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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Nyte Kitsune

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Everything posted by Nyte Kitsune

  1. ...... You go to the gas station to get gas and they ask you if you have any.
  2. Uh, You said to bring it so I brought out this hand grenade.... Uh.. has anyone seen the pin? My hand is getting tired.
  3. Well..Currently.. None of the Above, though back when I had need of such a thing I would say "The Basic", "The Edgelord" and "The Lazy Bitch" all suited me which were typical of me back when I actually used it. Now.. Just Wipes and Diapers. And "If" I lived where having company was plausible (My apt barely big enough for me to sit somewhere) I would revert to those 3 (At random as I enjoy messing with people) for guests and let them deal with it as I don't care.. lol
  4. Each trek series has been good regardless on who wrote it, Still If I had to choose 1 as my favorite I'd honestly say Voyager, then the OS which is why I liked Voyager as it was a more up-to-date version of the OS. I didn't however care for Enterprise. As to the OP, YES! Mind I know its been in the works for awhile now, but to find out that they actually finished it is great, The Original 2 have always been among my favorite "Halloween" movies, I will miss Ramis "Egon" but I'm sure he'd be proud that his friends made this final one as they originally planned and I look forward to seeing it, though since I'm a gamer I will likely wait until I can buy or stream it.
  5. wtf?!? Having "Once" been a devout Christian I find that extremely amusing as I know that even my pastors kids watched cartoons like that. Now I know its been stated that that is a little old and has been circulating for awhile, but what's sad is that even now there are still people like that. People will come up with nonsense like that regularly, like the.... Bugs Bunny made me do it! (For killing someone in a odd manner, Hammers or whatever came to their twisted minds) Shooting games make kids go out and shoot people! Dungeons and Dragons players are all devil worshipers! I've heard these pop up the most often, and yet, I have watched those cartoons as a kid.. I never hit anyone with a mallet, blown them up with dynamite or anything else I've seen a fictional character do, why.. Because "IT'S NOT REAL!" Same goes for Shooting Games, I play plenty, and I have never shot anyone in real RL, And I most certainly do not worship the devil!!! ... He worships me.. get it right! jk
  6. No plans as of yet, My sister will likely attempt to drag me to her place for dinner before I have to go to work, but she hasn't called/texted me yet with any plans. Otherwise I will likely try to find a Drumstick and some thighs, some Cranberry Sauce, Some instant Mashed Potatoes, Stove Top Stuffing.. and some Green Beans and call it good and just relax until I have to leave for work, sadly I don't have any of the holidays off again until like 2023 (Set work schedule).
  7. Happens more than I would like, Some that disappeared forever that I liked, like PB Max... God those were good. Now if it's a type of candy.... You may want to try Bulk Candy Store - Online Candy Shop - Candy Warehouse.urlThese guys have some items that stores don't carry anymore as well as novelty and seasonal items. Discovered them while watching "Modern Marvels". No idea if the ship internationally, but if they do (which is likely as they get products from all over the world) then they may have what you have been craving. Sadly some things will not return as sometimes those businesses close their doors forever, like my favorite pizza joints. Had one here in Seattle called Joe Banana's, best pizza around, original owners retired and sold to someone else back in like the early 80's I think, who kept the name, but the pizza the new owners made was just horrible (Not the same recipe) and closed within a year of that, another was the popular chain Godfathers Pizza... Always liked theirs.
  8. USPS and UPS are worse.. Ordered diapers from ABU (ABU uses Fed Ex now) and every time they shipped with one of those 2 I would either get them 2 weeks late, or not at all. USPS kept using the "Couldn't deliver to that address" angle, UPS was just plain stupid.. After shipping it to about 4 different locations, including one in Eastern Washington, They finally managed to get it to the building next door.. yes, wrong address.. and a second time where after about a similar path, promptly had it stolen (Later returned, guess they didn't want a box of diapers, lol) from the building entryway, within about 5 mins of delivery (I always track my deliveries). FedEX on the other hand just seem to get confused sometimes. I had one, just a few weeks back that Got loaded on a truck for delivery (to be delivered that day) only to be returned to the delivery center it had just left, to be sorted again and loaded onto another truck for delivery that same day, only to be returned to be delivered the next day... they never even made it here to attempt a delivery, lol PS Hope you did get him, Both my sister and I got one for Christmas the year they first came out, funny, can't for the life of me remember what happened to him........ wait.. I think I remember.. My dog SAM "Played" with him... right. My sister was a bit more careful with hers.
