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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by DIAPERPHANTOM

  1. Thank you all so much for the kind comments. It's fun to step outside the box once in a while. Glad you all liked the photo.
  2. My fiance dressed me up in a "Dorothy Girl" (Wiz of Oz) costume this year for Halloween. She even added some extra lace to the costume to Sissy it up a little more. I bought the shoes at a thrift store and added the bows for the final touch. I should have posed for the picture before I ate pizza though...lesson learned. Now, I'm off to do some hunting this weekend to regain my masculinity.
  3. I do not find it patronizing, demeaning, or condescending in any way, Jay-in-Pampers. I totally agree, DailyDi, and I applaud your continuing efforts to improve this site. You certainly don't have to defend yourself or justify your policies to me or anyone else here, IMO. However, you have always taken the time and calmly set the record strait, despite the accusations. I for one appreciate your tolerance and dedication, especially when under fire. You must be doing something right as many of us feel this is the best ABDL site on the net. Though I have voiced my opinion on a few occasions about possible improvements, I have always felt your intentions were/are sincere and in the best interest of the community. I hope others here feel the same.
  4. Thanks Chloe!! Always have room for diapers and cake!
  5. What a nice surprise to see this when I logged on. Thank you ALL for thinking of me on my birthday.
  6. Thanks D lly!!!! Now, how do I get cake out of my frilly pink pinny?
  7. I watch Leno just about every night and I've noticed more and more diaper jokes or references in the last few months. Of course, diapers have been in the news quite a bit lately as well.
  8. Dolly, I don't want to end up like Mr. Pac-man...!
  9. Xerox Troubleshooting Manual
  10. Thanks for sharing, lil_angel! The psychiatric community has a lot to learn about us... Although I don't agree with everything in the article, I did enjoy reading it. I, like many here, don't necessarily see infantilism as a disorder, but rather a unique or special way to temporarily escape reality or relieve stress. I have always tried to find balance with this lifestyle, not a cure, even when I thought I was alone in my desires. So, I can relate more to some of the closing comments.
  11. Welcome to DD, AckDiaper!! Hope to see you around the site!


    Welcome aboard, OKMe!! Glad to have you out of the shadows and joining us. Hope to see you around the site!
  13. Happy belated Birthday!!! Sorry I missed it, Val, but I hope this makes up for it...
  14. Sorry D lly...but I was in Miss Pacman mode, not Miss Piggy.
  15. What are you going to do now, Jenniebear? Maybe you're just evolving faster than the rest of us.
  16. I was punished in diapers around the age of 12. Although the experience was very traumatic and humiliating, it was also quite erotic as well. I already had a slight interest in diapers before I was punished, but this event was clearly the beginning of my DL lifestyle. I don't know if I would have pursued this lifestyle had it not been for that event, but I can hardly blame my mother for the choices I've made in life since then. I still have mixed feelings when I think about it. Yes, it was child abuse and it was wrong to subject me to that kind of humiliation at such a young age, but part of me feels blessed having experienced it. I can't explain it any better than that.
  17. Welcome back, pacifierextremist! Best of luck finding a playmate or mommy!!
  18. Welcome to Daily Diapers, Little Joey dude! Hope you enjoy the site!!!
  19. Welcome to DD, pamperlover! Lots of great people here so you should have no problem making friends if you participate on the boards and visit chat. Hope to see you around the site!
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