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Everything posted by ArtemisEnterri

  1. With your attitude, I hope you never have kids, cuz you'd ruin their lives with your attitude. You should go get sterilized to make sure you don't infect the rest of the world with your twisted attitude. Mental/Emotional Abuse is a really sick way to treat your kids. Parents are supposed to LOVE their kids, but what I've seen so many times over the years is that some people are viewing their kids as a mistake in their lives, and resent the fact that the children exist. And whenever something goes wrong during their day (at work, at the store, in traffic, etc) even if the child(ren) had nothing to do with that problem, the parent vents their anger on the children, which results in abuse. I know this because my father did it to me. He kept a good image at the office, but let all his tensions out when he got home, and if I got in the way... Hell, my dad had such a bad temper that the slightest mistake I made would send him in a rage some times... (Some of my mom's friends have even asked over the years "Are they his kids? Because he sure doesn't act like it.") The people who say "spanking = hitting, and hitting = abuse" are being stupid. Think about this: when kids are playing around, they tend to hit each other (particularly if they are playing boxing or wrestling), are you gonna call THAT abuse? Abuse is hitting that doesn't stop until the child is bruised, bloody, has broken bones, or in some cases has died. DO NOT PUT A SIMPLE 2 SWAT SPANKING INTO THAT CATEGORY BECAUSE IT DOES NOT, NOR HAS IT EVER, FIT THAT DEFINITION!!!!! Events like Columbine happened because parents did not pay enough attention to their children, and did not PROPERLY DISCIPLINE their children when bad behaviors happened.
  2. Anon, I'm also unemployed with no healthcare (have been since the first week of January) and would rather have the government STAY THE HELL OUTTA MY LIFE. What car I choose to drive IS MY CHOICE! Whether or not I purchase a healthcare plan IS MY CHOICE! At least the "profit motivated bureaucrats" of a business know the difference between a WORKING program and a FAILING program. Without profit, companies fail. But the government NEVER runs with a profit, it is ALWAYS A LOSS!!!!! So WHY does the government keep paying for programs that a CORPORATION would have TERMINATED quickly after realizing how much of a loss it was for the owners/shareholders?!?!?!?!? The government is getting too F'ING BIG AND NEEDS TO STOP GROWING, AND ALSO NEEDS TO STAY OUT OF THE MARKETPLACE. If a company is failing, LET IT FAIL! And let a competitor pick up the pieces. America survived for TWO HUNDRED YEARS BEING CAPITALIST! The idiots in government now are trying to DESTROY EVERYTHING America stood for and represented in the world: Freedom of CHOICE, freedom to live how you wanted to live, buy what you wanted to buy, live where you wanted to live, OWN what you WANTED to own... For the last twenty years, the government has been getting involved in things that should have been left alone in the FREE MARKET where they belonged. I'm not arguing against healthcare, what I'm arguing against is GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED healthcare. When, at any point in the last 50 or 100 years, has the American government done ANYTHING that was in any way SUCCESSFUL as compared to an equivalent program run by a PRIVATE BUSINESS??? The idiots in government seem to think that you can solve a problem simply by throwing more money into a failing program, even if that program has been active (and failing the whole time) for 10+ years. But when a business has a program that they know is failing (whether it is losing a million dollars a year or a thousand dollars a day) they TERMINATE that program in order to SAVE the company (and the SHAREHOLDERS/OWNERS) from losing MONEY. Doesn't anyone else see that what the government is doing with OUR money is WRONG?!?!?!?!?! And don't forget the fact that the money for ALL (American) government programs comes from US, the individuals... The actual politicians (at the Federal level, not sure about state level...) PAY NO TAXES on their salaries (which are paid from the money received from OUR TAXES). And every politician who retires (whether after only ONE year or FORTY years in office) receives their FULL PAY RATE for the rest of their lives! They don't have to use the healthcare plan they are trying to force on us cuz they have their own ultra-platinum coverage, they don't have to use the Social Security system for their retirement cuz they have their own super plan... And those plans are not paid for by them at all, EVERY PENNY spent by those plans for the politicians comes from OUR taxes, never from their own pocket!!!!! I don't consider that fair at all. Maybe if the politicians had to use the same programs they expect us to use (Welfare, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Income Tax, etc), they would have SOLVED the problems in each program instead of IGNORING THEM YEAR AFTER YEAR!!!!!
