you were "shaking and wouldn't be able to sleep tonight."

Believe me when I say this, I sleep fine at night time with my contour memory foam pillow, those things are amazing, next time you want to try to insult me, TRY ok?

And Pete, how much do you love your country? is it:

[------------------------------------------------------------------Thiiiiiiiiis Much------------------------------------------------------------------]


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Hi DL88, yes you are scared, I'm not sure of what, but that kind of anger only comes from fear. You go ahead and spew your venom, as I'm not impressed by it.

I watch CNN, NBC and CBS when I watch TV, but I only keep it on for 2 hours a day, as I'm sure you know every one of those stations reports the news with their own slant to it.

I listen to music and read the news on the internet (yes I read very well retard). I've read your links, but believe only so much of what people have to say. These sites and others are really only more propaganda pushing out their view, to whomever will listen.

As far as religion goes I dislike it very much, always have (I don't believe in santa either), I merely mention religion because you come out snapping and snarling like a rabid dog if somebody doesn't conform to your way of thinking (much like a religious fanatic or islamic extremist).

Now I understand that you have a great deal of anger, lots of kids do, but I've only known that much anger to come from fear. Perhaps if you want somewhere to channel that anger, and you love our country as much as I do, you should look at serving in the military. I did and I thought it was the best thing I ever did, not just for my country, but for myself as well.

As for your economy 101 lecture goes, I don't think you are the grand visar that you picture yourself to be. Yes if we tax corporations they will offset it in any way they can, but they are already skimming as much of the cream as they can. I've seen people let go a year away from retirement just because it was "more economically viable" to let them go than give them their pension and health care.

American businesses have not always been nice to their employees, because it's the bottom line they are concerned about. They will charge as much as the market will bear, but there is a point where people start looking elsewhere for their goods. My friend Sheldon has run his truck on natural gas for years, it burns cleaner and is cheaper. He has a tank on the back of his truck, he can still run it on gas, but right now he's quite happy with the natural gas.

So there is a point where we can look to alternative energy, we are the Saudi Arabi of coal here in the US, it's plentiful, and we are able to burn it cleaner than ever before, so our power plants can stay open indefinately. We should have been investing in alternative fuels back in the 70's when gas jumped from 25 cents a gallon to over a $1.50, but instead we let OPEC lead us around by the nose. Big oil has never had our best interests at heart, just the profit line, show me the money. Any company wants you as a loyal customer.

They've lobbied and led people away from things like synthetic fuels or other technology that might break their strangle hold on our economy (any monopoly would), but it's high time we started looking beyond oil. Face it, some day the oil will run out. We haven't built a new refinery in over thirty years, to build one now would cost so much that big oil isn't building any now are they? They prefer to keep things as they are.

So yeah, I wouldn't mind them getting taxed a bit, just how much more will the people take? Gas is going through the roof, and inflation is going up with it. There is a breaking point, and big oil doesn't seem too concerned about it. We should have been developing the technology to ween us off oil for a long time. The oil companies have been making bank from our shortsightedness.

Now to address the coment you made about our civil liberties, two words: Patrioit Act. This does little to protect us from the real threats our nation faces, but gives the government free reign to spy on anybody in this nation without any legal restraint. They can listen to your phone calls, go into your home and search anytime they want to, monitor what you read, monitor your computer. I don't like giving them this kind of power, but Bush was able to get it passed, and when I talk to people about it they really haven't got a clue as to what it enables them to do.

Now one thing I might mention here boy, is that you lack any sense of manners, you don't see me swearing at your ranting now do you? Like I said, you should spend some time in the military, there we refer to the F word as a "colorful adjective" everybody uses it so much. I have listened to what you have had to say, and seen how you seek to attack me, that doesn't bother me, I've had much worse things than you to deal with in my life.

However I see you ranting just as rabidly at anybody else here who doesn't conform to your way of thinking, and from your posts I'd have to say that you can't possibly have that many friends, unless of course you are a white supremicist. I have known some and they are just as rabid as you. Your fear has you attacking everyone who has posted here, with the exception of Redneck, but that might be only because he hasn't written anything that contradicts your opinions.

