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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2009 in all areas

  1. ok so yes lets put our fetish on a show about sexual deviants while we all bitch and moan about how we aren't portrayed right on tv and in the media... sorry its just everyone complains about our portrayal so i'm not sure how assiciating abdl with a tv that is about sex offenders and sexual crimes, or crimes against children would be a good way to go.
    3 points
  2. wow, time out everyone. Don't make me be the Daddy/adult here. The question was legit, the individual just picked a show they liked. You will never get a good portrayal of any fetish scene on csi, l&O, House or any show. The freak value makes for better ratings. Now everyone play nice before I have to send people to "time out." Who am I kidding, my own cat ignores me, lol.
    2 points
  3. Umm some people disagreed with you, they didn't exactly rip you apart. Oh well if you're going to throw a hissy fit. Now that's just plain mean.... Oh and you got +5 rep, that must mean someone likes some of your posts
    2 points
  4. I couldn't agree More Sarah, Excellent Point Rockies Fan. Go Rockies in 2010!
    2 points
  5. I agree with Sarah... I wouldn't want SVU touching this with a ten-foot pole, especially with the writing lately. However, I do believe it was mentioned in an off-handed way in an episode a few seasons back... Benson said to Stabler: "Remember that one case with the guy who had the adult-sized crib"... or something to that effect. They actually made it sound relatively benign.
    2 points
  6. Friday is now" Random Diaper Comment Day" Your assignment is to mention the word diaper to someone in normal conversation. Make a diaper joke or just walk up to a stranger on the street and yell "Diapers!" and run away. Have fun with it. Report your results here.
    1 point
  7. Ok so i think i have an idea why i am the way I am. Im into diapers and other baby stuff, and i also like to crossdress once in a while. So the reason I think I am the way i am is because of my childhood. A couple times i remember my dad threating me to use diapers as a way of punishment. I was about 4 or 5 years old, and twice my dad threatened to keep me in diapers. I think i was young enough to not understand, but old enough for it too take effect. One time he yelled at me cause i kept missing the toliet and told me that if i keep missing that i would go back into diapers. The second time it was because i wasnt drinking enough milk. He came into my room and said if you dont drink enough milk your going to have to stay in diapers. At the time i cried alot. But the more I thought about it the more i was curious. Later in life i never had access to any diapers, so I kind of had to settle for something else, and that perhaps were panties.So i was never really curious to wear panites, it was just kind of a substitue from the diapers.I liked both. So after I got caught with the diaper later in life, then I find out my mom used to be a bedwetter when she was a kid. Now that i think about it, the kind of personality I have is, I feel like i always need attention. Almost everything i do basically is for the attention. So why do you think your the way you are.
    1 point
  8. At the movies today: "Would you like to make that a large Coke for just fifty cents more." (Holds up giant cup.) "Wow, does that come with a diaper?" Him: "No, but it should!"
    1 point
  9. The word you're looking for is "scrip" there chief. Maybe you should lay off the oxycotin, vicodin or whatever dangerously legal drug that's your vice of choice. Plenty of legal highs are much worse for your body than the ganja, but since you live in the ass end of BC I'm willing to wager your drug of choice is booze or huffing gasoline. Pot is orders of magnitude less harmless than alcohol and tons of other prescription drugs no matter what uneducated shitheads like yourself may think. I never heard the word "snowing" used as a verb to equate fooling someone into doing something for you before. Must be something particularly relevant to someone who spends an inordinate amount of their lifetime digging themselves out of that stuff. Enjoy your 10 month long winter asshat, I'll be toking up a phat ass spliff wearing shorts and a t-shirt while you shovel the walk for the 50th time this season.
    1 point
  10. For my 18th birthday, my mom and step dad got me a suitcase, and an eviction notice. I haven't looked back since then.
    1 point
  11. You know... I could swear that it's once every two or three months that these three take one forum completely unrelated to politics in here and use it as a place to hop on their soapbox. We have places here for political discussion. Stop polluting the rest of DD with your discussion that is completely unrelated to our topics just because you can find a tenuous-at-best connection. This is not the place for this.
    1 point
  12. Oh fuc* did I do it again? Asking another question that would just get me ripped on. I love how people read something and just jump to the worst assumption possible about what that question meant. At least I don't piss myself every day, get turned on by it and smell like pee every where I go! Just tired of asking a simple question or making a simple comment and getting crap for it around here when we all share something in common that we should be standing together on.
