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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by WakkoWannaBe

  1. WakkoWannaBe


    Yeah Alex, I'm sorry but you should pay more attention to sites that give you an "18+" warning. You can get yourself (and others) in serious legal trouble without meaning to, depending on the situation.
  2. oh my goodness, is that a hashtag on the package - #AdulthoodOptional?
  3. This depends on the type of diaper you bought, but I sometimes draw with a pencil on my cloth-backed diapers.
  4. Hmmmm. I've never tried this, so I can't say for sure. But I'm not positive that it would work.
  5. Second the clove oil vote. Also, ginger root (just chew a piece of ginger you get from the store), camomile (the tea? I'm not sure - maybe just the herb), mint oil.
  6. I'm pretty sure that, for a transgression such as using diapers not intended for your gender, the ancient guardians of the gender binary shall rise and smite you where you stand.
  7. Probably in the Just Diapers subforum. Click here!
  8. ^ are you positive about that being passive voice? I would give "pooped" in that sentence the label of adjective (though, yes, the spelling of a past tense verb being forced into the adjective position). Passive voice makes the subject and object switch places in a sentence, so no passive voice sentence would start with "I" (or - whatever person/thing is doing the acting).
  9. Sorry, I kinda took it too far! I'm not really fluent in grammar, but I think at the end of the day your confusion might have come from not knowing that one word can be several different parts of speech!
  10. poop can be a noun ("look at that poop"), or a verb ("I need to poop"), or a subject "poop is stinky," or an adjective ("Phew, I'm pooped").
  11. Did your hijacking happen around the same time that you updated or installed a new program? If so you might consider uninstalling that program, followed by a scan with your anti-virus. As a quick aside (and I'm sure everyone knows this), if I remember correctly MalwareBytes isn't an anti-virus program but an anti-malware program. You won't weed out the same types of weeds with an anti-virus as you will with anti-malware. So, run anti-virus scans as well!
  12. Well, in any case, I wonder what Sissyaryna has decided to do (if anything)?
  13. Run a custom scan with your anti-malware program, making sure that it looks for rootkits. Then restart your system (it should prompt you to automatically do this). The scan may take some time, but I'd imagine that this would fix your issue.
  14. Just as it is unwise to confront someone on their sexual orientation, so too is it unwise to engage someone's gender identity. Being engaged on such a topic is usually a pretty big source for discomfort on the confrotee's part. A good number of us aren't heterosexual, so I'm sure we can draw on experiences thereof and somewhat empathize with non-cis people.
  15. Well, as a DL my response is pretty obvious and bland: diapers (duh)!
  16. Oooh morbid topic, even more so because I'm so young! Gah, I don't want to think about this!
  17. Sounds like the sissy label might fit you!
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