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  1. Hello im a DL from paducah KY near Metropolis IL does anyone else live near by that is an AB/DL?
  2. I've read on many an AB/DL forum how much of the community says they have aspergers or autism spectrum dissorder, and that they wear because of an innate desire for comfort and to solve sensory issues. Now, I am officially diagnosed with aspergers level 1(just autism spectrum dissorder now-a-days) and I know that I used to wear out of a sexual desire which over the years took on more of a comfort desire, that is now both comfort and necessity. My question is this: do you or someone you know in the ABDL community, if you are OK posting the answer here, have autism spectrum dissorder? If so, do you think it contributes to your/their lifestyle as a AB/DL in any way?
  3. Hi, so I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now. He told me he was a DL just over a year ago. I am very accepting of this, and I don’t see anything wrong with it. We have pretty open communication when it comes to the topic. He tells me that it is a comfort thing and that he is not sexually attracted to it. He does not want to see me in diapers, he does not want me to change him, but he does wear them around me. A while ago, I found his tumblr page where he was posting videos of him wetting while I was doing some research and I brought it up with him and told him that it makes me feel a little uncomfortable with him wanting reactions from other people about his fetish. He then took down his tumblr page, but he has now made another one. I went through his phone (I know I shouldn’t have, and I regret it extremely) and I have found that he had photos of girls in diapers saved in his camera roll. Throughout our relationship he has always told me that it was not sexual, but now I’m starting to think otherwise. How do I approach this?
  4. Hi I'm looking to make some friends in the se London area, I'm a little who loves being in nappies, I'm hoping to find some friends in the area that I can hang out with maybe play some games while in nappies or hang out in any other way really just want some friends
  5. Hello all! Introducing myself.. Let’s start with my husband and I wear 24/7. Married 20+ years and finally opening up our relationship to involve others. We are both educated and professionals. I am bicurious. He is the sub in all this and will be with whomever I say. Most do not understand this lifestyle so I figured I would branch out here to start up new friendships. Feel free to send me a message and ask any questions you like! We do travel often so don’t let Houston scare you! Dprcple
  6. Long time lurker, first story I started writing a while back. Hope you enjoy The time had finally come. Alex had finally graduated highschool and as such, his parents were forcing him out of the house. Alex’s home life had always been estranged, as neither of his parents really cared as to his well being. Perhaps it was because of his disinterest in their ideals of norm, religion, charity events, etc, but Alex never saw that as a reason for his parents to just short of disown him. Alex liked to say it was his disinterest in these that was the reason his parents pushed him to the side, but the real reason was probably more involved in his own extra curricular activities and personal interests. Months prior, Alex’s parents had installed a tracking app on his laptop unbenounced to him and had discovered the vast universe of porn and erotica that Alex was into, utterly disgusting them leaving them in shock at the things they saw. The parents couldn’t believe their eyes and as such, his parents made it very apparent that upon graduating highschool, he would be expected to move out the day following his ceremony. It was one of the final pieces that made Alex realize he was alone in this world. Without a job, no experience, and a complete lack of knowledge for what he wanted to do in life, Alex simply had no idea what was to come. In the weeks leading up to Alex’s graduation, reality set in and he began to actively think through his options. Having no close friends, and no family to rely on, Alex knew he would be on his own and had little to no choices. He had packed up the few belongings he had into a duffel bag and his backpack, ensuring it was light enough to carry and only included some of his essentials. He knew he could only pack the basics, and that anything he left behind would almost certainly be thrown away by some third party company, as Alex knew his parents wouldn’t even have the audacity to do it themselves. He had clothes, a sleeping bag, some snacks stolen from the pantry and the last of his diaper stash consisting of 3 crappy pharmacy brand diapers. While he didn’t have much of a plan, he knew his best chances might be to spend what time he could at different bars and clubs around the city to provide warmth and hopefully a place to sleep. Alex was a virgin, but had developed a fantasy that maybe he would be able to find some John’s to offer his services to in hopes of a place to sleep, but had no idea how likely that would pan out, hell he had never even been to an open fetish bar, better yet ever even engaged in a sexual activity other than stroking himself off. Flash forward to the day after. Alex’s ceremony was last night. He had walked the stage, received his highschool diploma and was congratulated by all of his teachers, the friends he knew he would never see again and such. His parents put on a smile for the people around them, and tend to interact with their friends they knew in the crowd, short of ignoring Alex as they typically did. At home, Alex struggled to sleep in his bed for what he knew was the final night and clinged to his favorite teddy bear that his parents had tried to throw away on several occasions, making Alex get more creative about how to hide it. The morning came, and as Alex made his way to the kitchen, dreary eyed as could be from the lack of sleep he had gotten, he found his parents sitting at the dining room table, coffee in hand, with the posture and facial expressions that screamed there was an important talk coming. “Can you take a seat so we can talk about a few things” “Can I grab a cup of coffee first?” said Alex, “Fine” responded the Dad. Alex made his way into the kitchen and poured himself out a cup of hot coffee. It was a simple moment but Alex could feel his heart drop slightly as he knew it might be the last time for a while. He made his way back to the dining room and took a seat at the farthest end from his parents. “Me and your father wanted to make sure that you are still aware of the arrangement we came to back on your 18th?” asked his mother “Yes, I am well aware that you're disgusted by me and want me as far away from your life as possible” pipped Alex “Do not take a tone with us Alex” said his Father, “and what you do in your free time is your choice, but not while living under our roof. If you want to commit to getting your act together and shaping yourself into a desirable human being, then you are welcome to stay, but that would be too much of a commitment for you wouldn’t it”. Alex was silent. He was scared to be on his own, but he didn’t want to pretend to be happy in a life he didn’t want. “You know, I think I'll take my chances finding something that works for me” he said. “Well, your father and I discussed and we have agreed to give you $1000 to start out with, since we know you have no savings, and no job lined up. It really is a mystery what you have been doing the past couple of weeks” said his mother. Alex was shocked for a moment, he hadn’t expected anything from his parents, especially not financial support. “That...that's really appreciated...thanks” stumbled Alex. His father pulled out his wallet and handed him the cash. 10 hundred dollar bills, more money then Alex had ever seen for himself. He graciously grabbed the cash and stared at it in wonder for a second. “You will have until 2pm today to have your things packed and be out of the house” his father added on after his son had grabbed the money. Alex got up from the table and made his way back to his room. He stuffed the money into his wallet and made sure to stow his wallet is a safe spot in his backpack, knowing very well that he would be needing that money for food and a hotel room, that is if plan A didn’t work out. Alex double checked his bags one last time, and took a walk around his room to make sure he had everything he needed, and ensuring that any remnants of potentially embarrassing items were gone. With that, he grabbed his bags and made his way to the front door of the house. His parents were still sitting at the dining table having a discussion to themselves. Alex turned around and took one last look at the house. It was the home he had grown up in after all. “Alex,” his mother called out. “I want you to know that we love you, but you need to figure out your own life. Take a shot at what you want, but when that fails, come home and just do what we ask.” “Sure mom, I'll keep that in mind” responded Alex. With that, Alex opened up the front door and slammed it behind him, making his way down the driveway, and on to the start of a journey that he had no idea where it was going.
  7. Hello all, My desire to wear diapers begon since I was 7 when I sneeked out one of his pampers and wore it and wet it at night and as of right now I tend to some times purchase diapers to wear ocasionaly here and there. I am abdl curious and i'm looking for some one to meet up who can roleplay, guide me through it and have fun. (I've been reading about abdl stories, life styles for several years already but i am completely new to actually doing it in person abdl wise) I finally got some courage to make this post as i fear being rejcted by my irl friends . I'm looking to make new friends within this community, whether it would be non-abdl / non-dl or abdl / dl friends and potentially meet them in person after getting to know each other a bit(open to voice calls etc.) Dorset / Bournemouth
  8. Hello guys, just seeing if there was anyone who would like to hang out (:
  9. looking to meet other diaper people! like wearing and using diapers for their intended purpose. I am a bedwetter and wear 24/7. I currently wear Crinlze, dry 24/7 , and abena m4. do have incontinence during the day to. Looking to meet others with the same.
