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  1. 1. Who ya gunna vote for?

    • John McCainn
    • Mike Huckabee
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Nappy Naperson!

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You take the extremes of the news, find the middle, and that's about where the truth lies. I'm sick of the media slants (both conservative and liberal).

Now, can any Bush supporter tell me what good things he has done? And don't say we haven't had another 9/11, because ANY President would take action to protect their nation, not just a "Conservative".

NCLB is a joke. Ask any real teacher and they will tell you that. I know a few people who majored in education and now won't go into public schools because NCLB is garbage, it's a burden.

And storey, where did Obama not STAND for the National Anthem. I have seen where he didn't put his hand over his heart for it, but even I didn't know you did that until I looked it up. I was always led to believe you stood at attention facing the flag, removing any hats until it was part of a military uniform.

I have to say Security has tightened up but there is still room for improvement!

Bush lowered taxes.

Bush got rid of those stupid sales calls durring dinner.

Bush has done some bad things. I am sorry to see him subscribe to the "global warming" nonsense. He needs to mandate the fence between Mexico and the United States. He needs to issue and executive order demanding an increase in domestic oil production and suspending all environmental laws that inhibit oil exploration.

I can't stand Obama because he is a Marxist Communist!

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She is entitled to her opinion, I honestly don't think Bush is the worst we've had, and the fact that the house is so split right now, and Bush didn't veto most bills his first term, or any, I think it was, just as much of the damage could be blamed on your faithful democrats, too busy hating bush and spouting non-sense about global warming, or maybe cooling, or what else is it now?

You mention my grammar and then offer up the above sentence? I'm really not sure what you're trying to say there but the reason Bush didn't veto anything in his first term is because there was a Republican majority in the house and the senate. He didn't need to veto anything.

As for the WMD thing, honestly, you'd be saying just as much if he ignored the threat of them existing. (How could he NOT follow information like that!?)

Information? The Bush administration cherry picked the intelligence it wanted to make the case to go to war. Rumsfeld originally suggested invading Iraq. It wasn't as if Iraq presented a new threat. It was a course of action that they deliberately sought after.

, and what Makes you think we're not actively searching for Bin Laden? That if we got a good lead, we wouldn't be following it up as much as any other lead we get?

Well, there's the Bin Laden and Bush family ties. I think it's a bit of a conspiracy theory stretch but the Bin Ladens were allowed to leave the country after the attack without being questioned. It's also worth mentioning that the previous administration left Bush a memo that said "Bin Laden determined to attack". I'm not saying Bush is responsible for the attack but they pretty much disregarded that memo. They certainly didn't do everything possible to prevent it. Now, why aren't they actively searching for Bin Laden? I'm sure they're searching, but it's a LOW priority. Why? Because Bush spent 584 BILLION dollars invading a country that was never a threat and pulled personnel out of Afghanistan allowing him to slip into Pakistan. I betcha anything 584 billion dollars would have had us Bin Laden's head on a stick by now. Fact of the matter now is that Afghanistan's chief export is heroin. Had we finished the job there, caught Bin Laden, and rebuilt their country we'd have actually made some good friends in that region because for a little while the Afghani people were better off after the repression enforced by the Taliban. But no, we blew it, we pulled many troops out, let Bin Laden get away. It's a mess.

Oh, By the way, do you even know why there was a surplus of money at the end of the Clinton Administration? He didn't veto a republican bill.

From factcheck.org:

Clinton's major contribution was pushing through the 1993 budget bill, which began to reduce what had become a chronic string of federal deficits. Republicans denounced it as the "largest tax increase in history," though in fact it was not a record and also contained some cuts in projected spending. Republican Rep. Newt Gingrich predicted: "The tax increase will kill jobs and lead to a recession, and the recession will force people off of work and onto unemployment and will actually increase the deficit." But just the opposite happened. Fears of inflation waned and interest rates fell, making money cheaper to borrow for homes, cars and investment. What had been a slow economic recovery turned into a roaring boom, bringing in so much unanticipated tax revenue from rising incomes and stock-market gains that the government actually was running record surpluses by the time Clinton left office.

The Republicans opposed that bill. So no, the Republicans don't get the credit for that. Clinton doesn't deserve all the credit either as noted income from the internet bubble brought in unexpected tax revenue and that definitely helped but the republicans had previously left a string of increasing deficits. Clinton stopped that.

