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Everything posted by Thad

  1. you would get more absorbency out of those stuffers if you don't use fabric softener, the fabric softener coats the material which leads to repelling. i'm only telling you this to help you in the long run. fabric softener may be good for shirts and pants, but not for cloth diapers and anyone saying otherwise is trying to gouge you of your hard earned money on their products. cloth diapers NEED to absorb liquid. that's there job! a shirt doesn't need to do that.
  2. yeah, i'm going to stop you right there man. you should NEVER use fabric softner on cloth diapers, NEVER. it causes repelling which leads to leaks which leads to embarrassing situations.
  3. lmao, i was like 'dang that's a lot of pudding" but then i saw the bottom and was like "dang that's awesome!"
  4. i use pins when i can wear. sure i sometimes stick myself but i just pull it out a bit then try again after a small adjustment to the material. personally pins are your best bet as they last the longest and are easily replaced.
  5. lmao, true. but the detriment to the hp isn't worth it to me. besides i get by just fine with standard move sets.
  6. okay i'm no doctor but i was pretty heavy set as a kid, i started to eat healthy stuff like salads and drink more water and cut out the soda. there are some people who are addicted to food, thus the urge to binge eat, or you might have a medical condition that your body is trying to tell you about by saying "eat this lots" or "i need that" if your work has stairs take them instead of the elevator if you can. cardio is a great way to lose some weight, then on the days you don't do cardio just to some light free weight lifting, like 5-10 lbs. eating a bagel isn't exactly healthy, try oatmeal with some fruit on the side and milk. snack on fruits or veggies for 3-5 minutes or put them in a small container. lunch should also be healthy. just buy a pre-made salad container with dressing on the side at the store then possibly cut it in half (not literally, just the food portion) depending on the size you get. you could possibly eat another snack 2 hours after you eat lunch or when you get home from work. dinner is about balancing what you had earlier, say chicken cesar salad for lunch, have a bit of meat, a small hamburger, some mixed greens and a fruit. drinking water is also a good thing for your body as it helps flush your system of toxins and fill your stomach so its not constantly saying "feed me, i'm empty" thus further dulling your cravings. your basically trying to start a new habit, it's going to be hard but in a few months you'll get the hang of it. hope this helps, agian, i am not a doctor. you may have allergies and or health problems so talking to a licensed food specialist is probably your best bet.
  7. lmao! no worries. gen 1 isn't that hard to beat with only those four if your lvl is more than 60. i plan on maxing out the lvl though
  8. @Lavender Syndrome: lmao, you say broken i say regressed. gen 1 started it all, you have to learn to walk before you can run you know. i managed to get pokemon yellow the other day only planning on using; pikachu, venusaur, blastoise, and charizard.
  9. awesome. some stuff came up for me money wise so i won't be able to enjoy having them again. i guess I'll have to work up the motivation to try to finish pokemon white, lol.
  10. hey everyone, i was wondering (since no one has made a topic on it yet what with it being new and all) how many people have or are going to get the original Pokemon games? i'm planning on it at some point in the near future. if anyone is interested here's the link to Gamestop: http://www.gamestop.com/Browse?Nav=16variant.SKU-5-119918+OR+119914+OR+119916
  11. yeah i sit to potty. mostly cause it's late at night like 2 am and i don't want to miss seeing as how i need glasses and dont usually like to put them on just to take them off a few minutes later.
  12. That's true, however that doesn't mean I still can't state it as it ties in to the card and tablet.
  13. i'll just use my laptop for that... or maybe i could just switch out the sd cards....
  14. not 64? *grumbles lots* oh well, 32 should be plenty i guess... thanks DailyDi.
  15. Thanks! It is an Android but my brother has an iPad and I admit to being insanely jealous at the time. Perhaps someone could tell me the max size micro sd card this tablet can handle?
  16. Yep you read right, finally got me a tablet!! So any thoughts or tips I should know? I use WiFi most of the time since I don't take it out of the house.
  17. what about if your laptop is say... 6 years old. would it still be worth it then?
  18. yes as they're the same thing. you'll need to wash them a few times just to be safe and have fun, lol
  19. and do NOT use fabric softener! it will cause repelling which is the opposite of what cloth diapers are supposed to do. also i wouldn't over-estimate the thickness needed for all day (i.e. 8 hours) wear. i usually get away with 2 day weight prefolds that last me 6 hours and are only half used while pushing fluids. i change then to avoid any unpleasantness like rashes or wet diaper smell.
  20. i watch the baby first tv channel on directv. other than that tom and jerry, looney tunes, and when i can find it blues clues!
  21. you'll need to pin up slowly. i sometimes stick myself if i go too fast, lol but practice makes perfect and before long you'll get the hang of pinning up, even if you don't get faster it will be fine.
  22. the legend of zelda: nes super mario bros/ duck hunt: nes anticipation: nes other mario and legend of zelda games for other systems, lol halo 1-4 minecraft batman arkham city
  23. so after re-reading, (which wasn't too hard as it's not a near never ending thread, lol) i noticed you never said how often you wear your cloth diapers. if your skin isn't used to coming into contact with wetness then that might be your problem. disposables whisk that wetness away, and unless you wear pockets, all in ones or have fleece or some other fabric that whisks wetness away on the inside of your diaper, then its a skin issue which should clear up the more you wear cloth. just wash with mild soap and pat your diaper area dry before putting on a fresh diaper.
  24. i got mine yesterday, haven't had the chance to wear them yet, but they came in 3 days for me, so be on the look out! look forward to trying these. i had lots of problems with leaking in the legs with the regular and old superio line... maybe i just taped them up wrong or something, but with 2 i'll get a second chance lol
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