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Everything posted by tcc

  1. Now we have someone else in the news, the Denver firefighter, that not only looks like a pedo "using diapers to discipline a 12 yr. old niece", but the headline screams "...Diaper Fetishist...". OMG I can only hope that the, and any, intelligensia within our community, DLs, ABs, incons into DL/AB, can, if nothing else, provide wisdom, leadership, and a calming force for others coming to sites like this. I'm not hopeful. For ever step forward our "community" takes, one idiot, like the poster, takes us more steps back. It's so sad. It's only diapers. Diapers are legitimate. They are not illegal, immoral or fattening(and, getting "puffy" when wet does not count!), and there is an huge market out there, even for cloth adult diapers and plastic pants. And, I have to agree. It SEEMS like it's the over-the-top, desperate, horny single guys that don't have a clue how to start, let alone have a relations, or how to intelligently approach and incorporate their fetishism into a relationship. It is, beyond disgraceful and disgusting, totally sad. To think that people like this continue to represent the rest of us when they must have a difficult time functioning in the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, I don't things will ever change. And, I think that our community will ever be outcast or on the edge/fringe of "legitimate" fetishism and kink, even when it's more tame than say, BDSM. Yet, we will be ostracized, though we are the "kinder, gentler" brand of "variations". But, for the rest of the world that doesn't know about "our thing" and conceive of it on their own, it's understandable why it is looked down upon and feared, because it's assumed it relates to pedo. I'm simply not sure, no matter how hard we try - to police ourselves or get the word out - anything will ever change much...
  2. LOL Looking at the age of respondents, it's more us "old folks" that have vivid, strong, good, wonderful memories of "plastic pants", which my parents never stopped calling "rubber pants", which THEY grew up with, real latex waterproof baby pants. And, I was also brought up in cloth diapers. My vivid memories began around age 5, loving the look of "puffy" cloth diapers on infants - NO interest at all in the infant, only their "underwear" - and the noise - the "swish" vinyl made over those diapers with every movement. THAT was OUR "crinkle", the thing the younger generation remembers with Pampers. And, that's being lost with the advent of the "cloth-like" backing over all sizes of disposables. If you get used to wearing diapers for long periods, you get used to the "hot, moist environment". And, plastic pants can be hot at times. However, for me, it's TWO pairs of plastic pants, for my ultimate leakproofing and wetproofing. My diaper "package" would not be complete without plastic pants, and they are a must over cloth diapers. Plastic-backed disposables simply put diaper and pants together. It's not so much the texture and sound, but how blousy plastic pants LOOK covering my diapers. It's all what a person chooses. And, if there are so many manufacturers of plastic pants, as there are for adult diapers - even cloth - there is a demand out there. I am of the opinion, humble as it might be, any dedicated DL or AB ought to TRY cloth diapers and plastic pants, wetting AND messing them, to see how it compares. To me, there is no comparison, but I DO know and agree that there is a place for disposables(but not without plastic pants) for convenience in a great many cases...
  3. Public perception IS based on stories like this. If news isn't sensationalized, it's not worth reading, right, ala the National Enquirer, where the stories don't have any fact OR substance, but GREAT headlines. Any steps ahead we have taken, it's another two steps back from someone in the public trust! What a shame...
  4. Work is being done to create a Midwest Convention. Will it work out? Only if people are willing to support the effort with their dollar bills, if not their physical presence. This stuff doesn't happen "on the fly" and takes effort. If you, out there, want it, and want it to continue, as well as build, you've got to rise above your fears and support it. I'm not into age play. But, I encourage anyone one who is into age play to support the effort. I suspect that the effort is well-intentioned...
  5. Wow, I didn't intend to sound like a priest! Question asked. Question answered, if in a lengthy fashion! LOL At my age, it's taken a long time to get "here", and where I'm at. For the younger ones at this site, most have no idea what it was like to discover that we DLs and ABs were not alone, back in the day. So, like anything else, where we are at is based on a lot of experience. Can't say we're any wiser, but we sure have seen a lot and learned a lot. And, TDL, I assure you, you are in a minority in terms of acceptance. It's great you do accept yourself for who you are and how you are! I wish more at this site and others could say that...
