CCApril Posted June 25, 2024 Posted June 25, 2024 Robin Crusoe (4th Kasarberang Story Contest, Part one, 6/24/2024) Captain Robin gave a silent curse. Her ship was handling more like Cleopatra’s barge instead of the nimble ship she was. Ladies Choice was loaded with relief supplies. The small island nation in front of her had been devastated by a hurricane. All services were wiped out and most of the homes destroyed. But worse, so much worse, were the rebels deciding now was the perfect time for a coup. They were not allowing any aid except through them and all they did was steal it for themselves or to sell it to the island’s rich upper class. So instead of taking tourists for a shark dive she was smuggling in supplies. Lots of supplies. More than was safe to carry. The ship had powerful engines, but they were not very quiet. Their rumble could be heard for quite some distance. Especially on dark windless nights like these. She had a small electric motor that was mostly used for positioning the ship or moving about the harbor. While it was quiet it was not powerful. If not for the nearly flat seas and windless night they would not be strong enough. The rebels had patrols out and were actively searching for smugglers. Not because they cared about the type of goods coming in but about losing the strangle hold they had on the people. Normally she had two deck hands to handle all the things involved with taking tourists out to dive with sharks. Putting the cages together and many other tasks that a single Captain couldn’t do. But this was a risky venture, if they were caught, they could be arrested or killed outright by the rebels. Other than unloading the goods, she could handle the ship alone. It was her ship after all. Her satellite positioning system, SPS, showed about ten miles to the coast and that she was directly approaching the tiny fishing village that was her target landing spot. She could only hope there were enough survivors to help unload the supplies. She had all the windows and doors open for the small room that served as the ship’s helm. The true Captains Quarters according to her crew. The windows allowed the sounds of a patrol boat to reach her. The sounds were from the port side and were faint at first but were slowly growing louder. The sound was a boat puttering around and not racing. She did not think she had been spotted but turned the ship to starboard a few degrees to try and increase the space between them. This seemed to help. After a few minutes the sound diminished. She would have to get back on course in the next couple of miles if she wanted to avoid some nasty reefs. She held course for an additional twenty minutes and then nudged the ship back on course. She was hoping they still had a pier she could tie up to. They could unload onto fishing boats too. That is if they still had any seaworthy. The sudden roar of a boat engine echoed across the water. Damn! She had been spotted. The good news was the boat was still a good distance behind her. She had planned for this worst case contingency. Anyone making for this town would have to come this way to avoid the reefs. She had hoped it was too small to have a patrol boat just sitting here. She had mapped a narrow path through the reefs. She hoped to ground her pursuers on one and make a run for home. The supplies would have to wait for another trip. She turned on a mapping layer. It plotted a path onto the screen of her SPS. She saw that she was not far from the start of the path she had prerouted. She had studied a lot of maps and looked at a lot of satellite photos. Good escape routes were a requirement. Quickly she killed the electric motor and started up the more powerful main. She couldn’t go much faster, but the more powerful engine allowed her much more maneuverability. She followed the route as precisely as she could. It was only possible because the waves were almost nonexistent tonight. Just gentle swells. She was well into her path when the smaller faster boat came into sight. She was certain they wanted to board her and not just sink her. She was carrying valuable supplies after all. It was a chase, a slow chase but tense. The path was narrow, and neither ship had room for error. She had already scrapped the hull twice and only a quick hand on the wheel kept it from being more than a scrape. Unfortunately, the chase boat also managed to avoid the reefs. Almost. They took the last curve a little wider than the boat they were chasing and hung the rear of the boat on the rocks. While the Captain worked the engine trying to free the boat the rebel in charge of the trio of soldiers on board ordered his men to open fire. Better to sink it then let get away. Robin ducked as bullets started impacting all around her. She swore “Shit!”. She was almost clear too. She had no choice now. She needed to get some distance from the guns. Still crouched down she opened up the throttle and the ship leaped forward. She didn’t even look out the window. She kept her eyes glued to the SPS and the track she followed. One minute, two minutes and the shooting stopped. Once she felt safe, she stood up and looked back. The rebel ship was still grounded, and smoke was coming from its engine. Most importantly they stopped shooting. She sighed in relief. She made it. She turned back to the front and saw the strangest sight. It was raining. It was raining in only a small part of the ocean. Then there was a flash of lightning, and she could see that the rain was blowing in from what looked like a rip in the sky. Even as she watched the tear was shrinking around her. She had no time to stop or change the course, she was through almost as soon as she saw it. A rift a damn dimensional rift. She wanted to swear or turn back but all hell was breaking out on this side of the rift. The storm that hit the island on her side weeks ago was blowing full force here. Or maybe it was a different storm and there was no connection. None of it mattered as she struggled to keep control, as her ship was dragged up one wave and dumped down another. The driving rain crashed against the glass and made it almost impossible to see. The storm raged around her, and it was just one wave at a time. The bottom of the wave nearly caught her bow and threatened to take her under. The top of the wave pushed the ship nearly out of the water, the props spinning in the air before crashing back down the wave slope just to do it again and again. She lasted one hour, then two. Exhaustion was slowly taking its toll. Each cycle harder than the one before. She didn’t know how long she could last. She crested the next wave and it got worse. It could always get worse. The ship came down on a reef. Tearing the bottom out of the boat and flinging Robin into the wheel and the up and through the glass window. The wheel hurt a little and the window was basically painless but the impact with the deck and bow rail felt like sledgehammers to her shoulder, hip and the back of her head. She had no time to be stunned as the next wave picked up the ship and threw it forward and off the reef. At this point she and her ship went separate ways. She was tossed over the rail like a rag doll. Her scrambling fingers finding no purchase. She struggled to find the surface. The waves turned her around and around. She was running out of air when her feet hit the rocks below her. She pushed up and moments later her head breached the surface, and she gasped in a breath, her lungs full of fire. She didn’t have time for more as the next wave dragged her down across the ocean bottom. Her body slammed here and there. She struggled and thrashed, not giving in, not letting the sea take her. She felt the bottom once more and realized she was standing with her head out of the water. More blessed breaths before she was knocked off her feet. She floundered again and found the bottom. This time she was only waist deep. The next wave only helped push her towards shore. Her exhaustion made her knees shake and her vison tunnel. Black curtains seemed to descend over her eyes. A few more steps and she was clear of the water. Her body seemed to take this as safety, and she collapsed face first into the sand and knew no more. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The hot sun on her face finally woke Robin. She blinked her eyes trying to remember where she was and why she was lying in the sand. Her body ached and her head throbbed. The world spun once then twice as she slowly sat up. The sun was bright, and the white sand seemed even brighter. She closed her eyes and let the spinning stop. When the spinning finally stopped, she slowly let her eyes adjust to the sunlight. From her seat she could see an endless ocean in front of her, featureless except for the odd way the waves broke so far from shore. It sparked her mind, her memories flooding back. The rebels shooting at her, threading the reef, an endless nightmare sea. She thought harder and remembered the crash and being flung into the water. Somehow making it to shore. Lucky to be alive. Slowly she got to her feet. Her clothing was ripped, and she was missing both shoes. She was bruised everywhere, her skin covered with small cuts and abrasions. Nothing was broken, a miracle. If she believed in a god she would have prayed. Too her left the beach stretched out of sight. White and beautiful. Behind her there was maybe five hundred meters of jungle before the steep cliffs of what she took to be a hopefully extinct volcano. To her right was more beach. But unlike the beach to her left this section of beach had boxes of supplies strewn across it. Not a good sign for her ship but hopefully something useful for her. She slowly walked the beach. Each time she came across a crate she pulled it up the beach and past the high tide mark. Even though the crates were large and full they had been designed to float in case they fell into the water. She kept count as she pulled them from the water. Twenty crates. It seemed like a lot when you saw them on the beach but were well short of the total that was on the boat to begin with. She thought some more and figured it was a pretty good representation of what had been strapped own on the deck. If she could find where her ship sank, she might be able to find more supplies if needed. The whole time she was collecting the crates something seemed odd to her about the jungle. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She put it to the back of her mind and decided to keep walking along the beach. There was nobody coming to rescue her. She wasn’t sure how close she was to the island she was bringing supplies too. Wham! Another memory came back. The rift! She had gone through a rift. She ran up the beach and looked at the jungle vegetation. She was no botanist, but the species looked familiar. Immediately before her were palms, coconut trees and what looked like a banana tree. The ground had grass and under the shade of the larger trees were ferns. Nothing weird or too exotic. Except…Except….the scale was wrong. Everything seemed off. She stood under the coconut tree and stared up. Then she grabbed a coconut from the ground. She held it in one hand. It felt like a softball. But it was a coconut. She had never seen one so small. Or a coconut tree so short. She crushed the coconut in her hand and dropped it to the ground. She had heard that the rifts that brought littles to her home dimension could sometimes work the opposite way if there was enough atmospheric interference. Out loud she muttered “Well Vovo, it doesn’t look like were in Kantas anymore.” Earth she thought. She was pretty sure the littles that populated this world called it earth. 11 1 Posted June 25, 2024 Posted June 25, 2024 I like it so far. I can't wait to read more. I smell trouble coming, who knows.
Baby Billy Posted June 25, 2024 Posted June 25, 2024 Interesting, reverse of the riff stories where littles end up in the amazon world. Hope you keep this story going.😀 1
CCApril Posted June 26, 2024 Author Posted June 26, 2024 Hi everyone! I glad you like it so far. Like everything I put up here I write it, I edit it, I post it. Sadly I don't have chapters in the bank. I will post soon though. I have written most of it in my head and that includes a great finish. I hope you continue to Enjoy! April
Babypants Posted June 26, 2024 Posted June 26, 2024 Do they play basketball in her dimension? I'm guessing she'd make a fortune in the pros. BTW, did any of the sharks also make it through the rift? 1 1
CCApril Posted June 26, 2024 Author Posted June 26, 2024 1 hour ago, Babypants said: Do they play basketball in her dimension? I'm guessing she'd make a fortune in the pros. BTW, did any of the sharks also make it through the rift? She would own the game of basketball. Shaq who? she would suck at baseball. What a strike zone! Maybe that is where megalodons came from? If one came through this rift I would have to do a take on Old Man And The Sea and send Robin out fishing. Not going to do it. I have to get this done before the deadline. Besides I only need one author rolling over in his grave not two! 2
Baby Billy Posted June 27, 2024 Posted June 27, 2024 I see alot of things that could happen in this story. I wonder how tall Robin is, with all authors it is up to them about the sizes. What about the supplies she was bringing, any medical that could be used for the advancement of the earthers. And did her boat make it through before sinking, what tech could that hold. I am always wondering about our world looking for life on other planets and how we would react if they ever came. I can see the people being afraid of her and thinking the amazons are going to invade and she is just a scout sent out.😏
Guilend Posted June 27, 2024 Posted June 27, 2024 All of us needs to band together and tie her up on the beach, strip her naked and put the biggest diaper we can make on her. After she wets it and makes a big mess in it, we can help her enjoy her dirty diaper before creating a portal and sending her through it, still in her shirt and full diaper. We'll never hear from them again. And her life will be changed forever. 1 1
littlebopeeper Posted June 27, 2024 Posted June 27, 2024 5 minutes ago, Guilend said: All of us needs to band together and tie her up on the beach Gulliver's travels? Maybe she actually came ashore among the Lilliputians. 1
Guilend Posted June 27, 2024 Posted June 27, 2024 28 minutes ago, littlebopeeper said: Gulliver's travels? Maybe she actually came ashore among the Lilliputians. Thanks, for the life of me I couldn't remember the name of it and I haven't seen the movie in years and that's just the last movie, I've never seen the previous movie or read any of the books.