So go ahead and feel free to attack me again, but please leave the profanity out of it because it is lacking in manners, and not everybody will want to read it. You know if you didn't scream so rabidly at the top of your lungs that you are the only person with a perspective that enables you to see things as they truly are (self rightiousness again), then maybe people would actually think about what you had to say.

Seig Hiel,

Vic :P

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oh wow this is gonna be fun dude, you should not have posted back to me.

Hi DL88, yes you are scared, I'm not sure of what, but that kind of anger only comes from fear. You go ahead and spew your venom, as I'm not impressed by it.

I listen to music and read the news on the internet (yes I read very well retard). I've read your links, but believe only so much of what people have to say. These sites and others are really only more propaganda pushing out their view, to whomever will listen.

First off not only was that post by me a VERY dry and sarcastic response to Freta which you OBVIOUSLY did not understand which further proves that you are fucking dumb as hell. Ok I guess I concede you do read, but you just don't fucking get it do you. I am not "spewing" anything lmfao! Everything I posted in response to you was FACT that I PROVED. The fact that you appearently can't handle it and are presenting opinion as fact is proof enough that you are blatently incompetant.

I watch CNN, NBC and CBS when I watch TV, but I only keep it on for 2 hours a day, as I'm sure you know every one of those stations reports the news with their own slant to it.

I listen to music and read the news on the internet (yes I read very well retard). I've read your links, but believe only so much of what people have to say. These sites and others are really only more propaganda pushing out their view, to whomever will listen.

Appearently you don't because one of those sources that I stated WAS from CNN!!! Wow you are stupid, but to appease you check ALL of these out:





I put 4 different news sites including the notorious "in the bucket" for Obama sites for NBC and ABC, I also included CNN and FoxNews. Both FoxNews and CNN have McCain ahead and ABC has him VERY SLIGHTLY below Obama. This is funny because ABC, just like NBC, is known as an "in the bucket." The ONLY one to have him ahead is MSNBC that is so far left it is to the point where you have to wonder if they are clinically sane. So don't try this "your propoganda venom" bullshit with me because I just PROVED to you TWICE with STATED FACT that you are wrong. I STRONGLY suggest you move onto something else ass.

As far as religion goes I dislike it very much, always have (I don't believe in santa either), I merely mention religion because you come out snapping and snarling like a rabid dog if somebody doesn't conform to your way of thinking (much like a religious fanatic or islamic extremist).

Santa is a fictional character for kids because they might not quite understand Christmas as a whole. I have a question though? Do you even know the origin of the Santa figure? Here is a clue for you:


Just that easy dipshit.

Now wait a minute, you call me a rabid dog because I PROVE you wrong with your ASSUMPTION that I am some religious fanatic. It just shows that I did prove you wrong and you can't stand that fact. We are not after the Islamic extremists because they don't "conform" or whatever you want to call it, we are after them because they are not in their right mind and they are willing to give their lives all for the destruction of the United States of America which they have stated TOO MANY NUMEROUS TIME TO COUNT. By the way, more people believe in religion than do not so you again are the minority in that way of thinking https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/th...k/print/xx.html. Zomg look at that scroll down until you see the religious part. What makes it better is that is a .gov site not a .com. You would do best to just seriously shut the fuck up on this whole religion thing as a whole, believe it.

Now I understand that you have a great deal of anger, lots of kids do, but I've only known that much anger to come from fear. Perhaps if you want somewhere to channel that anger, and you love our country as much as I do, you should look at serving in the military. I did and I thought it was the best thing I ever did, not just for my country, but for myself as well.

Where the hell did this come from? Well lets see I have already been able to PROVE that you can't come up with any facts or verify anything you say so we can ALL easily see that this is a sad and pathetic attempt to do something like discredit me or something. To be honest, I have no idea what you are trying to do here. I am not angry nor am I fearful, especially of you; rather; I love doing this with you because not only do I show you what is right by verified fact, but I show others reading how much of an ignorant fool you are. ggkthxbai

As for your economy 101 lecture goes, I don't think you are the grand visar that you picture yourself to be. Yes if we tax corporations they will offset it in any way they can, but they are already skimming as much of the cream as they can. I've seen people let go a year away from retirement just because it was "more economically viable" to let them go than give them their pension and health care.