    1 point
  13. I'm curious as to what was said by your kid when he/she found your stash, because kids have a knack for saying some funny shit. What I would be concerned about is your kid out of the blue saying to friends and family, "my mommy wears diapers to bed".
    1 point
  14. My bitch of a step-mom would threaten to walk me around the neighborhood door to door in a diaper when I was around 10 years old as punishment for my brown stains in my undies, but as an adult now I realize it would have made her look more like a lunatic then me. I was also molested by this sick woman every day for 6 months while I lived with my dad, but I don't think this has anything to do with my love for diapers and I don't blame my step-mom for it either. I do however hold her responsible for being sooooo paranoid about having a few brown scratches in my undies as it was made to be such a big deal when I was little. I'm now learning from my wife that it is normal and OK. I used to be so paranoid I took laxatives for years because a clean colon meant perfectly clean under wear. My dad is divorced from this woman now but I have nothing to do with either one of them or my siblings from that marriage as they were all involved in making my life hell as I visited every other weekend for 18 years (per judges orders).
    1 point
  15. I like mine dry. Just like someone else said, I can wear the same diaper for days making my supply last for 6 - 8 months. I do however have a health condition that gives me a reason to wear other then for sexual reasons. I have had colon trouble my whole life and now in my 30's when I take a dump I sweat poop until I shower, so sometimes I will put on a diaper (usually the one I have already worn many times if it's still clean) until I get around to taking a shower.
    1 point
  16. *cough* Really? Government is that bad? Huh... This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration. At the appropriate time as regulated by the US Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school. Then, after spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, I drive back to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and the fire marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department. I then log onto the Internet which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and post on freerepublic and fox news forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.
    1 point
  17. Druggies are losers. End of story.
    1 point
  18. Downloaded my copy from itunes. I've never watched this show till now. Hopefully there will be more of this coming out, like over the last decade coming out of the closet for gays has been big, hopefully diapers will too.
    1 point
  19. Where I live (Salt Lake) it's getting cold so I will start wearing more often since it will be easier to wear discreetly, baggy pants, long coat, and I have a pair of those pants that make a swish swish noise when you walk. My first step to wearing in public will be when I walk my dog around the neighborhood.
    1 point
  20. What is the title of the episode? Sorry just being impatient. I was watching the current one listed and it takes a while before diapers are mentioned.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. not sad at all, nothing wrong with a little forced anything, as long as its consensual forced... i mean i'm an ab, but i still love it when my boyfriend 'forces' me to be in diapers and to use them etc...
    0 points
  23. actually Sarah I have thought of that sadly.
    0 points
  24. I don't understand.. You're asking for a thinner, less expensive diaper. Aren't there already a dozen brands of diaper out there that fit that bill? and I'm NOT saying Bambino should make one diaper. In fact, just the opposite! My recommendations have been: 1. Listen to the poll results and the obvious request for a superthick (more SAP) high capacity version of their current model (expecting to pay more for the thicker version) 2. Listen to the second place poll leader, provide more colors, to be exact, my recommendation was to inexpensively experiment with the whole "colors" thing by changing the tape panel to pink etc. It would be very cheap produce colored tapes and feed them into the line for a limited production run of their existing product. So all in all, my thoughts were that Bambino should EXPAND their product line, just not in the direction you suggest, because: A part of Bambino's current sucsess has been their ability to set themselves apart from the currently available made-for-adult disposible diapers. Why deviate from that marketing strategy by producing a diaper that's closer to the LARGELY available mass produced widely available products?