  9. Probably a few, Though one thing they have apparently STOPPED being responsible for are allowing scalpers sell PS5's for 1000+ on Amazon. I was on there the other day, all of those listings were removed, just back to showing PS5's as "Unavailable", Ebay on the other hand..... A lot of scalpers on there for PS5's, No thanks.. I'll wait til I can buy one legit.
  10. The less I care about how long I'll live. Gotta go sometime... hehe, for us a bit more often! Seriously though, so many ways to die, no sense worrying about it, just live life, be you and have fun (Something many "Adults" forget to do)!
  11. I would think the winners are those of us that got all 3 right... Would also make us the losers for being nerdy enough to get all 3 right. BTW: To the one person that answered Unobtanium... That was the movie Avatar, Not Back to the Future.
  12. 100-150/mo Here for groceries, Mostly Soup, Ramen, Chicken, Salmon Cutlets, Tuna, rice and instant potatoes. With a few frozen pre-made meals thrown in for good measure). and another 100 for Door Dash on days I don't feel like cooking. 1 Full Paycheck every/mo to rent, then 2nd check goes to those groceries, diapers and whatever is left gets split between savings, Phone, Internet and "Fun Money" (Which includes Subcriptions to Netflix, Funimation, Amazon Prime and Paramount+).
  13. Haha. Reminds me of the coffee cups we were selling at work, we had a tumbler (Plain plastic cup with a snap on lid, with a flip up part to drink thru) that had printed on the label, "The adult sippy cup", I'm sure Extra Mile-Chevron thought that was funny, I did.
  14. My go to OTC is Ibuprofen (Motrin is my usual brand), honestly its the only thing that seems to work on my migraines, Tylenol.... lol, nothin, took 4 once to try to kill it, all I got from the Tylenol was that horrible aftertaste you get from the Tylenol, didn't even put a dent in it. As for coffee, I drink that normally anyway which may be why I don't get minor ones as the coffee may be heading those off before they can start.
  15. Hmmm... My top 3 Hawaii (Have family there, mom wants to take me there on my vacation next year) Japan and to Drive Route 66, sure it sounds easier than the other 2, but I don't have a car, license or insurance making the other 2 more likely, not to mention the other 2 are cheaper. Yes, I know.. I'm almost 50 and don't have a license, I have had the fortune to always work within walking distance of where I work so never made sense to get a license when it's an unnecessary extra monthly expense. Not that I don't know how to drive, better than most people in fact, but I just don't have much use for one.
  16. Haven't watched that one yet, though Colbert did have the star for it on the Late Show a week or so ago and it looked interesting enough that I may watch it at some point. If you have Amazon Prime there are quite a few good series on that worth watching, Carnival Row, Good Omens and The Boys were good. And if you like Anime I suggest Beastars on Netflix which is based on the Manga of the same name.
  17. My favorite time of year, gives me an excuse to wear items normally too hot for the summer, footed PJ's and my Fursuit (Well.. the main suit, not paws or head) as my suit is rather comfy on a cold night and I do like to keep it cool in my apt., though my tails do get in the way.
