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Everything posted by Bonsai

  1. I mean, you go by the pen name of “sparky dude”, you must have some lightning bolts up your sleeve.
  2. Maybe there are other littles out there that are equipped with similar bracelets. Tesla protocol is promising, but Marie Curie’s one would be even better.
  3. So, which of the two girls will be “fake news” for Nick? You made a good job in showing how each of the two girls is appealing to his logic, emotions and ethics. But then, none of that matters much with male (horny) teenagers, and choices end up being made thanks to a different type of drive. But I suspect that something will change in part 3.
  4. I love a world where smart people are still in nappies and the dumb ones, that somehow managed to figure out potty training earlier, are still forced to deal with disgusting messy nappies and get bullied by sisters. By the way, was this issued on the 8th of March by choice or it wasn’t deliberate?
  5. 3D printing will often leave a high surface roughness, so some polishing will be required before you can mold the final object
  6. Now, at the end of the experience, you will in theory be free to leave a negative review, but they “insist”, for your own good, that you do not even consider such a foolish idea. I’m sure that what will happen during the next week will proof that leaving bad reviews is DEFINITELY a very bad idea!
  7. I can very well relate with what you feel about your dad’s motives. For mine, “family” as a concept is a value within itself, regardless of the virtues of family members.
  8. I guess that “Continence regression methods to treat anxiety and depression in pediatric patients” was the title of the last paper submitted by the Doctor. A very controversial, paradigm challenging method, that however is giving brilliant results!
  9. I’m slightly disappointed with Sarah: there had to be a better way to get Claire into trouble without also getting involved into it. Unless, she has some sort of ace up her sleeve to play when they get in front of the principal. I’m specifically thinking about the pull-up she left in the trash.
  10. Rules: 1. Try to pee as soon as soon as becoming aware of having something to pour out. Never hold it. Especially when your diaper is saturated, close to leaking, and you don’t have the possibility to change in the near future. 2. Never use Kegels. Let the flow die slowly without any clenching attempt. 2. Keep drinking. Never wait more than 30 minutes between one drink and the next.
  11. Now this becomes interesting. How does an offender interact with his victim, and vice versa, when the two of them have to somehow cooperate? What sort of bargain will they reach?
  12. So I guess that Lisa suspects Sarah to be the one who outed her.
  13. I never understood why there are apparently no Amazons that have tried to breed Littles as a business. Or, with the advanced technology they have, clone them. Maybe it’s time to write a story on how someone tried this business model and failed...
  14. So far, the name is Sarah, but maybe by the end of the story she will attempt to kill her mother, get adopted by Lisa’s parents and change her name to Katie?
  15. Peeing your cousin’s bed ? and then trying to hide it ? is surely a good start. ? From here, it’s going to roll downhill, Emmy will make sure to get Daniel “ready” for his date with Michelle.
  16. Mom is totally blind to whatever does not meet her own paradigms. She already had ample chances to notice that something unusual was happening to her older daughter: she always chose to just go on with her “rules”, why should she become more perceptive only now?
  17. If JUST Emilia gets better in potty training thanks to the purge treatment, will this be enough to convince mom to make it a regular thing for BOTH sisters?
  18. Which strategy did the hypnotist work with? Which tool have been used on you (voice, visual, other sounds, tactile stimulation, wetness feeling, others)?How did he made your conscious goals become something you can do unconsciously? Is there any change you can detect in your thought process that happened thanks to what he/she did to you?
  19. With the incoming laxative therapy, the next 24 hours in diapers are going to be hard on the two sisters.
  20. Now, will Jo sleep up to morning, or instead she’s going to get awoken earlier by the unexpected and unpleasant feeling of sleeping in the middle of a huge puddle? How is she going to get caught?
  21. Annabelle from this story and Lisa from the other story do however have slightly different characters. Lisa, while introverted, is also determined and extremely skilled in the fields where she chooses to invest her focus. Annabelle looks much more laid back. In retrospect, that’s why the epilogue surprised me so much.
  22. Now, that’s an ending that totally caught me by surprise. I’m so curious to read the next chapter of your OTHER story!
  23. Would it be possible to make diapers that “lie”? Like, pull-ups with fake fade-away-when-wet stars, that give the wearer a fake feeling of being able to get all their pee to the potty while in fact they still had peed a little bit on the rush to get there. Something that feels totally dry on touch and looks white even after absorbing a fair amount of yellow liquid. Those could work well in a story with plot twists.
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