    0 points
  25. Anon, I'm also unemployed with no healthcare (have been since the first week of January) and would rather have the government STAY THE HELL OUTTA MY LIFE. What car I choose to drive IS MY CHOICE! Whether or not I purchase a healthcare plan IS MY CHOICE! At least the "profit motivated bureaucrats" of a business know the difference between a WORKING program and a FAILING program. Without profit, companies fail. But the government NEVER runs with a profit, it is ALWAYS A LOSS!!!!! So WHY does the government keep paying for programs that a CORPORATION would have TERMINATED quickly after realizing how much of a loss it was for the owners/shareholders?!?!?!?!? The government is getting too F'ING BIG AND NEEDS TO STOP GROWING, AND ALSO NEEDS TO STAY OUT OF THE MARKETPLACE. If a company is failing, LET IT FAIL! And let a competitor pick up the pieces. America survived for TWO HUNDRED YEARS BEING CAPITALIST! The idiots in government now are trying to DESTROY EVERYTHING America stood for and represented in the world: Freedom of CHOICE, freedom to live how you wanted to live, buy what you wanted to buy, live where you wanted to live, OWN what you WANTED to own... For the last twenty years, the government has been getting involved in things that should have been left alone in the FREE MARKET where they belonged. I'm not arguing against healthcare, what I'm arguing against is GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED healthcare. When, at any point in the last 50 or 100 years, has the American government done ANYTHING that was in any way SUCCESSFUL as compared to an equivalent program run by a PRIVATE BUSINESS??? The idiots in government seem to think that you can solve a problem simply by throwing more money into a failing program, even if that program has been active (and failing the whole time) for 10+ years. But when a business has a program that they know is failing (whether it is losing a million dollars a year or a thousand dollars a day) they TERMINATE that program in order to SAVE the company (and the SHAREHOLDERS/OWNERS) from losing MONEY. Doesn't anyone else see that what the government is doing with OUR money is WRONG?!?!?!?!?! And don't forget the fact that the money for ALL (American) government programs comes from US, the individuals... The actual politicians (at the Federal level, not sure about state level...) PAY NO TAXES on their salaries (which are paid from the money received from OUR TAXES). And every politician who retires (whether after only ONE year or FORTY years in office) receives their FULL PAY RATE for the rest of their lives! They don't have to use the healthcare plan they are trying to force on us cuz they have their own ultra-platinum coverage, they don't have to use the Social Security system for their retirement cuz they have their own super plan... And those plans are not paid for by them at all, EVERY PENNY spent by those plans for the politicians comes from OUR taxes, never from their own pocket!!!!! I don't consider that fair at all. Maybe if the politicians had to use the same programs they expect us to use (Welfare, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Income Tax, etc), they would have SOLVED the problems in each program instead of IGNORING THEM YEAR AFTER YEAR!!!!!
    -1 points
  26. There's a BIG DIFFERENCE between being REGULATED and being CONTROLLED... That is a LOCAL program, NOT A FEDERAL ONE. Gee, all things done at the EXPENSE of the taxpayer, but where is any PROFIT back from those programs? Do either the USDA or FDA PRODUCE anything ON THEIR OWN? NO, they just review what OTHER PEOPLE have worked to create. And again you use the words "regulated" and "approved"... And haven't you noticed but the price of postage stamps keeps going UP, because FEWER people are using the USPS, they either use the PRIVATELY OWNED services of UPS, FedEx, or DHL, or else they rely on EMAIL and phone calls for their contacts with other people... More talk of "regulations", where is the actual PRODUCTIVE WORK by the government program? There is NONE! All the PRODUCTIVE WORK is done by the businesses that are required to follow those regulations. And here again you refer to "state and local" programs, when my entire previous post was discussing FEDERAL programs. And the internet may have been "developed by" DARPA, but it was the PRIVATE SECTOR which made it into the global system that it is today. I ask you again: When has the American government EVER done ANYTHING which GAINED A PROFIT AND ACTUALLY SAVED MONEY, INSTEAD OF SPENDING TAXPAYER MONEY ON LOSS AFTER LOSS?????
    -1 points
  27. Yo, whatever makes you get up in the morning there dude. Your comment is what thousands of druggies all over the world tell themselves every day to justify their actions. Good on ya for snowing some poor shmuck doctor into giving you a script for medical pot. Loser.
    -1 points
  28. I am not a political expert but I stay informed. The healthcare bill is a joke and takes away personal freedom. Here is the actual C-Span video from the House Floor.
    -1 points
  29. Similar boat minus the girlfriend. I haven't been caught and hopefully won't be. I may be gauging my parents reaction wrong, however I don't think they'd understand. My father is an insensitive prick as it is. Not all his fault he never had a childhood because his mother walked out on the family and my grandfather was an alcoholic.(made up for later in life, the only relative I ever felty loved by as a kid. Sadly he died when i was five.) My mother is nuts thanks to my grandmother (her mother) She was/is a manipulative, vile woman; still she's my grandmother and I have to love her. My sister is a liberal politically and a conservative sexually and I'm the opposite.(in thought process, not practice). I'm pretty much in my own little world. I live on a planet populated by one.