  6. Relationships, especially without the AB/DL stuff, can suck, royally. Different people hook up for different reasons. Relationships proceed in particular directions and may or may not become "permanent". I mean, that's what "dating" is for. You explore other people for the possibility that they may be "the one" or are able to figure out that they aren't. Everyone starts out dating and a relationship with the same expectation(s) - that this one may be "the one". In some cases, people are looking for "the right one", and while, at times, it might not be "the one", it certainly can be "a right enough one" - the good outweighs the bad - to make a relationship long-term, if not permanent. Only the individual can feel or know that or if someone is "the right one" or "the one". Breakups are difficult, at best, and even when the parties involved agree to a mutual or friendly breakup, it still is not easy, and there will still be tension that only time can then heal, especially if both parties move on to other partners. And, unless you are dealing with a psychotic, most former partners become just that, former, and part of our past as well as our growth process on the path to finding and connecting with "the one". A.A. teaches its members to embark upon a "personal inventory" process. I learned about the necessity for "self-examination" - what makes me me, what makes me tick, and how I interreact with others based upon how I am - early in life, without any prompting from anybody else. If a person will practice self-examination, and take a personal inventory, once your grieving process is over - grief is an emotion, mourning is a period of time in which your grieve, and you grieve breakups just like you grief divorce or a death - you will be ready to embark out again, with a new and hopeful attitude. Maybe the new attitude and hopefulness will make you ready to date again, to have a relationship again, to maybe finally connect with "the one". Right now, explore your confusion - what got you into the relationship in the first place, and what seemed to make it fall apart - sort it out and learn from it. Once you've done that and you can move on, you'll be ready to cherish the good memories and look forward to the quest ahead. Good luck!
  7. Talk. Present. LISTEN at the response(s). Don't push. Don't whine. Always offer more than what you would receive in return for trying something that, on first blush, is not desireable to the partner, but actually might be found to be pleasureable. Don't push. Nibble away at "the edges". If the main focus is one thing, maybe try other things, perhaps more "tame" than the "main event", in the same genre - like tying a partner up with silk handkerchiefs or nylons/pantyhose versus steel handcuffs or hemp rope. If you spank someone, for instance, light "love taps" versus a stern whipping with a cane. How about a wine or champagne enema versus a big 5 qt. soapy water one(um, careful with alcohol!)? When a partner sees you being turned on by what is happening, and if you determine to give more pleasure than you will ultimately receive, you may find a great deal more receptiveness than you might have otherwise, using a less-well-thought-out and less patient approach. Sometimes it takes a person, anybody, a little time to accept something new, something foreign to them. Sometimes someone doesn't realize or had no idea that what they thought might be the farthest thing from something they would consider trying or experiencing might actually be something they eventually could get into or, at least, occasionally enjoy. Expectations are, in fact, premeditated resentments. And, preconceived notions can be wrong. Go gently. Don't push. One step at a time. Proceed slowly and intelligently. Get to know your partner, and appeal to them the way you know they are most likely to be receptive. Most of all, make it worth their while to join you and maybe discover a whole new world of pleasure opening up to them. Oh, and if you hear "No.", it means NO. Let it go for a while. Revisit later. Move on and appreciate all the things your partner does do for and with you. Over time, minds and visions can change...
