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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

mike indiapers

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Everything posted by mike indiapers

  1. Thanks for sharing Turtlepins. I feel so little when I mess my diaper and it takes me right back to being a little boy again. I like the feeling of not being in control of my body and the authenticity of a fully loaded diaper telling me I am indeed little. The cat and mouse game with mommy about whether I am in need of a diaper change adds another nice dimension into the AB dynamic. I love when she asks if I am poopy and need my diaper changed, but knows the answer already and is teasing me in a loving way to make me feel even smaller. Messy diaper changes that follow are the best. These are the things I enjoy. Mikey
  2. I remember this commercial and was one of those late potty trainers that wore diapers as an older toddler back in the 1970s.
  3. Bambinos are the best adult baby diaper I have worn to date. I am in my Bambino Teddys as I write this response and they took a full night of wetting and show no sign of leaking. I love the look, feel, and crinkle sound my diapers make when I walk. They remind me so much of the old style pampers I wore as a child. Enjoy.
  4. My mom had the same rule, accidents meant being put back in diapers. She would diaper me and keep me in them until convinced that I could resume good potty habits. Being diapered as an older child gave me time to reflect on trying harder to make it to the potty as opposed to using my pants. I struggled with accidents and potty training and found being in diapers much more comfortable and secure. My mom must have known that diapers were a better option for me.
  5. What an amazing chapter - my favorite so far.
  6. Listen to Repaid - Bambino Bellissimos are the thickest, most absorbent adult baby diaper I have tried. I wear them all the time and alternate between them and the Bambino Teddys.
  7. Seems like you need to give back and find the things that make her happy and surely she will begin to reciprocate again with diaper play.
  8. Thanks Jack - I see a few typos I need to edit, but I wrote it as a stream of consciousness about my childhood in diapers.
  9. I wore diapers very late into childhood and have lots of memories of being in them and the feelings and emotions that come with wearing diapers as an older child. My mom returned me to full time diapers just after I turned 4 years old for having too many accidents due to the arrival of my younger brother, a move across country to a new locations and my challenges with control. They were all too much for me and I started regularly wetting and messing my pants. My mom threatened to return me to diapers and one day followed through with her threat after I had an accident while out shopping. It was back to diapers for me. I remember feeling like I let her down at first and that my diapers were a symbol of disappointment and failure. I wanted out of them, but my mom insisted I stay in them and over time, the convenience of diapers made it routine. I slowly accepted my diapers and they became a part of me again. I rarely thought about them except when we would go places where my diapers might draw extra attention. I dreaded having my diapers changed in public, but since I was back in them 24/7, those public changes happened frequently. I was often changed in the back of our VW square back alongside my younger brother. I remember feeling so exposed having my diapers changed that way, but the joys of a fresh diaper made it bearable. Over the course of time, I continued to accept my diapers more and I remember one time playing at a large public park with a group of kids when I was around 5, when I suddenly felt the urge to poop overwhelm me. My tummy started to ache and I knew what was forthcoming. I climbed the monkey bars and went potty in my pants and remember thinking how fortunate it was that I was in diapers and it was expected that I would use my diapers. The relief was satisfying from a physical standpoint, but I remember feeling self conscious about my loaded diapers. That moment is very vivid and almost frozen in time. I looked for my mom and hoped no other kids would join me at the top of the monkey bars and discover my situation. I located her on the grass with my brother outside the sandy playground and climbed down monkey bars and run over to her the best I could without being detected. I told her what I had down and she took us back to the car and changed my diapers like it was routine. After my diaper change, we went over to feed the ducks and continued to enjoy the park. Had I been in undies, this trip would have been a disaster, but my diapers saved the day. I remember that moment as a turing point where I started to get attached to diapers. Eventually, I started to see my diapers a a source of security and comfort, and yearned for the extra attention I received because I wore diapers. I felt special in many ways because my diapers brought numerous diaper checks and changes from my mom and other care givers. I remember going to nursery school and being the oldest child still in diapers and loving the attention I got for it. I got so attached to my diapers that I didn't want to give them up. My mom potty trained me for a second and final time right before I started kindergarten and told me that no one would be my friend if I continued to wear and use diapers in school. She scared me right out of them. Unfortunately, she continued to diaper me on occasion for having accidents as a form of punishment and my emotions and feelings toward diapers shifted once again and I developed a sense of humiliation and embarrassment about diapers. This caused me to bury all my diaper feelings deep inside me and to feel bad about my attachment to diapers. I am still on a journey to accept myself and my feelings and needs for diapers and age play. I have met so many wonderful ABDLs in real life and here online and have embraced this lifestyle. My childhood memories and experiences forged who I am today and I am more comfortable with myself than ever before. I love to share my childhood experiences with others that understand and have experienced similar things. It is very therapeutic for me to express my past and share with others.
