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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Little Lindsey

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Everything posted by Little Lindsey

  1. None yet. Kinda want to wear a Dinorawrz, but thinking I should go with NSC Supreme Lite and save the Dino for the weekend.
  2. Dude, I don't know. Try googling it. It just search teether on amazon, most baby ones should work fine.
  3. Babies that young like simple toys. Rattles,teething toys, stacking/nesting toys, blocks, shape sorters, balls with different sizes, colors and textures, blocks, board books, musical instruments (xylophone, egg shaker), bead maze.
  4. Personally I want some Magnatiles, but I'm more adult kid than baby so idk if that would appeal to you. I guess it would help to know what you already have and what your little age is.
  5. Another Little Pawz. Wet it once before bed and twice this morning already but it should hold out another hour or two.
  6. To have a girlfriend (which is hard in a conservative small town where you're not fully out, only to a select few trusted friends) who gently reminds me to use the potty...and not-so-gently scolds me and puts me in time out when I refuse and have "accidents" in my training pants.
  7. It was my fault. I usually save the premium ABDL diapers for Saturday night since I have a few extra hours to enjoy them on Sunday morning. I drank an extra bottle of water before bed last night, though, so I did a pretty good job filling that diaper regardless...couple inches of dry padding in back and that's it. I was on my tummy for this morning's big wetting so the front was completely soaked.
  8. ABUniverse Little Paws. Really trying to use it to capacity before I have to get up and get ready for work.
  9. I tried double diapering once. I didn't find it all that comfortable and I was ready to be out of it long before both diapers were fully used. I don't mind a nice thick diaper (like one of the ABUs) overnight on occasion, especially if I'm off the following day and can stay in bed a few extra hours and really use it to capacity (not a bedwetter, I wet before going to sleep or, more commonly, after waking), but when I'm up and moving around the bulk is more annoying than anything. But I'm a big girl so I just need training pants during the day, and pull ups aren't too bulky. Just perfect for me.
  10. Tomboy X has some great undies that could work for ageplay. They are "gender neutral" and have briefs, boyshorts, and boxer briefs in several lengths. They have quite an assortment of colors and patterns.
  11. I like the idea of pooping my diaper more than I actually enjoy having a messy diaper...mainly because I don't like to feel it squishing on my bum, and I don't really like the cleanup. If I'm diapered and in little space (toddler-preschool age, potty training and not 100% reliable yet) I play it off as if I'm too engrossed in whatever I'm doing to notice I have to go until I'm desperate. At that point I either run to the bathroom only to have an "accident" before I get my diaper/pull up off - I'm embarrassed but it's okay because at least I tried - or I just go and carry on with what I'm doing knowing I was naughty and deserve a scolding. Either way I clean up shortly thereafter.
  12. I do, if you consider Beanie Babies to be stuffies. I have a bunch of Beanie Buddies too, which are bigger plush versions of the Beanie Babies.
  13. Overnight, once, but only because it was VERY firm. Sometimes if I'm wearing a real diaper and have to poop I'll hold it until I'm ready for a change, drop a load, and immediately clean up unless it's a hard poop. In that case I might stay in it an hour but that's about it. If I'm in a dry/mostly dry pull up I usually just use the toilet because I don't like wasting a diaper but I don't like sitting in a mess either.
  14. I have two Closetmaid Cubeicals units, one with 3 cubes, one with 9. I have one fabric bin filled with Always Discreet pull ups and two with 2-3 each of several kinds of diapers, A&D ointment, powder, baby bath wash and lotion, a pack of wipes, and a tub of glycerin suppositories for easy access. The other bins are used to store other stuff (craft supplies, various collections, etc), and the remaining diapers, packs of wipes (I buy a 6-pack from amazon), and my cloth training pants and two pocket diapers/diaper covers are in a large Rubbermaid bin that is stashed away. As the supply in the fabric bins dwindles I pull out the big bin and refill.
  15. I don't normally like to poop my diapers. However, once I had been constipated for over a week so I knew I could count on a very solid bowel movement and not a sloppy mess. Popped in a suppository right before bed, diapered up in an ABU Little Pawz instead of my usual pullup, and went to bed. It took longer than expected to kick in but eventually the urge hit...took a good 10-15 minutes of pushing - and a few tears - to get it out so I knew it was big but I was still surprised the next morning when I finally changed. It was massive (maybe 12" long, close to 2" in diameter, no wonder it hurt! ), but solid as expected so not too bad to clean up. I had a feeling there was more so I inserted another suppository before getting in the shower (I like to do that sometimes and see if I can get through my whole shower routine - hair, wash body, shave, wash face, dry off - before I have to use the potty; makes me feel like a little kid trying desperately not to have an accident before I get to a potty). It kicked in quicker this time and I had to rush through shaving to avoid an accident. It was another huge one, just as big around and even longer, but thankfully not as hard. I was very relieved to get it all out, but I kind of wish I could have gotten both bowel movements in my diaper at once. There would have been no hiding that bulge!
  16. Early this morning. I usually only wet but I was just about to get up and change out of my wet overnight diaper when I got the urge. Relaxed, let it happen, released one last flood, and got up to start my day.
  17. Yeah, I have a lot of other plastic-backed diapers and just wanted to give cloth a try.
  18. I've never seen the overnight ones. I wear XL too, but I think a large might just fit so maybe I will try them.
  19. I've been wearing these for years now and I think they're better than a lot of people give them credit for. I've emptied an achingly full bladder in them (not a full-out flood, more of a controlled stream, it IS still a pull up and has limitations) with no leaks. They hold a lot and swell up huge and satisfyingly squishy.
  20. Being as my ageplay age is preschool-ish I gave these a shot. Not impressed with the cloth ones. As others mentioned they stretched and sagged too much. The designs are cute though.
  21. No ABDL-specific little girl clothes. I have a pair of overalls (Lee brand) that I've had for years, and some t-shirts with cartoon characters which are easy enough to find. Striped tees for some reason scream "little kid" to me too, so I have a few of those. All my socks are bright colors and patterns (stripes, stars, rainbows, unicorns, etc). A pair of Converse sneakers (I've had just about every color imaginable but red is so classic!) is the perfect finishing touch for the "little tomboy going out to play" look though really any brand of sneakers will do and it's so easy to find them in bright colors these days. I wish I still had my shortalls from my high school and college days.
  22. I don't much care for dolls. I have a few Cabbage Patch Kids passed down from an older relative and some Ty Beanie Kids but that's it.
  23. I have an extensive Beanie Baby and Beanie Buddy collection (from the 90s and early 2000s, don't care for the style of the newer ones) thanks to my grandma. I still love them. I have a few unicorn stuffies too and some Care Bears (one vintage, two newer).
  24. Potty trained shortly after turning two. I don't have any memories of potty training or wearing diapers, wasn't even a bed wetter. I have a couple very vague memories of having wetting accidents when we were out and not close enough to a bathroom when the urge hit. First one I was either still two or just barely three, second one I think three and a half, maybe almost four years old. Nobody made a big deal of it because I did try to hold it.
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