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I had read that the general taxes (sales tax, VAT, income tax, etc) are HIGHER in the UK than they are in the USA... And that for more than half of low-end job categories (fast-food, chain-store cashiers, etc) the UK pay rate is LOWER than the USA rate... (The only major exception to that is waitstaff at restaurants, since in America they get paid less than 1/3 of the standard "minimum wage" because they rely on tips, but in Europe they are paid a full working wage and in most cases tips are discouraged... In Japan it's even considered rude to leave a tip...)
  4. I'm so sick of American money being "gifted" to foreign countries without a requirement of those countries paying it back. Enough of the ads about "starving kids in Africa" and "helping the 3rd world become more technological". Where's the help for OUR OWN homeless population and starving children?!?!?!?! The government is getting TOO DAMN BIG, and Liar-in-Chief Hussein is trying to make it BIGGER. IMPEACH THE BASTARD ALREADY! The democrats are gonna lose a SHIT-TON of seats during the 2010 elections!
  5. Gee, it's really funny that a punishment method that was STANDARD for HUNDREDS of years is suddenly considered "abuse". As Yvhuce said, "time out" or taking things (toys, games, meals, etc) away from the kids DO NOT WORK to stop bad behaviors. The ONLY PROVEN method throughout all of recorded history has been CORPORAL PUNISHMENT (meaning spanking). I will say it again, SPANKING to correct or prevent bad behaviors IS NOT ABUSE. Abuse is when an adult beats the total sh!t out of a child because the adult doesn't know when to stop.
  6. Spanking a child to prevent bad behavior is NOT child abuse! Beating the living sh!t out of a child IS child abuse. There is a MAJOR F***ING DIFFERENCE! The whole "political correctness" stuff is ABSOLUTE PURE CRAP! It is "political correctness" which ruined education by telling teachers "You can't tell a child they are wrong, because it hurts their self esteem" and by telling gym teachers or sports coaches "You can't tell a child they lost a game, because it hurts their self esteem". You know what? Education is NOT about "self esteem". Education is about learning RIGHT from WRONG and WINNING from LOSING! The word "C A T" is NOT spelled "K A T", 1 plus 1 does NOT equal 3 (and 2 plus 2 does NOT equal 5), and when you're playing a game, one team WINS the other team LOSES. I'm sick to hell of it. It's ruining the intelligence level of kids by the time they graduate high school, and makes it more difficult for them to get into college or even into a good job. (Altho if you look at students of PRIVATE schools, which are usually run by churches, or home-schooled kids, you'll see a BIG difference because those kids are taught the RIGHT way to spell words, do math, and write sentences.) As far as the whole issue of Halloween and whether it's a children's, teen's, or adult's holiday it all depends on your point of view. And I tend to get along better with video game loving pre-teens and early teens than I do with other adults, and I have had plenty of experience with diaper changes (having 6 or 7 cousins younger than me and a total of about 16 or 17 nieces and nephews ranging in age from recently born to just turned 17).
  7. I'd be interested in joining a get-together, but I don't get over to the Greensboro area much, plus I don't really know that area much. (Although I have 2 appointments to go to on Wednesday, one to visit a technical certification training center, the other to visit ECPI to find out if they can help me finish my bachelor's degree I had to put on hold when we moved down here 3 years ago...)
  8. You could always go to their website (First Quality Products "Contact Us" page) and email the "fqpsales" account asking for samples... I got a box the other day with multiple samples from them, and they were very friendly in their emails.
  9. I'll agree that Godzilla could have been better, but I disagree about you calling Dragon Ball a "horrible" movie. Dragon Ball Evolution was written in order to introduce NEW people to the story of Goku and the Dragon Balls, it was NOT supposed to be a "perfect" translation of the manga/anime because then only people who knew the original story could follow it. My wife is a major DB/DBZ fan and she liked it. (It's just like the way "mega Trekkies" were bitching about the new Star Trek movie saying it ruined everything, even tho it was written to introduce the story to a new audience.)