  10. Well all, this is my first public attempt at writing a story. It will be quite long, and I have to apologize about the fact that this first part is quite long and may be boring....it's mostly setting up characters and the plot. Backstory is hugely important to me. I will gladly accept constructive criticism, especially from other writers, so please help me finish this. If the reaction is just plain "This sucks" I'll probably never finish it, fair warning lol. With that said, here we go. ____________________________________________ Will Jackson was not your average guy. If his parents had bothered to test him when he was a child, it is very likely that he would have been diagnosed with something. He just saw the world in a very different way, never really understadning other people. Needless to say, Will's parents never had him tested. As hard as it is to believe, they were a blend of WASPy lower class folks. Meaning, of course, that Will had to work very hard to maintain the ideal picture his parents had painted him into. Insanely intelligent, but lacking the emotional understanding of the world people around him had, Will embraced the concept of "Fake it til you make it". He was bullied for being different, and he always felt alone. Many nights he would silently sob as he wondered if anyone would ever really care to know him, to understand him in a way that would make him feel accepted, but he managed to grow into a very capable young man. Not that he understood people better, but he was successful at work and had learned all the right things to say to make people think he was "well adjusted". And then Will met Emily. With a massive smile, the kindest green eyes, and a personality that made veryone around her feel like they were completely loved and accepted, she stole his heart immediately. Not the small, "hot" girl that she thought all the men wanted, Emily went through life completely unaware of how most men viewed her, through that undefinable gaze that is a mixture of lust and worship. She had grown up in a family of athletes. While she had always played sports, and stayed physically active, those who should have supported her unconditionally continued to point out her weight. Sure, she was an even 6 feet tall, but you could lose some more weight if you were really trying, they assured her. She never once felt confident in her looks, sure the men who asked her home were just using her for sex. Theirs was a whirlwind affair that no one understood. The general consensus was that Emily could have done so much better. Even will thought so. He would constantly tell her that he was just happy to have her, and would do anything to keep her happy. And believe it or not, that's where their problems all started. ________________________________________________________________________ Through their marriage, Emily and Will developed the routines that married people always do. He made sure that she always knew how amazing she was, even pointing out the men around her who couldn't keep their eyes off of her, much to his consternation. It wasn't an immediate revelation, but one of those slow things that seem to seep into your life, that her confidence increased. She credited him for all of it, and never once did anything more than laugh at the advances of other men, telling her she had the perfect one already. Emily gave Will what he had always wanted, someone who really saw him. Who didn't take offense to his questions which to most sounded sarcastic, but were truly honest. She saw the depths of him, the entrenched pain and emotion he had no way to relieve before her. Their life, like any life, was far from ideal. They would fight, they would upset each other, they would occasionally say cruel or thoughtless things to each other. But they always came together, and their marriage grew and flourished into one of those that others secretly envied. And as is usually the case, the happy couple was oblivious, giving very little thought to anything outside their world. Each year it had become a tradition that, on their anniversary, they would share some detail about themselves that the other person had never known. These ranged big to small, some secret that no one else in the world knew, like favorite childhood toys, or a secret sexual fetish they had never tried but wanted to (Emily wanted to try pegging; Will wanted her to wear a sexy maid outfit). Things that no one else in the world knew. Oh sure, there were gifts given, but those small pieces of each others souls were the true treasure. They always shared a similar secret. The night Emily told Will about the man who had forced himself on her, Will shared the abuse suffered from his parents. These things bound them together. As they approached their 15th year, Emily could tell something was off with Will. He was moody, in his way, usually lashing out at random people in anger. While coping with his problems was always stressful to him, she could tell that something different was going on. He usually worked all day, came home at night and talked to her, before he would cook her a nice meal and clean the house. She felt bad about how much he did for her, but he always seemed to get even more moody if she tried to help around the house. Oh sure, he would tell her how proud he was, and thankful, but she knew him well enough to see the strange sight of longing and hurt when he came home and there were no dishes to do. But now he was coming home and not spending their time together, that precious hour that theu spent together talking about their day. Will knew this was it. It was finally time to let go of his biggest secret. He'd harbored it his whole life, never acting on any of it. Hearing his parents voice the whole time, "this is not how we act. Grow up! Why can't you just be norma?!" But Emily deserved the truth. She deserved to understand the man (ha!) she had married, and he wasn't sure it wouldn't emd everything. Oh, he could keep on as he was, hiding this last morsel of himself from the woman who had come to mean everything to him, and he could even be happy. He was happy, which he felt was all he really needed. Just that alone was more than he ever expected to have. But Emily deserved it. As their anniversary morning came, Emily woke Will with a big kiss, like every other morning. "I can't wait until tonight" she told him, and was shocked to see panic cross his face as he replied "me too". There was definitely something off, but she would wait. If he didn't come out with it, she would! ________________________________________________ Will just couldn't focus all day. Everything he did, he seemed to screw up. It was so bad that his boss James finally called him into the office. "Will buddy, what the hell is going on with you today?" he asked. "Oh nothing much" will replied distractedly. "Cut the crap. You're my best guy on most days, but the last two weeks you've acted like a damn intern. Cut the crap and tell me what's going on now man". There was a moment of contemplation, that wierd tic that set some people off. While James maintained his professionalism, he pretty much thought of Will as one of his favorite people. The man never spoke without knowing what he wanted to say, and he never misled anyone. If a project was behind, Will came in with all the information; how far behind they were, what happened, and what it would take to get back on track, while others would try to hide any errors. Oh, you could never let him talk to a customer, he would run them out the door in seconds, but if you wanted something done, and done right, just hand it to Will and get out fo his way. "Well, it's my anniversary tonight, and I kind of have a gift for my wife. It's big but I'm not sure she'll like it, and it's kind of worrying me" Will said, as internally he wondered if it wouldn't be the end of his marriage with a dry laugh. "For drying out loud Will, is that all it is? That woman worships the ground ou walk on man. What'd you get her?" "Uh, it's kinda private..." he replied. "I get it buddy. Kinky, huh?" James laughed."Well how about this, it's Tuesday. Why don't you take the rest of the week off and make sure she likes it. My treat buddy. You've got so much time saved up, and you're between projects, so just take the week and show her a good time" James laughed. "That might be great actually" Will replied. No need to mention he might be homeless by the end of the day. "Well that settles it. Take the time, you've more than earned it. Give Emily my best." ______________________ As he walked into the house, Will could see the love of his life curled up on the porch, drinking coffee and reading. It was time to rip the band aid off, and face his new life. "Hey there sexy!" she smiled up as he leaned down for a kiss. "You're home early." "Yep, and I've got the rest of the week off to spend with you," he told her as she squealed in delight. Time with Will was the best thing ever. "Oh that's so awesome! It's gonna be amazing!" They had no need to discuss plans, their perfect day was just reading together. Being near each other seemed to be a salve to them. Will smiled, but Emily was fed up with the crap. "Will, what's wrong? You aren't yourself lately, and it's scaring me. You seem so sad, and I have no idea what it's about. Please talk to me?" she begged. She knew he needed to tell her in his own time, but she was tired of waiting. They had been through so much together, why was he just now acting like he was? "Right. I guess it's time. Are you ready for your anniversary present?" he asked her, seeing the confusion on her face. They usually both loved this tradition, it brought tears sometimes for sure, but they had always strived to know each other completely. "Of course I am! What did you get me this year?" she playfully asked. This was their thing. Another small tidbit of insight into the man who had become a part of herself. "What's that look for?" she asked when she noticed the grim shadow on his face. "Emily, I only have one more deep secret to share. I love you, and I need you to know before I tell you that you mean more to me than anything else" he said as her eyes grew wider, bordering on alarm. "What is it? You're scaring me...." she whispered. She'd never seen this look on his face and she found she hated it. "It's just something that I've hidden my whole life, andI want you to know I don't expect you to accept it. I've kept it hidden this long, and I don't need to indulge it now, but it's a part of me, and you deserve to know all of me." "Will, please, what is it?" she asked, just hoping to wipe the dejected look off his face. A version of the look he got when he admitted the disgust his parents felt in him, but worse; she could read that the disgust came from himself. With a final sigh, Will cut the last string from his old world. "I'm an adult baby."
  11. Hi, So I live in the north east of England and I’m a virgin. I’m 22, and I like to wear diapers mostly for comfort but I also like to rub myself in them. I’m BBW, lots of scars, but I have 38G boobs and I medically can’t get pregnant so I fantasise about someone cumming inside. I want someone to be accepting of the diapers and let me keep them on! Anyone up for that?
  12. Please help! Recently I purchased rearz alpaka diapers as I haven't had a chance to wear diapers for the last 9 months, I'm planning to have a crazy fun diaper day. I do have a upcoming day in which, I will be alone in my house for 3 full days. Does any one have any challenges or experimental methods that I should try out. I had an idea of putting ice cubes in the front and back of diaper or even bananas or drinking sprite and eating bananas. If you do have more interesting / fun / clever ideas please let me know, dont be shy as I'm open and willing to try every thing atleast once.
  13. hi i'm new to this page, it really would be great to be able to chat and meet other people abdl it's fun to be around I live in bridgeport CT greetings to all friends.
  14. Hey everyone, I am a DL, and was wondering if there are any like minded people in my area who would be interested in meeting up and getting to know each other better. I am not looking for anything sexual, just want to meet like minded padded individuals in my area, and go from there. I'm located very close to Grand Rapids MI, so feel free to hit me up if you're interested in meeting up, and enjoy the padding in the mean time.
  15. James woke up and rolled out of bed a crinkle shattering the silence around him. His diaper, usually wet when he woke up, was probably going to be the only good thing that happened today. He would have to visit his girlfriend and her parents today. Despite what the CDC had said about restricting home visits during the holiday season, James had decided to ignore the warnings. After all, no one else was paying attention to the warnings, he wasn’t about to be the only one stuck at home by himself on Thanksgiving. James quickly changed into a new diaper and ran through the day in his mind.He had to be strategic about all of this. First, he would wear this diaper to the airport, but had to be careful to only wet it after he went through security. Then and only then could he relax and settle in for the five hour flight. The diaper would be helpful for several reasons. First, it was hella comfortable, but second, James didn’t relish the idea of having to use what could be a COVID infested restroom on a flight. Losing your sense of taste was not that appealing. Sadly, in 2020, COVID was real and he had to take as many precautions as possible. James tossed the old diaper into a plastic bag and took it to the community trash bin. After a quick look into the mirror to make sure his ABU Simple wasn’t noticeable, James grabbed his mask, hopped into the Uber and left for the airport. But that’s when everything stopped going smoothly. He instantly noticed the line was wrapping around the terminal. Forget six feet, people were crowded near the checkout counter trying to get their tickets so they would not miss their flight. James, who was generally used to just breezing into the airport and quickly getting through TSA precheck discovered not only was the Pre Check line not open, but the monitors indicated he'd have to wait almost an hour to get to the gate. This was also a problem, because since getting into the Uber, James had to pee. He was used to relieving himself right after walking through the TSA line. There was no way he’d be able to wait an entire hour. James, gritted his teeth and decided he’d just have to hold it as long as possible. The line moved slowly as James started to shift on the spot where he stood. He figured if he focused on his iPhone and the latest news he could avoid thinking about the fullness he was feeling in his abdomen. Already it had been 20 minutes and he thought he could see some progress, but the reality was, James still had a long way to go before he reached the checkpoint. James was regretting just not going to the bathroom when he arrived, and just ditching the diaper all together. He could have always changed into another diaper after security, but at this point, he had been in line so long, to do so would have forced him to miss his flight. That’s when the woman behind him tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me?” she asked, muffled through the simple floral mask she was wearing. James swung around and faced her. “I think you dropped your jacket.” She gestured towards James’ hoodie that lay abandoned on the floor a little behind him. “Thank you.” James responded, scooping up the jacket. The woman took a slight step back to accommodate his movements in a responsible, respe way. “Would hate for you to lose it.” She said gently, laughing a little. “Airplanes are usually cold.” “Totally,” James