  8. I can only agree with BriGuy. The idiots out there have already done enough damage to a legitimate, discreet AB/DL community that prides itself in not making a scene, in not shaming those that are a part of it, and actually are trying to make the AB/DL scene/community more accepted/acceptable. It's no doubt that a great many individuals are single and obviously desperate for acceptance of their leanings and to find a partner, but the ones like this - already further narrowing his potential pool of partners by adding the disability thing to the diaper thing - set any ahead movement the AB/DL world has made way back. I guess it's understandable that when dealing with something considered abnormal and irrational like AB/DL, somebody like this is someone to really fear. If he actually pulls this "scene", if may feel good for him, but how many other people will be more turned off at the thought of adults in diapers and a wall will further go up toward those that are into the scene. I buy diapers at thrift stores. If my face turns red in embarassment, that's my problem. I have never been asked, even buying diapers by the case as Sam's Club, who they are for. And, anybody behind me in line or seeing me walk out of either of the places never says a word. To involve a clerk - female, and hot or not, or otherwise - in insensative, rude, self-serving(as the poster indicates he already is) and just plain wrong. It actually hurts all kinds of others of the rest of us. AttendsDiapers, this poster should not be a reflection of our AB/DL community at large. However, it's people like this that get all the press, and it's never positive. This poster, as BriGuy notes, is like so many that come to this site. They do not think and they do not pursue fulfillment and their own pleasures intelligently. The more people these types of desperate single males turn off, the harder it is for the rest of us to legitimize our activities in our own lifes, which is the way it should be for us...
  9. You're 19. You're a mommy. You have come to this site. You have a BF that's "curious and consenting". It means you two have open communication AND have explored the realm of "variations". WOO-HOO! That so many lonely and searching others would have done the same or had the opportunity to do so! TimmyC sums it up pretty well. You know? What's in it for HIM, to do YOUR bidding, to honor YOUR request? That's kind of how it is in ANY realm of "kink", especially if it's not illegal, immoral or fattening! LOL And, the fact that you've opened the door already is wonderful. My wife will wear very occasionally, simply because she knows how much it means to me and turns ME on. She's not crazy about it, but doesn't resist my request, and while the diapers I put her into don't get used, and they feel a little funny because of the bulk, we make sure she's not obvious - so she doesn't have to feel self-conscious or risk any kind of embarassment over being "found out" - and I make sure she's comfortable, after making a fuss about the diapering and talking to her appreciatively and lovingly during doing "the honors". In all likelihood, you may not be able to reprise the scene all the time, but maybe often enough to be able to enhance your relationship or make it a regular part of your life. It may be a lot easier to get a male compliant and willing than a female as there are far more males into the diaper scene. Congratulations at your willingness to explore and well done! I hope it all works out the way you might like it to!
  10. One of the questions we all ask ourselves, as we do a "personal inventory" - A.A. has this as a center point of its program - is looking at WHERE we're at, HOW we are, and ultimately, how we GOT here. Most, it seems, simply cannot accept how they are - DLs, ABs, or any other variant of diaper fetishist - let alone have the skill(and, yes, it is a developed or learned skill) to figure who they are and how they are. And, once they DO know who they are and how they are, most can't accept it, don't accept it and long continue to chew on themselves, browbeat themselves and simply never feel comfortable being AS they are, seemingly so ABnormal, and so out of sync with society and it's "norms", maybe perverted AND mentally ill! WE are our own worst enemies, it seems! It's diapers. It's JUST diapers. It's ONLY diapers. And, diapers are neither fattening, illegal NOR immoral! They make diapers in adult sizes, and millions of human beings around the WORLD are wearing and using diapers - as infants or incons who NEED to wear them - or by CHOICE. Diapers are absorbent underwear! Always having an attraction to and affectation by puffy cloth diapers and shimmery swishy plastic pants (just new on the market in my day - I was born in 1955), my urge to feel what diapers were again like - as a "big boy" - at around age 12(oh, yeah, and puberty was just around the corner), I actively pursued finding/making/trying a cloth diaper for myself, with all the excitement, cravings, self-loathing and disgust - all the time worried I was "sick"(mentally ill) for my desires. And, once I satisfied those urges, I never looked back and it's been over 40 years I've been into diapers again, after say, 10 years OUT of them, during childhood. I HAD to know I was not alone. I HAD to know I was NOT mentally ill. There HAD to be other teens MY age that were "into" diapers - by choice or need. After all, Salk had photo advertising at surgical supply stores showing an adult modeling their "Sani Pant" - adult "plastic pants". So, plastic pants were available for ADULTS! Diapers, too? I chewed on myself and beat myself up, enjoying and loathing make-shift diapers, including terrycloth towels, for nearly 10 years. In 1976, on a road-trip with my first wife, I came across a men's magazine called "Nugget", at a roadhouse truck-stop. It had a "personals" section - a way to contact other readers. And, OMG, there were TWO letters in that section regarding diapers and AB play. THAT opened up a whole new world for me - at age TWENTY ONE(remember, this is WAY before computers and the internet) - and I've never looked back. I was able to end up a member of Diaper Pail Fraternity - DPF - and slowly, little by little, my DL world opened and expanded. Eventually, I got to Daily Diapers. It's a journey I will never forget NOR regret. I KNOW who I am, HOW I am and WHERE I am. I am content, fulfilled and as happy as a person can be. I accept who I am, and how I am, and do not care to change a thing. I love my DL side/life/world. As my wife says, it's a PART of ME. It's just the way I am. And, with that kind of spousal support, I live a fantasy life, in a dream world, every day I get up and face each day. Daily Diapers, the forums and the chat room add a little spice to my life/world knowing I'm not alone. I only hope that others can/will find the fulfillment and contentment that I have.
  11. We all tend to worry more about someone else finding out about our "leanings" than we really need to. Or we are petrified or get paranoid over what those that know about it are going to do with the information. Most of our fears, unless we have a bunch of self-serving, self-centered, rude peeps in our social circle - or members of our family who discover our little "affectation" - are unfounded and of our own making, rather than needing to be based on something more serious, like it's a criminal offense - which it's NOT. It's DIAPERS. Diapers are a legitimate product and produced for a legitimate need. And, based upon the market - number of brands available, annual sales projections, etc. - there are a great many diapers out there being sold and used - INCLUDING for adults. Cloth diapers and plastic pants - which have fallen out of favor for babies - are readily available for ADULTS. Based on the fact that so many brands are available from so many places, sales apparently have justified production and the number of products available! In most cases, depending upon WHOM it is you tell or finds out, exactly WHAT do you have to worry about, and exactly WHAT is that someone going to say and to WHOM? Is your life going to come to a skidding halt? Will the shame force you to move? Will you be condemned, hounded, slandered, or ostracized by everyone you see and that sees you "because they know"? Unless a person decides(or is simply mentally capable of clear thought, is drunk or using drugs) to become fodder for the media, earning a ride to jail or a psyche evaluation, by parading to a convenience store late night wearing just sandals, diapers and a t-shirt, DLs, ABs AND true incons can maintain a pretty low-profile, a mostly normal life, and still have diapers - regardless of their own feeling of shame, disgust and worry about being mentally ill - with it not meaning a "hill of beans". We are all too hard upon ourselves. Unless we openly seek to shock, to "inadvertantly" expose our diapers to unsuspecting others, to NOT be intelligent and adultly approach out leanings, I repeat, IT'S DIAPERS. They are a legitimate product, not fattening, immoral OR illegal! That we CHOOSE to wear/use them, for those of us who CAN choose, is no big deal. Unless your diaper leanings impede and impact your regular daily life - meaning, screw you up so bad you cannot lead a normal, regular adult life, otherwise - something I heard at an A.A. meeting the other night holds true: "It doesn't MATTER (to me) what OTHER people think about me (and my situation - as an alcoholic or being a member of A.A.)." Interesting, isn't it? And, not only that, it's WE that choose to wear/use diapers. It's OUR thing. And, regardless of what someone else thinks, that's all that matters! Another thing I heard at A.A.: "Expectations - pre-meditated resentments." With us DLs and ABs, kind of works both ways, doesn't it? What WE expect of how others will react and what others may expect of us(or read into the revelation) upon learning of our "quirk". If WE relax about US, it just makes it easier to deal with our diaper urges/habit with others and as it relates to others. It's just DIAPERS. Someone we can value won't care and it won't make a difference. For others, they weren't much of a friend anyway. And, another issue IS, while it may FEEL good revealing to others, we also have to know that we risk a negative reaction. So, we can "take a load off our mind", or we can suffer in silence, knowing that diaper fetishism may be way bigger "out there" than ANYONE, especially the "experts" even realize, fearful what "revelation" may bring with it. Do we REALLY need to reveal to another person? Do we really NEED to reveal to another person? Is such revelation critical to continued relationship with that person? Is revelation regarding our diaper needs/urges/life/world as important a revelation as some other aspect of our lives that someone might MORE need to know or understand about us? It's just DIAPERS! I can only hope to help make others feel more at ease with their diaper thing. It's really NOT a big deal, and it's only as big as WE make it...