  10. I feel your pain guys. I'm in the Winston area and have only found 2 "mom&pop" shops that carry anything other than the standard store generics and depend... The one sells mainly Prevail brand, the other only sells Tranquility brand.
  11. I'm with you Kitten, I won't touch Vista or Win7, when XP no longer does what I need it to do, all the machines in my house are gonna be running Linux (already have been running a Linux fileserver for over 6 years with no hassles.
  12. Now that just sucks... (Both the fact she's not in the anime and the way her father feels...) They coulda made an "uncut" version of the anime for "mature audiences"... But I guess that's just wishful thinking. Are there any anime videos with diapered characters, or do i have to live with just the still images in manga or hentai pics?
  13. Sounds like fun, I love going to Concord Mills for Dave & Buster's and the Nascar place... I'll have to work on planning for it and get back to ya. I also love the wings at the Quaker Steak and Lube restaurant on the other side of the highway (loved to go to QSL when I lived in PA, which is where their headquarters is located).
  14. Somewhere in my boxes of PC parts, I have an internal IDE Zip drive and an external USB model, both of the 100MB size.
  15. I started playing the ORIGINAL 1st Edition D&D back in the early 1980s, I was only 6 or 7 at the time... I wish I could find a group to play with again...
  16. Movies (mainly sci-fi and fantasy type stuff), video games, computers, paper & dice rpg's (D&D, Shadowrun, etc). And I've only had access to disposables...
  17. I'm not sure if the Metroid Prime (or Zelda) games count as RPGs, but they have the main elements of collecting upgrades and energy increases... I'm hooked on playing both MP1 and MP2 right now on our Wii (and recently beat Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii).
  18. Well, if you ever get time for a drive out to the Winston-Salem or Greensboro areas (about an hour and a half or so to the west) let me know, I'm always looking for people to meet with...
  19. I love the StarCraft and Command & Conquer style RTS games. Some other good ones in that genre are Total Annihilation and the Earth 21xx series (2140, 2150, 2160, etc). I've also played the Diablo games (1 & 2), when is 3 coming out?
  20. Angela, from an IT perspective, the "server cannot be reached" message can also mean that the DNS listing (the conversion from the text "www.diaperspace.com" that we humans use to the numeric aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd IP address that the computers themselves use) is not available (which typically happens when the numeric IP address of the server is not responding due to a network disconnect, power outage, simple server downtime, or a Denial of Service attack against that server). If the firewall software/hardware being used on your end was blocking access to that site, the message would be more like "access to that server is restricted" or something along that line. I have an account on diaperspace and have been annoyed that the server is unavailable, because I like checking out the new photo posts in their gallery.
  21. Neverwinter Nights is an AWESOME game... I'm still trying to complete the original (as in NWN 1, not NWN 2) storyline (I have the expansions SoU and HotU, and haven't even started those stories yet), but recently lost almost all my save data when my laptop's HD crashed... I personally have not tried creating a mod simply because there's a lot of work to do (and also because I'm not a very artistic person, I'm more of a logical type person).
  22. Good point both of you... I *only* use this name for my "fetish" related activities... I have other separate email accounts for other factors of my life...
  23. Umm, duh... Atari the company made the Atari systems... And Atari is still in the video game business, but just on the software side of it now...
  24. Well, it seems there's 3 categories of "fanboys" on this thread: Linux lovers Mac lovers Windows lovers Until some major event occurs in the computer world to bring those 3 groups together into a single unified whole, we will forever argue about which OS is better, and there will be toes stepped on and feelings hurt. So lets just end this whole thing for now with a friendly agreement to disagree, since everyone's opinions about operating systems are as unique as our own fingerprints.
  25. I just googled my handle, and got my profiles for this site, diapermates, and diaperspace all listed... Altho there's also someone using this name on photobucket but it ain't me...
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