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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by anondl

  1. The desire is immutable. It can be anaylized and rationalized. It can be denied, like when gays used to feel compelled to get married and have kids, but it will likely never go away. The best one can do when involved with another person who is not ab/dl is to make it only a part of the relationship and give special attention her needs. Still there may be problems of jelousy. How many of us have heard something like "you love those diapers more than you do me"? Generally, women are hardwired for monogamy so this desire can be a threat to them. Let her know you love her.
  2. Amen! It cost well over $100/hr wet for a small plane here in NC. That doesn't include the instructor! But it is huge fun if you can afford it. Anondl
  3. I am a service brat. My family spent a lot of time being out of our home-town with different assignments so holiday visits brought a lot of reminsising. Invariably, some Aunt or close neighbor would comment "I used to Change your diapers." Before I was aware of my attraction to diapers this did not bother me, but when I became aware at about 7 it really freaked me out. I wasn't afraid that anyone knew but I just got so embarrassed at the comment. So is "I use to change your diapers." in the same league with "I remember when you were only knee high to a grasshopper" or elephant or whatever? Anondl
  4. "Backfired"? Am I missing something? I don't see a problem here.
  5. Actually, isn't that a 100% increase?
  6. All interpersonal sex is disgusting. That's why I prefer diapers. Yea, I said it, and I have always thought so since my dad explained sex to me.
  7. Ever since AIDS reared it ugly head in the early 80s I have wondered why "straight " people would do anything to deny someone the right to a monagamus relationship. I mean they don't want the promiscuity of gay bathhouses but they won't allow a sustained relationship either. Maybe they should try abstenince Anondl
  8. Keep us posted. It sounds like your mom, after the initial shock of the thing thought to herself, "who is it hurting?". Then she did the uniquily mom thing and gave you what you needed to be happy. I'm not saying that a dad wouldn't do this but moms, in my experience, are much more likely to indulge their offspring. Anondl
  9. Mmmmm. I've got to rethink this diaper thing. Panties and dresses attracts the girls? I can go with that. What about panties and dresses and diapers? Seriously though, what is the kick for the girls? The only thing I can figure is a sort of doll dress-up thing that harkins back to their prepubesent years. This then would be non-sexual for them. For myself I would like this senario to go somewhere sexual. Ladies, some input please. Anondl
  10. Thanx, Ultra pampers, How do trademark this name? When can I expect residuals? Anondl
  11. "Incontinence is Not As shameful as Screwing a Dog!" I hope not cause I just wet myself. Annondl
  12. For the love of humanity, DON'T DO IT! Anondl
  13. Yea Square duck. I don't see any pics of you. Don't you have a timer on that camera, or maybe one of the inhabitants of the orange shorts could have taken the pic. I still can't place you from our time together at Roboshop. Anyway you guys got stones. Even if I could get past my own hangups re going out in public even if one had a cover story, I would be worried for my safty. (These aren't the kind of pics I remember from the family vacations of my youth.) Thanks guys. Anondl
  14. I hope Bill got some money from all those NASCAR fans that had a decal of Calvin peeing on whatever car belonged to their rival. He was totally ripped off by those hillbillies! Anondl
  15. "That was a little uncalled for, imo." Not at all, I don't like the font either. Anondl
  16. I tried to do this under polls but couldn't get access. I don't know how to construct them anyway. So, here is the question. If you (as an adult) were caught wearing diapers would you cop to: A. being incontinent or B. being a fetishist I think I vote A. I might try to say I had occasional issues with incontinence. But still, I think I'd consider moving.
  17. I want to see bird diapers. I used to work for a fashion show producer that was kinky for animals in her shows ; chimps, dogs, lions and birds and it was always the birds that crapped everywhere. It was left to us who built the sets to deal with the bird crap. The bird wranglers just gathered their charges and went on their merry way. Reminds me of the poem, Birdy birdy in the sky why you poo poo in my eye? Gee I'm glad cows don't fly.
  18. I gotta revisit this. Given longevity, The Simpsons is the leader in animated cartoons. Great material, great characters. Simpsons vs Anamaniacs? I can't decide Hey, DD how about a poll Simpsons vs Anamaniacs?
  19. The BEST cartoon ever! Even better than the great Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, et al from Warner Bros 50 years ago.. One cannot exagerate the brilliance of the of the writing and characters. I so hated it when it ended. I guess the writers were just burnt out and didn't want to extend the show till they jumped the shark. Sort of like Bill Watterson of Calvin and Hobbs or the creator of Tumbleweeds. Anondl PS Note my avatar!
  20. anondl


    He answered the phone saying "enema hotline"! The person on the other end of the phone was his mom! That was over 30 years ago and I still laugh about it. My friend passed away in a house fire in 1999. May he rest in peace. We lost a great prankster. anondl
  21. A cloth booster is good when you can't afford premium diapers like Abena. Cloth boosters extend the life of the cheaper diaper and let you feel wet. Anondl
  22. Your only 19, your still in the honey-moon phase. Don't forget to take care of her needs too!
  23. Do Scottish men get aroused by wearing or thinking about wearing a skirt? Is the taboo necessary to the fetish? I don't know for others. For me, as a submissive, the taboo is integral. Do our AB members need the taboo? What about our DL members? Would we be so closeted if it was a glove fetish? I've exausted myself about these questions. Now I just accept It. Anondl
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