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Everything posted by PamperedinthePoconos

  1. For diapers I mostly use Abena X-plus (just started using their Air Plus), molicare & restore depending on the situation; I also use an ex-cath with a leg bag
  2. As for a you being a guy and seeing your age, I'm going to second having your prostate checked. All the incon sites that have checked out shows that to be be the main cause for male urinary problems & incontinence.
  3. ^ Hg--liquid metal; it flows & fun to play with (with care) V Does oil always float on top water?
  4. ^ I like to think it is that I'm too honest--I tell it as it is <Just got got off the phone, while trying to respond here, & I believe I'm watching an episode of Trek that I have never seen before (can this be??) V Commuting s**ks--what is the longest traffic jam that you ever got stuck in--be it an accident or just volume??
  5. When I first started going out wearing a diaper I used to wear a pair of tighty-whities over them to help muffle the noise, (I feel this may be a good start for you if you haven't ever done this before); Now, I find wearing a onesie helps in keeping things a bit quiet and hidden better: Also, even though I still get a bit paronoid, I truely think that in most places people are not going to notice.
  6. I say go for it; give 'em try: but I'm going to go along with the others, until you feel comfortable, go with the lower end diapers, I'd like to suggest the Assurance over the depends (I hate those); and don't go with the pull-up look for the "fitted-briefs" (I hate calling them that).....Enjoy!!!!
  7. ^Yes.....but....no, <Surprise, No Treck, rather the Rider Cup, The EC is winning V What was the last home cooked meal did you make for yourself & how good was it?
  8. Sunshine, Have a great time at school, study hard-go for the degree you are looking to get and hope all goes well for you. And thanks for making me feel so welcome here, hope to catch-up with you soon here on the boards......... PamperedinthePoconos
  9. ^Being that you asked this yesterday, but it is now today, so wasn't really planned & not so interesting & have been just abit 'nippy' here, got my wood stove all cleaned up and ready to go........... <What am I doing now>>>>give it a guess........... VGoing back to the hair question; Do you use a conditioner or gel or just let your hair go natural?
  10. Give me a Pamper Sz 10--bring 'em on.
  11. -Can't remember walking out of a movie, but I did fall asleep(in the theater) the first time I saw Pale Rider--what a shame now to me its a great movie. -Do you shave(if a guy--your face) in the shower or over the wash sink or elsewhere?
  12. If in a situation as you describe, I pray like hell that my diaper goes 120%; And yes I do get a bit anxious about a fear of a noticable leak. But when the first opportunity does arise I do take advantage of it and do a quick change.
  13. ^ Been there--done that; pretty good at faking a spill.
  14. ^I use J&J Baby shampoo (and it has nothing to do with the AB thing; just better for my scalp) <same as before v For watching TV, do you have cable, antenna, satilite or other?
  15. Another episode of Star TreK just started, so it's the theme song...Where no one has gone before............
  16. -Can't say I have; usually just mess with my friends -Have you ever just walked out & quit a job (do good FU to those that you were working for)?
  17. ^Hey I like to see/read yours & Dolly's post; you guys seem to be the most active & friendly <Can you guess........Watching Star TreK & hanging out here V Kind of different, having just finished eating some scrambled eggs for lunch, how do you prefer your eggs cooked: sunnyside-up soft/hard boiled, scrambled, etc?
  18. I haven't checked out that game, but to me it sounds like the game of "real" life.
  19. ^Bills <Watching yet another episode of Star Trek (probally seen it it atlest 5x's) v If you ever entertained at your home, what is the most people that you had to cook for?
  20. Drynot---very good I'll combine two here, esp & ghosts: Please understand I'm of sane mind(I think) but I have had a couple of "weird" experiences in my life that I can't truely explain; and one too many 'deja vu' instances to be coincendence(sp?)... Going on similar thoughts: Are we alone out there?....Are there UFO's/extraterrestials out there?
  21. The nastey zipper...have had the same problem here, many a time....Other than that I'm for the most part covered.
  22. Have had a couple truel 'wet-ones' real accidents) in the past............ Having had to commute to NYC for the last 10 days, 2hours each way (BS);(hopefully I'm done for a while); If you commute to work or school how long do you spend on the road?
  23. Right now I can't answer the MAD question..got to think about that one........... but I have one on my mind and seeing that some of these were a bit technical type questions, here's one.... Why/ how or is the reason that one is able to take 50,000 tons of steel and when placed in the ocean and it doesn't sink to the bottom?
  24. I too believe that we are to countries seperated by a common language & I sometimes have fun with it because I have family on THAT side of the pond.....but I'd like to say that I speak American, not English; you guys speak funny (based on our inturpitation of words) ie: don't ask me if I want fag (you might get hit) rather offer me a smoke & a boot is what I wear on my foot, not part of a car..I put my stuff in the trunk.
  25. When on the road & I need a change, I usually look for a Micky D's or BK or other fast food joint, for the most part I have found them to be pretty much clean; if in a bind, I'll find a secluded part of a parking lot and change my diaper in the passanger seat of my car.
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