  12. I have no idea WHO Ryan Gosling is. HOWEVER, I suspect that if he was bringing Jumpin Jammerz to the Ellen show, HE, most likely, has "something special" being worn underneathe HIS, at home! And, when the camera panned to the audience, I wondered how many of those in the studio, wearing those Jumpin Jammerz THERE, ALSO had a pair AT HOME, that covered puffy underwear at night! My mind raced! Of course, it was only by chance that the TV was on, and on THAT show, at THAT time, TODAY... Perhaps there was a reason for it...
  13. I heard something from an antique dealer how "contrived" and "set up" American Pickers is. I mean, you just don't show up across the country with a small truck and a whole camera crew and "surprise" a prospective client and have the "picking" go well and appear natural. After what I saw with "Strange Addiction", I WILL watch again, but when you start talking camera crews, and filming of talking with a psychiatrist, I begin to wonder how contrived THAT "reality program" ALSO is. As much as we DLs and ABs chew on ourselves as it is, and most are deathly afraid of discovery, being "outed" and exposure, I can't imagine that any reasonably normal adult with fair levels of self-esteem is going to put themselves out on national television for the consumption of the country, AB or DL or not. I'm not sure WHOM would be willing to deal with the potential "fallout" over portrayal. And, if you look at the "postlude" "disclaimer", the people highlighted, not a whole lot seems to have gotten accomplished with exposure and "therapy". Perhaps the program will improve and be of more help to "the afflicted". If it doesn't, I think it's little more than there for shock value, and that alone...
  14. Plastic pants rock! I really like B4NS pants, but, while cut large, the plastic, while comfortable, seems a little soft, can rip too easily, and while the elastics are enclosed, it seems like the enclosure around the elastic comes open way too soon, and I don't know of any way to fix it. For the cost, they are a little expensive to be replacing frequently...
  15. You ARE kidding, right? This IS a therapist, and you ARE going to a therapist for OTHER reason ALREADY? And, you didn't discuss this with your LAST therapist? And, if you DID, it's not in your file that transferred from your last therapist? And, if you're NOT seeing your therapist abour AB/DL issues, and you're comfortable with it, why WOULD you discuss it with THIS therapist? The things that get posted here...
