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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Rani

  1. Hello Rosella. Hope you're having a good day. Unicorns are very real. Those that don't believe just can't see them, that's all
  2. Tiaras are really pretty but I'm more of a frilly girl than a sparkly one
  3. I dream of pretty dresses all the time ............ *sigh* ...........
  4. Was there for a few months but closed down a few weeks back. Spent too long weeding out the good from the bad to actually enjoy it. Despite asking for an introductory message prior to pressing the friend request (as is standard etiquette for the site and having written it on my profile) as a way of breaking the ice, very few did and that annoyed me. Personally, I like friends that talk, but that's just me. Each to their own
  5. Personally speaking, I already have both and would go for the iPad. You can do so much more on the iPad
  6. Thanks to you all for your thoughts on this, I really appreciate it. I think you've hit the nail on the head babylin. Thank you. I did wonder whether we should be more open sometimes and just tell people but I agree more now with what you're saying. All friends have secrets from each other, why should this be any different? And yes, I'm definitely still having issues with accepting myself. Like some of you say, if asked then I would own up anyway, I'm not one for lies. A part of me feels that I'm lying by keeping it all so hush hush and that is what gets to me sometimes I guess. There would be no chance of me blurting this out to everyone I know though, too much of a chicken for that!
  7. Yeah, thinking for me is dangerous in itself! But, I was wondering. For those, like me, that prefer to keep the fact we wear a diaper secret for fear of ridicule by others or even because we feel our friends won't accept us any more, are we doing them a dis-service by not trusting them to accept us for what we truly are? I know for those of us that think on this as a sexual thing it might be different and perhaps should be kept 'behind closed doors'. But for those situations where it's not, should we be helping our friends to accept us by trusting them with how we really are? I hope I'm not offending anyone in my question, just trying to work it out in my own mind and maybe help a few others along the way.
  8. I like to read all sorts of topics apart from crime. That never has interested me. I usually have one or two books on the go at a time and read which ever takes my fancy. Currently working my way through Lorna Doone again and the George R R Martin series.
  9. Staying in bed is the worst thing you could do and I'm really surprised you were told to do that by a doctor. Having done the same two weeks ago I was told to keep as mobile as possible. Advice on the Internet in general states the same. Get moving!
  10. Hello and welcome. I'm no good at the advice side of things but I sincerely wish you well with your boyfriend.
  11. I have heard that a number of women do use diapers when they have heavy periods. Personally speaking, I would find the wider crotch area more re-assuring than ordinary pads. Even though it's just another body function it's very hush hush and just plain horrible to go through. I've also been a heavy bleeder all my life and on approaching the flooding forties was needing trips to the loo every 30 mins to change both tampon and pad. Being irregular I could never make plans to go anywhere either. Thanks to the doctors though (and loads of tests) I now have a Mirena Coil fitted and I only spot when I'm on my period. I now have a life There are a lot of side effects with it that anyone thinking of going down that road would need to look at (depression being the worst for me) but the overall plus side of having it have far outweighed the negatives and I would recommend it. It doesn't work for everyone though! I don't think it's a 'too much information' question either , better to ask than not and never know. Apologies for side-tracking a tad.
  12. I haven't looked but has anyone mentioned bribes? You know, cookies, washing the car, cleaning the house, topless photos, chocolate, sensual massage, meal at the best restaurant, slave for a week? I'll let you do any of these for me for a large pair
  13. Boo hoo, I don't have any at all. Boo hoo. You'll have to sew the legs up though as my tears will fill it too quickly otherwise! Boo hoo. Being a cuddly lass I'd need a large, just like my whiskey.
  14. Glad you had a great day, sounds like your brother was missing you. That's the sort of thing my sister does when she's missing me. Here's to many more days out, with your wife and brother
  15. Rani

    Sex Toys!

    My favourite? Anything I can get my dirty little mind on All of them really, haven't seen or tried anything I didn't like. A man helps but is not absolutely necessary, especially when one is um ............ desperate.
  16. Excellent. Just for a change that thought never entered my mind. Just look at those muscles though. He works out!! Don't know what on mind you and of course it has nothing to do Creepymouse's comment I'm sure .
  17. You'll be surprised what your mobility store will and won't sell. I went to my local and as far as I'm aware, only mobility centre and they don't actually stock them. It might just be them but I couldn't get them. Yes, I could order Lille nappies but that was it. Wasn't going to place an order as I know from a neighbour with a disabled husband, that you then get sent sales leaflets from them and that's not what I personally want (naturally). Oh the joys of living out in the sticks! Fresh air, space, quiet and plenty of inconvenience thrown in. I know where I'd rather be though .
  18. I want that lens. No, I need that lens! Second thoughts, better not, I'd only play with the camera even more than I do now and it's getting old. We live next to an old viaduct and love going out to watch the old steam trains going up and down the line when they're running. Shame you can't go about your hobby without suspicion any more.
  19. Hats off to you for becoming a counselor, a very noble and worthwhile cause too. Children often find it hard to understand grown up issues, though they could certainly teach us a thing or two when it comes to accepting our circumstances! So for all those you've helped or will help - thank you. To every one else, have a great day and play safe please
  20. I consider myself very a crafty person . I knit, crochet, spin, paint, photograph and most importantly, sew. Just finished making myself a Bo Peep style dress which came about because I made some victorian drawers and needed something to wear with them. I love the whole outfit and makes me feel very feminine for a change. I like to do the odd patchwork quilt too though as I have a fear of sewing machines it all takes a rather long time!
  21. There's someone around here that drives around every evening honking his/hers and it drives me nuts! You wait til I get my hand on his horn. I'll squeeze it until it can do nothing but squeak!!
  22. When do we all get invited over to help you remove this illegal substance? I still haven't managed to give myself a hangover, no matter how much I drink. Do you think this could finally do it? Cheers
  23. It makes no difference whether you're good or not. Poetry (for me) is about writing from the heart, and if your heart has something to say then let it. It's surprising what comes of it at times and is even better for releasing those pent up feelings. Hugs.
  24. Rani

    Nap Time!

    I have to be ill or really tired to be able to sleep during the day . I'd love to though, move over and stop pinching the covers!
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