responded. “Though, I am not sure if I am going to need it where I’m going.” “Where are you headed?” “To Nevada.” James moved forward a little with the line. “Same here.” The woman gestured towards the checkpoint that seemed forever away. “If we ever make it to the checkpoint.” James laughed a little as they continued their conversation. She was from the DC Metro area and was headed to Nevada to visit her sister who was having a rough time during quarantine. She too agreed with James, that the quarantine restrictions around the country were needed, but she was simply sick and tired of sitting around the house doing nothing when everyone else was out filming TikTok videos with their house parties. But as James continued the conversation, he couldn’t help but feel his bladder getting ready to burst. If he could last just 20 more minutes, he’d be able to get past the checkpoint and to his flight. But it was a losing battle. As the woman was going on and on about election stress, James felt a slight pinch in his diaper and then the flood gates opened. James felt the relief as the warmth spread throughout his lower regions and he tried his best to hide any reaction on his face. He didn’t quite want to be peeing right now during this conversation with this extremely attractive woman. I mean… if she was attractive. After all, all he could see was her eyes and gorgeous dark hair. But everything else about her seemed to fit the bill… maybe she had fangs or something like that. Either way, James absentmindedly looked down to make sure he had not leaked. It turns out that he had not, which was always a relief, especially in a public airport. But something felt off when James took a few steps forward. Usually when he wet, the diaper stayed the way it was. No extra poof. It would take a few wettings for it to swell. But this time, James could feel it. The diaper had swollen considerably, pushing his legs out a little bit. So much in fact, that James had a slight waddle each time he moved forward in the queue. James’ heart skipped a beat. Fuck. He couldn’t go through TSA like this. His brain spun thinking about how this had happened. Did he grab a Simple Ultra by mistake? There’s no way, he was out of those. If this was the case, there’d be no way he could continue to hide this diaper from all these people. The pants he was wearing would start bulging any moment now. The woman next to him would surely notice this suddenly round butt and pronounced waddle. “I think you’re up next.” The woman said behind him, pointing to the TSA agent who motioned for him to come forward. James swore a little realizing it was too late to go to the restroom and fix this and waddled forward to the agent. Yes, James thought, he was waddling. It was so obvious. Scanning his boarding pass and holding his identification up to the light, the TSA agent let him pass and James waddled to the security line. His heart was pounding in his chest. But for some reason, as he stood there, he noticed the agent was just waving the wand in front of people and letting them pass. James placed his TSA card onto the belt and approached the agent with relief. He’d just be wanded, so it’d be no big deal. But the man stopped him and a woman, who looked like her glare could curdle milk took his place. “You’re going to have to go through the scanner.” she said gruffly pointing toward the round scanning machine. “Wait but I’m pre check!” James panicked gesturing to his TSA Card that was now going under the x-ray. “Sir, we have so many people to get through. I don’t need this.” The woman responded pointing again to the scanner. James grimaced and stepped into the giant circular scanner. Inside there was an image of a person, raising his arms above their head. James followed suit as the lights flashed and he stepped out. The TSA agent held up his hand, looked at the iPad and told him he’d need to come with him for further screening. James, now starting to outright panic, tried to play it cool. “Excuse me sir?” He asked innocently. The agent grabbed his bag from the belt. “Don’t worry, it’s normal. We’ll take you to the back for an additional pat down.” “I don’t think that will be necessary.” James sputtered out. “If we don’t, you can pat you down here, or you don’t fly.” “Fine.” James said glumly, now thinking about what he could possibly say to the agents in the back. But when he entered the well lit room, there was a cheery man sitting behind the desk who seemed extremely happy to be there. “Hello sir. I am Dwight with TSA and I’ll be doing your additional screening today.” The agent adjusted his mask for a moment and continued. “Now before I start, I have to ask if there’s anything that will stick or hurt me as I begin your patdown?” “No.” James responded feeling quite calm suddenly. This guy was a total zen garden. “Great.” The man looked at the screen in the office and then frowned. “Looks like there is something here on your groin area.” He then picked up his walkie talkie and said, “DB-02.” Then he looked back at James, “No worries, it happens all the time, we’ll have you on your way in a moment. Are you wearing a diaper sir?” James’ jaw fell open. He didn’t expect to be asked outright. But he recovered quickly. He had though about this on the way here. He had an answer. “Well, I suffer from incontinence.” James said it with all the confidence he could muster. “Ahh, that probably explains it.” Dwight said cheerfully. “We get a lot of people like you back here. Our scanners just have a rough time picking things up sometimes.” The door behind him swung open as a woman walked in. She didn’t seem as cheery as Dwight. She motioned for Dwight to proceed. “So I am going to remove your pants sir.” Dwight said. “We’ll scan them and then you’ll be on your way.” “I mean, can’t I keep them on?” James asked nervously. “Sadly no.” Dwight still sounded like he was on some sort of upper. “ Gotta scan them so you can make your flight on time. No worries we’ll give you a ride to your gate and get you on that plane.” James sighed and reached for his belt. “Nope.” The woman said who had entered the room earlier. “I will do that for you.” And without warning, she lifted James’ shirt and had him hold it up and unblocked and pulled down his pants. James wanted to die. She had him step out of the pants and walked back to the other side of the room where a small scanner was. James just stood there stupidly, in his diaper, a small breeze blowing on his legs. He stole a look downwards and noticed with horror that the bulge was obvious. His diaper looked completely full. On a normal day, James would have squeezed it slightly to enjoy the poof, but today was not going to be that day. “James?” The woman said coming back from the scanner. “Do you find yourself leaking often?” James, realized he needed to go all in if he was going to get out of this situation. “Yes,” he responded. “That’s why I wear the… briefs.” The woman frowned… “The briefs?” James nodded. “Diapers right?” The woman clarified. “Yes,” James said, feeling smaller by the moment. “The diapers” “That makes sense.” The woman motioned that James could put his shirt down but didn’t return his pants. “It seems you’ve leaked on your pants a bit young man. James stood there quietly, feeling like an idiot for holding his shirt up for so long like a child. But there was no way he had leaked into his pants. His diaper wasn’t even full. But the woman continued. “Do you travel often?” “Yes.” “Has anyone offered you a Incontinence Card?” “A what?” James froze. Dwight who seemed to still be on whatever high he was on from earlier interjected. “Oh the IC! It’s great. It lets you skip the TSA line so you don’t have to come back here. Like medical problems are the worst. It’ll let the agents know that you’re wearing a diaper and they’ll wave you through. Discretion is key you know?” James nodded slightly. “You mean I could get a card and wouldn’t have to come back here next time?” The woman nodded. “Boys like you come through here all the time. We want to do our best to accommodate them to make their travel safer and easier.” James thought about it for a moment. This could be great. He traveled all the time before the pandemic for work and this meant he could wear his diaper through TSA without worrying about the dreaded pat down everytime TSA was busy. His diapers would go unnoticed. “How much does it cost?” James asked tentatively. “It’s free.” The woman said, picking up a tablet from the desk. “All you have to do is answer the questionnaire and we’ll let you know if you qualify or not.” James took the tablet, still aware that he was standing pantsless in this backroom in just his diaper and looked at the table. It was “IC CARD APPLICATION.” “All you have to do is answer a few questions and we’ll get you your card today.” James clicked continue on the screen and started reading the questions. There were five of them. The first asked how often he wore. Wanting to make sure he qualified for the program he clicked the option for 24/7. The last thing he needed was to suggest to the people in the room that he only wore now and then after saying that he had problems with leaking in the past. Besides, it didn’t mean that he had to wear all the time, who the hell was going to check? The next question asked him about the absorption of the diapers he wore. He clicked maximum and on the next said it was for both urinary and fecal incontinence. Whatever that meant. It was option C and when in doubt, always go with C. The next question asked him if he traveled alone or with friends more often. He clicked alone. And finally it asked him if he agreed to the terms and conditions of the program. James clicked yes and another window popped up with the terms and conditions. Fucking TOC’s James thought to himself. THey’re so long no one reads them anyway. James scrolled down, jammed his finger on the accept button and handed the table back to the woman. She accepted the tablet, looked at it and pressed a few buttons. Her eyes narrowed for a moment. “Looks like you were accepted into the program James. Congrats.” James nodded and then gestured towards his pants. “Can I have my pants back now please?” Dwight chuckled behind him, “Of course not man, they’re wet from before.” James’ heart skipped a beat. “What am I supposed to wear then?” The woman smiled warmly. “Don’t worry we’ll have something for you to wear in just a moment. We can’t let little boys at the airport walk around with wet pants now can we?” Why did she keep calling him a little boy? Her walkie beeped and someone said something unintelligible into it. “Time to get your new clothes,” the woman said. “You can’t fly with wet pants.” She opened the door to reveal a GoKart waiting for them. “We’ll use this to get to the next room where you can select a new pair of pants.” “I can’t go outside in just my diaper.” James sputtered stubbornly, suddenly feeling quite dizzy. “Young man, of course you’re not going out into the airport in just your diaper. We are taking you down to another room to get clothes. Airport protocol says you need to ride in the car because it’s a while away and you can get lost in these tunnels.” James looked at Dwight for help who shrugged and looked back down at the desk. Then figuring it was just a ride in a go cart picked up his backpack and walked to the go cart. He’d put his hoodie on his lap and no one would be the wiser. The woman helped load his luggage on the luggage rack in the cart and then instructed him to sit down in the passenger seat. Then before James could react, she pulled down the four point harness that clicked in between his legs. The harness pushed out his legs even further as James protested. She held her hands up at James shriek. “Everyone has to wear a harness. Look. Even I am wearing one.” The woman pulled hers down over her shoulders. But for some reason hers didn’t click into the middle of the seat. When James pointed this out she responded that she was the driver and needed to be able to get in and out easily. James couldn’t help but feel infantile as his legs seemed to be pushed out allowing anyone who’d be in these hallways to see his diaper. It was like a baby seat you’d see in the carpool lane. To make matters worse, the woman took his hoodie and placed it in the backseat saying, “I’d hate for you to lose it.” James tried to cover his face as the GoKart lurched forward, but instead found himself clutching the safety bar for dear life. The shock of the small car lurching forward caused him to pee a bit more, making the diaper swell up even more. The car traveled for what seemed like ten mins. The woman wasn’t joking. These maze of tunnels underneath the airport seemed to go on endlessly. He found himself being grateful to be in the car, even if the wind blowing on his legs made him feel like an infant in a car seat. But the harness was proving to be a good idea, as the woman sped around turns and treated the brake like a brick, James felt himself sliding forward from time to time, each instance causing his diaper to squish slightly between his legs. Finally the woman stopped the cart and hopped out. James, dazed, clearly didn't move fast enough. “Leave your luggage in the cart,” the woman barked unbucking the harness from between his legs. Then she stopped and squeezed his diaper. “Looks like someone has been dribbling in their diaper all morning.” She shook her head and mumbled, “No wonder you’re in the IC program.” James hopped out of the car and waddled behind the woman who opened the door to the room. Inside were rows and rows of clothing. James instantly began looking around. “What size are you?” The woman asked. “I have a 32 waist.” James said absentmindedly. “What color do you think you want?” “Black is fine.” James said going to the next rack. An announcement blared over the loudspeaker. “That my flight!” James hissed. “Here are a pair of shorts.” the woman handed them to him quickly. “Quickly, put them on so we can get you to your flight. James quickly pulled up the shorts and noticed the bulge of the diaper was crystal clear through the shorts. Anyone who looked at him could tell he was padded, without a doubt. “I can’t wear these.” James cried about to pull them off. “If you pull them off we won’t have time to find another that fits you.” the woman said. “Now back in the cart we have to get you to your gate. James grounded and allowed himself to be pulled back to the card. He let out a little more pee and was harnassed back into the front. It didn’t matter, he had another pair of sweatpants in his bag. He could take off the diaper and put on some underwear once he got on the flight. The woman started the kart and they whizzed through the airport. James was worried people would be staring at his bulging crotch, but to his surprise, no one noticed him. Instead they were all rushing to their gates, no doubt delayed by TSA . When James arrived at the gate, he was surprised to see that the attendant at the gate was waiting for him. “James.” The woman said cheerfully. “You just made it. We were about to close the door.” Without waiting for a response, the gate attendant unbuckled him and helped him waddle out of the cart. “James is a member of the IC Program.” The woman who was driving the cart said quickly. James’ face flushed as the gate attendant nodded. “Come on now little one. We need to get you on the flight.” James tried to ignore the condescending nature of “little one” and reached for his bag. “No worries.” the gate attendant said pushing him towards the skybridge. “We’ll put your bags on the flight for you.” James nodded and waddled down the SkyBridge. “Oh and one more thing.” the woman said cheerfully, “We got an upgraded plane, so there should be more room on the plane for you to spread out. Enjoy the flight baby."