  16. I would respectfully disagree with this poster. John Gray and Dr. Laura deal with communication, and it's far from "pop psychology". The KEY, IS communication between partners, espcially with fetishism and its issues. The reality IS that "compromise" often means a male "caves" to a females demands/wishes "for the sake of love". If you're willing to cave, fine. If you can only be fulfilled by TRUE compromise, it's going to take a whole lot of work, WAY more than a person thinks. And, depending upon what the original, initial agreement was between partners, it's not fair to change the game or the rules mid-stream or later on. Most people, even DLs and ABs THEMSELVES do not have ANY idea the depth and extent of urges ARE, or what their needs ARE, or may be during and to the end of their lives. You cannot "drop AB/DL in" (into the lap of) onto a partner. It has to be carefully approached, carefully explored and mutually agreed to as to how it is going to be accepted or not, and the expectations that will come along with the "revelation" - on BOTH sides! "If he's anything like me, and I figure he is, Diapers are a big deal to him and his image... It may not be something he's proud of either. You need to talk to him about how you feel. I bet he's dying to talk to you about it, and communication cant hurt when it comes to this... You both could become even stronger after you have a good heart to heart... ... but if he happens to find diapers to be more important than your feelings... He may not be so amazing..." This sounds so brave, so "chin up". However, reading "between the lines", I sense a great deal of disappointment - been there, done that. The bottom line IS that this "thing" is a part of him - deeply seated and almost impossible to purge and eliminate - and will always be there. No amount of talking is going to change that. Another bottom line is to what extent a couple IS willing to make compromise, and WHAT that compromise IS. Do you love him enough to KNOW he will always have his urges, REGARDLESS of his love for you - it's almost like an alcoholic's "love affair" with alcohol, though THAT is more physiological than just psychological - and can you afford him a certain amount of freedom that you will accept, and set parameters, or are you prepared to be legally connected, and KNOW that he's indulging his desires(satisfying his needs) in private or "on the sly", when you're not there - at work, away for a weekend, on vacation with family, i.e.. And, if THAT happens, will it piss you off enough to eventually be the "straw that breaks the camel's back" and causes you to part ways via divorce? I said it before, I'll say it again. What IS your "Waterloo"? Love or not, are you better off WITH him or withOUT him? Are his GOOD qualities enough to overshadow this "part of him" you're NOT so fond of? And, if you accept him the way he IS, are you able to and are you willing to NOT be on his back about his leanings later on in the relationship and life? Way more here than meets the eye, and it's not so simple as "just talk about it". It's all about how he presents HIS "side", and you perceive it, and how YOU present YOUR "side", how HE perceives it, and WHERE that trade of thoughts, ideas and words ENDS UP and GOES. Again, good luck. It "two to tango", as they say. It is fabulous, Lynx, that you have the wisdom, at your young age, the open mind, as a woman, and as a person with a "quirky" partner, the interest to try and understand something you weren't familiar, and later, comfortable with, and the desire to expand your horizons in your quest to understand. You go, Girl. That more women out there would or could be able to do as you have done and are doing!
  17. As has been said, it doesn't MATTER why you want to wear diapers, or LIKE to wear diapers, or USE them while wearing them. You're stuck with the desire and urge - a shrink will tell you it will cost lots 'o bucks to try and rid yourself of the "addiction", only to replace it with something else OR never completely eradicate it at all! - so, like an alcoholic, you can beat yourself up, chew on yourself, hate yourself. loathe yourself and drive yourself insane trying to find the definitive answer to YOUR "trigger" and WHY you have your diaper fetish(if you don't ALREADY think you're insane for HAVING your diaper fetishism). OR, you can sit back, relax, do some exploration to find out what diapers you like the best, are most preferred by you to wear and use, and create yourself a little affordable supply to dip into, and then diaper yourself when you get the urge, and just enjoy it! Some people like beer; you like diapers. Some people HAVE to wear diapers(the incon); YOU get to CHOOSE to wear diapers. You can USE them, or not. You can revel in the sensations you feel when diapered and using, or you can be afraid, worried about exposure, hide and drive yourself crazy because you're "different". My advice? Go with the flow - literally. You'll live longer, more comfortably, more contentedly and actually will find yourself pretty sane, happy and well-adjusted just BECAUSE of your being different than the rest of the so-called "normal" uptight society! Of course, just MY humble opinion, from a happy, contented, well-adjusted, DL of 40+ years...
