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Little BabyDoll Christine

Baby Banker 2017
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Everything posted by Little BabyDoll Christine

  1. A picture is NOT worth a thousand words. It does not tell us what the item is named for further referenced. If you had just a picture of me with nothing else, would you know my name, which would be vital if you were to address or reference me, saiving you the need to post or say "That cute little blonde with the tiara"? Also I find it somewhat manipulative that so many IC product companies use "control" or a synonym in their names or self-description, when what they offer is containment. Do any of their products reverse the IC? No
  2. Cracker Jack was not a candy, it was made of popcorn and peanits with a thin hard coating of probably molasses which stuck them together ins small bunches. It had a lasting effect on the language. When somebody was good at something or in generally folks said "he's a cracker jack"
  3. The old fashion way; a hand down the front of your rubber panties
  4. I do. The thing about Cracker Jack was that it fit the taste of a previous generation. For someone borne in the mid-'40's and beyond, under the age of 12, it was not good so the only draw was the prize. The food itself was an acquired taste. By '53, we had a dozen and a half candy bars, Hostess Twinkies and cupcakes, Drakes' Devil Dogs, the better "penny candy" and potato chips to choose from That CJ was an adult taste can be shown by the way such items boomed in the 1970's: Fiddle-Faddle and Screaming Yellow Zonkers come to mind, as the bulk of the population was in it's late 20's and 30's. By 1957, as a snack, Cracker Jack had long passed its prime and was in the legacy stage. It was not a thing kids liked eating I do not know who thinks cotton canday is a big deal either, I tried it twice and that was it for me. The texture of it gives me the creeps. Other things I was never really a hound for were ice cream and cookies in general though I had my favorites in both categories
  5. Just think of the parodies you can have. How about Annette singing SMALL PAUL? You would not even have to change the title wording of SMALL SAD SAM. How about BEAT IT: IF YOU CAN FIND IT?
  6. Why not just click on it and find out? If you configure your browser right, when you put your pointer there, it would tell you. At least FireFox does if you get the right add-on
  7. A fresh Petite Babydoll that I have been in for about an hour and have yet to wet, after changing out of a very wet, smelly one that I had been in for 11 hours
  8. It is called a war. There is a difference between intr-national and international. There is really no set of rules agreed to by all the nations. Do you se Putin being dragged before the Haguue If you look at the gangs of the 20th and 21st century, you see that they are no longer fully local as in the drug cartels, CRIPS, Bloods and Latin Kings. It probably is more like a war than the way it used to be. The gunplay that goes on now is new and I do not know if a conceptual model has developed for it yet. Also groups like Hamas and the Houthi are terrorist groups.Terrorism has always been an adjunct to war, see the Dolittle raids and the bombing of Dresden and Hamburg. However the original incarnation of the IRA in the '40's attacked property and tried to limit human casualties. That is not the case now. Hamas' attack on Israel was brutal and should be answered with extermination Actually, compared to what is going on now, war is a bit tame as it is governed by rules among Western nations. The mess that we are involved in is anything goes. This has always been the "rule" in most of the world and among the religiously driven and Communists (1984, North Korea and North Vietnam)). Japan did some pretty horrific things. While the Geman Army observed the rule for the most part, The SS was a whole different kettle of fish, but then they were ideologically driven to the point of being a cult Spies are a bit of a conundrum. We imagine their tireatment as being brutal, but sunc is not the case. You will want to exchange them so it is not a good idea to damage them since your spies, if captured, will be treated the same. Spies are highly trained so they are expensive to create and maintain so you do not want them rendered totally useless