  16. So here it goes again! The absolute love of my life has had this fetish since he himself was in diapers. I'm completely new to the scene and I need help with tips, advice, anything helps! We as a couple have just opened discussion into exploring this together. He's bought his preferred type and we've been through 3 nights of him being super comfy! I'm happy for him, now that he's comfortable with himself he's so much happier. But my dumb ass normie brain keeps getting her feeling hurt! How can I try learning about the desire for this when the community is so obscure!? I need a guru. I need links. I need friends who are going through this or wish to help me understand how my love feels and how to better make him comfortable. Also ya girl is a XXL and needs a site for cute sizable diapers to try this thing out!! Wish me luck, even if I get no responses airing this has kinda been therapeutic in a sense. Anyways, peace and love. Thank you for the time.
  17. Hello, I am a Daddy and enjoy the idea of being romantically involved with a woman who needs and/or likes to use diapers. Because I'm interested in romance, I definitely lean more towards the DL side of 'ABDL,' so I'd prefer there not being too much regression, but I'm not against there being some. I prefer lengthy, detailed responses and would rather RP either in private messages or on Discord. I'd prefer an actual woman RP partner, but it's not a deal-breaker. Other kinks I enjoy are women being humiliated/embarrassed, exhibitionism/voyeurism, blackmail/coercion, role reversal scenarios, mind control/hypnosis, giving spankings, giving enemas, light bondage (handcuffs, tied up, both being tied and tying someone else up), and anything else included in my f-list and kinklist. If this sounds up your alley, let me know. There are some other ideas I have but these are a couple I haven't really gotten to RP yet, or at least it's been a while since I've done something like it. A Harry Potter Hogwarts-esque school for wizards in training. Your character unfortunately has a bully who's a prodigy when it comes to sorcery. He's managed to convince the student body, through magical manipulation and trickery, that you're wearing. What kind of spell changes your panties to diapers anyway, and how could he possibly know how to do that? The diapers are only the beginning as even her normal clothing starts changing to more childlike in aesthetic. Does she learn to enjoy diapers and using them, or does he use magic to hypnotize or mind control her to? Bully secretly harboring a crush on his victim is a favorite role of mine. The victim could also be a teacher of his instead of a classmate for a nice role reversal type scenario. Would love for a magic-fueled romance. Another scenario could be one of cops and robbers. Your character is the cop or detective, mine a thief or burglar of sorts. Perhaps they were friends back in the day getting into all kinds of trouble, but my character took all the blame for something she was an accomplice to. As a reformed prison guard having turned over a new leaf, she sees the friend who went to jail and never ratted her out in one of the cells she walks by every day. Perhaps overwhelmed by guilt, she offers herself to him and tells him she'll do anything to make it up to him...or perhaps he has video evidence of her at the scene of the crime with him and he blackmails her with it. She becomes his prison guard but also his baby girl in private. Or maybe the scenario is more a game of cat and mouse, and she's a detective on the trail of a cat burglar who manages to evade capture and diaper her in the process. Or maybe he's a cat burglar who just happens to know her little secret that she wears diapers. He has his fun with her whenever he evades capture, treats her like a baby, but also keeps her secret. Perhaps that mutual respect leads to a genuine romance. Would also love to discuss a Fallout or Borderlands type RP involving diapers and a DD/LG relationship. Hope everyone's safe and healthy during this pandemic. Thanks for taking the time to read. Have a good one!
  18. Although I have found a lot of joy and comfort in my love for diapers, I have also been thinking about the fact that I truly have nobody in my life that I feel safe enough to share this knowledge with. I have seen posts from other members who have significant others who either know, or share in your love of diapers. Also a few who have let close friends know. I am certainly not ashamed because at the end of the day it all comes down to how I feel about myself. Am interested though how others feel about people in their life knowing about their diaper love ?
  19. Chapter 1 Aikawa is a tall black fur bull with a red shirt and jeans. He was working like normal at his job. He's worked at for years. When he got called into his boss. Aikawa takes a seat and sits across from his boss who sighs. “Hey, look ill get straight to the point. we have had a major decrease in sales lately and we are now losing money.” Aikawa looked confused “Am I not doing a good enough job?” He shakes his head. “No no! You are doing a wonderful job! But that's the problem you have done such a good job you are being paid quite a bit. And we can't afford it, unfortunately. So we are going to have to let you go” His eyes get big “Wait, you can't do that. I need this job! Come on please I will lose my house...I just bought a car and I won't be able to pay anything.” He nods “I understand but we have thought about this long and hard. I'm sorry Aikawa but you’re fired.” He started to get angry, jumping out of his seat and knocking it over. “You know what?! Like I care! Screw you and screw this place I worked hard at this place for years and this is how you treat me! No, I'm not fired! Because I quit!” Aikawa leaves the room and slams the door and tears up heading to his office to clear out his thing he quickly grabs what he wants and storms out trying not to cry. For a big strong bull, he was pretty emotional. He put his stuff in his car and got in the driver's seat and put his head on the steering wheel crying some. "What am I going to do...? I'm lucky my bills are paid this month along with my car but what about next month...if I don't find a new job quick ill be moving back in with mom..no ill live on the streets before I get that desperate." He laid there a while before Finally starting his car “I just need to get home and clear my head” He begins to drive home with the radio playing some music he loves to take his mind off things even though all he wanted to do was cry. He was able to stop himself from crying. What good is crying going to do, If anything it will only make a situation worse? He thought to himself. He Finally makes it to his home, pulling his car into his drive then shutting off the car then getting out. He locked the doors and accidentally locked his keys in his car. His eyes get big. "DAMN IT!" He groans and looks into the car "Today's just not my day..." He wanted to go back and cry but he didn't want to be seen either so he holds it in fighting it. "I'll just go inside and play some games with friends on my computer. That helps me take my mind off stuff ill call a lock pick later." He heads to his door then remembers he also locked his door key in the car. He kicks his door so hard from anger he accidentally kicks a small hole in the bottom. Now he was just angry, luckily for Aik, he keeps a spare key hidden under a rock in his yard. He goes out and grabs it, he heads to his door and unlocks it. He gets inside, shuts his door and throws his shoes off, and sits at his computer desk. "keep calm... Just relax Aik...if not you will have to pay for more shit you can’t afford." He breathed in and out deeply hoping to calm down. But it got a bit too much for him and he silently started to cry when one of his friends called him on discord. He quickly rubs his eyes and takes a few more deep breaths to calm himself. Before grabbing his headset and joining the call. "Hello?" He said. "it's about time you answer. I thought you were ignoring me or something." His friend said joking around with a laugh. "Nah just had to take a long piss. But you know I had work today why would you even call? I might have still been at work." He lied and laughed. It was kinda a forced laugh, His friend kept laughing as well. "Good point, I forgot oh well don't matter I just got excited and had to show you, dude. I sent you a link to this cool new website! You answer a few questions then boom you're sent money directly to a special bank! It's so easy, I have only done a few once in a while you get some strange questions but you should check it out!" Aik sat there thinking that sounds like a wonderful way to make money. And he wouldn't have to leave his house. But it was odd how convenient it was. "hmm ya, I'll check it out. Thanks, dude. Now-" He was interrupted "wait hang on a second" His friend muted himself for a while. But it gave Aik time to think and check out this website. ‘Www.surveybab.com’ he clicks the link and it goes to a nice-looking website easy to navigate too. He wondered what was up with the name though. "Survey bab? Must mean something like... Uhh, big amazing bounties?" He laughed at other things it could be that did cheer him up quite a bit. His friend was still muted, So he decided to sign up for this; he just had to make a username and password and fill out a bunch of other information. He makes his username Aikawa. Surprisingly it's not taken. Awsome he thought. He also noticed a small stuffed animal on the side of the screen but thought nothing of it. Next was a password but he had a program on his computer that would make random passwords and save it so all he had to do was remember one master password to his other passwords. He gets a random password and hits next. Next was a bunch of questions to start reading them out loud. Still seeing the bear on this page. "How old are you" Aik Types in 22 "Do you live alone or with someone?” He types in alone "Do you have any other source of income?” He goes to write yes but stops. He then puts in use to. He keeps going through a lot of others then gets to the last few. "If you start a survey you must be willing to finish it, doing so could result in being kicked off. Whoa, but I guess I could understand that. I wouldn't want to do that." He agrees to it then reaches the last question. And it says one thing. "Do you like toys? The heck? Uhh... Sure?" He puts yes and hits finish. Finally, he gets to a screen with a bunch of recommended surveys to start with. He looked kinda confused as to what to start with. He also had a money counter at the top that had 1.00$ on it. “It must give you a dollar for signing up and I bet my friend got something because I clicked his link.” Again he noticed that bear on the screen it was like it was watching him. But then he remembered and checked the discord and his friend messaged him. "Sorry man, I gotta go my lady's mad because I won't get off the computer. Catch you later man, peace." Aik sighs he was kinda relieved he didn't want to talk he kinda just wanted to spend time alone but he wasn't going to ignore his friend. But this did give him time to answer surveys. It was 5 pm and he didn't have to work so he could do surveys till he passed out. So he does, he starts his journey down survey rabbit holes. Some would be like 50 to 100 questions. It was very boring but it was kinda engaging like the questions were specifically made for him. Once in a great while, he would get some strange questions. "Do you or anyone you know buy toys for themselves or yourself?" He checked no and continued answering them. Another strange question appeared in the next survey. "If you had the chance, would you buy some toys and play with them? We have seen an increase in adults enjoying toys." He wasn't sure but he marked yes, I mean he's an adult but hey playing with some toys could be fun he guesses. He was having fun answering questions at this point and he'd already made 50$. It wasn't much but hey it was easy money but it was 1 am and Aikawa had to head to bed. But it was like something was telling him he needed to buy something. He got to the store on the same site and found most things cheaper than normal shops. This was nice then he noticed a bear, the same one that's been looking at him on every page of the question. He was almost enthralled; he couldn't stop thinking about it. But he didn't find it that odd. He sighed and shrugs "Why the hell not. It's... Kinda cute. Maybe I can give it to my friend's kid. Or just sit it on a shelf." He clicks on it and pays for it. It was pretty cheap at 5$ with next-day delivery. "Wow, even next day shipping? That's amazing, this site is incredible. Can't wait to come back and do more stuff it was kinda compelling. It's almost like a full-time job on its own." He chuckled some but he needed sleep. He undresses down to his boxers and lays down in bed. Unaware of what might happen in the coming days. He falls asleep and dreams of doing surveys in his sleep. Chapter 2 Aik gets woken up by his doorbell ringing. He groans and gets out of bed throwing on some PJ pants and answering the door. "Hello...?" He said kinda zoned out before he saw the postman. "Sign here." Aik signs and is given a box then the postman walks off hopping back in his car and driving off. Aik shuts his door looking confused and grabs a knife to cut open the box. Inside was a teddy Bear that he ordered last night. There was a strange machine that he pulled out the Teddy Bear. He then sets it beside him. Seeing the bear so much in the Surveys secretly made him secretly excited to really have it. But his curiosity was on the machine that he pulled out of the bear checking it out. It's got a cord to plug it in, then another cord that looks like a USB. He was even more confused at this point. But he notices a paper on the bottom of the box. He grabs it, sits the strange machine on the table then reads the instructions. "Hello, thank you for doing so much work on