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...if you couldve been born the opposite sex at birth would u approve yes or njo

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9 minutes ago, ValentinesStuff said:

None, because that's what I am.

thank you for your response  that is awesome anjd i love your honesty 

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I would have wanted to be born a girl yes, but I wasn’t and it’s ok
Ive learned that God had a plan for me for being who I am and I just trust that each day 

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I'd be a no to this. I'm married and I have two daughters, and all of that has taught me that living as a female is complicated! Whereas I can wake up, not shave, throw a t-shirt and jeans on, and be in the car in 5 minutes, and look perfectly acceptable, assuming my diaper isn't approaching its limits. 

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It would not matte to the point of approving or not. I would be what I would be. I would adapt over the years from birth to this point

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My first reaction is do you mean gender or do you mean sex as they aren't the same thing.

Second as someone who is genderfluid would it be less complicated to have a static gender, absolutely. Would having my sex change biologically to match my gender be nice, 110% but that isn't possible.

Last, my gender and sex are what they are and although there are easier combinations of the two I am who I am and I wouldn't ever change that fact even if I could.

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I've never felt that I wanted or needed to be anything other than my sissy gurl self and would sooner leave that whole area for those who are girls, knowing from the inside that's them,

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