Kat5 Posted June 28, 2024 Posted June 28, 2024 Amazing! The moment I started reading it I was hooked at the thought of a rift out in the water. And while she was waking up I was thinking "What if she's not a little" because I had this nagging sensation about her knowing what a rift was. And to make it better, I read this while sitting in my car waiting for the rain to let up. So when she was in the storm I could barely hear anything over the sound of pounding rain. That's ambience you simply cannot plan or even pay for! Excellent opening, 11/10. Cannot wait for more! 2
CCApril Posted June 28, 2024 Author Posted June 28, 2024 4 hours ago, Baby Billy said: I wonder how tall Robin is, with all authors it is up to them about the sizes. What about the supplies she was bringing, any medical that could be used for the advancement of the earthers. And did her boat make it through before sinking More will be be revealed about Robin, her boat, and the supplies. For those who can't wait Robin is a tiny 12 feet tall. 3 hours ago, Guilend said: All of us needs to band together and tie her up on the beach, strip her naked and put the biggest diaper we can make on her. Wow poor Robin! I don't think she deserves that kind of treatment. 3 hours ago, littlebopeeper said: Gulliver's travels? Maybe she actually came ashore among the Lilliputians. Actually thought about using that book for inspiration but went with Robinson Crusoe instead. I thought about her coming through and being little sized to a dimension of super Amazons. Exiled for mistreatment of littles. Too much story to complete by the deadline. 1 hour ago, Kat5 said: And while she was waking up I was thinking "What if she's not a little" because I had this nagging sensation about her knowing what a rift was. And to make it better, I read this while sitting in my car waiting for the rain to let up. So when she was in the storm I could barely hear anything over the sound of pounding rain. That's ambience you simply cannot plan or even pay for! I put a hint or too that it was not our dimension (SPS instead of GPS, rift knowledge). I can't take credit for the rain. I'm not that good. Maybe Baby Sophia could pull it off though. Thanks for all the comments!
Guilend Posted June 28, 2024 Posted June 28, 2024 6 minutes ago, CCApril said: Wow poor Robin! I don't think she deserves that kind of treatment. But she's a tiny giant and and and...... 7 minutes ago, CCApril said: thought about her coming through and being little sized to a dimension of super Amazons I had a story I was slowly writing on Google docs, but lost it. It was about an Amazon man that leads a team through the portal to newly discovered dimensions to assess them. He gets to this one and let's say it's far more advanced then them and the locals are much bigger then them and they have a similar ideology and beliefs as Amazons. So they're treated as babies. The protagonist escapes and gets back to his home dimension, but not without some complications, including a sex change. Since the technology that did it is so advanced the doctors aren't able to reverse anything 1
littlebopeeper Posted June 28, 2024 Posted June 28, 2024 12 hours ago, CCApril said: I thought about her coming through and being little sized to a dimension of super Amazons. Exiled for mistreatment of littles. Too much story to complete by the deadline. This was an episode of Twilight Zone. Stranded astronaut from earth becomes a god to an intelligent species about the size of ants, only to be discarded by a pair of super sized astronauts from some other world who arrive on the scene at the end of the episode. There was a moral in there somewhere.
Babypants Posted June 30, 2024 Posted June 30, 2024 Been thinking that you could have a lot of fun with this one. The rift opens, and SHARKNADO! The rift opens, and GODZILLA! The rift opens, and THE BORG! Please do something whimsical at the end!!!!! 3
Kat5 Posted June 30, 2024 Posted June 30, 2024 2 hours ago, Babypants said: Been thinking that you could have a lot of fun with this one. The rift opens, and SHARKNADO! The rift opens, and GODZILLA! The rift opens, and THE BORG! Please do something whimsical at the end!!!!! I obviously approve! But then silly, whimsical, and wholesome are absolutely my stock and trade. 2 1
Babypants Posted June 30, 2024 Posted June 30, 2024 39 minutes ago, Kat5 said: I obviously approve! But then silly, whimsical, and wholesome are absolutely my stock and trade. Did you ever see a cheesy scifi movie called Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (the original, not the remake)? We might need Captain Robin to save Tokyo from Godzilla or Mothra! As for sillly, whimsical and wholesome, while my Homage story doesn't fit the bill, you might like the next scene in Aardvark. which is an homage to a wonderful Paul Newman film called Slap Shot. The sorority girls at ZAP would have fit right in with the supporters who traveled by bus to support the Charlestown Chiefs and coach Reggie Dunlop.
CCApril Posted June 30, 2024 Author Posted June 30, 2024 3 hours ago, Babypants said: Been thinking that you could have a lot of fun with this one. The rift opens, and SHARKNADO! The rift opens, and GODZILLA! The rift opens, and THE BORG! Please do something whimsical at the end!!!!! That would be fun but not quite the ending I have in mind. i may let that side loose for Halloween this year! 22 minutes ago, Babypants said: an homage to a wonderful Paul Newman film called Slap Shot That was a great movie! So many good scenes to borrow. Next chapter will be up late today. Can't have a Crusoe without a Friday.