  9. This willhttps://www.google.com/search?q=adult+waterproof+pants+history&sca_esv=598169731&sxsrf=ACQVn0-d70sfdW3FNjeaGXam0tIDjV7NPA%3A1705159341135&source=hp&ei=raqiZYnPBYu3ptQP6aG9sAw&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZaK4vcrcU8RlKFKvq1qtsE5QUzqm2PcL&ved=0ahUKEwjJ2b7G1dqDAxWLm4kEHelQD8YQ4dUDCAw&uact=5&oq=adult+waterproof+pants+history&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Ih5hZHVsdCB3YXRlcnByb29mIHBhbnRzIGhpc3RvcnkyBRAhGKABMgUQIRifBUj1ZFAAWPFWcAB4AJABAJgBowGgAe8TqgEEMjcuM7gBA8gBAPgBAcICBBAjGCfCAhcQLhiABBiKBRiRAhixAxiDARjHARjRA8ICERAAGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDGIMBwgIOEC4YgAQYigUYsQMYgwHCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICBRAuGIAEwgIREC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYxwEY0QPCAgoQIxiABBiKBRgnwgIXEC4YgwEYxwEYkQIYsQMY0QMYgAQYigXCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAg4QLhiABBixAxjHARjRA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIFEAAYgATCAgQQABgDwgIIEC4YgAQY1ALCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQABgWGB4YCsICCBAAGBYYHhgPwgIFECEYqwI&sclient=gws-wiz be put in RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US at some time. I specified adult wetproof pants
  10. Your examples are attached to WW2 and were from the 1940's: Over 70 years ago. I do not take comfort in that. Korea is still a trouble spot because we did not eleimhate the Kim dyndasty Communist regime so South Korea is under threat because we did not finish the job Now, check out this bit of doublespeak. We've fired on Houthi resources with lethal weapons TWICE and some Shit-4-Brains hack says "We are not at war with the Houthis". 1. Where I, or any HONEST person comes from, when two nations or recognized groups fuckin' SHOOT at each other, that is a war 2. WHY are we NOT at war with the Houthi, their are shooting at people and things with explosive devices? What a Bullshitocracy. I wager thalf these clowns are so Non Compos Mentis they need to be told their own friggin NAMES. Just ONE of my tiaras has a higher IQ than the lot of them. When you are dealing with a murders bad actor, you put him out of the picture ALL THE WAY out and FOR KEEPS and if anyone gives you any lip you say "There's some for you if you want". It is wonderful to be liked, but it is absolutely necessary to be respected and if that means feared then so be it. North Korea, Russia, Iran and their surrogates do not fear America and our so-called allies do not respect us and who can blame them? If Ukraine falls then what does tnat say "Russia, and the Axis of Evil, gets it done and the Americans do not: 'Nuff said". It starts with "Your word isn't any good; theirs is"
  11. When have you seen the West fix ANYTHING for good and all if it would do any real good? We killed Saddam Hussain, a swortn enemy of Iran. So guess who REALLY won the Iraq war laughably called "Iraqi Freedom". If the Houthi are still around in a couple of months, come and talk with me. The US is trying to pull the Israels of Hamas. Do you really think if we wanted to fix some problems with real bad guys, we could not do it? If we could not, time to just surrender and get it over with. You get the Left trying to sell out Israel to the theocratic muslims and the so-called Right trying to sell Ujraine out to the Russians so that their tin god wannabe can set up Trump Towers; Moscow (or St. Petersburg). Go figure If they ever did presidential Monuments, the one for Trump would be a giant manure spreader (a farm implement) and the one for Biden would be a giant box of Depends
  12. This looks fishy to me from what I understand of developmental psychology, specifically, cranial development. It has a New Age vibe like biorhythm and Holitic medicine, which did not pan out along with a couple of other things that were big in the '70's. Lik R. D. Lang's notions about Schizophrenia. It sounds too subtle for the infantile brain. To see how fake science penetrates a culture google up "npr bmi", 'multitasking", "left-brain right-brain", "sugar rush" and "today i found out is salt actually bad for you". As my uncle used to say "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see"
  13. "elimination cmmunication"? As my civics teacher used to say before a test "In ink and in English": I have an MA and I have no idea what that means
  14. Well, fi the West did what they should do and show that if you screw around with us HOTHI we put you in the ground because we play for keeps, these half-assed groups would not DARE to try any stunts because they'd know that their heads would be found in Hong Kong and their tushies in Tuscon: Talk is cheap; Actions accomplish
  15. What if no studies have been done, then there are none to quote. In that case all we have to rely on is what we hear or see directly. I have heard this talk, even in the media, which may be the closest we have to reliable, for about 5 decades. So there is at least the perception of it and if they are making a size 8, that provides some credibility to the idea since the companes find such a thing profitable, meaning there is a market for it. One could reasonably presume they have done some kind of studies before investing the capital for it. At this point, given all the above, there is a tenable hypothesis