  18. I did that, all my "Big Boy" undies are long gone now... well.. maybe not that long gone. I did find an old pair when cleaning my bathroom (Where I keep all my diapers, socks, t-shirt and onesies), which I threw away. Speaking of which, even if you're NOT an AB, a onesie is a good way to give your diaper/nappy some extra support as sagging can cause leaks to happen. I'd also suggest some kind of cover (Yes, even over a disposable) as they can also help prevent leaks. Typically I wear ABU's Little Pawz, Simple, or Peek ABU's with a Power Up for more capacity. As for my games of choice.... Varies on my mood, but my favorites are Final Fantasy XIV - MMO (PC), Star Wars the Old Republic - MMO (PC), Skyrim - Both PC and PS4, Bio Mutant - PS4, Warframe - PS4, Tekken - PS4 (Funnily enough, play it most for Tekken Bowl which was an add-on for the latest one as a tribute to the original), Mutant Football League and Need for Speed - PS4... I also occasionally play Forza Horizon 4 - PC, but spend more time designing skins for my cars than actually driving them.
  19. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, pun intended. Acceptance of a problem is part of life, well, though in our case, we don't really see it as a problem but part of who we are. Best advice I can give, Be who you are, not the "You" others expect you to be. Also always choose a product that has a higher capacity than you think you need, leaks can always happen, but the right product can minimize or even prevent that. I for one am a proud furry-dl who actually needs them and a gamer.
  20. Gasworks Park is an old industrial site, with the surrounding area converted into a park. Many of Seattle's Live Music events as well as other things take place there as they have an awful lot of space and of course it makes a nice backdrop for performers.
  21. Seattle,Wa-Places to see/visit 1) Pike Place Market, aside from some street performers there are a lot of curio shops there. 2) The Space Needle - Its just really cool, recently upgraded with glass floors (Haven't been up since the remodel) so worth a trip up. 3) Any of our major sport arenas, sadly the once popular "Kingdome" has been gone for years, but its sister building the "Tacoma Dome" is still around. 4) Gasworks Park (Ok, this should be on top, but its a very unique place) 5) Woodland Park Zoo - If you're into the animal thing 6) Seattle Aquarium - Assuming you don't live near the water, they also have an Imax theater.
  22. This is my Fursuit, wore it to the now infamous Rainfurrest 2015-16 (Which ended up being sabotaged by someone not even in the fandom) And yet the venue even afterwards wouldn't allow it to continue.
  23. Have you ever had Spinach Pie? Now there's something good. Pizza dough for the base and top, With Layers of Fresh Spinach, Tuna, Onions, Mushrooms, usually repeated 2-3 times, Looks a bit bulgy when you stick it in the oven, but flattens out as it cooks (About 15-20 mins at about 350 degrees)... And yes, thats the whole recipe.. so simple, most of the work is rolling the dough and placing the filling. As for my Dislikes - Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts and Cabbage (the 1st 3 which I can't eat at all, make me vomit, some natural chemical in them that doesn't agree with me), I will still however eat cabbage depending on how its prepared (In egg rolls for example and "Maybe" some homemade Sauerkraut w/sausage (Not that horrible canned stuff my mom liked), I hear homemade is so much better.
  24. Nope, Apt. is too small to have much room for collectibles.. I have a couple sitting on top of my cabinets, but I rarely take them down (too much work), the only one within easy reach is my Arwing (Fox McLeod's starfighter from Starfox) which came with a game I bought... specifically to get the Arwing.. the game was "OK" but I wanted the toy.. lol. Most of what I get are for display Purposes anyway, A highly Poseable Lucario (SH Figurearts), Toothless, Vash the Stampede, Kaneda's Bike from Akira and my Garfield and Odie are up there. Down low I have a few plushies (Wolf, Lucario, Ryo Ohki, Carbuncle and a Moogle). Barely have room for clothes and appliances (TV and PC included), I'd get a bigger place but rent here in Seattle is CRAZY, I pay 1020/mo for LESS than 117sq FT, and this is considered "Cheap" in Seattle.
  25. I also miss Saturday Morning cartoons.. or even weekday ones which if you don't have cable, you can't watch at all these days. Still as an adult we have options kids don't.. We can just sub to Netflix or other streaming service. I also miss all my toys.... which my dad threw away when I was 12 saying "You're too old for toys!" Luckily he forgot to throw away my pricing guide which I had for some of my more rare toys and comics...... That year I got a Color TV, NES and 10 Games for Christmas as an "Apology" from him as he didn't realize quite a few of my toys were worth quite a bit of money.
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