Babypants Posted June 30, 2024 Posted June 30, 2024 41 minutes ago, CCApril said: That would be fun but not quite the ending I have in mind. i may let that side loose for Halloween this year! Remember, you don't have to finish the story before the deadline. Bringing it to a stunning conclusion on Halloween would be classy! 49 minutes ago, CCApril said: That was a great movie! So many good scenes to borrow. I'm going all in on the bus scene. And in due course, you will be meeting Kimberly's boyfriend "Thug," who is a tribute to Doug Glatt in the two Goon movies. And by a marvelous coincidence, did you know that Thug plays for a coach named Reggie Dunlop? 1
CCApril Posted July 7, 2024 Author Posted July 7, 2024 Chapter 2 Samuel lay under the porch of the rundown shack that was his home. It was his safe spot. The thugs that passed for neighborhood kids could not find him here. It was a shady and cool if a bit dusty. The cruel bastard that called himself his father couldn’t find him here. It was the only place he could cry. He turned eighteen yesterday and unlike all the newly turned eighteen year olds in the world there were no happy birthday wishes, no gifts, no cake and no love. None of these things had ever been in this house. None of it had been in his life since his mother died when he was four. He barely remembered her. Just a vague image of a beautiful lady with a halo of lovely blonde hair looking down on him with loving eyes. The only reason his father had kept him was that his mom’s brother, his uncle Troy, was a bigger thug than his father. He had threatened to kill his father if any thing bad happened to Samuel. That was the sum total of the care his uncle showed. He never came by. Never spoke to him. One time his father had beaten him so badly he was unable to stand for two days. Then one of his uncle’s men beat his father so badly he was bedridden for four days. After that his beatings were more typical of the poor families around him. Painful and often but not debilitating. Now that he was eighteen his father was done with him. What passed for school in this poor part of the world was over. There was no reason for his father to keep him. He was a man now. Even his uncle agreed that his father’s responsibility ended. What scared him was that his father didn’t throw him out yesterday. Instead, he told him that he had found him a job and he would take him to it today. He had asked what job and his father laughed and said “The perfect job for a little sissy like you.” Sissy. His father’s favorite word for him. His father was well over six feet tall, heavily muscled and a hard man. Sam wasn’t. Barely five feet tall and skinny, he took after his mother. His mother’s legacy also included yellow blonde hair that up until two years ago his father had kept in a buzz cut. Then one day he stopped cutting it and told him to let it grow. Now it was past his shoulders and had a natural curl like his mother’s hair. He was not certain why his father changed his mind, but he did not want to think too hard down that path. His mind seemed to skip over some idea that it did not want to share with the rest of his body. Samuel was still under the porch wondering were he could go if he ran away when his father’s truck pulled into the gravel driveway. Then a second vehicle pulled in behind his father. A beat up old van he had never seen before. Soon his father was standing on the porch above him with four equally tough looking men, though one did seem to be slightly better dressed than the others. Sailors by the look of them. When you grow up in a harbor town you learn quickly how to tell the sailors from the shore bound thugs. The sailors never seemed to be around by the time the law might come looking. The slightly better dressed sailor who was obviously in charge said “We need to get a move on Mr. Friday. The captain will be wanting to leave with the morning tide, and we have lots of duties we have yet to do before shipping out.” Samuel’s father said “Great! The sooner the better. You have the paperwork and the money I assume?” The leader nodded and then one of the other sailors handed Samuel’s father a tan folder and a thick envelope. Samuel’s father opened the folder first and saw his copy of the work contract. It was perfect. Then he thumbed through the envelope. He was unlikely to be shorted but by sunrise tomorrow there would be no one to complain to if he was. It was all there three stacks of one hundred dollar bills. American. Thirty thousand dollars. His grin widened and he never looked up from the money as he said, “The little sissy is hiding under the porch.” Samuel was stunned. Shit! He knew. All this time he thought he was safe, hidden. The porch was small and unfortunately, he was soon dragged out and held still by two of the sailors. He struggled in the tight grip, but it made no difference to the men holding him. He flinched as the leader ran his fingers through his golden hair. When the leader started to unbuckle his pants, he started flailing his legs. His father shouted, “Behave boy!” and swung an open hand. Samuel closed his eyes and flinched, but the blow never landed. The leader of the sailors looked at Samuels father with an angry look. He spat “The Captain would be most disappointed if you were to strike his new cabin boy. If you raise your hand again, we will remove it.” He looked at the fourth sailor who held Samuel's father’s wrist and said, “You can let go now but if he tries again, cut his hand off.” Then he turned to Samuel and said “Sammie I’m the first mate and you’re going to be the new cabin boy on our ship. I just need to check that we are getting a boy and not girl pretending to be a boy. No girls allowed on board.” His lies rolled easily off his tongue. He really just wanted to make sure the boy’s hair wasn’t dyed. His high sale value was dependent on his yellow hair being natural. Samuel just nodded his understanding. Nothing made sense but fighting now would do no good. He cringed as the man pulled down his pants and stared at his private parts. What did he mean by new cabin boy? The first mate resisted the temptation to run a finger through the curly blonde bush. The boy would fetch easily ten times what they paid the sorry excuse of a father. That is if the captain could keep his hands off the pretty boy. A virgin always fetches the highest prices. He pulled the boy’s pants back up and smiled. He said, “Good news all boy here.” Samuel took a hold of his courage and asked “What is going on here? Cabin boy?” The first mate gave Samuel’s father a disgusted look. The piece of crap couldn’t even lay out the groundwork of the faux legality that had been worked up. The first mate said “We’re giving you a job Sammie. We have given the contract to your father to hold for you. For the next two years you are the official cabin boy for the cargo ship Defoe. At the end of your contract, we will drop you off back here or at one of the ports we regularly call into. You get two years’ pay and you go your merry way. Or you can then sign on as a regular crewman and continue sailing with us. Samuel was not dumb or completely naïve, just mostly naïve. He figured his father had basically sold him, indentured servant or some such crap. He had a nice legal document to show his uncle if he ever came around again. He didn’t know how it be any worse then what he lived with the last eighteen years. At least he would never see that bastard again. When the two men who still held him led him to the van all he said was “What about my clothes?” The man holding his left arm laughed and said “Don’t worry Sammie. The captain has your em, uniform and you won’t need nuthing else.” When the van door closed the first mate said, “Goodbye Mr. Friday.” He was not a nice man. He and the crew of the Defoe were smugglers and human traffickers. Liars and thieves with few moral boundaries. As low as they were there was not a man aboard the ship that would sell his only child into the life that awaited Sammie. He was tempted to let loose a rumor the Mr. Friday was loaded with cash and had it all in his house. Samuel’s father laughed and said “Hah, I can’t believe the little fairy was worth so much money. Next time you’re in port let me know what brothel you end up selling him too. I might take a turn at him myself. See what all the fuss is about.” He then walked into his house and slammed the door. The first mate spit disgustedly and then pulled out his cell phone and made a few anonymous tips. He doubted Friday would survive the night. Hopefully, they will keep torturing him to find out where he hid the rest of the hundred thousand dollars he was now rumored to have in his possession. Nothing could save Sammie from him and his Captain, but he could guarantee that Sammie would never see that bastard again. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Samuel now Sammie let himself be led onto the ship. There was no escape or anywhere to escape to. He was brought to a tall well dressed man. The man looked vaguely familiar. Like he had seen him a time or two before. The man said “Welcome aboard Sammie. I’m looking forward to having you as my new cabin boy. I’m sure we will get along fabulously. Any questions?” Sammie only had a million or so but instinctively knew that he would be either lied to or the questions skillfully evaded. So instead, he stuck to the story. He said “Yes sir. Thank you, sir.” He hesitated a moment than asked “What does a cabin boy do?” The captain gave the boys shoulder a light squeeze and said “Good. I like it when people know their manners. But from now on call me Captain and the other officers by their rank. You’ll figure it out soon enough. As for what a cabin boy does, it is very simple. Your job is to take care of my needs. Clean my room, wash my clothes, fetch, run errands and deliver orders. You just need to do whatever you’re told. There is even a little bedroom off of my day cabin for you to stay in. That way your close by in case I need your services during the night.” The captain turned to the first mate and said “Toby set Sammie up with Billie until were well out to sea. There will be plenty of time later to show our newest crew member how to take care of his captain.” The first mate said “Aye Captain. Come along Sammie, Billie will keep an eye one you and answer any more questions you may have.” Sammie simply said “Yes, first mate.” The first mate laughed and said, “While it true I’m the first mate, you can call me mate”. To Sammie’s inexperienced eye the ship was huge. The passageways were confusing as well. He remained silent and just hoped to find some place to curl up. He was scared and confused. Rescue seemed impossible. There was no one to care. His life was bleak and filled with pain and loneliness before but now there was a new terror, one he was still afraid to look to closely at. Eventually the first mate led Sammie to a small hatch set in the middle of a long empty hallway. He knocked on the door and waited impatiently for it to be opened. Once the door opened, he thrust Sammie into the room and briskly said “Here is Sammie, he is new cabin boy. We have a few ports here and there before he needs to move into his new room. Maybe a week or so. Dress him in both outfits and send me the pictures. Keep the rest of the crew away.” Billie eyed the boy and with a sigh said “I understand mate. Welcome aboard Sammie.” When the first mate left Billie closed the door pointed at one of the two bunks and said, “Have seat son.” After the shy boy sat down, he said, “Do you understand what’s happening to you?” Sammie looked down at his hands. They were shaking and he made a fist with each hand to try and calm down. Without looking up he said “Which part? The bullshit story they keep trying to push or the hidden story they didn’t want to tell me before I was brought on board?” A tear trickled down his cheek as he added “Not that any of it mattered. I could have kicked and screamed out the truth all the way through town and nobody would have lifted a finger to help me.” Inwardly Billie sighed. He knew the full story. It was his job to know. Ever since a knife from a bar fight took his manhood. Along with his cock and balls that fucking knife took away his sex drive. He just wasn’t interested. That made him the perfect nanny, trainer and confidant to the endless line of abducted girls and a few boys that his captain sold along with smuggled goods and drugs. He got paid well and had no other job on board the ship. He hated it and, like Sammie, had nowhere to go and no one to care. Billie leaned back on his bunk and suggested “Start with the bullshit.” Sammie slumped against the wall. He waved his hand and said “The whole cabin boy crap. Like somehow the man who hates me more than anything suddenly finds me a job, a contract where I work as a cabin boy for two years then get paid lots of money and get sets free. That bullshit. He sold me. There is no two-year contract.” When Billie remained silent Sammie softly continued “I’m never going home am I?” When the tears started to fall Billie sat next to Sammie and held him. He let the boy cry. God knows there would be plenty more tears in his future. When the tears turned to sniffles, Billie patted Sammie on the back and said “You can rest after we get the pictures taken. Please just wear the clothes. You could fight, and the I will call for some help, you will get beaten and then you will wear the clothes.” He stood and walked over to a trunk of clothes and started taking out various articles of clothing. He looked back over his shoulder and said, “Pink or blue?” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sammie’s Uncle Troy stood over what was left of Sammie’s father. He had been ruthlessly tortured. It was amazing that he still breathed. All his fingers were missing, as was most of his skin. Yet still alive. He certainly was a tough bastard. Uncle Troy reviewed the papers one of his men brought him. He also listened as he was told that Sammie’s dad had thirty thousand dollars on when the questioning begun. He reviewed the “contract” his nephews name was on, but there was no signature. The worst part, the part that was causing his temper to go into a meltdown was the ship’s name. He kicked the wheezing piece of shit at his feet. The contract showed the ship’s name to be Uncles Folly. Uncle Troy turned back to his men and said “Go to the docks and find out what ship my nephew is on. Get another ship ready. Once you know which ship he is on go get him.” He didn’t even wait for an acknowledgment before turning back to the bloody figure on the floor. He had always hated himself for leaving his nephew with his father. But he had no choice. Too many people would have used the boy against him if they new he cared. Only his indifference had kept Samuel alive, if not entirely safe. He spit on the bloody pathetic figure on the floor and left the house. Just before stepping off the porch, he said “Find an alley full of rats and starving dogs and feed them.” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sammie was humiliated beyond words. The blue outfit was just a pair of tight terry cloth shorts that left nothing hidden. But it was miles better then the pink monstrosity he was forced into. Forced was the word too. It took two sailors to force him into the dress. Apparently, they did not want to bruise him so there was no beating, but he was no match for them physically. Then to make even worse Billie put his long hair into two ponytails with matching pink and white ribbons. Billie smiled and said “Perfect Sammie! Now if you pose nicely for a few pictures, I will let you change out of the dress and arrange for some dinner to be brought in. If not, well, you can spend the night in the dress and not eat.” Sammie sighed and nodded. He posed as directed. There were many poses and were capped with a stupid curtsey, one where he had to bend over and look back at the camera with his ruffled panties exposed and a final ultra humiliating shot of him on his knees looking up into the camera. Billie scrolled through the photos and smiled. Perfect! The captain would be happy. He was sure to get a high bid. The blonde ponytails and girlie dress would drive up the offered price. Maybe drive it up enough for the boy to bought by someone who will take care of him and not just strip the innocence away. He looked at Sammie and said “Thank you. You can get undressed now.” Sammie wasted no time removing the hideous clothes. He scrambled back into his own clothes and settled back onto his bed. His unspoken fears of his fate were threatening to overwhelm him. When the food arrived, he ate it quickly and then buried himself under the covers. Wishing he was still under his porch and hidden from the world. His own private island. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Despite how Sammie looked in his favorite sissy dress the captain was able to keep his hands to himself for the first week. They held close to the coast and moved from one port to the next moving and buying contraband and collecting a few more girls. Sammie’s price kept going up and up. His photos and the promised virginity were really attractive to a center type of buyer. He had hoped the buyer wanted little Sammie broken in, but the remaining bidders were not that sort of people. The winner after seven days of open bidding was a bid for $750,000, American. It was by far the most the captain had ever been offered for one of his special cargoes. It was also pending delivery of Sammie with the boy’s virginity intact. The captain wanted Sammie to move into his room and take on the cabin boy duties but knew he could not trust himself not to start sampling the wares. Even a small sample would ruin the sale. He had done business with this buyer before and he knew he wanted to experience every tremble, tear and sob as he slowly stripped Sammie of his innocence. As soon as his last trade was made, and everyone was on board, he left the small port and headed for a patch of ocean in the middle of nowhere and far from any countries claimed waters. As long as the weather held, they would rendezvous with the buyer in about twenty-four hours. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The small crew was tired. It didn’t take long to find out the name of the ship that the boy was on. Everything was witnessed on the docks and a little money was all that was needed. They thought knowing the name of the ship would make it easy. The Defoe. Unfortunately, it was not easy. No one knew where it was going next. There were harbors up and down the coast. They visited port after port. Most of the people questioned hadn’t seen the ship and those that had said they were already gone. It was there seventh day of searching when they caught a break. Not only had someone seen the Defoe, but it had also left less than two hours ago. While it was good news and they were faster than the Defoe but without a direction it might not be enough. As they headed back to boat a young woman approached them. She said “I heard that you were paying for information about the ship called the Defoe. Is that true?” The leader of the group waved the others on and said “Yes Miss. We are trying to catch up with the ship.” She stared at him with desperation in her eyes and then said, “How much you paying?” The leader sighed. He had too much of the poor and needy on this trip. He held out five twenty-dollar bills. He said, “This much if the information is helpful.” Staring at enough money to feed her and her little sister for a month she said “I heard one of the men talking to a whore in the alley behind the fuel depot. He said that in a couple of days he would be able to afford fancy bitches when he got to Hawaii.” He said, “Why was he chatting up a whore?” It didn’t make sense to him. She blushed and whispered “They were ehh completing a business arrangement. If’n you catch my drift. He was just another bragging asshole.” He laughed “Yes. I see what your saying now.” He needed to a map and get the get the ship back out of the port. This was there best lead so far. He gave her the money and after a step he turned back and gave her another couple of twenties. He hurriedly said “Thanks! That may have been just the tip I needed.” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ During the days when he was locked in the room with Billie it became quite clear that they were selling him. This was a one-way trip to be someone’s expensive fuck toy. He quietly looked for a way out of either the room or his shitty life. The room was always locked, and a search of the room left few items with which he could be reasonably sure to end his life. His one and only attempt to strangle himself with a sheet got him tied to the bed. It also got him a lecture on not giving up hope. That was easy to say when you weren’t the one being sold. Most of the time the ship was steady, and Sammie could barely feel the ship move. That changed over the last six hours or so. There was definitely a side to side motion as whatever was happening outside was no longer the gentle ocean they had been enjoying. Earlier he could hear the rain against the metal of the ship but no thunder. He was disappointed. A big enough storm and they could all go to the bottom together. Now it looked like the storm was passing. Billie opened the door to his cabin and shut it behind him. He was pretty sure the captain was insane. He was supposed to get Sammie dressed up for the exchange. Only it was pitch black outside and the waves were going to make any transfer extremely difficult. The client has money to burn but no understanding of how difficult this was going to be. Wants his toy now not when the sun came up and made things easier. Billie said “Sammie we need to get you changed. The captain wants you dressed up like your picture.” Sammie crouched back into the corner where his bed met the walls. He spat “Fuck you. You can make me do these things but you’re going to have to make me. I’m sure my new owner is going to love the bruises you’re going to have to give me.” “Damn it Sammie your just making hard on yourself. This is going to happen one way or another.” Billie shouted back. “Go to hell Billie I’m done cooperating with my own rape. You can all just go to hell.” Sammie hissed. He was scared and angry. He had never fought back in his entire life. It was pointless and would just get him hurt but for once he was not going to take the easy way. The idea of moving Sammie from ship to zodiac to ship all while he was struggling was giving Billie fits. This would be hard enough if Sammie was helping. If he fought during the boat ride there was a good chance more than one person would end up in the ocean. He just needed to get Sammie ready for delivery. Delivery was not his problem. He just needed to hand over the package. Billie suddenly smiled. He had an idea that would solve all their problems. The client would have to wait a few hours for Sammie to wake up but given the circumstances that didn’t seem to be unreasonable. He said, “Fine Sammie, we will do it your