  16. That started with our (boomer) parents who lived through the Depression and wanted to make life easier and better as well as show that, since we were not poor, could afford to be more easygoing with us. It just got more of the same. Though, to my knowledge I was out of diapers by 3-3/4, even at night and definitely by age 4
  17. At the intersection of southeastern New England and Fairyland
  18. I do not know about that. For me, it just does not fill the hole
  19. What I could do is provide the pieces for a a theme on a page with links, and you get to choose what you want or take them all via download then assemble them as you like and then put the theme together in Personalize. I am not really crazy for the way they set up themes post Win 8. The old way let you select colors and things for every aspect. Big hint. IrfanView, which I can supply, lets you create screensavers as an .scr file and RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME already has some screensavers ans well as a pack of most of the images that are used, the latter being in the Grafix page accessible from my siggy The New super art software pack Install clean versions of IrfanView, Krita, Gimp and others for a wide array and robust choice of creative visual arts software
  20. Everthing is either hypoallergenic, body-friendly or Therapeutic and will you ever SMELL: Just like a little girl who is still kept in diapers and rubber panties from across the room It is what I use
  21. Would any of the Little Girls be interested in a RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME desktop theme? If you know Little BabyDoll Christine, then you know what it would be like. The two colors would be Rubber Panty Pink and Blonde Gold with, hopefull text in Diaper White It would necessarily be a beta since I need to use a high contrast theme and would not like to load the screensavers and other tings into this computer I do not know if I can do the menus in selected colors. However, I would have to redo the RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME wallpapers (long overdue anyway) to 16:9 aspect ratio This would take time and effort and I wish to know if it is worth it
  22. I problably wou8ld say "no" to hardcore mints. Smarties are pretty good for what they are. In that vain I love wintergreen. Necco wafers have occasional moments. I like dum dums and the gummies (though I am OD'ed on g-bears) I like gum drops, fruit slices, Welch's Fruit Snacks and 90% of the Hribo line (except the Frogs), and Swedish Fish
  23. Did you make out your will? I've been in surgery 5 times. You have no idea of what it takes in the way of prep and how clean things have to be. I have a good long talk with just about everyone involved and know what questions to ask just based on my natural curiosity. I suspect that the levels of preparation and other things are not what one would have full confidence in with a "gray market"; at best operation like this. For one thing, a reputable surgeion could get better money in the legitimate market and would not sully his or her reputation in the gray, market due to the questionable ethics involved. Why should he take the pay cut that a sullied reputation would entail? Of course, you CAN keep BS'ing yourself and you might get lucky. These third-rate operations thrive on the fact that there is one born every minute. "Mexico" and "questionable medical procedures and products" have a looooong history together, can you say "coffee enema cancer cure"?
  24. To answer the title: Trouble. Do NOT do anything like that without medical advice. Hormones are very poweful, espcially sex-specific or predominant ones. The "wrong" one not only emphasize certain physical attributes but also act on others in ways that a lay person does not realize or even know about. This can lead to cancer or interactions with other hormones that are not in the female body in large amounts, producing a bad reaction or heart disease,with repeated use. Also, there is the matter of acclimation so that to get the same desired result, you will need more over time and likely come to a point where it will be enough for undesirable or dangerous side efficts will occur. Is she trying to turn you into a girl? If you are an infant, that would be irrelevant and best left alone However, people always look to miracles. Here is a test. If they do not take your weight and height. run like hell
  25. At one time, the server provider did not snoop on the content, but that changed about a dozen and change years ago. If you wish to implement this, what you can do is find an adult-friendly IP in a country where the laws are pretty lax. A lot of YouTubers work out of some pretty strange places, like Prague and one of the pieces of Jugo-Slavia. You are NOT going to be using SquareSpace
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