Now, I can't, and don't want to argue all your points. Might some of them hold ground? Maybe. I just know alot of it holds no ground, which makes your credibility shaky as a whole, and I'd be much more inclinded to read through it, if it wasn't, well, typed like that. Politics makes me sick.. anyway. =/

I don't see how facts hold no credibility. BTW, I forgot to mention the Bush administration's handling of Katrina and their lack of support for the troops for denying them the funds to provide basic equipment like body armor but I suppose you'd deny that reality as well.

Bush will go down in history as the worst president ever. I'm sure of that. Even in the present he has the lowest approval rating of any president in the history of the US.

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I'm going for McCain. I'm a huge democrat too, which is strange. I just hate all the current candidates for my party. Honestly, i'm not voting at all... it's not worth it this time... but if i was forced at gunpoint, it'd be McCain.

I know alot of the crap he says isn't really good, but it's personally the best option for me.


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I have to say Security has tightened up but there is still room for improvement!

Bush lowered taxes.

Bush got rid of those stupid sales calls durring dinner.

Bush has done some bad things. I am sorry to see him subscribe to the "global warming" nonsense. He needs to mandate the fence between Mexico and the United States. He needs to issue and executive order demanding an increase in domestic oil production and suspending all environmental laws that inhibit oil exploration.

I can't stand Obama because he is a Marxist Communist!

Bush lowered taxes, OK. But that's irrelevant when the fact is I am paying more for everything else (fuel, health care, food, etc.) and we're now looking at the spending that has gone on not being matched by income. If I lived my personal life like this, I would have to file bankruptcy, or lose all my possessions.

As for sales calls, ok, that's one thing, but it's minor.

As for global warming, I can't understand why people claim it is nonsense. It hasn't been unequivocally proven or disproven.

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Global warming is just another excuse for the powerfull elite to fleece America.

It is a fact that the earth has been cooler. It is also a fact that the earth has been warmer too.

The Algore types are just alarmist. Gore's motivation is easy to understand. Gore owns the company that sells "carbon credits"! Follow the money!

Bush lowered taxes, OK. But that's irrelevant when the fact is I am paying more for everything else (fuel, health care, food, etc.) and we're now looking at the spending that has gone on not being matched by income. If I lived my personal life like this, I would have to file bankruptcy, or lose all my possessions.

As for sales calls, ok, that's one thing, but it's minor.

As for global warming, I can't understand why people claim it is nonsense. It hasn't been unequivocally proven or disproven.

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Global warming is just another excuse for the powerfull elite to fleece America.

You know, you're absolutely right. The declining polar bear population, glaciers disappearing and receding at a dramatically accelerated rate, dying coral reefs, acid rain, and icebergs the size of Rhode Island are all a great big conspiracy. While you're at it don't forget to mention that the Apollo program was filmed on a Hollywood stage. The only fleecing going on is the Bush Administration deliberately rewriting documents from top scientists because it's not good news for the Bush Family big oil interests and Haliburton. As you said, follow the money.

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The polar bear population is not in decline. Alaska is over-running with polar bears.

Look I live in Florida. If warter rising was going to be an issue, I would have a hard time obtaining homeowner insurance.

This alarmist crap is based on pure speculation.

Even Al Gore knows it is a lie. Al Gore is getting richer from people buying "carbon credits" from Al Gore! Follow the money!

You know, you're absolutely right. The declining polar bear population, glaciers disappearing and receding at a dramatically accelerated rate, dying coral reefs, acid rain, and icebergs the size of Rhode Island are all a great big conspiracy. While you're at it don't forget to mention that the Apollo program was filmed on a Hollywood stage. The only fleecing going on is the Bush Administration deliberately rewriting documents from top scientists because it's not good news for the Bush Family big oil interests and Haliburton. As you said, follow the money.

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The polar bear population is not in decline. Alaska is over-running with polar bears.

Sorry you're wrong. Please explain to me how a world wide population of 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears can be classified as "over-running"? 60% of the population lives in Canada. The population in Hudson bay has declined over 20% since the eighties and it's been directly linked to the ice break up in Hudson Bay. The US has classified polar bears as "threatened species". Russia and Canada have classified them as "species of concern". Also if you wouldn't mind, I'd love if you could explain how it is you can classify scientific data as "alarmist crap". They're facts. They don't have opinions. They're not affiliated with any political party, they're just facts. The facts are that declines in polar bear populations have been directly linked to disappearing ice pack. Feel free to debate the cause of the ice pack break up but like it or not the declining ice pack in Hudson Bay is quantifiable. The melting and disappearance of many glaciers around the world is quantifiable. The alarming death of coral reefs around the world are quantifiable. 97% of elkhorn and staghorn coral have died off the coast of Florida since 1975. 75% of the kelp forests in southern California have died over the past 50 years. 90% of the world's stock of tuna, cod and other large fish have disappeared in the past 50 years (a combination of changes in climate and over fishing). I suppose you'd probably argue that the glaciers, coral reefs, kelp forests and coral reefs are communists or bleeding heart liberals conspiring against us?

