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DL Dave

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Everything posted by DL Dave

  1. What I found worked best for me, was to use extra pads, I'd put them kinda on my hips, that seemed to hold the flow back long enough for it to be absorbed either by the pads or the diaper.
  2. I love pull-ups I've tried several different types, tenna, no-name / store brand and depends. The depends realy were better, in that they seemed to cover more area in the front and sides. They all leaked when I tride them in laying down though. I found if I used pads inside on my hips that would stop the leaking from getting out into the bed. I like the diapers too, but they are more noticeable, and I don't want my in-laws or my daughter to know about my new "hobbie". My wife knows but dosn't like it, so if I do wear to bed I wear pull-ups since they are quiter and don't bug her as much. I find if I wear a pad in them they work great for the whole day. I just take out the pad at lunch and just use the pull-up untill I get home from work . I tried wear the diapers to work, but didn't want mess in them so that was a pain playing with tapes. I don't mind messing in them if I'm home alone. I usualy wear diapers then. I find that diapers don't realy hold anymore, if I wear and use my diaper more than 4-6hrs I find it to be kinda uncomfterable and somtimes I get a rash. So I don't see any gain from using diapers all the time. I'm not truely 24/7 'cause that wouldn't work very well at work, and my wife likes naked time at night. I don't feel good using the toilet to pee anymore though. It just dosn't feel right.
  3. I started shaving a long time ago, mabey 8 or 9 yrs. I rember it itching back then, but it hasn't itched at all since then. I've let grow back, and then shaved again several times since then, and it definetly dosn't itch anymore. Don't realy know when it stoped though.
  4. For those of you who don't know supperstore is a giant grocery store chain in Canada, kinda like a supper wal-mart. Anyways they have a bad habit of having one price on the shelf and a higher price at the till. I picked up a pack of attends that said $14.99, I got to the tills there they weren't realy busy, just busy enogh so I could stand in line awhile with everyone looking at what I had. You have to bring your own bags, or buy them there, so I brought one and had it sitting over them in my basket. I get to the till, and tell the lady "don't ask I'm just the delivery guy", she kinda chuckled and said "OK". She ran them through it came up $17.99. I asked if that was right, she said it was, I could have argued the point, in which case they would have sent some one back to the shelf to see if I was correct, then I would have goten $10 off. Mean time, I'm holding up the line in the express lane, with every one (other cashiers, and waiting customers) staring at me. That just seemed like way too much attention to go through for $3, or even a $10 discount.
  5. A post on "luckiest man alive" pointed out very clearly that no one here would tolorate pediphiles for a second. Which I toatly agree with. The problem I'm having with my wife is she can't get her head around the idea that if she's my "mommy" or nanny, nurse, what ever, that means she's a pedophile. It's realy driving me nuts. I wish I could help her to understand. It would be great if she could understand that I'm after a relationship with two consenting adults asuming certian roles. It's very frusterating.
  6. I tried to checkout your myspace account. Seems to have been deleted. I'm not sure what the rules on myspace are, but I'm guessing you pushed the limits. I'm not sure which hypnosis download you got, from the looks of other posts your shooting for complete incontinence. Have you checked out the incontent threads? From what I've read, and one guy had a sergical procedure to cause incontinece, it dosn't sound like somthing you realy want full time. I don't see anthing wrong with wetting, and being able to wet with out thinking about it. But that dosn't realy smell or incovinece you, messing however could be uncomfortable in public. If you realy are incontinent then you can't help it, but most of us aren't. In your other post didn't you say your going to college? That wouldn't be an ideal place to be walking around with a load in your shorts. If you have a private place, like your home or apartment, and want to do that then have at it. Again I don't mean any disrespect to people who realy don't have a choice. But for the rest of us, I think we are better off playing that kind of game away from the general public. I occationaly will mess in my diaper, but its at a time when I know I can change it without being in public, or around my wife who is still adjusting to my new lifestyle. Mabe you don't want to keep your lifestyle choice private. You might regret that once you get to college. Sure there are plenty of mature people there, but the jerks from highschool will be there too. People are inclined to avoid others they think are wired. If it gets out your pooping your pants intentionaly you'll have trouble making friends. If your just wetting no one will know and no one will care.
  7. I don't know if big breasts are realy better or not. My first and second wife (married then divorced), both had large breasts. In between the two (women not breasts) I dated a girl with small ones. It felt wired cause before that I had only been with larger girls with big ones, and she was very skinny with small ones. When I put my arm around her, I thought I might break her she seemed so small. (she was 19, i was 21) Anyways nothing wrong with liking girls with small ones, I'm just more comftorable with double D's.
  8. I realy hope it works for you. It didn't for me and what your doing is exactly what I was doing. Minus the diaper thing. It starts as just sex. It ends with a whole lot of heart ache. Good luck.
