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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by gah!ghost

  1. Anytime I click on anything in the New Content area be it going to another page or changing any of the filters I get this error. This includes reloading the page. It makes the forums entirely unusable for me. I have to wait 20 seconds anytime I want to do anything.
  2. I occasionally see Chicken Little declaration of the end of plastic disposables but as far as I can see there's more options now than there's ever been and higher quality too. I'm in the US so maybe it's different in other countries but if you're in the US and shop online you're spoiled for choices both AB-style and normal medical brands.
  3. Both my girlfriend (~ashley~) and I have always struggled with this. For her she is interested into ageplay but never considered herself 'AB' because she felt older than a baby. This also made it difficult for her when she became incontinent since diapers were never part of her ageplay. She has since come to be totally okay with wearing them and even embracing it and making it fun. For me I have always been interested in wearing diapers from a very young age but even when I was like 8 it was adult diapers that interested me and it was never a sexual thing. It's more of a non-sexual medical fetish I guess? I do also like arm and leg braces and things like that. So I never really felt like I fit in as a 'DL'. Has anyone else felt similarly?
  4. ashley and I are quite a fan of them. The original run the tapes had some issues but thus far with what limited experience we have the new ones seem much improved in just about every way including tapes.
  5. They're decent but they still have some of the same issues cloth always seems to have. Mostly that the weaved material is far more prone to stretching than plastic. We've only tried a sample of the Quatros in medium.
  6. Kinda getting off topic but the only cloth backed disposables I have found that were decent at all are the Seni line.
  7. Tena Basic we can get in the US via XP in medium and large. Are you sure you can't get them where you are Dubious?
  8. It's a long story. Basically, at least for us, we realized that wearing thinner more discreet diapers during the day was just a waste of money and thinner weren't any more discreet than "thick" diapers. Especially since she mostly just wears skirts and dresses. She really loves the DC Amor but for a long time we just thought they were too expensive (about $2/ea. when bought by the case). ash recently did a cost comparison on just what she uses and based on the average number of diapers she uses a day for any given brand we have a lot of experience with. The DC Amor end up being around $600 cheaper a year than what we were using during the day, the Tena Basic Super. And she's happier wearing them.
  9. Our experience with the two samples we had was the wings separated from the backing and we had the inside of the diaper all over the place. And this was in a low activity (sitting in bed) short time frame. They're a lot lighter than the old ones too which I think explains a lot of why the made the change. Saving on shipping costs can be huge.
  10. ~ashley~ is incontinent and they were our primary daytime diaper. They were discreet, comfortable, and worked well enough. It was really hard to deal with for awhile and fairly depressing. We have found the Tena Basic that XP sells is a reasonable replacement but it's really not the same.
  11. We (~ashley~ and I) have purchased the hybrid ones, the mix of plastic and cloth (which looks like what you got?). We also only bought a sample and they were horrible. Our experiences were if anything worse than yours. We posted our experience here: http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?showtopic=47636&hl=
  12. The simple fact that they're almost 50% lighter is reason enough for the change. Less material costs and lower shipping weight.
  13. I have no proof of this but I think a big part of it is also reducing shipping weight. I just weighed the old all plastic ones and one of the new ones. The old weighs 130g and the new is 100g. That's a nearly a 25% savings in weight. I think the whole "thinner is better!" marketing is also in relation to that. Thinner equals smaller dimensional size and lower weight.
  14. My girlfriend is incon and the Tena Maxi where a real standby for us for a long time. When they were discontinued we kinda freaked out. There wasn't really too many other options. XP started carrying the Basic Super which was a godsend. Fortunately these seem to be staying the same.
  15. That's cool. No harm no foul. Any suggestion on changes to what I wrote in order to clarify that?
  16. You seem to think the issue is much more severe than it is. This is an issue that has happened about three times in the last TWO YEARS. The first time it happened we didn't know how to deal with it so it lasted a bit more than a month and sorted itself out basically without us doing anything. The second time it was a few weeks. The third time it was a few days. We learned more how to deal with it each time.
  17. With him dies one of the richest worlds I know of filled with characters that are more real than most people I know. We didn't just loose Terry Pratchett. We lost hundreds if not thousands of people. I knew it was just a matter of time but I am utterly crushed.
  18. That migraine I posted about was horrific one. It got worse after i gad posted. I was laid up for 10-12 hours with really bad nausea in addition to the headache and other symptoms. The headache is probably the least of it. It was on my birthday too .
  19. Caffeine works best for me. Also perhaps unsurprisingly wearing a diaper helps due to it being a comfort. Woke up with a pretty horrible one this morning . I am also 100% convinced the only migraine "trigger" is stress.
  20. That's less of a top ten and more of just "these are ten we chose".
  21. I started to do this then realized I have no memory of what I ate as a kid.
  22. Have you tried Molicare yet? Not exactly a replacement for the M3 but worth a shot. XP also sells the plastic backed Tena Super which are pretty cheap. They're kinda like the Depend with tabs but way better. Who knows how long Tena will keep making them though. All the other options are fairly pricey unfortunately.
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