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  1. just atarted reading this one this afternoon. I can't tell you how many chapters of volume 1 had me almost cfrying happy tears or even sad in some cases. Two questions: 1. I see this was published in 2020 so is volume 3 out? 2. is there a book about Ella's backstory?
  2. Alex, i really love this story. I started reading it yesterday and I've been binge reading, well, between working on music and laundry. I have a technical question. When I read some of the letters that Cheryl sends to Jamie, my screen reader reads deletion end deletion in some places like in the following example. "Are you using my gifts? Have you given your bear a name yet? A token of my love affection for you; it doesn’t seem much now, but I hope it gives you some comfort happiness and reminds you of me." delecion and end delecion bracket the words love and comfort so is there something visual about those two words that's not in the rest of the sentence, like the character thought about redacting them and then changed her mind and you were trying to make that clear to the reader?
  3. I love the way you describe Christmas, first with the outing with santa and now Christmas day. When I was a kid, it was my favorite holiday.
  4. Gil, i agree with you. that inspector needs a time out, a sound spanking and a thick diapering.
  5. maybe the nanny bot will give them away?
  6. i'm still here reading every chapter. that robot is freaking creepy.
  7. this is a good story. it seems a bit out of character for Emily not to want to mess herself as this would just make more work for amillia and that seems to be her goal at this point. She deserves the sound spanking that I predict is coming, it's long overdue for Emily the brat. Looking forward to reading more.
  8. this is really good, a little creepy with the way those participants were eliminated but I, for one, am interested in reading more.
  9. Nice story, hope there will be more to it.
  10. Here's my favorite story of hers. https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/61481-bad-seed-updated-12-27-24/ I was impacted so profoundly by this that I created an album of the same name inspired by the story itself. https://scottlawlor.bandcamp.com/album/bad-seed Here's my favorite story of hers. I was impacted so profoundly by this that I created an album of the same name inspired by the story itself. https://scottlawlor.bandcamp.com/album/bad-seed
  11. what a great beginning to a book I'm looking forward to reading as it is posted. I'm curious, is your writing inspired to a degree by that of cute kitten who writes amazing stories loke Bad seed? Maybe it's just my imagination but you both seem to present flashbacks in a rather unique way, though I can't put words to what that similarity is, it's just a feeling I have.
  12. such an emotional ending, it almost made me cry. that letter tugged at the heartstrings. Looking forward to reading book 2. The fact that your word can elicit such emotion is a testament to your tallent as a writer.
  13. is chapter 46 still the latest chapter? I read a comment about a sticky situation so wasn't sure if I missed something. there was also a mention of ash but I hadn't read a reference to that character recently. Did I miss a chapter or two? I love this story
  14. oh wow, such a cozy endearing story. I notice a sip between chapter 5 and 6 which was expanded? was that just a numbering typo? I'm so excited to read more. have a merry Christmas.
  15. such an enthralling story. looking forward to reading more.
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