surveybab.com as thanks we sent you a very thank you gift. a special machine called Care-o-Matic. that will help you make money more quickly. All you must do is hook it up to your pc through the USB cable. It does have a chance to order items it thinks you will enjoy but they will be very cheap. It will learn as you answer questions. Also, software updates and new parts can be added to it, they will be coming to you free of charge. Once we think you need them anyways. The current version is 0.1, it's the most basic version and can't do too much more than specified. You can buy new attachments from the store or wait for the free features to come. So get back to work and make Some money! Love the Survey bab team." Aik looks at the Care-o-Matic and grabs it along with the Teddy Bear and takes them to his computer. It's only 9 am, he could get in a few surveys before lunch. He plugs in the Care-o-Matic and puts the bear beside his computer, it made him feel safe watching him. He gave it a smile then logs in to his computer and starts to answer questions. Some of the questions start to get more and more strange and off-topic. "You said you would buy a toy and you did. Do you mind telling us how you like him and what his name is?" Aik looks confused "Why would it ask that...uhh whatever." he grabs the bear and feels him "Well, he's very soft... And his names... Chocolate!" He laughs and gives it a small hug and puts it back on the desk. These questions made him feel younger almost but were very relaxing. He fills the questions in but the strange questions get more frequent than last night. As another comes up. "When was the last age you remember having an accident" Aik looks at it "Accident? Like wetting myself...? Why would it ask that... That's kinda personal but maybe just to learn what age kids stop having accidents?" Aik shrugs it off and types in 9. He also noticed all these surveys ask about his age and gender. It got pretty repetitive but whatever it was easy. Before too long Aik felt like he was floating outside his own body watching himself do surveys. Maybe he was bored, or maybe he was just so in the groove he didn't even have to pay attention? But he couldn't oddly, he couldn't stop at all. minutes changed to hours, it was already 5 pm. He hasn't eaten or used the restroom all day but he finished a survey and something brought him back to reality something was dripping down his leg he looked down and noticed he wet himself. Aik blushes and stands up shaking his leg. "T-the hell?! Crap I must have spaced out so long I forgot I had to pee! Damn it glad no one was here to see that." Aik quickly takes off his clothes throwing them in the basket. He grabs a towel to soak up the urine on the ground before he hopped in the shower. He related and just sat back thinking about what happened. “So odd I don't even remember having a feeling to pee…” He sighs, getting out and drying off. He changes into some new clothes. He goes to where he wet and picks up the towel. "So glad I live alone, anyways... What time is it? 5 pm?! I did surveys for 8 hours straight?! No wonder... I'm starving too. Note to self eat breakfast before starting surveys heh." Aik goes and makes some food to eat quickly then goes back to his desk. sitting down at the desk all he sees on it is an item that says bought and it goes back to the Survey page. "The heck? It just spent 20$? Damn thing must be broken!" But he couldn't complain he made over 100$ doing surveys for 8 hours twice as much before the Care-o-Matic so what was 20$ it's probably going to be something he likes. He hopes anyway it's supposed to learn what I like anyways. He decides to get in a few more surveys while he's there. Some of them ask the same question again. "What age were you when you had your last accident?" Aik goes to write 9 then blushes "W-wait... I technically had an accident...but I should probably write the truth" He puts in 22 then the question starts to get even more strange. "Because you're 22 and had an accident, have you ever considered an adult diaper?" Aik looks strange and puts in no. He could control his accidents it was a one-time thing. "What a stupid question... I'm not losing control... I just lost track of time. I'm not a baby." He finishes the last few as it keeps asking him basically the same question over and over. In every survey. He started to space out again and he swears it reads. "I need diapers." He keeps reading it over and over before he realizes what he's doing. He looks and it's 1 am and he feels wet again and looks down and he's wet himself again. But he can't understand why. "What the hell?! Again...huh? Maybe the questions were right?" He cleans his mess up then takes another shower. He gets dressed and he goes to lay down but stops and walks to the desk grabbing his bear and going back to his room. "it's been a strange day hasn't it chocolate? Well except maybe you... Uhh, you want to sleep with me...? What the heck are you doing Aik...you're an adult, not a child." But He makes the bear nod and smiles “But no one has to know…” He lays down and puts the bear beside him and hugs it. He didn't have a girlfriend or anyone to sleep with and this made him happy and not feel so lonely. These surveys got harder and harder to take his mind off. He had fun doing them; he couldn't even remember to get off to eat and pee. But that wasn't that big of a deal. Right? He quickly fell asleep hugging his bear wondering what tomorrow will bring. Chapter 3 The next morning aik woke up around 8 am. It was very early compared to normal but all he could think about was doing more surveys. He sat up in his bed. His crotch was cold and wet. He pulled his covers back and he couldn't believe his eyes. He was wet, not only wet but soaked. He had pissed himself. He felt so ashamed and so confused at what was going on. He has never had an accident like this in forever. He grabs his bear and hugs it and gets up slowly, he begins to strip his bed. After he takes it all to the laundry room to wash later. He heads to the bathroom and strips and takes a shower. He thinks long about the accident today and peeking out at the teddy bear on the bathroom counter. He shakes his head and finishes his shower and gets out dries off and goes to his bedroom for clothes. He gets dressed and begins to talk to himself. "Man, if I keep this up... I might need diapers." he shakes his head and blushes "what am I saying? I don't need diapers, I'm not some kinda baby... But the Surveys seem to think so and they seem like they know me better than I do?" Aik looks at his bear sitting on the bathroom cabinet he grabs and hugs him walking past his computer. Looking at the bear-like it's almost another person. He's growing to like this bear way more than he ever would have thought. "Do you think I need them diapers chocolate?" Suddenly a voice comes from the Care-o-Matic as he walks past. But aik mistakes it as chocolate talking. "of course you do, but that's ok I love you anyway! You have a problem, unlike most adults. Remember you use to have a Bladder problem as a child they said it could come back. but think of this, you could answer questions all day without having to worry about using the bathroom!" Aik blushes as much as he hates the idea of wearing diapers. He kinda liked the idea of not having to go to the bathroom and being able to do questions all day but he wishes he had a way to have food brought to him. Then he remembered the Care-o-Matic has upgraded, maybe he can get one that cooks him food. He quickly gets on his computer keeping chocolate close looking in the survey store. He finds an upgrade for it from 0.1 to 0.5 it can do a few more things but importantly it cooks food. It basically has arms and legs and will plug itself back in when low battery. It can do a bunch more stuff but Aik decides not to read all of them and quickly buys it up. It was quite expensive at about 80$ but he didn't care. It left his account low on money but it was with it in his eyes. Now he just had to wait, he opened up a survey to prepare to work. Suddenly the doorbell rings nearly jumps out of his seat, he then remembered the Care-o-Matic ordered him something. He goes and someone is standing there with a tablet. He has him sign for it and the postman hands him a big box. He takes it inside opening it up. His eyes got big and his face turned red. It was a case of 40 adult diapers. What if someone saw this he thought. He would die of embarrassment. But even if, let's just call it care from now on. thinks he needs diapers. Well, He was starting to believe maybe care knew him better than himself. He takes the case out of the box and takes it to his room sitting them on the bed and looking at them. He could not believe he was about to try this. He opens the case and pulls out one of the huge diapers.it was just a plain boring white color. Luckily he didn't need to leave the house with these. "This is incredible... They're so big... Who would have known they make them so big..." He gulps and pulls down his pants and boxers and he undoes the diaper laying it out. He keeps looking at his window even though it's closed. If anyone caught him he would die his heart was going a million miles an hour. He sat on the diaper and pulled it up over himself. It was soft and different. It wasn't the worst thing ever; he reluctantly tapes it up and stands up. It was sort of difficult to walk like this. But he managed he thought best not to put pants on.it would be easy to see if they got wet and didn't want to risk them leaking. He heads to his desk and finds a sandwich on his desk he looks around covering himself in embarrassment. No one was there; he sat down and shrugged. He ate the sandwich and started to do surveys. After 2 surveys he was already out of it, not because he was bored he wasn't sure why. it was almost like being hypnotized and you know you're there but you can't do anything. He can't even read the questions. It was like his body was on autopilot. It's kinda fun and freaky, he just remembered enjoying every minute. When suddenly it hits 5 pm and it completely wears off. He had an odd warm feeling in his crotch but it was weird he felt the front of his diaper and blushed. "W-when did I use it? I mean, I do need them. I guess? This is why care bought them for me. I would have been too embarrassed to do it. Thanks care, I think." Suddenly it talks back. "it's ok sweetie. Little bulls need help all the time." Aik was blown away that it could talk. He just stares at the care unit. "Y-you can talk!?" But it didn't respond, he thought he was hearing things. He rubs his eyes and scratches his ears, and just looks at it. Before his stomach growls. "I'm hungry... Last day I had to make myself something though isn't that exciting chocolate?" He chuckles to himself he felt very childish in a wet diaper with his teddy bear. He hugs chocolate before he heads to the kitchen with him. His diaper was sagging from being soaked. Who knows how long he's been wet. He makes himself a quick sandwich and heads to the front room walking awkwardly from the wet diaper. Sandwich in hand. "I probably need to change first. I definitely don't enjoy this wet diaper. Hmm, I wonder if care could get care to change me when it's updated." This really piqued his interest. He could have care do all this stuff for him and all he had to do was answer questions. This will be a blast, But he still needs a change today. he goes to his room and puts his sandwich down. He then pulls out a new diaper and removes his wet one-off and throws it away. He diapers himself in a new one. He was still pretty nervous but much quicker that time. It was different but it was beginning to feel normal to him. He grabs his sandwich then heads back to his desk to eat it before working on more surveys. When he sat down though he found the screen saying thanks for your purchase. And goes to the normal screen. He looks confused but he shrugs. Probably just care she seems to know me well. "Care knows best. It will know what I want and need. But it spent quite a lot of money... 