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Im votin for Nader...Why's he not on the list?

well, im probably not gonna vote for president, not that im not gonna go, i just seriously doubt that there's going to be a third party candidate on the list, MS's basically the Republican's backyard, they dont allow intruders, and barely tolerate the neighbors showing up to visit every few years <_<

so if there's no third party candidate i refuse to vote...two party system has to die

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Look I live in Florida. If warter rising was going to be an issue, I would have a hard time obtaining homeowner insurance.

That's your argument? Homeowners Insurance? Homeowners Insurance is NOT flood insurance (I suggest you read your policy to find out if yours covers floods, most likely it does not unless you've purchased a specific flood insurance policy). You should have no problem getting homeowners insurance in the areas devastated by Katrina. I'm guessing that flood insurance however, costs an arm and a leg (or perhaps it isn't even available).

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That's your argument? Homeowners Insurance? Homeowners Insurance is NOT flood insurance (I suggest you read your policy to find out if yours covers floods, most likely it does not unless you've purchased a specific flood insurance policy). You should have no problem getting homeowners insurance in the areas devastated by Katrina. I'm guessing that flood insurance however, costs an arm and a leg (or perhaps it isn't even available).

Well...for the most part yeah, tell you the truth though, nobody has flood insurance here...still, they dont, why? because the few that did got screwed because the insurance companies told them either Storm Surge didnt count as Flood...or they couldnt prove that it wasnt Wind Damage, which seemingly noone wants to cover...

I dont think ill ever trust an Insurance Company again(irony no?) bloodsuckers should be Nationalized....

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If you don't vote, don't bitch about anything.

I'm going for McCain. I'm a huge democrat too, which is strange. I just hate all the current candidates for my party. Honestly, i'm not voting at all... it's not worth it this time... but if i was forced at gunpoint, it'd be McCain.

I know alot of the crap he says isn't really good, but it's personally the best option for me.


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Adolph Hitler thought the same!

It was a young and frustrated group of Germans that allowed the Nazis to take over Germany. Obama is the new American Hitler.

Several weeks ago, we heard Maxine Waters wanting to nationalize oil companies.

We have some candidates wanting to nationalize healthcare.

The above has all been tried by the Nazi-Fascist bunch It doesn't work

Think about it before you want to nationalize anything. Congress could not even run it's own post office!

It is the US government that is the bloodsucker. The government gets the most money from a gallon of gas. The government didn't drill, refine or explore for it!

When you buy any insurance policy, the government gets a piece of it.

Look at your paycheck. See how much you contributed to Social Security. What it doesn't show you is your employer had to contribute the same amount!

I dont think ill ever trust an Insurance Company again(irony no?) bloodsuckers should be Nationalized....

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Adolph Hitler thought the same!

It was a young and frustrated group of Germans that allowed the Nazis to take over Germany. Obama is the new American Hitler.

Dude, you're off your rocker. Comparing Obama to Hitler? What, is he going to round up all the white people in America, put them in concentration camps and start world war III? You're more than just a little out of touch with reality but I'll give you a quick check, it's Bush who is responsible for killing over 200,000 people. Even so, not even Bush deserves to be compared to Hitler. Your comparison is outrageous and more than offensive.

We have some candidates wanting to nationalize healthcare.

The above has all been tried by the Nazi-Fascist bunch It doesn't work

And now you're comparing a many members of this forum to Nazis, or at least suggesting it? Unbelievable. Guess what, Sweden, Canada, England, Japan and many other countries have healthcare provided for them. None of those systems are a perfect utopia but they're much better than what we have here. Many people in this country don't have health care because they can't afford it. Massachusetts passed a law requiring that people have insurance (which they must buy from a private company). What I can't get over is that in this case the Democrats signed on to it. Anyhow, the only people getting rich are the insurance companies. My friend as a result is now breaking the law. He literally can not afford health care.