  9. Just incase anyone was worried, I didn't leak that much, just enough so you could see a wet spot on my jeans, and it was only on the front. My diaper had a small tear in the front, I'm guessing that's why it leaked. I didn't soak the seat or anything. As accident's go, it was pretty minor. Just a small wet spot by my zipper, that looked like what it was. I used to get them when I'd go drinking. I never seemed quite able to "get it all out" when I went. Every time I'd put him back in and zip up a very small amount would leak out. That's fine if your going once, but if I was drinking I'd be going every 20min. Those little drops add up to a noticable stain after awhile. (I don't drink anymore as I'm now a mormon)
  10. If that makes you happy, and your wife is willing to tollorate it. Personaly, I'd like to get to that level, but plan on taking it a lot slower. Peeing on my wife would be bad, peeing my pants in public (on pourpous) would be bad since I'm in a relativly small town / city and it could hurt job prospects. Although I did leak at the movies last week and didn't realize it untill after the movie. I don't think I need to advertize to the general public that I'm peeing my pants. 'casue realy do they want to know? most of them probably not. And ofcourse there is the whole santiary/smell isue. I realize urine is clean, but why would you want your furniture to smell like a pulic toilet? Not that I mean that as a slight to those who realy can't help it, it's not their falut, and I'm sure they don't like "acidents" when they happen. But I can see where your comming from with the whole commitment idea. I've had the same one, but then thought, it might be to hard on life in general and my marriage in particular. In the end what do I have to gain? So for now I'll take it slow. But it is nice being able to "go" whenever I feel the need.
  11. "it's just sex" oh my. If you only knew how dangerous those words are to a marriage. I realize you arn't acuttualy married, but you have a kid your living together, sharing intiment details about eachother. Except for a ring and few other details, your married. Those words were a huge part in ending my first marriage. If I had known how stupid I was being at the time, I would have made better choices. I'm not saying it still wounldn't have ended, but it would have ended differently that's for sure. And yes we were "open" with eachother and honest with our feelings. Untill she met a "friend of mine" who had a big screen TV, new car, and no debt. He was also 10yrs older, and had a "good job". Suddenly I was abusive and mean, not letting her have any friends (meaing him) and just had to leave me for him, for the good of our daughter. Dose this sound nuts to you? it dose to me, but that's what happend. Why? because we said "it's just sex". There's also the whole woman thing. I'm not an expert, but am currently married (again) and the woman thing never seems to change. When she says it's just sex, that could mean several things, like she's feeling insecure and wants to hear you say "I don't even think about other girls, your the only one for me", or she's feeling depressed and realy dosn't care at the moment. That only qualifies for that moment, latter the opinion will change, especialy if you act on the "open invitation". Or mabe she's looking at some one elts or thinking she could do better. Not to rain on your parade, but there are a lot of negatives there. as for living in a small town, there's usualy a big city not to far from small towns, if not, there's always the internet. I can't tell you the best way to bring the whole diaper thing into your relationship, i'm still working on that one myself. But at least she knows your not a pervert after little kids. That's a hard point to get home sometimes. (my wife never thought that thank goodness).
  12. Wow, that's quite the story. In some ways you seem very understanding and patient, and in others more than a little selfish. I do sincierly hope you and your wife are able to work out somthing that makes you both happy, and I do understand wanting her to "want to" do the things you like. Sex is such a huge part of the relationship I have with my wife, I don't know what we would do if somthing like that happend to us. It seems like either surgery, drugs /hormones, or serious therapy, mabe all of the above is what you'll need who knows. I'm just guessing you 2 are in your early 20's, I know it's hard, but take it slow. I married my highschool sweet heart, and it didn't end well. One of the big reasons (looking back) was selfishness on my part, particualary in the sex area. I hear the same arguments, and see the same mentality in what you've posted. If it makes you feel any better, the intensity you feel, in your moments of frustration will get less as time gose on. It did for me anyways.