way.” With that he pounded on the wall. When the men came for him, Sammie fought, clawed and bit. They couldn’t outright hit him and he took full advantage of it. He kicked out his free leg. He snarled and sunk his teeth into someone’s hand and tasted blood before it was ripped out of his mouth. He didn’t have much for fingernails, but he still managed to rake them down someone’s cheek. He cursed and spat at them. In the end they brought in a third man before they had him pinned to the bed. One of the men cursed “Son of bitch! That little sissy sure can put up a fight. All that and his foot was still chained to the bed.” Another man nursed his bit and bleeding hand and said, “I’ve seen whores that were twice his size not give the fight he did. If had a full man’s size to him he might have won that fight.” Billie filled a syringe with a sedative that would knock out Sammie for around twelve hours. He stuck into the exposed vein of Sammie’s immobile arm. Within moments Sammie went limp. He turned to the crew and said “Find a crate. I’ll dress up the little spitfire and we can put him in the crate. That should make moving him much easier.” The three men nodded and left the room. They weren’t angry with Sammie. Far from it. He had earned a bit of respect from men that had fought in just about every bar they ever entered. Billie gently ran his fingers through Sammie’s hair. He smiled at the unconscious Sammie and whispered “Good job Sammie. You’re a braver man than me.” Over the next hour Billie washed Sammie and removed all his body hair. He dressed him in the pink dress, matching panties, white lacy ankle socks and black mary janes with pink buckles on the ankle straps. He pierced Sammie’s ears and put cute little pink kitten earrings in them. He put Sammie’s glorious hair back into pigtails and ribbons. A touch of lip gloss and Sammie was ready. When the men entered, they had a large fiberglass box with them. Billie pointed to a spot on the floor and they set it down. It was an expensive crate meant for handling artifacts and other items. It was double walled with a sealing foam between each wall. The idea was if it got punctured the hole would self-seal and keep out any seawater that might destroy the merchandise. Beyond the double wall the interior was lined with cushioning foam which would help insure Sammie wasn’t bruised by the movement as he was moved from ship to ship. Sammie must have impressed these rough men. Billie had fully expected a cheap wooden crate. Billie looked at the crate and said “Don’t let the captain see the holes you put in the lid. They are too big to self-seal but should provide plenty of air. With the amount of money were making he shouldn’t complain about using this but lets not take any chances.” The men nodded in agreement. The captain could get angry over the littlest things sometimes. Billie placed Sammie’s pillow and blankets in the box and then helped the other men lay Sammie down on them. The box wasn’t big enough for Sammie to lay down, so they curled him into a fetal position. Billie straightened out Sammie's dress and said, “You can close the lid now.” The men closed the lid and snapped closed the clasps. The box lid was marred with three golf ball sized holes. When Billie stuck a finger in one, he could tell that the foam had closed enough that only his index finger could pass through. He patted the box and said “Goodbye Sammie. I hope you get a chance to rip the fuckers balls out.” At the grins of the men around him he said, “Make sure he pays us first though Sammie.” One of the men said, “Amen to that!” Then they grabbed the crate and that was the last time Billie would ever see it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uncle Troy’s men had tracked the ship for several days. They kept well back and waited out a sudden storm. They were tired of chasing and wanted the job over. Now that night had fallen they were going in. The leader had the men break out the heavy guns. He didn’t expect much trouble. These smuggler types valued their own lives too much and he expected them to give up once they saw his fire power. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milton Badley the third was a rich man, his wealth measured with billions not millions. He was also a careful man. He had dealt with the captain of the Defoe in the past and didn’t expect much trouble. However, he didn’t get this rich by taking chances. Besides his normal crew he had brought along six highly trained and heavily armed mercenaries. He had been assured that if needed they had enough armaments that they could sink the Defoe if needed. He really didn’t care for the details. He bought himself the prettiest little sissy. He was looking forward to slowly taking him. Days before he would even have Sammie touch his cock. Weeks before, forcing him to his knees and his cock into his mouth. A couple of months before deflowering his virgin rosebud. It was a delectable experience. Every tear, every nuanced word of defiance, his shaking hands and the fear induced tremors was his for the savoring. He had done it before. Within a year he would be looking to do it again and Sammie would be sold off to someone else. But for now, he slowly stroked himself and waited for his pretty package to be delivered. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Defoe was lit with lights and had a large spotlight was trained across the water where a large yacht was waiting. The yacht was equally lit up and had its own spotlight trained on the Defoe. Sammie’s box was lowered down into the waiting zodiac. The small rubber boat would cross the two hundred yards that separated the two ships and Sammie would be taken aboard the other ship. The darkness and waves were more than enough to stop the captain of the Defoe from making the trip. It was one thing to send the cargo but a whole other thing for him to go. Instead, he leaned against the rail and watched. He didn’t notice that his expensive crate had holes in it. He only knew that Sammie had been sedated so the trip could be made safely, and he would not injure himself. He smiled as the little boat started to close the distance between the much larger ships. Each rev of the outboard engine was putting more and more money in his pocket. His smile disappeared with the sudden intrusion of a third ship. Who the fuck was this? He was pretty sure it was a trigger happy bastard on the yacht that shot first but all of a sudden there were bullets being shot everywhere. There was the ping of as a bullet hit the rail next to his head and he dove down flat on deck. His crew were not unarmed and soon the were shooting back as well. Some at the smaller ship and some at the yacht. He wanted to yell at them to stop shooting at the yacht when something exploded on the yacht. He was not sure what it was but there was smoke and flames coming from the rear of the yacht. He yelled “Fuck. My money!” He peeked over the rail again, and he could see that the unknown ship was listing hard to port. He cheered “Take that you fuckers!” He spotted someone standing on the listing deck. He was not hunting a life jacket like the others. He was aiming something at his ship. It looked like some sort of rocket launcher he saw in those action movies. They couldn’t have one of those. They wouldn’t actually use it. He yelled “Noooo!” and there was a blast of fire and something streaked across the water. It slammed into his ship. The impact made the ship shake. There was the barest pause before an explosion rocked the ship. Alarms shrilled, smoke and fire billowed out from the hull where the blast occurred. The lights went out and the emergency lights came on. The area around the floundering ships was plunged back into darkness. Each ship now struggling to stay afloat as the waves and wind pushed them further apart. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The pilot of the zodiac was as shocked as anybody when the third ship showed up. The little boat was barely able to handle the wind and waves. It was supposed to be a quick jaunt to the yacht, unload the box and head back to the ship. Then off to Hawaii for some R&R. He decided to stick to the plan and headed for the yacht. Let the ship captains deal with the intruder. It became a serious problem when someone opened fire. Bullets were flying everywhere. Mostly between the yacht and the newcomer. Whoever was handling the security on the yacht suddenly decided that the zodiac’s approach was now dangerous. A machine gun was turned toward them and without warning a line of bullets hit the center of the little rubber boat. The bullets hit from bow to stern. The rubber craft shredding with each impact. The two crewman dove from the boat as the line of bullets hit the crate and continued through the gas tank and the small engine. There was no explosion but for a short time there was a small fire. It was very short lived as the boat disintegrated and everything was doused with seawater. It was all the crewmen could do to keep there heads above water. They gave no thought at all to the crate. Not that it would have mattered. By the time they surfaced and regained there senses the crate was already out of reach and sight. The waves pushed it along. It gently bobbed up and down the wave crests. It’s high buoyancy keeping it from being pulled under as the waves pushed and tugged at it. In the dark crate Sammie slept on. Unaware of even being put in the crate to begin with. Unaware of the bullet holes in the crate. Unaware how they had had sealed up almost as soon as the bullets passed through. Unaware of how one passed over his head and clipped his hair ribbon. Unaware of the bullet that was lodged in his left hip. The bone stopping the bullet from exiting but not from shattering the bone. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the sun rose there were only two ships visible. Both were in bad shape. The Defoe was losing a slow battle. The pumps were working overtime but could not keep up with the incoming water. It was close but they were fighting a losing battle. The captain of the Defoe looked out on the water and watched as the yacht was also slowly sinking. The cost of the yacht was unimaginable to the captain. Its rich owner had already been rescued by helicopter some time before dawn. They had both sent out a mayday but the ships would be most likely gone before a rescue ship could arrive. They had pulled three men from the sea. Both men from the zodiac as well as one other from the ship that had caused everything to go wrong. As for his prize. It was gone. The men were too concerned for their own lives to try and keep track of the crate. Most likely floating out amongst the waves somewhere. Even worse was the loss of the remaining lifeboat. Apparently, Billie took it and the young women he had on board and silently departed. They probably were not too far away, but he had no means to get to them. He was sure Billie knew he was going to order them killed. Depending on who rescued them it was a sure fire trip to prison if the girls talked. The other man was the sole survivor of the small ship that started the action last night. Sent by Sammie’s Uncle. He yelled a useless “Fuck me!” at the ocean and sky. He was not supposed to give a damn about the useless unwanted kid. This whole deal was grade a cluster fuck. He was about to order the man killed when it got a whole lot worse. A ship appeared on the horizon and the men cheered. Then the cheers died away as it was apparent that they were being rescued by a United States naval vessel. As the ship got closer a look at the deck as showed Billie on board and a whole lot of armed and angry seaman waiting for them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sammie woke up slowly and in pain. He was trapped in a dark space. He couldn’t move much. There was no space to move to. His hip was on fire. He was able to slide a hand down to his hip, but a quick touch caused more pain then he could handle, and he passed out again. When he awoke again the small space was filled with the smell of shit and pee. He must have let go in his sleep. He wondered if he was in hell. Was this some divine punishment? Wasn’t his life already hell? He cried for a while until the tears stopped coming. He was thirsty and feverish. He could also see a little. Some sort of light was shining in from above. Not that there was anything to see. He was in cased in some sort of black padding. The light was stronger or weaker depending on the movement of his world. He felt like he was floating in a void. His thirst increased and his pain with it. After what felt like hours he again slipped into sleep. He opened his eyes again. He hated waking up. He figured he was not dead, but he couldn’t figure out where he was or why they were torturing him. Was this what he was sold into? Is some sick bastard enjoying his suffering? He couldn’t really grasp what was happening to him. He was racked with chills one minute and burning up the next. He was thirsty, oh so thirsty. Early on he had the strength to call out to scream “Help! Please. Anyone. Please help me.” Like all his life before no one came. There was no help. His world suddenly stopped bobbing and it started to shake and slam into something. The pain in his hip tore through him. His pain, infection and dehydration made him whimper with suffering. For some endless time, all there was only slamming and banging and grinding noises. There was a flash of light and a world of clear sky opened above him. A large figure leaned over him. It was his memory come to life. The only memory of his mother. Her golden hair shining in the sunlight as she looked down on him. He whimpered and let out a near silent “Mommy” before even brighter lights carried him away. 8
Kat5 Posted July 7, 2024 Posted July 7, 2024 At first I was sold. Now I am emotionally invested. I feel like his life is about to get simultaneously better ... and worse. (On the upside, he may soon get some feeling of love and affection that has been painfully absent in his life for so long. Just not in any way he would expect.) 1
kerry Posted July 7, 2024 Posted July 7, 2024 I agree with Kat5 about the emotional investiture: you somehow managed to combine several types of stories into one. The whole time in Part 2 I was wondering how you'd bring Part 1 back into it, but now we have a stranded Amazon on Earth who has found what appears to be a sissy Little, one who would likely reciprocate any positive emotions she gave him. Twisty, fun stuff! 1
Kat5 Posted July 7, 2024 Posted July 7, 2024 43 minutes ago, kerry said: but now we have a stranded Amazon on Earth who has found what appears to be a sissy Little, one who would likely reciprocate any positive emotions she gave him. Twisty, fun stuff! Not only that, but a lost little that appears to be a sissy, wet and messy. AND that just so happens to have a mortal wound and a shattered hip bone. She has medical supplies that can probably stop the bleeding, but a shattered hip bone on a desert island is still a shattered hip bone on a desert island. So stranded dying sissy little that wont' be able to walk. Again, I'm emotionally invested now. 1
mushy bottom Posted July 7, 2024 Posted July 7, 2024 Terrific story. Kudos for taking the time to detail the setting and build a character that we can feel for. 1
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