Your implication that nationalizing things doesn't work is also wrong. In the vast majority of cases nationalizing something is bad, bad for capitalism however in some cases it's required due to the extremely greedy nature of for profit companies who will stop at nothing to increase profits. Can you imagine what life would be like if the police departments or fire departments in the US were privately run? "We're sorry, we realize you're being held up but company policy is that we will only dispatch an officer if shots or fired". Fire departments would let forest fires burn because they're too costly to put out (sometimes that's actually a good thing for forests but sometimes it's not). If your fire policy wasn't paid they might come and save anyone trapped but otherwise let the house burn down. Think it's crazy? Insurance companies let people DIE because their policies don't cover life saving procedures. Privatization is what has dramatically driven up the cost of healthcare in this country. Guess what over 50% of the operating budget of a hospital is for? No, not to pay surgeons and doctors. No, not to pay for expensive equipment like MRI and CT scanners. No, not for malpractice insurance for doctors. It's for human resources. Human resources to push around paper. Over 50% of a US hospital's budget goes towards paying employees to push around insurance company red tape. Heart bypass surgery in the US costs over $100,000. In India it costs $18,000 and their doctors are just as good (trained at Harvard, and Stanford, etc.). It's a catch 22. If the insurance companies weren't for profit organizations then hospitals wouldn't have to pay so many people to deal with all the paperwork and as a result health care would be much less expensive.

Back to the climate. In the news today... scientists believe there's a 50% chance the the polar ice cap will completely melt this summer marking the first time in recorded history that this has ever happened (right now it's the thinest it's ever been). I betcha anything Al Gore is up there right now with a hair dryer personally melting the ice. :rolleyes:

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The government gets the most money from a gallon of gas.

Again, an explanation is needed. Please explain how 18.4 cents per gallon of gas is "most" of the money from a $4.00+ dollar per gallon price tag. By my calculations that's 4.6%. My home state takes another 20.6 cents per gallon cut (taxes and fees). Total state and federal tax comes to 9.75%. That's not even close to "most".

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I would swear that the democrats have been in control of congress for the last 1 1/2 years and have not done any thing worth writing about.

They have spent more time bickering and holding worthless hearing then coming up with meaningful laws.

They have had a chance to pass may good laws and all they do is pad what they do pass with pork and special interest legislation for there friend till they get vetoed so they can complain about bush.

They need to keep it up and in a few years we will have a veterans party up and running and kick both out.

Just check the bills that the democrats have pushed and what the junk they have added just to screw with bush and you will want to get rid of both parties

Kick the bums out.

For you who think medical care in the Canada, England, and Australia with there nationalize health care is so great just surf the fibromyalgia web sites.

and hear what they think about nationalize healthcare some come to the US to seek treatment.

Under nationalize health care you will be assigned a doctor.

and 50% of the doctors out there graduated in the bottom half of there class.

I go to the VA and have some of the best doctors in the country from UCLA.

the Democrats want to go to nationalize healthcare so they can do away with the VA

veterans in Canada, England, and Australia do not have a veteran health care system and get a lot worse care then veterans in the US.

PS. wsdler check your facts.

Amundsen expedition

The Northwest Passage was not conquered by sea until 1906, when the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, who had sailed just in time to escape creditors seeking to stop the expedition, completed a three-year voyage in the converted 47-ton herring boat Gjøa. At the end of this trip, he walked into the city of Eagle, Alaska, and sent a telegram announcing his success. Although his chosen east–west route, via the Rae Strait, contained young ice and thus was navigable, some of the waterways were extremely shallow making the route commercially impractical.

many other ships have sailed it before September of last year

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Something has to be done now about the cost of energy.

We have the Democrats who are refusing to allow domestic exploitation of our own oil. The Democrats are intentionally keeping the economy bad to get Obama elected. If nancy Pelosi was to promote domestic oil production, the speculators would loose their shirts and the price would fall drasticly. The Democrats are afraid that President Bush would get the credit for fixing the economy and we can't have that now can we?

2008 isn't the first time that a Democratic legislature prolonged a poor economy. The stock market fell in 1929. President Hoover attempted to implement programs such as those of Franklin Roosevelt. Nothing was doen about the depression until 1933 when FDR was elected.

If you as a citizen want to make an impact on the economy, sign the drill here drill now petition now!


Let your legislator know that you are in their face and you want action now!

Drill here. Drill now. Pay less.

A rumor of domestic oil exploitation would make oil prices dive.

I would swear that the democrats have been in control of congress for the last 1 1/2 years and have not done any thing worth writing about.

They have spent more time bickering and holding worthless hearing then coming up with meaningful laws.

They have had a chance to pass may good laws and all they do is pad what they do pass with pork and special interest legislation for there friend till they get vetoed so they can complain about bush.

They need to keep it up and in a few years we will have a veterans party up and running and kick both out.

Just check the bills that the democrats have pushed and what the junk they have added just to screw with bush and you will want to get rid of both parties

Kick the bums out.