  13. I just realized how long my post was. Guess I should write a book instead.
  14. I'm always fond of a full moon LOL (long as it's nice lady moon that is)
  15. Well, I guess what your realy mad at (if I'm wrong please undertsand I mean no offence) is society in general in regards to the diaper issue. The reason we hid things is because we are scared to share them. Mabey that's selfish, at times I'm sure it is, but it's also a form of protection. We don't want people atacking what's important to us, and if diapers are important to you, you might not tell your friends, neibours and co-works. The reason people atack things, well there are many, lack of understanding, internal anger, need for atention, hummor/bordome and my favorite "we've always done it that way". In other words change, or different is bad, same and comftorable is good. If you look at recent history, we've come a long way in terms of understanding and aceptance of things that were not "normal". It used to be, if you were of a certian ethnic group or gender you couldn't vote, or use a public washroom, or hold public office. Then it was if you were of a certian sexual preference you couldn't express that in public, and it also could affect your job prospects. All of these things are still challanges in our world today, but they are a lot more common, so they are not as hidden. Women can vote, and black men can run for president. If your gay, many people still won't like it, but many won't care and many will think it's cool. It's only wired if no one elts is doing it. Most people don't wear diapers as adults, and many who do have medical chanlagnes and feel ashamed for it. It's like going back to traing wheels after you can already ride a bike. Have you ever been made to feel small or like less of a person? I'm not saying they should feel that way, but I could see how that could happen. So we have somthing that if it is being used, it is being hidden. It's very hard to get it to be accepted as normal or at least not unusual. If I were to publickly anounce my DL satus my life would be a lot more complicated. My job (in the trades) would become much more difficult, and eventualy I'd probably quite or get fired, and it's a small town. Word gets around, I'd be stuck with what I could get instead of what I want. If I had a girlfriend (I'm happily married) and told her, then we break up, then she tells her mother, best friend, and her hair stylist. Now everyone knows, and I'm treated like a freak. That's a big risk for me to take. For me, I didn't realy recognize this part of me untill I was already married. I told her right away. I don't like secrets either, and although she was upset, she is trying to be understanding. Well she's tallorating the whole thing and hopping I'll get over it. but she's not freaking out, or calling me names or anything negative like that. It's also important to note that if you give people a lable to put on you, they have trouble seeing anthing other than that lable somtimes. Instead of funny, smart and charming, all they see is "freak who wears diapers and has soother". It dosn't matter that you can build a house, write a book, or do back filps. All they see is the lable, and won't take the time to learn about you. So it's not unreasonable for people to hide that lable untill others get a chance to learn that other stuff about them. Just for the record I don't think ABs or DLs are freaks, but that lable could very easily be applied by outsiders. And there are some aspects of the lifestyles that others indulge in that make me uncomftorable. I respect the right of those people to indulge in those things, I'm just greatfull that they do it in private so as not to infringe on my comfort. Like the topic says, that's just my 2 cents. You don't have to agree with me but those are my views. Hope they help.
  16. I said 5, but it kinda vairies. Some days I use 6 or more, and other days I mange to use 2. I'm experimenting with some absobant pads, I wear on in my diaper for 4-5 hours in the first half of the day, then just change it out. It get's full ofcourse, but the overflow just gose into the diaper, but the diaper stays mostly dry so I don't have to change it. I tried stuffing the diapers with the pads, but found i didn't realy get anymore "wet time" with them. Some days I'll mess my diaper, other days I don't have time, or am at work and that wouldn't be good for me. But on the days I do, I ware a wrap around style instead of a pull up, if I mess right away, then I have to change right away. Other times it takes awhile. It depends. lol
  17. Actualy, we can get divorced. I have and several other members of my congregation have as well. We don't like it, or recomend it, we belive very strongly in keeping the family together. But it dosn't always work out that way. Unless your talking about temple marraige (sorry I can't spell), but even then we can still get a civil divorce. As for the time period, there is no magic number, I was with my first wife for 5yrs before we got married, 3months after the ring, she found another guy with a nicer car and big screen TV. I've met couples married for many years who only dated 9months. I wish there was a magic safty number but dosn't seem to be. I agree with your statment though, don't rush, and in the end your wife/husband is more important than your diapers. Like we keep saying, it's just underwear right?
  18. Your grandma sounds like mine, only mine would say in a false wisper "Are you using that new zit medication I bought you? Did you use it today? 'casue I don't think it's working." This was in public resturant in a small town. So at least everyone was aware of my achney problem at once. Saved them having to find out one at a time, on thier own.
  19. Breast milk yes, baby food, not so much. Although I have recently developed a taste for instant mashpotatos, and gravey.
  20. I've been almost 24/7 for the past two weeks (I started 2 weeks ago). I haven't been wearing at night as much, 'cause it upsets my wife. Then the other night I wet the bed. Now she thinks 24/7 is a good idea.
  21. I'm lucky I have a realy understanding wife. Last night (acutaly early this morning) I wet the bed on purpous. It wasn't as natural as I wanted it to be, I felt the urge to get up and go about 4 or 5 am, and just refused, after awhile I was able to go in short spurts, then finaly a long one. I'm sure with practice, and time I'll be able to go at night and hardly even notice it. That's my goal anyway. So this morring I get up, get cleaned up and dressed, go up stairs, and a few minnutes latter my wife comes up the stairs and gives me the "I can't belive you just did that " look. I don't say anything, except good morning. The she tells me I need to start wearing "protection" at night. After awhile she gets her self into a rant about clean up, and finding another bed, posibly having two twin beds, instead of one queen. The more she gets going the more I have to eat breakfast to stop from laughing. As i'm typing this and re-living the memory, I'm stating to chuckle. Long story short, I'm going 24/7 and my wife thinks it's a great idea. Now if I can only get her to put them on me But one thing at a time.
  22. I wet a few nights ago by mistake. I've only been wearing for about 2 weeks now, all the time. Except I don't wear at night, my wife is still adjusting (she's trying to be understanding), and want's me accessible at night. I don't mean to disrespect her, but realy want to go back to bedwetting. I was a chronic bedwetter as a kid. I'm not sure how she'll react if I just start wetting at night. But I think that's the aproach I'll talke. We'll see what happens.
  23. Are there any cds/tapes that have play music, with the hypnosis as a background? I'd like to listen to them at night, but my wife might get upset, if there's music playing, then hopefully she won't notice.
  24. Apprentice Welder. The only guy in the shop with a diaper.
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