  18. ABs talk about the expectation, as a diapered AB, that they will be expected to fill the diaper they are in, regardless of the ensuing mess or cleanup. DLs who mess, as well as wet, have a variety of thoughts regarding their using their diapers for BMs, as well as how it feels. The "act", itself, is one thing. The "aftermath" of trapping a BM within the confines of your diaper is another thing. Some people pace, or clench their cheeks, or pant, or try to hold the back of their diaper or try to hold off the inevitable. Have you ever WATCHED YOURSELF - your facial expressions - in a mirror, or on video - as you lead up to and/or while you fill your diapers? Not the fake "look of surprise" as you "have an accident", but maybe a reddening face as you struggle and work to push your BM into your diaper, or total stillness and no expression as you spread your legs and make room for your load headed into your diapers, or, once over, the visage of relief the event is over or that faint expression of naughty or decadent pride for having done the deed, in defiance of societal norms and expectations... There, food for thought. But, what have YOU seen as you've watched yourself fill your diapers? Have you watched yourself? You gonna', if you haven't?
  19. What you said, Goden! It is so amazing. People want to poop as well as pee but won't make a committment to dealing with what comes along with it - "aroma", mess and clean-up. All in or all out! In for a penny, in for a pound! Come on, Folks! Naughty - in blatantly rejecting the most intense brain-washing, at a tender age, no less, that most of us will ever have to endure - or as I say, decadent - in blatantly rejecting potty training(already anti-social in CHOOSING to wear and use diapers) - rejecting the expected and supposed societal "norm" of using a bathroom. As long as we are comfortable with what we do and like, and don't impose what we do or like on others, or purposely try to be offensive (and NOT "accidently" expose them to "an accident" - yeah, whatever...), then go for it. And, in agreement, you don't get the true flavor of the total realm of sensations with BM simulants. But, whatever fills YOUR diaper!
  20. I used to think I had to do the AB thing to legitimize the fact I love(d) diapers, wearing them, and using them. So, acting like a baby, even AB, legitimized my diaper indulgence. However, once I realized I had very little interest in things "baby" nor was I much interested in AB stuff, and it was diapers I was into, I could be comfortable calling myself a DL, and indulging myself, I could wear and use my diapers for their intended purposes. I love wetting, especially out in public, with no one the wiser, and messing simply makes me feel decadent knowing I am rejecting potty training and the time honored use of "the crapper". Even if there is a hint of babyish feeling, I don't mind the smell, I don't mind the cleanup, and I rather delight in the feel of my BM next to me, smearing and sliding around, coating my skin. And, after a little while, it's not uncomfortable at all, as it rarely is uncomfortable. Rather than infantile - are true incons, stuck needing to wear diapers, to feel ashamed because they are no more than a large baby? NO! - I simply feel decadent, different than "normals" do, and am really content and happy I'm comfortable being me and the way I am!
  21. My first wife simply would not accept or embrace my DL life/lifestyle/world. I found out I was not mentally ill or alone during this time. My second wife accepted in the beginning, and even participated with me. After the 3 children, the luster of ME in diapers wore off, and she even used my DL against me in the divorce. My third and current wife, as a condition of her BEING my next wife, knew about and HAD to, at least, ACCEPT me as I was. She has and IS my wife. She knew nothing about the DL/AB world, but we've had sex with ME in diapers, with HER in diapers, with me in MESSY diapers and this morning, I loaded my diapers in front of her. No biggie. So, for me, it was how I prepared her, what she knew, and how she views what I'm into and how she can deal with it. I am a very blessed man!
  22. I just like to wear a messy diaper as long as I can. If the wife is home, I try to be considerate given other people usually find another person's "aroma" irritating and offensive. If there is little "aroma", I like to do as much out in public, like drive to errands and do errands around town. I find having messy diapers is ultra-decadent for me, and after an amount of time, it isn't uncomfortable at all. Depending upon the consistency of my BM, I may want to keep my diaper on a longer or shorter amount of time - as I love the kind I can coat my tush with, and something to firm is not that fun, and when it's runny and acidic, it can burn the skin and really be uncomfortable. I like mowing the lawn, snowblowing in the winter(diapers worn under ski bibs!) and generally, when I can get away with it, do whatever I normally do, except diapered with a load in it!
