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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by belinda_sue_fox

  1. Nothing to do!!!!!!! You have a balance board, you could stand on that all day to get your best ever stood without falling over score!!!
  2. Theres a billion and one places that list free and cheap resources already. Million and one compare sites on what hosts allow. No need for another one.
  3. As AutieAB said, "What happened was The Internet". Only recently does everyone and their pet monkey have the internet. Anyone with even the slightest intrest in a subject has access and can join a group. Another point on numbers, as the years go by the amount of people registered on sites increases and not all them are new people. Also not everyone with a furry sounding nic is a furry.
  4. Or make the mistake of asking if they can buy one. I've told you, you are doing it wrong.
  5. Anybody with kinect on live? I might be intrested in a game. I've got: Adventures ( Only had a quick play through ) Sports ( Table tennis is fav at the moment ) Dance Central ( Demented octopus diva level )
  6. wet n squishy..on the ball. Others... what are you on about, certainly not what the subject is covering.
  7. I take it your helicopters were grounded due to the weather. Ice on roads take your helicopter, it's obvious.
  8. I'm an expert on Australia, I've watched skippy and prisoner cell block.
  9. Who wants to come to this thread and see some wanker sat about in just a diaper.
  10. See above. See yea, no kids so far and hopefully no kids in the future.
  11. If i was at a restaurant with someone and they started playing game on portable device, i'd walk.
  12. Just this morning i copyrighted the word "diaper" It's going to be one cent per use or $1,000,000 to buy me outright!!!!
  13. Wear big shoulder pads and dig for black gold.
  14. You could have bought me the tron hooker shoes and had $44 to spend on yourself!!! How big is your bum? Three seats to sit down Thats an insane price for the tickets.
  15. That isn't the first try at an American topgear either. I got the pilot for the American version of Red Dwarf, there are times when they decide that they making a mistake and drop a project.
  16. Err 1080 is the vertical resolution. There is 1080P (Progressive scan), 1080I (Interlaced). 1280 X 768 is a resolution of yes you guessed it 1280 by 768. oddly enough refresh rates don't go both vertically and horizontally.
  17. well bugger me, i thought it was 1080 because it was a resolution of 1080. Who would have guessed that 1080 was actually 768.
  18. Is the supermarket the right place, I hear it's good to look there?
  19. Us??? You might group yourself in with such things but I don't.
  20. How many of those have photoshop stains???
  21. Course it will have nothing to do with releasing later in 3D and so getting people to go watch again later. I wonder how many films now have scenes filmed just so they have content for a later special edition release. I'm sure for some films they plan for later special editions.
  22. Same core but not the same, the celerons had lower cache(cache is expensive) it wasn't on there, it wasn't just binning
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