150$ shesh I'm going to have to work hard on questions if I'm ever going to use this money for food and stuff. And not diapers...and teddy bears. God, what am I four?" He sighed but he could make that back quickly. He starts working on questions getting the same feeling as before. Time Flies by and around 1 am he comes around with an awful smell. His eyes get big when he moves, once he realizes it's him. His hand moved to his crotch he was also soaked. He jumps up. "Eww! This is so gross!" he runs to the bathroom and un-tapes his diaper and cleans up a bit and throws the messy diaper in the trash "I-I can't believe this. I have no control over anything anymore, Why don't I? I swear I could control my body before this." He sighs and cleans up taking a shower luckily he didn't have to clean up more clothes thanks to the diaper. Then it hit him that he didn't take a shower after wetting himself today. Strange normally that kinda stuff grosses himself out but he wasn't thinking correctly. After the shower he dries off staying naked, then goes and grabs chocolate and goes to his room to see his sheets and stuff all washed layers out nicely. "H-hello?" No response. "That's creepy... But I won't complain...maybe a little" He grabs a new diaper, puts it on, and just lays down in his bed only diapered and hugs chocolate and smiles covering up. He's never slept in a diaper but it felt so normal to him. "Tomorrow is going to be so fun with care upgraded! Hopefully, I can get to a doctor, maybe I'm getting sick with all these accidents?" He lay for a while before falling asleep he didn't notice it but he was definitely changing these surveys were slowly hypnotizing him, making him believe this is who he is. How far will it go? Why would someone want adult-sized babies? Chapter 4 Aik grones as his doorbell rings at 6 am, he decides to ignore it; he wasn't going to leave his bed so early. whoever it was could wait till later. He quickly fell back asleep. An hour later something shakes him and he feels the covers thrown off him. Exposing his very wet diaper. Aik was still so out of it he didn't notice till he heard tape ripping off the plastic diaper. His eyes open quickly and there's a robot that looks like care and it's removing his diaper. He blushed and pulled chocolate in for a hug. He held him close unsure what to say; he just stared in disbelief as care changed his diaper cleaned him off and put a new one on him with baby powder. He was happy to be clean but the idea of anyone but himself changing his own diaper was strange. It was strange enough he had to go back to diapers. Suddenly it talks. "is the little Aikawa hungry?" It says in a calming voice. Aik nods and he swears he sees it smile and takes his hand. It pulls him out of bed in nothing but a diaper and it leads him to the kitchen. He was still holding his bear close; it was the only way to feel comfortable right now. He sits down and air escapes his diaper he blushed some. suddenly. The robot begins to cook making waffles. It smelled amazing aik couldn't wait. A bit later care puts a plate in front of him and a waffle with a bunch of syrup. Aik licked his lips and dug in eating it all up. Nearly forgetting his situation. Care suddenly grabs the plate and hands aik a tablet and Aik looked confused looking at the tablet it was signed in to his account on survey bab. "How about you get to work?" He looked at it and it had a Survey link opened up. “But…” He was quieted as she forced his finger to hit the start survey. It was like his mind went blank again. He waddles his way to the front room laying on the rug and starts to do questions but this time oddly there done with pictures, it's awesome. He didn't have to read at all. It was so relaxing he kicked his feet back and forth and just spaced out like normal. His diaper would crinkle every leg move but he didn't pay enough attention. He couldn't remember what he was answering but it was about his favorite toys and stuff. He was out of it for another 8 hours before he was able to move on his own again. He started to think it was suspicious but something was also telling him what's the point if you're having fun and his hand touches the front of his diaper and a change. He giggles Blushing. He found it funny he couldn't control it now. He was such a child he's never felt so relaxed in his life. "Care... Umm, can you help?" Care comes in with a diaper in hand and quickly gets him changed into a new one. Aik smiles. "Thanks, care." Care walks off and comes back with more food and puts it in front of him, it was a hamburger. He was starving; he quickly ate it up. But today he wanted to do more than questions. A strange part of him wanted to play with something. He had chocolate but he needed more toys. He opened the store on his tablet and just clicked a bunch of toys just buying a ton. He pays for them all and looks excited for tomorrow. He didn't care about how much money he had only about what he wanted. He holds up chocolate smiling. "See that chocolate! Me and you will have more friends soon!" He looks at the bear for a moment. "You think care needs more upgrades? She could do more for me? That's a great idea!" He gets back to the store and finds a final upgrade for care. This will completely take care of anyone to the max. He quickly ordered it agreeing to anything it asked him. To Aik this was his own decision but it was the surveys. once he spaces out it starts to hypnotize him by repeating what he is and needs to do over and over and over. It's getting bad he's starting to forget what age he is. He lays back and plays with chocolate pretending it can talk and care comes in and touches Aiks diaper and he blushes. "Y-you just changed me I don't need it again...I'm playing shesh..." It gives him a curious look "Well, you are wet again already it has been a few hours." Aik looks surprised and puts his hand on his own diaper. "A few hours?! I just started playing! Whoa, it is wet...aww." Care pats his head and picks up aik. Aik wasn't small so this surprised him so much. "Ahh! P-put me down please!" Aik hugs care close and she takes him to his room. she changes his wet diaper. And lays him back in bed and covers him up, Care kisses his head. "Time for bed." Aik looked blown away. "B-bed? It's... 7 pm?" Care nods. "Yap and also your new bedtime. Now get to sleep." Aik wasn't a bit tired he grumbled. "Stupid robot... I'm not sleepy, you need to take care of me not give me a bedtime!" Care grabs a book and sits by his bed. It was a children's book where did aik get that? he didn't own any strange. Care started to read and Aik could not stop listening. It was like it was also hypnotizing him. it was familiar but he liked it before too long he fell asleep. Care puts a pacifier in his mouth and aik oddly accepts it and sucks it hugging his bear. Care gets on his computer and ordered a bunch of stuff. Today was probably Aik's last day of being somewhat of an adult. But aik will probably accept it pretty easily after more surveys. Chapter 5 Aik could hear the doorbell ring again today but he decided to ignore it again. He could feel his diaper was soaked and he was still sucking his pacifier, he hasn't realized he even has it yet. But care was sure to get the door. The mailman brings a bunch of boxes in the house, to care some are really big and some quite small. What could all the boxes hold? Care opens each box setting them all out. One has an adult-sized crib, another adult-sized baby clothes. Another an adult high chair. The next had an adult playpen. And a whole bunch of toys and stuff enough to change Aiks entire house into an adult baby house. Hours passed and Aik didn't wake, but he was moved. He gets picked up and laid on a table he yawns and feels his cold wet diaper being removed. This woke him up quickly and he looked down to care, changing him. he smiles and relaxes. And goes to talk through his pacifier. "fanks cawe. I not realize I was wet..." He blushed hearing how he was talking and pulls out the pacifier and looks at it confused. Why was he sucking a pacifier? "How did I get this...? I mean it's odd it was relaxing." Aik looks around while he's getting changed. All his stuff was gone, his room looked like a nursery. a crib sat where his bed used to be that's when he noticed he was laying on a changing table. He felt like he should freak out but something was telling him this is normal. But he wasn't sure. Finally, care finishes his change and starts to put a cute red onesie on him and he blushes. Ok, this was definitely not normal. "I-i can wear big kids clothes care..." They look at Aik and it smiles. "Aww it's ok but these hide diapers better and help with the sag. I wouldn't want anyone to see you in them, would you? I promise I know what's best." Aik thinks for a while, was that true? This gave care enough time to quickly put it on him before he realized it. "H-hey!" Suddenly care picks him up and walks to the kitchen and Aiks eyes get huge as he sees his whole house looks like it's made for a giant baby. This was enough to make him know this was not ok "What happened to all my stuff?! What's with all the baby stuff?! Care! " Next, he's put in a big high chair and strapped in, and has the tray put on his high chair. He couldn't get out if he tried. "Let me out now! Stop, cancel! I want to go back to normal! I was ok with the diapers but this is way too far you stupid robot!" Care puts a tablet in front of him on his tray and has surveybab.com opened. He looked down and instantly calmed down. He couldn't control himself; he started to do surveys now all surveys were pictures of toys and stuff he would like. Suddenly it's pulled from his hands he feels himself whine a bit before he can think somewhat normally again. "Huh? What happened? " Aik looks around and care sits in front of him with some baby food cans. For some reason, Aik felt like this was normal. He felt like he was freaking out over something but for some reason, it was normal to him. "Open up baby" Aik didn't know what but he had a strong sensation to do as care asked. He opens his mouth and care puts a spoon full of food in his mouth. It was good, This made him smile. He kept getting spoon-fed by care till it was all gone and he was full. He lay back on his high chair as care took him out and held him taking him to the front room sitting him in a large playpen. There's a bunch of all the toys he picked out and chocolate was also in there. Aik didn't know why but he just wanted to scream with excitement he thought this was not normal but he knew it had to be. "TOYS! Yay!" Aik couldn't contain his excitement. He started playing with all his toys, later care gave him his tablet and he would play and answer questions. He couldn't remember the last time he had some much fun. He suddenly could feel he had to pee and poop but he was having too much fun to care as he just lets it all go laughing and having a blast. It was almost like he was no longer blanking out completely during surveys. Later Care comes into the room "Seems like someone had an accident" Care smiled at him and he continued to play, unable to quit even if he wanted to which he didn't. Care picks him up and he grabs some toys. "NO! I WANT TO PLAY!" He threw a tantrum then care gave him a stern look "You've been playing enough first you need a diaper change baby. Or you will get a rash in that stinky diaper" He throws the toys in his playpen and crosses his arms pouting. Then it hits Aik what he's been doing and what he just did in his diaper and he blushes like Crazy. Aik couldn't figure out why he was acting like this. Then it hits him. "THE SURVEYS! I-I GOT TO QUIT THEM! OR I'LL BE LIKE THIS FOREVER!" Care lays him down on the changing table and gets ready to change him before he rolls off the table and lands on his butt feeling everything squish around. He felt disgusted. He tried to get up but his legs just gave out on him. He keeps trying before care picks him up. "Goodness are you ok? it's ok you probably haven't learned to walk. Or forgot." This scared Aik he couldn't even think while he was changed and cleaned up and put in a new diaper. Was care in on this? She's trying to change him in more than one way he had to get away. "I-i can't walk...? Ever?" Care picks him up. "Maybe once you are all grown up sweetie. right now you're still way too young." Aik normally didn't cry easily, But he just burst into tears. "I'm an adult, not this baby I'm not! It's this survey! You can't make me do them anymore! They're messing up my Brain and making me a baby! Please! Care if you really know what's best you will help me!" Care didn't listen and took him to the playpen and plopped a pacifier in his mouth and forced his face into the tablet. He started sucking his pacifier slowly, stopping the crying not even remembering why he was crying. He went back to doing surveys and playing with his toys while sucking his paci. He doesn't even remember when but somehow he passed out face first hugging chocolate and his soggy diapered butt in the air. Care came in and picked him up and changed his soggy diaper and then put him in his crib with no change. "Analysis... Aikawa is trying to fight back. This might take a few more days than expected to fully make his mind into a baby for good. Punishment program engaged, Yelling, trying to run or anything bad will result in a bad punishment. Will make my little baby boy love his new lifestyle." Care leaves the room and goes to the front room to charge and plug herself into the computer. Chapter 6 Aik was in such a deep sleep in his crib when the familiar warm liquid started to push against him, he grones sitting up. Why couldn't he feel it anymore? He's got to escape before this gets worse. He can't live like this, it's not right. He looks around, it's still pretty early. He used the bars on his crib to help him stand then held himself up. The bars went up to his chin. He was blown away by how big it was. He shakes his head and tries to climb out. He Finally gets a leg over and tries to get down but he feels so high up. He panics a little and his grip slips. He goes to land on his legs but they did nothing but slip in front of him and he slams on his butt. Lucky he had a super wet diaper, it caught his fall. He could feel his diaper leak a bit from not being changed last night. He crawls out to his front room looking around seeing care plugged in. He smiles this was his chance to escape. He crawls to the door to open it. He gets on his knees and tries to turn the doorknob but it wouldn't open. "The hell...?" He sighs and crawls to the back door it also wouldn't open "Come on... What's going on? is this crazy robot trying to keep me from escaping... It's already ruined my bladder and my walking. If it keeps going I'll never be myself again... And that's scary...it's not like I'm suffering or hurting. I'm just scared to not be myself anymore." Suddenly he's grabbed from behind and picked up. "what are you doing out of bed young man!" It was care. Aik screams and struggles, beginning to cry, scared. "Let me go you stupid fucking robot! I don't want to do this anymore!" Care looked angry. Could robots feel angry, it takes Aik to the couch and she sits down laying him over his knee. "What are you-" Suddenly his eyes get big as his diaper is pulled down and he realizes what she might be doing. He tries to fight but the robot is too strong. suddenly he feels a hard smack on his ass. Aik fights hard not to cry as it hits over and over and over and over. Suddenly Aik Burst into tears. "I'm sorry I won't do it again! Please stop! It hurts so much! Do whatever you want! Just stop the pain!" Care stops and pulls up his diaper and Hugs him patting his back as he cries. The hitting was so hard it made him wet himself again his diaper was leaking badly. Next, a pacifier was put in Aiks mouth. He didn't fight it and sucked it. It kinda helped with the pain at least and relaxed him. She then took him to the