American businesses have not always been nice to their employees, because it's the bottom line they are concerned about. They will charge as much as the market will bear, but there is a point where people start looking elsewhere for their goods. My friend Sheldon has run his truck on natural gas for years, it burns cleaner and is cheaper. He has a tank on the back of his truck, he can still run it on gas, but right now he's quite happy with the natural gas.

So there is a point where we can look to alternative energy, we are the Saudi Arabi of coal here in the US, it's plentiful, and we are able to burn it cleaner than ever before, so our power plants can stay open indefinately. We should have been investing in alternative fuels back in the 70's when gas jumped from 25 cents a gallon to over a $1.50, but instead we let OPEC lead us around by the nose. Big oil has never had our best interests at heart, just the profit line, show me the money. Any company wants you as a loyal customer.

They've lobbied and led people away from things like synthetic fuels or other technology that might break their strangle hold on our economy (any monopoly would), but it's high time we started looking beyond oil. Face it, some day the oil will run out. We haven't built a new refinery in over thirty years, to build one now would cost so much that big oil isn't building any now are they? They prefer to keep things as they are.

So yeah, I wouldn't mind them getting taxed a bit, just how much more will the people take? Gas is going through the roof, and inflation is going up with it. There is a breaking point, and big oil doesn't seem too concerned about it. We should have been developing the technology to ween us off oil for a long time. The oil companies have been making bank from our shortsightedness.

Since when did I say I was a "grand visar" on economics? Here we go making stuff up again aren't we....Vic Vic Vic come on now... -_-

There is a part where you are right in this Vic actually, and that is about the alternative fuels. We do need alternative fuels but the viable technology is about 20 years off. Yes, we can harvest some of it now but we need to continue to do the research so that it is economically viable. Until then we DO need to drill and drill our own resources because yes you are right, we will run out of oil eventually if we keep on our pace. What the FUNNIEST part is, is in what you just said, you just proved yourself WRONG. How you may ask? Well by talking about how we need to drill and get more of our domestic oil. Here is YOUR problem, you not only verified what I said in my last post but you also verified that the democrat dominated congress is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it. They felt it would be better to go on vacation and Speaker Pelosi to promote her failure of a book than get an energy bill on the table. See what I mean? You just sold out your own party, feels good doesn't it ^_^ . If we raise taxes on the oil companies that are already paying out the ass in taxes, they are STILL going to make a profit. Ok, now if they have to pay more but they still WILL make a profit how do you think they get the money? THEY RAISE THE WHOLESALE PRICE OF GAS WHICH MEANS HIGHER $$ PER GALLON FOR US TO PAY! You democrats won't do a damn thing about it eighter. It is obvious Vic, pull your head out of your ass and get off of this "punish the wealthy" bandwagon you are on because you don't have to be, as you say, an "economical grand visar" to see it. It is right there and obvious, I AGAIN proved you don't know shit about shit of economics 101. I suggest you NOT talk about this anymore because I will keep stomping you dude.

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Now to address the coment you made about our civil liberties, two words: Patrioit Act. This does little to protect us from the real threats our nation faces, but gives the government free reign to spy on anybody in this nation without any legal restraint. They can listen to your phone calls, go into your home and search anytime they want to, monitor what you read, monitor your computer. I don't like giving them this kind of power, but Bush was able to get it passed, and when I talk to people about it they really haven't got a clue as to what it enables them to do.

Oh Vic seriously you still don't get it? Do I even need to say it again? You obviously don't get it and I dont feel like typing a bunch to explain it so here is a good source:


Learn to research ok thanks goodbye.