    -1 points
  30. I don't believe there's an episode on SVU. As far as what Sarah said, the show does shine light on a lot of groups in a negative way as they should though. Our group is not a negative group though and don't cause any real harm. Don't be so fast and sarcastic to think we'll be protrayed as sexual deviants and in a negative condemnation. I see why the OP got on the defensive right away. The show does have a lot of episodes on sex offenders, sexual criminals and crimes against children. Like, a couple weeks ago there was an episode about a group of people who thought it was okay to have a sexual relationship with their children and thought it was okay because it showed love. Now obviously pretty much everyone is going to get pissed and think it's wrong as do I. However, I may be speaking for myself here but I do think when they shine the lights on some of the other groups, it makes people take a step back and look at it from their perspective. I kind of always have the, "huh, brings up a good point" when listening to testimony of some of the people involved in different groups. I think that's what the writers are going for too. You sometimes hate them but maybe see their point and kind of wonder, why should I hate them, is it really wrong, maybe they're not what I thought? Obviously I feel the example I gave above, the group is completely and utterly disgusting and wrong but they show what's going through their minds and why they'd see it as okay. The real issue with this one is they are breaking the law so they are painted as the criminals they are. Some groups aren't breaking the law, like ours. Now, I'm not sure how they would portrait an ab/dl but I'm sure the stigma of ab/dl being a pedophile would come out but then get squashed to keep it accurate since it's not a pedophile group. They may start by thinking a child is abused, find out the parent is an ab/dl, assume it's them and cry pedophilia, but then they discover ab/dl as having nothing to do with pedophilia and a different suspect will arise. So in a way, they could actually help us erasing that stigma surrounding the community and show what it really is since I'm sure the ab/dl person will have to explain. The other thing that could come of it is the ab/dl could be the victim. Like a victim of a hate crime. Someone finds out the fetish, thinks it has to do with pedophilia so they beat them. Viewers would initially think, what a freak, he deserved it and initially paint a bad picture of the group, as people may think it is, but then correct a lot of the stigma surrounding it. Everythings explained, the lifestyles exposed, they are painted as we are, normal everyday people who like to wear a diaper or play as a baby or something and not a pedophile in any way. This would probably be the best scenario and a likely one since ab/dl's aren't really doing anything wrong. Just like how they've had gays, trans, or whoever displayed as targeted and not necassarily the criminals. A lot of people years ago thought probably thought gays were disgusting creatures and didn't deserve help from anyone but shows like this have helped groups and people like that. It all depends on how it is done. Only big issue would be them attaching something the group is not into the character and then everyone thinks that's how it is. I would be nervous of them getting it wrong and botching it but I'm sure they research groups they do stories on. I don't know, you can portrait a gay person a dozen ways on tv, freak show, hot as hell(lesbians), etc. Now, don't jump me and start picking apart my story examples as I gave them about an ouce of thought. I'm just saying, a 30 second news blurp is going to portrait it as negative for ratings sake and the person will have had to have commited a crime so now the two are associated with each other in public eye. AB/DL + criminal act that got them on the news = bad publicity for us since, Lisa Nowaki, or Disable, not so disable dude who duped a caregiver for example. An hour long show can change all of that stigma or negative publicity as it has for other groups as mentioned. On a side note: Just watched CSI:NY and they had a group of people who are into playing with different foods on there bodies called "sploshing". Learn more here. I know it sounds crazy but it shines light on the subject and the people who do this probably think well, they kinda get it right, just added hot models to add to the appeal. I had never heard of this before, nor do I want to get involved but it seems harmless so eeehh, who cares who does it. Hopefully if an episode is done on ab/dl, this is what people would think, ehh, harmless. I've seen it done tastefully on certain shows about sex toys, or fetishs and whatnot. They made it seem fun and harmless. Shows like Tyra, portrait us as freaks but for the ratings. Ah, hell, what do I know.
    -1 points
  31. Now I understand why you can be such a prick sometimes...
    -1 points
  32. I know CSI has touched on this, but what a better show then SVU to do an episode as well. Anyone know if there is any episodes that deal with AB/DL's? And yes I have researched this with episode descriptions but this show has been on for so long I might have missed one.
    -1 points
  33. One of the provisions, in the helathcare proposal, is a tax one medical supplies. It isn't clear yet if diapers are considered medical supplies. Lets face the facts, Prezbo wants your money. Us older people, who plan to be on Medicare, had better look out as well. There are plans to cut billions from Medicare. The current plan grandfathers existing Medicare clients but people comming in to the system will get screwed!
    -1 points
  34. That's a CSI episode, not Law & Order SVU... Shouldn't this be in the Diapers in the News section?
    -2 points
  35. "Hissy fit"? Now that is funny, coming from someone that refers to themselves as an adult baby, LOL.
    -3 points
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