changing table gave him a quick change before taking him back to the front room. Then care sits him in her lap and hands him the tablet with the normal website on it. "I think you need to relax with some surveys, sweetie." Aik gulps. He shakes trying not to but nothing could stop it. He started doing surveys and having fun with it too. He soon began to fall back asleep. "... Regression 75% complete. Just jumped up 15% in the past hour. Best Increase all week. Upgrade to 1.0 bought and shipped. Once upgraded I will take care of my baby forever till I can't anymore." Lay him back in his crib and let him sleep a few more hours till 9. Keeping him on a somewhat schedule. Aik gets woken up and taken for another diaper change Aik was happy to be in a new diaper. Care takes him to the kitchen he's was expecting to be fed but care grabs a strange bottle and fills it with something and then care screws the strange bottle with a small nipple on its chest. Care then brings him closer and it hits him that she wants him to drink from it like he was being breastfed he blushed. He wasn't going to fight through he didn't want to be hit again. He opens his mouth and starts drinking from it. He couldn't imagine how he looked. Probably like a little baby being breastfed. At Least it tasted good. He was also feeling full from this strange stuff. Before it was empty Aik was full but he was forced to finish it all. Aik grones from his full stomach. He's sat down in something that he didn't notice. suddenly he's being pushed forward. He laid his head against the thing and closed his eyes, relaxing. He hears the door open and he's pushed outside. This woke him up as he opened his eyes great big. Even his yard looked like a place for a big kid. He couldn't say anything, what if someone saw him. This was the most embarrassing thing to happen in his life. And not only that he can feel himself filling his diaper and peeing. He could only blush as he was pushed outside and taken down the street. This makes him realize he hasn't been outside in over 4 days. The fresh air was nice but this is crazy. He was keeping a close watch for anyone he knew. But there wasn't anyone except a few ladies pushing strollers around like Aiks. That's strange he thought, then he sees the kids inside them aren't kids there are people his age and there in diapers and playing with toys. This must be all the people who have been tricked into this website. He had to fight this and save everyone. If he gave up he will be just a baby like the rest of these people. But how was he going to do that he thought? If he did anything to fight back, care would hurt him. Care kept pushing them all the way to the park. It was full of real-looking people but they all had a "baby" or two I would say the once with two are couples. Do they even remember they love each other or do they just think like babies? This made Aik shiver. These poor people are forced to live forever like this. Who's ever planned this must be so evil. But what could care have planned for him and the others? He looks back and care looks human and his eyes get big. And it says. "1.0 upgrade complete. Mommy mode engaged." Suddenly it started to talk like a real human. It was almost scary how well it was. Care smiled at Aik. "Hello sweetie. Do you want to play with some other babies? While mommy talks to other mommy’s?" Mommy? It's joking right she doesn't expect me to call her that. I won't I won't become this baby she wants me to be I won't. But the tablet was held in front of him. He doesn't remember what happened but he knows it couldn't be good. Chapter 7 Care picks up Aik out of the stroller after his hypnosis and puts some strange mittens on Aik and some kinda strange backpack on his back. Aik crawls around and sees like 15 other boys and girls. The boys had a shirt on and no pants with a big diaper and the girls had on a dress and not that he was trying but he would peek see them sitting and they also were wearing thick diapers. Aikawa felt lucky he still had pants on. He felt like the most adult person there before all his dignity was taken away and care pulled off his pants. He would be lying if the girls didn't look kinda cute and his eyes were always looking up at them. Aik blushed and was sat down by the other diapered adults with baby minds. Aik knew this was his chance to run; he starts to crawl away when he was pulled back by something. He's on what seems like a leash. He crosses his arms and sits there in the grass. That's when he remembered he was in a dirty diaper. He looked down at His diaper, it was brown in the back and yellow in the front. Not only that but he was really itchy but he couldn't scratch himself with the mittens on. He felt kinda embarrassed but no one seemed to have a normal mind anymore they were all laughing and playing with each other. Then Aiks eyes get big he sees his friend sitting there in a diaper and shirt. He looked funny. He wanted to laugh but he was also in the same predicament. He crawled over to him. He also saw his wife also diapered. "Umm... Hi, bud..." Aik waves and his friend sees him and his eyes get big and hug him "AWK! ME NO SEE YOU SO LONG!" Aik pats his back, blushing his friend wasn't much of a hugging person but he also was talking funny. "O-oh right sorry about that... What happened to you...? Are you-" He gets cut off from his friend feeling Aiks diaper and he blushes and pulls away "Miss Aiks mommy! Aik had an accident!" Aik blushed more "Shhh! And she's not my "mommy"! That's weird! She's a stupid robot." His friend looks at him "Me fank you need more surveys? You don't sound baby enough...it ok Aik! We all have fun join us!" He smiles and aik couldn't believe it he had to be imagining it. His friend wouldn't say that. It had to be the Surveys that's messing with his brain. Suddenly care comes over and lays a cover on the ground and picks up Aik and lays him on it. He was confused about what she was doing. Then she started to remove his diaper and he blushes. "W-wait! Not in front of my friend! And everyone!" Care gave him a glare and aik gulps he didn't want to be spanked. Care removed his dirty diaper and cleans him up. Aik covers his face in embarrassment with his junk hanging out for everyone to see. Care puts a new diaper under him and diapers him up. She then gives him back the tablet he couldn't control anything after that and he remembers watching himself play like a baby with his friend. They played for hours. Aik was so worried what if he didn't get back control, what if this part of his mind disappears forever. This made Aik start to cry, and knock him back to his senses he couldn't stop crying. Care came over and picked him up and rocked him and aik found it hard to stay awake. He wanted to rest, he wanted to forget about this baby crap. He wanted to be normal. He let out a big yawn before falling asleep in her arms. He woke up what felt like shortly after in his crib he was sucking on his pacifier he didn't know why but he felt very relaxed with it in. He sat up and felt his diaper was soggy he only sighed. He hated it but it was something he can't control. He knows he's better off in diapers than wetting everywhere but being treated like a full-on baby was getting to his head. He barely had anything left to fight. He started to think maybe he was just a baby then he shakes his head and slaps his face. "Stop thinking that! You're not! I-i'm sure I'm not... I'm..." He shakes and tears up "I'm...a baby..." he starts crying. And quickly care runs in with her human-like new body and picks up Aik and cradles him. "Oh no sweetie what's wrong?" Aik just kept crying unable to express how he felt he just wanted to cry but he was happy to be comforted. Soon care smiles. "I bet my baby's hungry huh?" Care pulled up her shirt and aik just started calming down some, care had real human breast but he kinda didn't care he was pretty hungry. He put his mouth over her teet like a baby would and just started to drink it was so relaxing he just drank till he was full. Then something happened to Aik. His mind was put at rest and he no longer wanted to be an adult. He wanted to be mommy's baby. No, he was mommy's baby. He pulled away from the breast and smiled. "Me full mommy!" Care smiles and kisses Aiks head. "Such a good boy!" Aik looks at his diaper. "Mommy me messy can you change my diapy?" Care takes him to the changing table and lays him down. "Well of course sweetie! Do you want your cute diapers?" Aik looked excited. "Ya! And then I want to play! And watch cartoons!" Care laughs. "Alright you can do that then" Aik gets cleaned up and put in a fresh diaper. These new diapers had childish print on them, she had taken him to the front room and put him into his playpen. He spent most of the rest of the day playing and watching TV just having fun. Aik didn't realize it but his mind was completely changed. The old Aik was nearly gone; it was crying out for help to come back. Aik would almost just be this baby if he could control it himself. He wanted to be himself not someone else. Chapter 8 It's been a few days Aiks been nothing but a complete baby. In his mind he wants to gain control, He hasn't even taken a survey in the past few days he thought maybe after that he could gain back control. But nothing came to mind. He would play with his friend and even have diapers changed together; they had a blast together. But he didn't seem that much changed except being in this little headspace. Maybe it's not changing us to be different but changing us to accept this new thing? After that Aik could feel more in control of his body but in reality, he has full control. It's more of the fact Aik didn't want to admit how much he loves this new life being a baby, it was amazing, He could play all day and not even have to stop to pee or anything. This started to go through his mind and he accepted it more and more before in his own mind he had full control. He woke up the next day in his crib. He smiled and hugged chocolate. "So I always had control... I was just too ashamed to admit it to myself." Aik feels his diaper and giggles. "Oopsie looks like the baby's wet" Aik shushes chocolate "let's not tell mommy heheheh." Aik lays in bed for a while before care walks into the room. And aik sits up quickly. "Morning mommy!" Care smiles and picks up Aik "Someone's a happy boy today isn't he?" Cares checking Aiks diaper without him noticing. "Yap!" Aik smiles Bigger "Me just realized how much me like being you baby!" Care gives a sweet smile and hugs him "Sweet taking won't get you out of a diaper change sweetie." Aik puffs out his cheeks and crosses his arms. "How did you know?" Care laughs "Well, I checked it while you weren't looking. Boy, are you soaked! But you did drink a bunch of mommy's milk before bed didn't you?" Aik nods "Mommy's got such good milk too!" Care lays him on the changing table and changes him and gets him in a fresh diaper. And picks him up she pulls up her shirt to reveal her breasts and like a newborn Aik quickly grabs on and starts to drink. Aik could drink and nearly fall asleep and know mommy would take care of all his needs. This was definitely the most relaxing time of his life. He's taken to the front room and sat down in the playpen and lays there half asleep when he hears the door open he sits straight up. "Bud?!" But it wasn't his friend he saw a few people in suits he felt embarrassed. He hasn't felt that in a while. They walk up to Aik and smile and coo at him. "Hey, little guy! We wanted to tell you we got a lot of information from you so we are going to pay for anything you want. This offers going to most of your community for accepting our little test." Aik sat there and thought ‘anything I want?’ Information? The guy could see Aik was embarrassed he just laughed. "I see you're embarrassed and confused. Let's see I'm from surveybab.com the website designed to hypnotize you into being a baby but it only works on people who mentally would enjoy this stuff. But would never admit to it." Aik blushes and sucks his thumb for comfort. He began wetting himself in embarrassment. "Y-you did this to me? So I can have anything...?" The man nods "What if me wanted to be normal..." The man Smirks "Then you would be lying to yourself, little one. But we can arrange that no problem." This made Aik blush more and think more. "Hmm, I got an idea little one how about we let you keep care forever and we will pay for everything you need and throw in a vacation to a beach. Imagine running around the beach in your diapy and laying in the sand. No one to judge you." Aik could feel his excitement rising and it sounded amazing. "But... What if other people saw me? They would mock me..." The man thinks for a second and smiles. "Well, we will rent out the beach then! Just for you and all your uhh... Adult baby friends?" Aik hopped on his diaper butt in excitement. "DEAL DEAL DEAL DEAL! YOU HEAR THAT CHOCOLATE!" The man laughs. Then look at care. "Care! Implement care for your baby till he asks you to quit!" Care smiles "I planned on it" The man looks confused "Hmm seems your care unit thinks it's actually your mom... That must have been harder on you trying to fight it thinking you don't want it." Aik nods and hugs chocolate close. "Yap me though that! Then me realize I love this! What about my friends thought, they like it too?" Aik tilts his head. And the man just smiles. "Well, most would prefer to only be babies once in a while so we allowed it. You're probably the only one that wanted to be one full-time. But I'm curious how it will affect you so continue being you. And just have fun." Aik nods and smiles big as the man leaves. The next day he and his best friend with a lot of other Littles crawling around on the beach in diapers and mommies or care units changing them. It was the most fun and cutest week ever. But Aik enjoyed every minute of it. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life like this. Maybe they would let him get other friends involved in the future?