Now one thing I might mention here boy, is that you lack any sense of manners, you don't see me swearing at your ranting now do you? Like I said, you should spend some time in the military, there we refer to the F word as a "colorful adjective" everybody uses it so much. I have listened to what you have had to say, and seen how you seek to attack me, that doesn't bother me, I've had much worse things than you to deal with in my life.

However I see you ranting just as rabidly at anybody else here who doesn't conform to your way of thinking, and from your posts I'd have to say that you can't possibly have that many friends, unless of course you are a white supremicist. I have known some and they are just as rabid as you. Your fear has you attacking everyone who has posted here, with the exception of Redneck, but that might be only because he hasn't written anything that contradicts your opinions.

Actually YOU started this first of all, my original post IF YOU ACTUALLY WERE TO READ IT basically asked you to STOP using profanity and name calling because you were doing it to people and Redneck did stop. This part by you is a blatent "trying to make me look like a psycho" paragraph. I am over 18, pay taxes, have a job, and pay for myself completely so where the fuck do you get the right telling me I "have no sence of manners" when you not only came after me first but tried to make me seem like, and I quote, "a super conservative religious fanatic." You are just angry because I am beating your ass up and down this entire thread with fact that I can prove while you are just typing a bunch of bullshit without any continuity. I don't care what you have gone through in your life nor do I care what you think of me at all. When at anytime did I say anything remotely rascist? FIND THE POST! BUT YOU CAN'T BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING REMOTELY LIKE THAT! I "attack" people who "won't conform" to me? What in the hell are you talking about dude? So in a political discussion when you attack me first I am not allowed to respond to you with proven fact that I can verify is what you are saying. Ya, that makes sense dude. I suggest you not even try that stuff again because I just beat your ass, AGAIN.

So go ahead and feel free to attack me again, but please leave the profanity out of it because it is lacking in manners, and not everybody will want to read it. You know if you didn't scream so rabidly at the top of your lungs that you are the only person with a perspective that enables you to see things as they truly are (self rightiousness again), then maybe people would actually think about what you had to say.

Seig Hiel,


Vic, it is called responding to your post, you "attacked" me first, all I am doing is responding to you so just shut up. I lack manners eh? Ok I will try to be better Mom. If I didn't scream? I didn't know you could hear me scream over the intarwebs lol! I'm not screaming at you at all, it is actually more astonishment that you can be that blatently ignorant. Vic, you are pathetic and all of your posts are pathetic. I PROVE what I say and give people links to what I say so they can verify that. You, however, take a bunch of crap that is your opinion and throw it up there. You hold no candle to me at all and you never will until you can start proving what you say and come at me with something you know about AFTER you learn who I am by reading past posts of mine. You are ignorant and I have shown everybody here that through not only basic thought processes, but PROVING you wrong with fact that I can prove and I have shown people so they can verify. Don't respond to me because I will keep spanking you up and down these forums because I can prove what I say, while you can't.

P.S. I am VERY confident you do not speak German nor do you actually understand what "Seig Hiel" means. Vic if anybody is angry it is you because you just keep talking bs and I PROVE you wrong. I guess you left out peace, even though you have no idea what true peace is.

So in the truest meaning of peace Vic, continue to learn and live in tranquility with your loved ones in life.

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In reality, you only have 2 choices, McCain or Obamination. McCain is the lessor of 2 evils. I really like his VP pick. She should be president! Palin is certainly more qualified to be president than Obama.

Spoken like a true slave of the media and government. This is the type of attitude that keeps piss poor choices for presidents in the house (as well as the house, senate, state and local governments).

We are spending money now because of a war. Saddam had yellow cake uranium. Saddam was in the process of constructing a nuclear bomb. Attacking Iraq was the right thing to do.

If you want to talk about security, for exactly seven years, there has not been a repeat of 9-11.

The economy has never been in recession! There has yet to be a quarter that the economy did not grow. The Bush tax cuts kept the economy afloat. The high price of oil is hurting everyone. Oil is expensive because of world demand. Again, Obama does not want us to recover our own oil. For that reason alone, he should not be president.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid bud.

hmm...no attacks in 7 years...I wonder why... I won't even go into that subject ;)

ALL PRAISE BUSH!!! *sarcasm* What do you think of his "Patriot Act"? Its the most unpatriotic piece of garbage ever passed.

