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Everything posted by diapereddaddy1922

  1. If it happens it happens. Honestly unless you sit in it a long time smell isnt a big issue. I have messed myself many times in frint of customers. As long as you dont make it weird and stay calm they wont know at all.
  2. Yup..... I dribble almost all the time and have very limited bowel control. Hard to tell my 3 year old he must use the potty but we succeeded.
  3. I have been diapered full time now for eight or nine years. I met my wife six years ago and she was completely fine with me wearing diapers and even wore herself for a while. It made things a lot more relaxing knowing i had a supportive partner. It was more of a thing that i just focused on being diapered rather than trying to force myself to lose control. To this day i still have times when my bladder unconsciously holds back urine but most of the time i just wet automatically in small spurts. Every so often im surprised at another dribbling accident or a full diaper. Its still exciting when i check myself and i find im wet and i know i didnt feel anything. The most unknown accidents happen when im moving or lifting something. Im to the point where i know ive peed at some pount but can never remember when or where it happened. I am always excited knowing im going to be diaper dependent for the rest of my life. Most of our close friends know and a lot of my family. I am a disabled vet and hurt my back so most dont question it past that.
  4. Ive been 24/7 for 8-9 years now amd wetting is completely involuntary. I never feel im quite "incontinent enough". Im well past the point where i cpuld go a long period of time without a diaper as i dribble very frequently but my internal muscles still can stop voiding. Once urine begins the path down the urethra there is no stopping it. My bowels start involuntarily pushing and unless i get to a toilet quickly i will almost always mess myself. The only time i use the toilet for poop is at home as we are trying to get my son potty trained and my wife doesnt want to smell me. Bedwetting is a weird thing. Many times my diaper is wet in the morning but i almost always have a voluntary wetting when i first get up. Sometimes im dry in the morning sometimes im not. Maybe one day i will have absolutely no control but who knows. I dont worry about it too much but always get excited at the prospect. I just diaper up with no thoughts of ever quitting
  5. Ive been married now for three years and we have a two year old who is in the process of potty training. I have incontinences partly from a back injury and mostly from training. I will be in diapers for the rest of my life. I do not vet into the abdl stuff i just like diapers and sometimes my wife does too. I dont always smell like pee i change regularly. You dont pee during intercourse because when you are erect your prostate is enlarged and kinks off your urethra.
  6. I am a vending machine technician and have been for close to four years. I have a box truck and can change in the back on my truck as well as keep my work stash in the truck...... I feel that being diapered really helps me be more efficient with my job. When i have a helper they are constantly taking bathroom breaks..... Not me
  7. Not in the least bit. I dont flaunt it but sometimes i dont try to be discreet. When i stop at a reat stop to change i just carry fresh diaper in hand. I wear shorts and sometimes my diaper peaks..... If someone sees oh well. My wife sometimes gets embarrassed and will tell me to pull my shirt down or i need to change cuz my crotch gets too swollen....
  8. I have..... Ive now been in diapers full time for nine years. I have spine issues but not sure how much is neurological and how much is diaper training but i almost completely wet unconsciouly. I get two cases of Tranquility Smart core diapers every month from the VA. The want me to keep going to the urologist but i declined as they just wanna keep pushing meds on me and im against pharmasuticles.
  9. I’ve been diapered full time for over 7-8 years now and yes I release in small amounts throughout the day. It takes quite a while to train yourself to release almost constantly( especially when you are sexually active) I wear what the VA gives me which is Traquility smart core. They say they hold a cup of liquid. The only time I leak is when I don’t change regularly
  10. Okay I’ve been 24/7 for about 9 years now. 1 you have to accept that if you are gonna wear full time people are going to find out so put that out of your mind. The more you try to conceal it the more it’s going to be obvious and awkward. 2 just keep and extra diaper or two in your car when you go places. No need to carry a purse around. Honestly I hardly ever have to change in public. 3 I usually double diaper at night or limit my fluid in the evening to avoid leaks. But hey, sometimes it happens..... not the end of the world. 4. It just has to become habit.... like everything else..... nothing magical about it..... okay next time you don’t have a diaper on work on keeping g your muscles relaxed and dribble a few times on the floor..... that will help reinforce your mindset
  11. I HAVE now been diapered 24/7 for ten years now and had some level of incontinence for about five. I still get aroused by the fact that I’m permanently diapered for the rest of my life. It’s now documented in my medical charts and it is a strong feeling of accomplishment and success. I couldn’t be happier. As my bladder becomes weaker and my bowels become even more reflexive I continue to be happily suprised from time to time.