  23. I'm a DL. I KNOW that. I've been one for over 40 years. My first marriage went away after 4 years. I sprang my fetishism on my first wife, and did it badly, which she rejected. My second marriage went south after 15 years. Wife was a RN so I thought maybe she could accept my diapers better than wife #1. Did a better job of revealing this time, but my DL eventually got resented and used against me in the divorce. For wife #3, I decided I could not and would NOT hide my DL side/life/world ever again or I would go to my grave single, WEARING diapers. I "drew a line in the sand". Either accept me as I am and my DL side/life/world or we part ways BEFORE we have much time and/or emotion invested into a relationship. Between marriages, my prayers were fervent. I wanted an attractive woman, who had a nice appearance, was reasonably intelligent and had decent levels of self-esteem. And, instead of the usual - "opposites attract" - maybe a woman who was more a lot like me(OMG, be careful what you ask for!). As for the DL thing, I prayed extra hard for a female partner that, in the least, ACCEPTED my DL side/life/world. Better would be a woman who ENCOURAGED me in my DL side/life/world, meaning she could talk about it, be okay with it, and suggest I be diapered, etc. Better still, my next wife would PARTICIPATE. That means she would suggest scenarios, play along and maybe even diaper me or "require" it, etc. And, ultimately, for this DL, would be a female partner to JOIN me, and ENJOY it, like I did/do, the rest of our lives. In other words, connecting with a female DL. One has to know patience, first of all. One has to be intelligent. One has to decide what one HAS to have, what one will NOT compromise on and what one will INSIST upon to find fulfillment, satisfaction and contentment with their "leanings" in the DL or AB world, so NOT seen as part of "the norm" in our society or EVEN in the "accepted" fetish world. Yes, I know what I want. I knew what I wanted, had to have, would not compromise on, and would NOT give up, if asked to, to continue on in my life. Right now, I have about 2 1/2 of the 4 things I was looking for in a life-partner. And, with enough love, attention to HER needs, and patience to try and develop more acceptance of participation and lifestyle on her part, it may just come my way! I am pretty free to continue to discreetly indulge myself about as much as I want to or can tolerate. I am very happy and content, and rightly so. I charted my own course! What about you?
  24. The wife and I are headed to Vegas in February 2011. I would really like to go diapered, thick enough to last the entire trip, 6-8 hours, Molicare with soakers, at least, and I always wear plastic pants. I would suspend with the onesie with metal snaps in the crotch, however, my titanium hips (yes, I have two of them) always set off the metal detectors anyway. Travelling light, not wanting more than carry-on luggage, I can't really take many extra supplies. I probably could buy and make due IN Vegas. I'm not all concerned about the right or wrong of what the TSA is doing or HAS to do. I'm more interested with experience incons, DLs or ABs who wear under regular clothing have HAD with the TSA at airports. Do diapers readily APPEAR on the monitor with the scan? Does any amount of bulk more bring on a more thorough pat-down? Once diapers are discovered, or you have to reveal you are WEARING diapers, does this change anything or bring on a more thorough pat-down or could it force a strip-search? Um, I'm too old to care about somebody touching my diapered "junk", and generally, I don't figure there are going to be too many hot young female TSA agents doing the pat-down OR search of males, so, if agent gets turned on touching my diapers or brushing MY junk, more power to them. I have to assume most agents are discreet, and what I've found already is that if anybody DOES discover me IN diapers, THEY are more embarassed about it than I am... Forget the soap-box and opinions for a second? Anybody have any real, recent experience as a diapered traveller, dry OR wet, with the TSA and airports? Or, do I just call the TSA and ask about their protocol and procedure regarding incontinence and diapers, airports, airlines and airplanes?
  25. For me, there is nothing hotter than a woman wearing diapers. This video is the best thing I've seen since the music video from the group "Bad Ronald", which was FULL of women in diapers. Too bad I missed out getting the album - the music was probably pretty bad - OR the video, before it went out of print...
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