  20. Where to start, I currently have had some surgery on my lower back but due to my weight (I way more than I should), I also have other issues with my bladder and bowels. I can feel the urge to go but its usually late and I do not have much strength in holding it back. I wear diapers 24/7 and have since roughly 2001. Even in high school (Class of 2000 here), I distinctly remember rushing home to try and go to the bathroom at home. I have an honest fear of public toilets. This fear has caused me a few issues over the years. I don't mind urinals but toilets themselves, I am just not comfortable using. I have memories of messing my pants as late as 2nd grade over the toilet issue. I was in diapers as late as 8 years old at night. I didn't wear diapers to school for my 2nd grade. Even today, I prefer to not use a public toilet at all unless I have no choice. I have many favorite authors here. I don't normally chat with people.
  21. Hello all. This is my very first post. It’s also my very first story. I’m absolutely terrified to be posting. But, writing stories has always been something I’ve wanted to do since I was in my teenage years when I discovered Dailydiapers. You can find this story in full on Wattpad under my same screen name “JustJilldoes” and I would be happy to post more chapters if it’s wished. I wrote this loosely based on some truth. I did have a relationship at one point that involved me being able to indulge in being a DL and experience being a Daddy. Most of the beginning three chapters did happen. But, names have been changed and obviously, this story was perpetuated by fantasy. I really appreciate any and all comments or constructive criticism. thank you and please have a good read _______________ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ _______________ Chapter I: Coming Clean __________________________________________ "What IS it?!" She'd been picking at the button on his dress shirt sleeve. This last time a bit more pressure was applied and Milo was certain another tug would pop the button clean off. He really wanted to speak up but, silence lingered. His deep sigh, the sound of the air conditioner whirring against her windowsill, and the fall leaves rustling against the concrete driveway were subtle background to the thumping of his pulse within his eardrums. Inside his mind, a million little voices were yelling and commanding him; Twisting his every thought of letting her know what he was thinking into an unbreakable submission. "I can't...today.." "That's the thing though...You totally CAN!" She sat up glaring at him with pursed lips and eyes narrowed. He chuckled and she dove into his chest with her hands in karate chop mode. He laughed, cackling as he tried to steady his clasped hands. He was staving her off the best he could. "Stop! I'm gonna....I'M.." He yelled a hyena's howl and dropped his full weight on top of her until his belly held her tiny waist pinned into the mattress. They laughed and eventually the air in their lungs began to refill simultaneously. "Okay." "You'll tell m-" He pressed his lips against hers without warning. She gave tongue back and lured him closer while slowly lowering her hand toward the zipper of his jeans. He loved her subtlety. As abruptly as he felt his zipper receive a tug, he pulled away from her kiss and solemnly stared into Claire's hazelnut eyes. "I will tell you." She squealed and jolted up in her spot on the bed, crossing her legs and strangling her pillow with a wide smile. He scratched his head and gathered himself. "Claire..this has always been here in the back of my head. It's not something that just...leaves your thoughts. The only reason I haven't brought this up is because...I needed time." She shrugged. "Time for what?" "Time to consider if you were the person I could share this part of my life with." "Are you a furry?" "What?! No! Wait..are YOU?" She laughed. "No! NOW STOP STALLING!" "OKAY." He drew breath slowly. "When you asked if I was into anything earlier...you know, like sexually...I didn't know exactly how to respond.." Milo took Claire's hand and held it in his own. Claire's eyes grew to the size of oranges building in anticipation. "Claire, no matter what you say or what your reaction is. I just want to know it won't change how you feel. I love you more than anything and we've made it four years now! That HAS to mean something right?" She nodded, suppressing her moon shaped grin behind her lips. "Milo, I love you. Unless you're a serial killer, I promise it's not going to split us apart. Just SPIT. IT. OUT!" He took one last breath and then smacked his lips searching for his words. "I want to be...your Daddy." Claire blinked. "Oh my god, you have a DADDY kink?!" "Well, not exactly.." Milo scratches the back of his head and wiped his brow. " I have a...a fetish..for....diapers." Claire's eyes narrowed. And then widened shortly after...before narrowing a second time. She chuckled to herself, bit down lightly on her knuckle, and then without warning stood on the bed and plopped down Indian style in front of Milo to meet him face to face. "Explain." "Oh god...okay. So when I was a kid, I was potty trained a little late. I mean, I wore a bib until I was four. There's photos and everything." "Yeah! I remember them at your parents house last year! Aww. Do you want to be baby?" "NO! I mean...well...I don't know, I guess I've never tried that. Anyways... it's more about the diapers.." "How so?" "It's sort of...it's more like... a sexual fixation. Like I love how they look on a girl and I love how they physically feel. Touching one." Milo ran his finger over Claire's thigh and rubbed lightly on her soft and smooth skin. "I don't mind wearing them but...for me, it's more about how I feel when I see girls wearing them. I mean..I've never seen it, you know, 'in person' and personally..I'm more just attracted to the idea of someone...like you...wearing one." Claire's eyes and jaw expanded outward in mild disbelief. "Huh..." Claire muffled as she truly took this confession in. Shock and pure curiosity flooded her blank stare. Internally processing everything he said in one moment and the next meeting milo's nervous gaze. Milo broke the silence. "I know it's fucking weird. I don't know why I'm turned on by it. But, diapers are the..the key thing if you will? Like, they are what I fantasize girls wearing. For most guys they think 'oh fuck, is she wearing a thong or nothing at all?' For me, I mean I don't mind thongs and bikinis but...Diapers.." Claire laughed and stopped suddenly. "I'm not laughing at you, just about what you said." "No, I know. I'm completely aware of how..strange this is. Honestly, I wish it was something different. I have no idea why I feel like this, but it's always stuck with me. There's no map for this Claire, it's just what I'm into." Seconds felt like minutes. Claire and Milo just sat there in silence until Claire spoke up. "And you'd wanna...be my Daddy? And take care of me?" Claire quizzed. Milo nodded and moved in closer. "Take care of you, rub your feet, hold you, cuddle you, bathe you..change you.." "Wait..so.. I would have to.. use the diaper?" "I mean..." Milo paused and clicked his tongue in anticipation of his next sentence. "That's more or less the idea but, I'm not just..trying to dive into this head first. I'd want you to be comfortable more than anything. I'm not asking you to shit yourself for the record! Not at all, I'm not looking to clean up messes like that because I mean, let's face it: adult sized diapers equals adult sized shits." "Ugh!" Claire grimaced at the thought. Milo continued. "I'm only saying that, if that happened: i would clean you up, change you, and do all the things that a daddy should do. And if you wore one, I wouldn't expect you to use it if you didn't want to." "Milo, let me get this straight: you want me to wet diapers, and crawl around like a baby, and stuff like that? I'm just curious...when are we fucking?! What part of any of this is sexual-" "Okay, listen! just forget it!" Milo stood up as if he were making for the exit but Claire was too quick and jumped in front of the door and sprawled her arms in the way playing defense astutely. "Milo stop! Let me finish my thought. What I meant to clarify with you before you backpedaled ever so quickly was: Do you plan on fucking me...in my diaper? Like is that what this leads to in these little moments?Do you just get turned on from the idea of caring for me and babying me to the point where you'll just...take control?" His eyes blinked. He didn't hesitate. "Yes." "Huh." Claire thought deeply. Claire turned back to the bed and slowly walked over and sat at the edge. She patted the mattress indicating for Milo to sit next to her. He nervously joined her. There was still silence but, Claire finally spoke up. "Milo, if I try this and.. I don't like it or.. it just isn't what I want or even maybe what you want..is it the end of the world if this whole..'experience' doesn't live up to your greatest expectations? Because, as you said it best: this is fucking weird man...I don't even know what to say but, Milo...I still love you. So fucking much. You are my favorite person, My best friend, my love and my only remedy for a bad day. I don't want to lose you either. And I'm glad you said that before unfolding all of this!! I know how it must have felt. I mean, maybe not to this degree but, I definitely know this wasn't easy for you to say." "No..it wasn't. It's terrifying. Like, I'm not gay but...this is something I've kept hidden." Milo sighed. Claire put her hand on his thigh. "You're heading home Friday right?" Claire asked. "Yeah, seven thirty flight." "So...give me the weekend then." Milo raised his eyebrow skyward. "You're going home to visit family. Just go get your head right and enjoy yourself and try not to think about this. Let me think about all of this and then..let's go from there. But, right now I need you to take a deep breath. And hold me." Milo, tears in his eyes wrapped Claire in a tight bearhug and kissed her forehead. She kissed him back passionately and brought her hand to his. "Milo, I love you and again: nothing, even this: changes how much I love you." Claire responded rubbing his back. He closed his eyes and sighed the deepest breath he could muster as he slowly realized it was over. He did it. The long agonizing anticipation of waiting for the end that would never come. "She loves me" he practically yelled internally. And this didn't ruin that. They chatted for a small while and slowly fell asleep in each other's arms wondering what the next few days would bring.
  22. hi me name is Ashley i is 2.5 yaers old i looking advice and topicys kind of new to this whole thing I always look like kind of like diapers and a little one I am a little I am mainly looking for tips and advice on how to go into this world a little more
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