And as for you, DL88...

I'll be nice and take out the "religious" in religious fanatic. You are still a fanatic, without a doubt. Try reading what you post, and what you say. You are truly a fanatic. Typical 19 year old. Calling people fucktards and such will only lower any respect anyone has of you and anything you say. The way you rant is reminiscent of a Southern Baptist Preacher (no offense to any good southern baptists here).

fanatic - (noun) - A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

What's your profession? What's your Major/Minor in college? How much do you truly know about our country, the government, and its history? I'm sure an answer to this would go a long way to determining your credibility to even post what you do. Surely experience isn't it. I apologize from the bottom of my heart if you mentioned it in one of your previous novel long rants, I must be BLIND and missed it. (actually, these questions should apply to everyone in here)

On another note: Oil prices are controlled by the futures market. Oil companies determine how much to put on the market. While yes, their quota's affect the prices, that only goes so far.

Oil Future prices are determined by: Supply, demand, natural disasters, instability in countries that supply oil and the regions they are in, and the most important one: Greed.

I am not opposed to free market, or Futures, but I don't really care for the fact that the price I pay at the pump is determined by men in suits who buy oil that they will never take possession of, and then sell it for a profit to someone who likewise will never take possession of it.

As far as the economy is concerned, we ARE in a recession. Nationwide unemployment is put at 6.1%. Most of my state is much higher, including a city now at 11% unemployment. I am one of the unfortunate who can't even get a minimum wage job as the market is so bad.

Oh, before anyone start blasting me that I don't know what I'm talking about, that I'm a FUCKTARD, or some other colorful remarks, I will tell you right now. I do my homework. I don't watch "News Networks". They are a waste of time. When they spent a month covering almost nothing but Anna Nicole Smith's death, I lost all respect for watching them. I search independently on the internet, looking at both sides of issues and headlines. Yes, many of the things I read or watch online come from "News Networks" but I don't have to sit and watch what they want to shove down my throat when they want. I watch C-Span and C-Span2 daily. My major is Political Science, and my minor is Economics.

I believe I am more than qualified to take on these debates, between my knowledge, and also that I have the ability to keep it somewhat civil, without slinging vulgar words at anyone who disagrees with me, DL88. You want people to respect, or even listen to your opinions? Then grow up, and start acting a little more mature. Maybe someone needs their diaper changed and a time out.


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Spoken like a true slave of the media and government. This is the type of attitude that keeps piss poor choices for presidents in the house (as well as the house, senate, state and local governments).

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid bud.

hmm...no attacks in 7 years...I wonder why... I won't even go into that subject ;)

ALL PRAISE BUSH!!! *sarcasm* What do you think of his "Patriot Act"? Its the most unpatriotic piece of garbage ever passed.

And as for you, DL88...

I'll be nice and take out the "religious" in religious fanatic. You are still a fanatic, without a doubt. Try reading what you post, and what you say. You are truly a fanatic. Typical 19 year old. Calling people fucktards and such will only lower any respect anyone has of you and anything you say. The way you rant is reminiscent of a Southern Baptist Preacher (no offense to any good southern baptists here).

fanatic - (noun) - A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

What's your profession? What's your Major/Minor in college? How much do you truly know about our country, the government, and its history? I'm sure an answer to this would go a long way to determining your credibility to even post what you do. Surely experience isn't it. I apologize from the bottom of my heart if you mentioned it in one of your previous novel long rants, I must be BLIND and missed it. (actually, these questions should apply to everyone in here)

On another note: Oil prices are controlled by the futures market. Oil companies determine how much to put on the market. While yes, their quota's affect the prices, that only goes so far.

Oil Future prices are determined by: Supply, demand, natural disasters, instability in countries that supply oil and the regions they are in, and the most important one: Greed.

I am not opposed to free market, or Futures, but I don't really care for the fact that the price I pay at the pump is determined by men in suits who buy oil that they will never take possession of, and then sell it for a profit to someone who likewise will never take possession of it.