  12. I get Tranquility smart core. They aren’t the best but they aren’t bad. I’m getting sent to an outside the va urologist even though I’ve told them I am quite content just wearing diapers.
  13. Every hospital is different.... here they send me Tranquility smart core and in Madison I got Kendall wings
  14. I totally agree with avoiding any invasive or drug interventions to achieve incontinence. The more you “practice” in public the more it becomes the norm and the more you can learn to cope with the consequences good and bad. I mess in public almost daily and it’s all about how you react to it. Some steps can be taken to reduce negative reactions such as wearing plastic pants to contain smell, dietary changes, quality diapers as well as scented powder and diaper rash cream. It’s all how you manage your situation. Always be responsible
  15. Messy diapers in public aren’t as bad as one would think. For the last two and a half years I have had a messy diaper in public at least four times a week. I am a vending machine technician delivery driver and sometimes when I’m in filling a machine I start messing my diaper. I don’t freak out or stop what I am doing. When I’m done with the machine I calmly go out to my truck and change. Once the poop starts coming I can’t stop it. I did not dialate my anus or anything I just learned to let my body slowly push out my poop naturally. Sometimes if I’m a bit dehydrated and my poop is hard and thick I have to push a bit but for the most part it comes out on its own. Sometimes there is an odor but I have never received a comment. I just let nature take its course. Sometimes if it’s a small poop and does not have an odor I will just keep filling machines for a while as to not lose time. Six years ago I made the commitment to be diapered full time and I have stuck to it. My wife is quite supporting and sometimes takes part wearing herself. Last night I decided to air out and not wear a diaper to bed and luckily didn’t soak the bed. This was a first in a long time. i hardly ever spend more than an hour in a soiled diaper nor do I want to offend anyone. Being self conscious is your worst enemy. Sometimes I wear tighter shorts and you can definitely tell I have a thick diaper on yet I have never been approached about it. I do have an alibi as I am diagnosed by the VA as incontinent. Once I made the commitment to be diapered full time my bladder has shrunk and my muscles keep getting weaker. It definitely takes commitment and you have to be 100% certain this is what you want.
  16. I live for moments like this to affirm my dependence on diapers
  17. The thing is that my progress to incontinence was a very slow and gradual one. When I started wearing 24/7 I still had reserves and was not fully on board to say the least. I knew what I wanted but it took a while to get fully in the mindset. About five years ago I was dating girl who wanted to be diapered full time as well and that helped me solidify my incontinence goals but that relationship was a real dead end. At this point I had been 24/7 for about two years and peeing was very easy but the bowels were still in full control. I met my current wife at college about four years ago and within a couple weeks I knew I was going to have to tell her about my diapers. She got involved and was wearing herself. Within the first year of our relationship I had had numberous accidents ie. Wet bed and wet pants so she actually had to start telling me at times when I needed to change and would sometimes make sure I had a diaper on before bed. She is an amazing woman who understands my need to be diapered both physically and psychologically. I cant exactly tell you when I began wetting the bed every night but it happened gradually. I noticed that the more I focused on becoming incontinent the less it happened.
  18. I kept a blog for a while tracking my progress and adventures. I noticed that once I had reached a certain level of incontinence I no longer felt the changes were significant enough to blog about as it was now part of my everyday life. I don’t even really think about it much anymore...... every morning I wake up wet and most of the time as soon as I stand up I wet some more. I change, get ready for work, make sure I have enough extra diapers for the day and hop on my truck. When I get home I kiss my wife and son, go change, and get ready to make dinner...... every once and a while someone in my life finds out but I don’t really make a big deal out of it and neither do they. Most people around me at this point know and don’t think twice about it. It’s wonderful to know that will be diapered for the rest of my life
  19. It’s an amazing feeling and never ceases to surprise me at how diaper dependent I am. I’ve been at this for about six or seven years now. At this point I just notice that I tend to have more dribble accidents in between changing so I have to make sure to get the diaper on quickly
  20. More wet..... almost daily I have at least one diaper that I soak that I don
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