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  1. The other thing is "In what way are any sites different?", are they about "the look" in so much you can say there is any one single one, a sense of gender based identity that isn't around being transsexual whatever limits individuals may have with achieving all that means or is it routed around more "adult" things or more younger (as you call it AK) and so on. Just a short description can help. Sometimes just being you and some toleration of how you may label yourself by others may appear to a better way forward than narrower focuses.
  2. I'm a bit wary of adding another sub forum although it can be hard to resist when so many have been created cos it further divides sub sections of "the community" on here although I am autistic myself and am understanding of how we can (and are misunderstood) by folks in the "real world" and the virtual one. Sometimes on this form you're approaching the junction, trying to find the exact right lane to get into and post even if at the time those present felt they needed all these turnings.
  3. I would of thought having to be change in front of *anybody* that just had present when it was needed although whiffs aren't by any means nice at all
  4. Welcome Emily. This site is a bit big so you may wish to get to find all the different bits so you know what goes where but this bit is the mainly Sissy only related stuff tends to go, however you see yourself as the classical more "adult" sissy or more a Little who's more frilly and super cutesy than almost any girl or anywhere along the way as the definitions games is riddled with "But I do this too" bits you just might as well forget matching them and just get on with being you. And while I'm about about, don't pay the Sissy Tax or just look for stuff marketed as there is much we can wear as we wish, even alter if sowing is your thing so don't be spending tons of money on mediocre finished clothing just cos they've put the world "Sissy" in the description. Regards Tammy.
  5. It may surprise you Christine that as much as I loved the pop music of my own era I did like Teresa Brewer and Debbie Reynolds.
  6. We are totally totally scrumptious dear, refined and always wanting to look our very best. Perhaps folks would like love to write this twenty-five times: My name is (insert) and I thoroughly love being a sissy gurl from head to toe. Onwards we go and go. With delightfully girlish manners, I put down the spanners and play with my dollies with excellent manners being the best gurl I can instead.
  7. Maybe but I'm sure you'll remember the "That's a dogs name" put down and yet quite a number of modern children's name were associated with dogs so how is the modern child going to react when they discover that? I remember a Deborah would would go into a rage if you ever called her Debbie no matter the circumstances.
  8. The last time I looked at manties.net the site was kind of broken with links not working and no obvious updating for what in internet terms at least ages. It's a pity because I did use them around ten years ago and they did to me at least get the shape right, the extra space but the very feminine looks without going into the lashings of lace unless you paid for extra helpings (I like some but don't wish to look like the roll got totally wrapped around me). There was some politicking in some sissy circles over the name - some wouldn't touch anything designed and marketed to genetic males - personally I'm more pragmatic. If it fits well, feels good and I feel good in them, that's a win.
  9. I do have account at SK but it doesn't have much of the discussion around about sissy life so much as talking about tropes, captions which is fine if that's your bag but I prefer play and that more. Everywhere else is more fetishy and really that's not me at all I'm sure Girl sites wouldn't let Sissy Gurls like me in even though I'm very much house trained and wouldn't dream of putting things that never belong in the world of Little Girls in those spaces. Here is fine, activity as with many forums could be better but having so many forums and sub forums can be a bit confusing although I'm sure there were and are reasons why each exist and sometimes I feel there's a bit of Little vs Sissy gatekeeping going on when for many it's not totally one thing or another.
  10. The moment I stepped out of regular boys pants into the world of soft panties with pretty bows I felt so much better apart from them being 400% more comfortable.
  11. People find themselves and the best thing a friend can do is help them do that without judgement , respecting them for the person they are. "Bows and Ribbons" is a star.
  12. There was a period must of been around ten years ago I did get into Rhumba panties but these were more of gathered at the rear variation of regular ones with lace trimming attached in dusty pink. I don't believe in paying the "Little" or "Sissy" tax on these kinds of clothing either some sellers seem to think they can charge us.
  13. Things move on, the drift towards online life has lead to the forming of online sissy culture but the amazing thing speaking very much as a Sissy who is very happy with being called that is we decide what of any and all of that we keep, what we find isn't us and don't engage with with in much the same way with *any* identity you do. Watch young children try to assert their own by either place in social structure such as age or by gender and see over time they alter that bring in new interests, a liking for differing clothes or attempt to say why one group shouldn't do something another does. In the end we own our sense of identity and isn't that great?
  14. Indeed.
  15. Even if you do like much that say LG's do, that you do not see yourself as nor want to be seen as a being a girl is more than enough for you use some other term and a good number of us "Sissy" works well and really what we are doing and how that fits in what YOU are doing is what matters. It would be very disrespectful for anyone doing ahem "adult stuff" to bring that in to what Adult Kids of any gender (or none) were doing in the same sort of way that at and adult Christmas party no one would even think about talking about their sex lives. Everything has its place. It just comes over here that one that doesn't fit in Adult Kids as some see it are seem to be told you can't play which is very very mean.
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