As far as the economy is concerned, we ARE in a recession. Nationwide unemployment is put at 6.1%. Most of my state is much higher, including a city now at 11% unemployment. I am one of the unfortunate who can't even get a minimum wage job as the market is so bad.

Oh, before anyone start blasting me that I don't know what I'm talking about, that I'm a FUCKTARD, or some other colorful remarks, I will tell you right now. I do my homework. I don't watch "News Networks". They are a waste of time. When they spent a month covering almost nothing but Anna Nicole Smith's death, I lost all respect for watching them. I search independently on the internet, looking at both sides of issues and headlines. Yes, many of the things I read or watch online come from "News Networks" but I don't have to sit and watch what they want to shove down my throat when they want. I watch C-Span and C-Span2 daily. My major is Political Science, and my minor is Economics.

I believe I am more than qualified to take on these debates, between my knowledge, and also that I have the ability to keep it somewhat civil, without slinging vulgar words at anyone who disagrees with me, DL88. You want people to respect, or even listen to your opinions? Then grow up, and start acting a little more mature. Maybe someone needs their diaper changed and a time out.


Who are you and who invited you? This is funny because this is exactly how it started with Vic except with Vic I had simply posted for him to chill out, stop namecalling, and stick to the politics which of course he didn't. Now all of the sudden this clown wants to hop in trying to make fun of my age all of the sudden? I am no fanatic for a cause nor am I trying to overwhelmingly push a Republican agenda. I am discrediting everything Vic says or does with fact. Sky, I don't care at all what you think of me or anything so go away, why are you trying to start a fight with me? I am not going to flatter you by gettin into it with you. Democracy should always be practiced first, if the other party is unreasonable then you must defend yourself. I tried democracy with Vic but he ignored it; however, you are going straight for the fight.

Have a good one Sky,


P.S. You people make such a big deal about freedom of speech right, so why are you attacking my freedom to curse especially at people who used language at me first and just don't seem to get presented and proven fact.

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I'm sorry that you feel that way but I did too the first time I watched it. Particularly half way through the second part. That phone call to 911 just before the tower goes down was too much for me. I had to stop and come back. I'm also sorry that by expressing yourself (in what was probably a very fragile emotional state no less) opened you up for attack. Its very sad that some people are in so much pain or so scared that they feel the need to take everything as a personal attack. Its also interesting to note that this person is obviously deriving some form of primal enjoyment from spewing hate and aggression onto the people around him/her. People who were not even remotely addressing this persons interests or opinions. The anger is very disproportional to the stimulus.

That sort of anger only comes from pain or fear. So either this person is afraid of who they are inside or know who they are but hate themselves. Either way they are in a lot of emotional pain and there for don't deserve you anger but rather your pity. Look at the world through their eyes. Not able to fully agree with anybody else because they can't fully agree with themselves. Sad very sad. Anywho, anyone who posts wiki as a reliable source and can keep a straight face is a better person than me. Especially while saying other sources are unreliable, but I digress. Seriously its people like vic and skywolf that are the true heroes of this thread. Keep fighting them in the trenches and direct all you loved ones to the fronts lines. This is an uphill fight and it will take all of us to get anything accomplished.

All the best,


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I'm sorry that you feel that way but I did too the first time I watched it. Particularly half way through the second part. That phone call to 911 just before the tower goes down was too much for me. I had to stop and come back. I'm also sorry that by expressing yourself (in what was probably a very fragile emotional state no less) opened you up for attack. Its very sad that some people are in so much pain or so scared that they feel the need to take everything as a personal attack. Its also interesting to note that this person is obviously deriving some form of primal enjoyment from spewing hate and aggression onto the people around him/her. People who were not even remotely addressing this persons interests or opinions. The anger is very disproportional to the stimulus.