  10. What a pleasant surprise to find new updates to the story of Sam and Jess. This is one of my favorites and I find both characters perfectly suited for each other. Sam's dependence on diapers is almost complete.
  11. I think potty training gets confusing to kids when parents send mixed messages on expectations and switch back and forth between the potty and diapers for a multitude of reasons, I.e. potty training too early, etc. I a, a prime example of someone that was initially potty trained before I was ready because my mom was pressured to get me out of diapers before the arrival of my brother just before I turned 3 yrs old. I was rushed to use the potty and after my brother was born, started to have lots of accidents. My accidents continued as I turned 4 yrs old and got worse when we relocated from the east to west coast and I had to live in a new place. All of these factors were too much for me and I had had not mastered control of my bladder or bowels. My accidents got to the point where my mom threatened to put me back in diapers and followed through one day on her threat. I remember being very confused about what was expected of me once I was back in diapers again. Apparently, my mom found returning me to diapers to be more convenient than cleaning up constant accidents, so I stayed in them and regressed to using diapers and forgot about the potty. It was a very confusing time for me because I saw other kids my age potty trained while I was still in diapers. I remember not being clear on whether I should ask to use the potty and just accepted my diapers until my Mom initiated potty training again right before I started kindergarten. At that point, I had become attached to my diapers and confused about why I resisted being taken out of them. I eventually potty trained for good and missed my diapers. The entire potty training experience was confusing to me, but I got over it with the exception of it contributing to my ABDL feelings.
  12. No. I grew up wearing plastic backed Pampers and those were the diapers I have always yearned to go back into as an ABDL. I look for adult baby diapers that replicate those old style a pampers and love bambinos.
  13. I am going if I can get my schedule to work out. I would love to spend a few days with over 100 like minded age players and make more ABDL friends. This community is so wonderful and I want so bad to express my little boy side among an accepting and embracing group of friends - just to be in my diapers and myself without concern or worry.
  14. I remember wearing vintage Pampers from the early 1970s as a late potty trainer kept in diapers as an older child. The nursery school I attended 2-3 days a week insisted on using disposable diapers on us kids and my mom solely transitioned me from cloth and plastic pants into Pampers during the daytime based on their influence. I remember wearing Pampers for extended family outings or errands at thirst, but slowly the convenience of Pampers had my mom using them more and more on me until my closet was filled with those small purple boxes. I always had an open box on my dresser and remember the strong diaper smell and sound of that new open box. I preferred being put in Pampers over cloth diapers and plastic pants because they were not as bulky and obvious, although the crinkle sound of Pampers was a dead given away that I was wearing diapers. I remember them coming in Pink box too without tapes. The memories are burned in my mind.....
  15. I love the conversational direction this chapter took on to better explain the need for Sam's diapers. Great read.
  16. I enjoyed the latest chapter and particularly how Jess continues to exert more dominance over Sam by grabbing his ankles during his last diaper change just like a mommy would change a rambunctious toddler.
  17. Back in action. Great new addition and I am looking forward to how Sam and Jess enjoy the rest of their vacation. Sam is definitely regressing into his toddler world.
  18. I was 5 years old when I developed a strong attachment to my diapers. My mom returned me to diapers when I was 4 after I started having frequent accidents due to the arrival of my baby brother and a move across country. The turmoil was too much for me and I regressed from my initial potty training. My mom returned me to diapers as a matter of convenience and I stayed in them full-time until right before I started kindergarten. At first, I was kind of shocked and embarrassed about wearing diapers again, but around 5 I started to realize that my diapers afforded me a lot of attention, comfort and security. I remember starting to enjoy having my diapers checked and looked forward to the intimacy of my diaper changes when I was wet or messy. My diaper urges grew even stronger once I was finally potty trained for good. I started to envy other toddlers still in diapers and I wanted to be them and return to wearing diapers. That was over forty years ago and my need for diapers is just as strong today.
  19. It is getting to that time for another update on Sam And Jess. I keep checking here for the next chapter. Come on, NewGuy, your loyal readers are anxiously waiting to see what is in store for Sam next.
  20. I was very late to potty train and grew attached to diapers as a matter of being kept in them so long. I had lots of accidents and my mom decided keeping me in diapers was the easier course.
  21. Another outstanding chapter and I love how Sam continues to be treated more like a toddler by Jess and her friends. Full-time diapers with no potty privileges seems to be Sam's future and he is accepting it all too easily - just like the little boy he has become. Keep them coming.
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