For you who think medical care in the Canada, England, and Australia with there nationalize health care is so great just surf the fibromyalgia web sites.

and hear what they think about nationalize healthcare some come to the US to seek treatment.

Under nationalize health care you will be assigned a doctor.

and 50% of the doctors out there graduated in the bottom half of there class.

I go to the VA and have some of the best doctors in the country from UCLA.

the Democrats want to go to nationalize healthcare so they can do away with the VA

veterans in Canada, England, and Australia do not have a veteran health care system and get a lot worse care then veterans in the US.

PS. wsdler check your facts.

Amundsen expedition

The Northwest Passage was not conquered by sea until 1906, when the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, who had sailed just in time to escape creditors seeking to stop the expedition, completed a three-year voyage in the converted 47-ton herring boat Gjøa. At the end of this trip, he walked into the city of Eagle, Alaska, and sent a telegram announcing his success. Although his chosen east–west route, via the Rae Strait, contained young ice and thus was navigable, some of the waterways were extremely shallow making the route commercially impractical.

many other ships have sailed it before September of last year

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This is proving that politics is a dividing force in the USA. Both bad idea sides want to take credit for fixing something that they shouldn't have broke in the first place.

That's what makes it a shame that moderates and near-right and -left politicians aren't in power. At least they could probably work something out better than two sides of polar opposites.

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Ron Paul should be president! That Obamination makes me want to puke.

Paul is a true American patriot who supports our Constitution.

Obama is a left wing hard core Communist.

I think Ron Paul would be a good canidet. he wants to get the goverment out of things like econimy. He wants the goverment to just be poilices.

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Bush is one of the best presidents we'll ever have (and I don't say that just because our options for the next four years are LOUSY). I just don't understand McCain, and the religion that is rising around Obama creeps me the hell out.

I am in awe of the sore losership shown by a lot of the Democrats over the past eight years. Such a disturbing capacity for hate...why can't they hate terrorists with as much energy, creativity and money as they hate Bush? (Noooooo...BUSH is the terrorist! BUSH caused 9/11! BUSH hates kittens!)


I'm amazed that you were able to write that post. Anyone who has watched in horror how in the past seven years have seen the removal of MOST of our civil rights. And the way this corrupt government cabinet has had almost all of them indicted or resigning due to CRIMINAL ACTIONS on their part (and let's not forget Bush's ILLEGAL war in Iraq), And still you say that you are a GWB supporter!

Are you mental? Hell I'm a vet, and a HUGE fan of this blessed nation, but even I think W has been the most horrendous president in our entire HISTORY!! He and Cheney are out to gut the constitution of these United States, and they haven't finished yet! The patriot act doesn't do a thing to slow down terrorists operating in this country or abroad, but gives them (George and his henchmen) the right to spy on ANYBODY here in the United States.

They can now enter your home whenever they feel like it and pry into every corner of your life. In the event of a disater (non-specific) like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina, Bush can now suspend the constitution, making himself in effect, dictator for life. Pretty cool huh? No more LAND OF THE FREE for us, now is there? And yet you support this monster?

Go get a new re-tread to your head man, we're going totalitarian under this assholes watch, and yet you'd probably re-elect the clown if he could run for office again. I'm definately not EVEN voting Republican this year, I've been so put off by that party. I just hope that Obama can do something about the mess that W has created in our country. We're in for some hard times as a nation, but you as a person will have a hard time waking up from this dreamworld that you apparently live in. Get help before it's too late, lay off the dope.


Vic :huh:

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Ron Paul should be president! That Obamination makes me want to puke.

Paul is a true American patriot who supports our Constitution.

Obama is a left wing hard core Communist.




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Ron Paul should be president! That Obamination makes me want to puke.

Paul is a true American patriot who supports our Constitution.

Obama is a left wing hard core Communist.


And...Aleia, one question... WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?


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Look I don't do drugs unless I get them from my doctor.

May I remind you that it was Bill Clinton that had to have his nose reconstructed because he was doing cocaine.

Obama celebrates Black Liberation Theology.

Here is the creed from the church that Obama attended for 20 years.

Commitment to God

Commitment to the Black Community

Commitment to the Black Family

Dedication to the Pursuit of Education

Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence

Adherence to the Black Work Ethic

Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect

Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness"

Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills

available to the Black Community

Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for

Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions

Pledge allegiance to Black leadership who espouse and embrace the

Black Value System

Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.

Now substitute the word "White" in the place of "Black" How far would John McCain get if he was connected to such a racist organization for 20 years?




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