That sort of anger only comes from pain or fear. So either this person is afraid of who they are inside or know who they are but hate themselves. Either way they are in a lot of emotional pain and there for don't deserve you anger but rather your pity. Look at the world through their eyes. Not able to fully agree with anybody else because they can't fully agree with themselves. Sad very sad. Anywho, anyone who posts wiki as a reliable source and can keep a straight face is a better person than me. Especially while saying other sources are unreliable, but I digress. Seriously its people like vic and skywolf that are the true heroes of this thread. Keep fighting them in the trenches and direct all you loved ones to the fronts lines. This is an uphill fight and it will take all of us to get anything accomplished.

All the best,


lol this is hilarious! You people keep saying that I "am afraid" of something. It isn't working lol. You people are gaining no ground at all. I linked wiki not for a viable source but because it gave a reasonable explanation of Santa and the Patriot Act. Believe it or not wiki actually has some decent non-complicated explanations. Freta your post was bs ment to make some people that believe in religion looks like flakes and Babyvr6 your post is retarded.

P.S. If I am so afraid why is truth on my side? Also if I am the person who is against people who don't conform to me then why is it you people keep responding objectively to me and always trying to get "the last word." Chew on that for a bit.

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DL88, The following is a quote I took from your attack on babyvr6 when he was replying to me:

P.S. If I am so afraid why is truth on my side? Also if I am the person who is against people who don't conform to me then why is it you people keep responding objectively to me and always trying to get "the last word." Chew on that for a bit.

This is the definition of an objective reply taken from dictionary,com

5. not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

I put this in here so you can learn to understand what an objective reply looks like. My personal feelings aren't in play here. I'm not swearing at you, calling you names, ridiculing you or attacking your post such as labeling it bs. This reply is based on facts which I have included. Anyone can simply look back at your post and see that I cut the quote from it directly without editing it. They and you can also look up objective in any dictionary and see that I didn't alter it for this reply.

I suspect you don't have a firm understanding of an objective reply because people were trying to be objective with you and you label it bs and you send out subjective replies and brag about how you back up everything. I've taken the liberty of including the definition of subjective so you can learn to recognize that too.

1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).

2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.

3. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.

Now if you carefully go back through this thread and look at your posts in an objective manner you may be enlightened. We can only hope.



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DL88, The following is a quote I took from your attack on babyvr6 when he was replying to me:

P.S. If I am so afraid why is truth on my side? Also if I am the person who is against people who don't conform to me then why is it you people keep responding objectively to me and always trying to get "the last word." Chew on that for a bit.

This is the definition of an objective reply taken from dictionary,com

5. not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

I put this in here so you can learn to understand what an objective reply looks like. My personal feelings aren't in play here. I'm not swearing at you, calling you names, ridiculing you or attacking your post such as labeling it bs. This reply is based on facts which I have included. Anyone can simply look back at your post and see that I cut the quote from it directly without editing it. They and you can also look up objective in any dictionary and see that I didn't alter it for this reply.

I suspect you don't have a firm understanding of an objective reply because people were trying to be objective with you and you label it bs and you send out subjective replies and brag about how you back up everything. I've taken the liberty of including the definition of subjective so you can learn to recognize that too.

1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).

2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.

3. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.

Now if you carefully go back through this thread and look at your posts in an objective manner you may be enlightened. We can only hope.



First off Freta, Learn to quote. Second off Freta, I was more referring to the objective posts from Vic and not so much you. Now if you wanna do this we can do this as well.

Appearently you need a lesson. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/objective next time include the ENTIRE definition instead of a few lines however we will simply go off of the 3 lines you gave.

1. In Vic's mind he thought of things one way and was convited to that belief and not thinking of my, and many other people's, view or the OBJECT thought.

2. Vic is an individual, as am I. He and I both have our own personal views about things and are participating in a heated debate. Things he says are subject to my OBJECTIVE criticism as things I say are subject to his OBJECTIVE criticism.

3. Vic and I BOTH put much ephasis on our own personal thoughts, opinions, and attitudes. We were both thinking in an egocentric manner towards eachother trying to disprove and discredit eachother. Each response is OBJECTIVE towards eachother.

Dang Freta did I REALLY just take what you put down and prove that my usage of objective was correct? Yep, I did. kthxbai

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