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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by DollyDiaper

  1. "Page Not Responding" - hope it gets fixed. Or maybe Barbie changed her mind and withdrew him from sale D lly
  2. Well said Repaid, I was trying to think of how I could word the same myself, so thanks for the benefit of your experience as an example. D lly
  3. It was a sad story aj, and from what I remember it happened around a year ago but the report was from a few weeks ago when Manslaughter charges were finally dropped. Apparently he was an alcoholic, but because of a medical condition (caused by his alcoholism) he was unable to ingest orally, so his wife gave him regular alcohol enemas. He eventually died of alcohol poisoning by this method, hence the police charged his wife with Manslaughter. D lly
  4. (Apologies, Off-Topic post following) Well dlmass, I'll see your broken ankle and raise you TWO broken arms! Yep, I'm off work for at least 3 more weeks D lly
  5. Yep, I agree with you. The results are hardly surprising, given that the experiment was conducted by Pharmacotherapy students. According to my dictionary - Pharmacotherapy Pronunciation (far′mă-kō-thār′ă-pē) Treatment of disease by means of drugs. See also: chemotherapy As with all research, we need to ask who commissioned it and consider any vested interest they may have D lly
  6. 20? They apparently only discuss 16 types. Perhaps you should post on the Facebook and point out they've missed 4! D lly
  7. Freshly squeezed orange and raspberry juice D lly
  8. Hi pt, am I keeping you up? Sink D lly
  9. For Sunshine and the confessed 75% who don't regularly make your beds/cribs when you get out them - here's the perfect excuse you may be looking for! According to a BBC report "Untidy Beds May Keep Us Healthy" - CLICKY (Warning: Creepy-Crawly Content!) D lly
  10. Published October 25, 2007 08:50 pm - Employees of Kohl's department store in Joplin were surprised to find a man dressed in women's undergarments walking about the store Thursday morning when they arrived for work. CLICKY I can't help hoping they decide not to press charges D lly
  11. If I could pick my nose, I wouldn't have chosen this one ^ Is very lazy and expects mommy to do EVERYTHING for her. D lly
  12. Yep, but it's nothing new for me, I don't think I ever grew out of it And I'm with you on the spelling pax, although I don't use spell check, I have to proof-read everything I write in case the odd word or two slips in without me noticing D lly
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